
Funny Niece Quotes From Aunt

Aunt is a great person to call and share your most deep, personal problems with. You will get the best advice from her. Do you know something that’s bothering you? Share it with her and you will be surprised how she will tell you to solve that problem in an effective way. She lives in another world, but when it comes to finding solutions, she’s always there for you!

Funny Niece Quotes From Aunt

• “I’m a big fan of the holidays. They’re like the cousin that you grow up with, but then you find out they’re totally freaky and weird.

• Turn around when you least expect it and give you one of those well-timed gifts that really hits you in the feels. And then all is forgiven.

• Niece: Hey Aunt, you’re so cool. I’m always telling people how awesome you are. But you’re like my coolest aunt ever. You’re so weird and funny!

• Niece: I’m going to buy you a car. Aunt: Really? Niece: Yes, when I’m 18. Aunt: You better get a job then.

• Being an aunt means never having to say no to a niece again.

• My nieces are my favorite people in the world. They give me so much joy. They haven’t even been born that long but they’ve already made me laugh uncontrollably every time I see them!

• Aunt: I love you. Niece: Thanks. You’re the best aunt ever!

• I’m not a traditional aunt, I’m the one who gives you condoms and tells you to take care of yourself.

• The only thing better than my niece is my niece with a cake.

• You were cute when you were born, but you’re even cuter now.

• A niece is a young woman who has a lot of wisdom, but doesn’t always use it.

• When someone says something stupid, I just be like “you’re not a dumb ass”.

• There is a fine line between brave and crazy, and I draw it here.

• If life is a series of boxes, then I just found the final one.

• Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.

• This aunt’s got some funny stuff to say about her nieces.

• You are still my favorite niece even though you’re having kids.

• A girl needs her aunt to be her best friend, her biggest fan and most trusted confidante.

• When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. When life gives you Aunt Fifi, open up a bakery and make Auntie Fudge.

• We don’t have to agree on everything, but we can work together on the stuff that matters most to us. And that includes your mom.

• You are so like me, I love everything you do. You remind me of when I was your age.

• “I love you more than my own damn life.

• “I’m not bossy. It’s just that everyone else is stupid.”

• There’s no need to be a big cheese, just because you are related to them.

• Never waste time arguing with an idiot. They will only drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

• There’s nothing better than a niece who is your best friend. You can talk about anything, laugh about everything and always have the best stories to tell.

• Niece: “Are you trying to photobomb me?” Aunt: “No. I’m trying to make a great picture of you and my iPhone.

• Your aunt is a person who knows how to handle five kids and live in a camper. She watches chick flicks, and makes the best granola bars in the world.

• Aunts are the only people who can make you feel guilty for spending time with your family.

• I have a niece who thinks her aunt is Santa Claus.

• My niece is a ball of energy, a passionate little person full of life force.

• “I don’t know exactly what it is but I’ve always felt something special between us.” – Auntie

• Auntie: I’m going to take you to the zoo now. Nephew: Zoo? Auntie: Yes, the zoo. Don’t worry, we’ll have fun!

• Hey, little one. You’ve got a lot of growing up to do. But you’re going to be okay. It’s gonna be fine (even if you don’t believe me).

• Hey, sister: don’t you think I’m smart? Maybe a little too smart

• You can do anything you put your mind to. Anything.

• Being the best is a habit. It’s something that you do, not just something you say.

• Joy is in the journey not the destination.

• What’s not to love about your funny and sassy niece?

• I’ve never met a niece as sweet or cute as you. You got adorable!

• I’m the aunt who’s always there for you, but will never think twice about giving you a hard time.

• I love my niece so much. I wish she was a little taller.

• A niece is the best kind of gift you can give. They’re the new little sister who comes with a free car and unlimited gas.

• My niece is a gift from God, and I can’t wait to see what she does next.

• Everybody has a friend they want to be like, but no one wants their own mother to be like.

• A niece is a gift that keeps on giving.

• I love my niece. She’s the only human being on earth who knows how to cook a meal from scratch and not burn it

• When she’s not in the room, we all feel like we’re growing old.

• I am the best aunt you could ever have! I love you like crazy, but I don’t spoil my nieces and nephews. They deserve it!

• You see, I have always wanted to be an auntie.

• If the world were a bigger home, there would be an Auntie in your life.

• Auntie, the fact that you’re a billionaire is like the fact that I have freckles. It’s just something about us.

• I’ll be a little sister to you and a big sister to me. I promise to always be there for you, so don’t ever forget me.

• We are not all that different, really. We all want to be loved and show off our funniness. We want people to think we’re awesome.

• I would rather be a successful aunt than an unsuccessful mom.

• I’m not a girl, I’m a niece. Always have been and always will be.

• My niece is a keeper. She’s not just a pretty face, she’s smart, she has goals and she’s ambitious.

• She’s a little bit bossy, a little bit sarcastic and she’s about to get her drivers license. Full sisters

• Oh, sweetie. You are way better than any of my previous nieces.

• There are three things in life which I swear by: the first is silence–the second is tobacco–the third is my niece Nellie.

• I’m not a morning person, but in the morning I am always blessed.

• The last thing I want to do is read your book, but your book is the only thing that keeps me up at night.

• Niece: “Aunt! I’m bored!”Me: “I know, your 25th birthday is coming up.

• You don’t have to like everything your aunt says, but you should at least try to fake it.

• Niece to auntie love: the feeling of being completely understood.

• I love my niece. She’s so beautiful but very loud, so she can be a pain in the butt at times.

• When you’re having a bad day, your aunt will tell you to smile. When you’re having a good day, she’ll tell you to shut up and challenge you in a workout.

• We’ve got a few good laughs and some great nieces.

• If you don’t ask, you don’t get. I’ll be on the lookout for your niece…

• I’m the one who talks back to my aunt.

• Getting older is mandatory, growing up is optional.

• I told her no, but she kept saying yes.

• You may be little, but you’ve got big dreams.

• I can’t believe you had a baby before me…

• She’s such a good egg. She doesn’t need a silly face.

• The best kind of advice is never to give it.

• Being an aunt is the best job in the world. I can talk to my niece about anything and everything and she’ll love me forever niece quotes.

• An aunt with a sense of humor is the best kind of aunt.

• The best kind of niece is one that makes Auntie laugh.

• You’re not just a niece. You’re my favorite niece.

• The best aunt is the one who doesn’t laugh at your jokes, but tells them anyway. Aunt Laughter

• When you’re my niece and I ask you to get your hair cut, it’s not for the reason some people think.

• The only thing that can make me smile like this is my niece. She’s just so funny.

• I love my nieces and nephews, but I live with a man who doesn’t.

• She’s got a lot of personality. I’m not just saying that because she’s my niece. I mean it!

• “I love you. . . . As a kid, I would always say ‘love’ so much that it would come out as ‘fonkey’ and my mom would have to drag me back home. Now I know better.”

• I love my niece for being so me. It’s really a blessing, because if she were any more like me, I would die.

• I’d rather spend a few hours with my niece than an entire day with my husband.

• You’re brilliant and kind and funny, but you can’t tell a joke in a sentence that doesn’t end with a period.

• Love is the thing that makes life complete. It’s what makes sweet little things sweeter, and bitter things more bitter.

• Niece: My aunt is so cool. She has a cat named Snuggles and she’s 22

• The aunt that can make you laugh harder than anybody else is the best aunt in the world.

• The best way to cheer up your niece is by making her laugh.

• Hey, you’re my favorite niece. Smart, beautiful and a little ghetto.

• I’d rather have a niece that says bad things than an actual nephews.

• If you can’t teach your niece the rules of life, at least teach her how to make a mean martini.

• You may be a little weird, but we love you anyway.

• She’s not your child, she’s your sister’s child. She’ll never be you and that’s why God made her special.

• I’d hit her with a serious burn but she’s too cute to worry about.

• “How do you make a bunch of people fall asleep? By saying, ‘Goodnight. I love you so much.'”

• If you wouldn’t say it to her face, don’t say it to my ass

• Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

• You are a shining star. Let the world know your true self, so that everyone can see you in all your glory.

• She’s the sexiest little niece on the planet.

• I can’t wait to see the look on your face when I tell you that my niece is an artist.

• When your niece tells you she just learned how to “pull up” you say “just gots two words for that, sweetie”…

• I tell my niece all the time, “I’m so glad you’re a woman now.”

• I have a niece who’s nine years old and still asks me, “Why can’t we go to the mall today?” It baffles me.

• She was the first person to ever say “I love you” to me, so I have to give her at least three.

• I don’t want to grow up. I want to stay a kid forever so I can have all the fun adult stuff like no bills, no responsibilities and no self-consciousness about how you look.

• My niece is the best thing since sliced bread.

• My niece is the person who makes me realize I can be myself.

• We are not perfect, but we will be the perfect memory for you.

• She can beat me at everything except bar trivia.

• There are more words in the dictionary that sound like ‘No’ than there are letters in the alphabet.

• “You can be a thousand times more successful at something, but if you don’t want to do it, then forget it”

• She’s a remarkable niece. What are some of your favorite funny niece quotes?

• Dont try to be a cute, funny and charming niece. Be yourself and enjoy the moments with your aunt and her two twin sons.

• Niece: You’re the meaning of my life. Aunt: I’m happy to be part of it.

• Niece says to aunt: “How come you never tell me jokes?” “Because I’m always laughing!”

• I’ll tell you what I love most about her: she’s my niece. That makes her special in a way that only a relative can be. Of course, there’s also the fact that she is smart, super cute, and hilarious.

• You are the embodiment of our family’s joy, laughter, and love. You are the little ripper we all wish we had in our lives. Happy Birthday, niece!

• I love that she’s the kind of sister who always knows the right thing to say. (She’s like a boss)

• When you’re having a bad day, just wrap your arms around a little niece and think of me.

• Auntie: Don’t be a little person. Be a giant, because the bigger you are, the better girlfriend you’re gonna be.

• My niece is a photographer and a social media maven. She gets it all. My aunt is definitely a dreamer but she’s also got amazing fashion sense!

• The best way to cheer someone up is to say a simple thing when they’re down.

• “Hey, don’t be mad at me for not commenting on your post. I’m actually on vacation.”

• I love the way you say that. Don’t wait till the time is right. Live today and have a great time, because tomorrow isn’t promised.

• Don’t worry about what people think about you, because they’re going to judge you anyway. The only person who can hurt you is the one you let control your life.

• Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side!

• When your niece is the funniest person you know, you just take it as a compliment.

• I am not your typical aunt. I don’t wear white gloves or blow dry my hair before going to your wedding. You will be surprised at the things I say and do, but I hope to hear from you often.

• I’m the aunt you would love to have been friends with. You’re going to need all the help you can get, and I’m here for you.

• I would just like to say that my niece is the funniest person I know. She’s always making me crack up!

• Your aunt doesn’t just want to be your friend, she wants to be the best friend you’ve ever had.

• When your aunt is more comfortable in the company of cats than humans.

• Niece: “Did you know that when you’re eating, your mouth is your biggest body part? So if you’re not chewing properly, it’s like you’re not even eating.”

• It’s not that your aunt is the best person in the world, but it’s the perfect person for you.

• We don’t tell people how great you are, we show them.

• The day I was born was the best day of my life.

• If you’re afraid of heights, then you should try to be a psychiatrist. It helps with the guilt.

• You are the most important investment we could ever make.

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