Pickup lines

29th Birthday Pick Up Lines

Today is your birthday. But this is not just another birthday! Not only are you twenty-nine years old, but you’re also growing another year older. And to be honest — most of us don’t like the idea of growing older. We feel like time doesn’t shine as brightly on us after a certain age. And whilst I agree that time seems to go by faster with every year, I don’t see why we can’t make the best out of every birthday — and every year we live on this planet — by shouting from the rooftops: it’s my birthday!

29th Birthday Pick Up Lines

• For my 29th birthday, I don’t want a party. I want to be in the arms of a real person who understands that while love is beautiful, the messy parts are even better.

• Happy 29th birthday and thank you for helping to make this year the best yet. Wishing you many more years of adventure ahead!

• You’re the light that shines in my world, the song that echoes in my soul. Happy 29th Birthday!

• Happy 29th birthday to @TroyeSana! You’re the definition of a G.O.A.T (greatest of all time). We couldn’t be more proud, or prouder to call you our brother.

• This is the day you were born; this is the day that you began to live. Happy 29th birthday

• I turned 29 yesterday and I don’t feel any older than the girl I was when I turned 20. The journey ahead of me is just as exciting, if not more so.

• This is it. This is the fullest and best version of my self I’ve ever had. Happy #29th birthday tomee!

• What a way to start the new year! May 2018 bring you happiness, health and success. Happy 29th Birthday to me

• Can you believe it’s been 29 years?!? We can’t wait to celebrate with you. Thank you for being the best friend, partner and mom that we could have ever hoped for!

A day to celebrate big dreams, and big risks. 29 is when we find our way.

• So happy to celebrate with my best friends and love of my life. May all 30s be as good as the last 30s.

• It’s your birthday and so you may choose to lay in bed all day. We choose to work hard, have fun and live everyday as if it is your last. Happy Birthday!

• 29 is the new 21. It’s a new beginning and a chance to be reborn.

• You are the most beautiful, talented and intelligent person I know. I love you very much.

• I’m going to make this weekend about you. Go out, get drunk and dance your ass off.

• Here’s to you, my friend! Happy 29th birthday. We are so proud of you!

• Never age. It’s not a disease. It’s just who you are. Happy 29th birthday to me.

• Today is the day I turn 29. I am so grateful to be alive and grateful for you all. Thanks for everything!

• You’re 29. That’s an age that doesn’t feel so young anymore. You’ve accomplished so much in your life, you’ve got so much more to show the world. So let’s do this.

• 29. You are making all the right choices, you are creating your own happiness and life is good! Happy Birthday!

• To every milestone and celebration, we say “Happy Birthday.”

• Happy birthday to the most talented and inspiring woman I know. You are truly a force to be reckoned with!

• Happy Birthday to us! We know this one will be our best ever.

• The most comfortable thing about growing older is the idea that you’ll never be too old to try something new.

• Today is your day! Celebrate it by treating yourself to something that makes your heart sing.

• Only a year left! Time to plan the best 29th birthday yet!

• Happy 29th birthday to the baddest bitch in town!

• It’s the age when you start to realize that time is flying and it’s time to celebrate. It’s your birthday… don’t forget to celebrate!

• I’m 29 and I can finally say that the glass is half full. The rest of my life is just waiting to happen…

• We’re all grown up. Today is your day. No holding back, no regrets, and no one else to blame but you. Happy Birthday.

• 29 is the new 28. I thought it was going to be a down year, but let me tell you: We’re having fun.

• Feeling grateful for the life that I’ve been blessed to live, and everything in it. Birthday wishes

• I can’t believe the years are flying by like a summer breeze

• You’re not just a number, you’re a legend.

• We’re celebrating with a do-over. Time to start fresh

• I had to laugh because the pick-up lines are that bad. But it’s still fun to read them.

• I can’t wait to see what you get me for my birthday. I’m throwing a party for myself tonight. Hope you can come.

• Hey there, birthday girl. I’ve been keeping an eye on you. How’s the hunt going? I hope your birthday’s as amazing as you are.

• 30 is the new 15. 30 is the new 20. 30 is the new 25, and so on.

• What’s your present to me? Let me guess. A smile? A hug? Champagne? Because I sure could use all of that today. Happy birthday!

• You’re my unicorn, I wish you were real. Happy birthday to me.

• I may be a few years older, but I’m definitely wiser. There’s a lot I can teach you about being single…

• So today’s your birthday, but that doesn’t mean you’re getting a cake.

• I’m here to tell you that you could be a lot more than you think.

• I know, because I have no idea what my future will be like. It’s going to be so much fun finding out together.

• I’m not a dinosaur, but I’m definitely one of the guys. Happy birthday to me.

• When I’m in your presence, all I want to do is gaze at your eyes and say, “You’re so beautiful.” -Flowerz

• I don’t know what to say but I know what I like.

• I have a 29th birthday coming up and I don’t know what to get. What should I get?

• I’m a person who knows what they want and goes after it.

• I get frustrated when things don’t happen the way that I would like them to, but ultimately it’s all about things going my way. Happy 29th birthday to me!

• She’s got a thirst for adventure and a soul of gold. May 29th be your day too, my friend.

• I’m the type of friend to disappear on your birthday and never show up.

• Friends, we all know it’s the little things in life that really matter. So here’s to you my birthday girl…the best two-thousand and nineteen possible so far!

• Your smile makes me want to love you forever. Happy birthday, sweetheart.

• Here’s to the next decade of happiness, health, and love. Happy birthday!

• I don’t have a secret to tell, but I have a secret to give. You’re the only person I ever want on my arm at this stage of life. Will you marry me?

• I don’t know what to say, but I want you to know that I’m glad you’re still here. Happy Birthday.

• I’m giving you a birthday present. I’ll be back before you know it.

• I’ve been waiting all day for you. “Are you the bomb or what?”

• I’m feeling pretty good about myself today, so I’ve decided to take it up a notch.

• Order your presents today and I’ll pick them up this weekend.

• These are the best pick-up lines for your 29th birthday.

• When you get to be 29, you can’t believe how much life still has to offer.

• I don’t know if it’s because of the candles or because I’ve already got one foot in the grave, but I feel like shouting.

• “BOOYAH” at the top of my lungs and running around the capitol building naked with a fire hose!

• I’m a bit stressed about my birthday. But don’t worry it’s because I’ll be turning 29.

• It’s your birthday, but do you want to find a party? Of course not.

• It’s my birthday and I’m ready for someone to give me a present. And it doesn’t have to be just one.

• You’re so beautiful it takes my breath away. Happy Birthday, my love

• I’ve got your back – and I’m ready to go out again. Happy birthday.

• There’s no better pick-up line than your smile, but if you want to be more creative and add some pizzaz, use these.

• Happy birthday to me. Won’t you be my plus one?

• How do you keep up with your 30-year old self? Well, I’m still looking for friends who aren’t afraid to drive a Prius.

• Pick me up, I’ve been down since I was born. The worst birthday ever? Nah… it’s better than your day.

• If I wasn’t already married, I would ask you out right now.

• If you’re not making me swoon, I’m not interested.

• Let’s raise a toast to your big, bold and beautiful life. Cheers!

• All the things that I’ve been told, but not felt. That’s what makes me a man, baby

• You should know that I can eat anything on the menu with or without a fork.

• Get ready to be swoony with these pick-up lines for me and others.

• Hey there, birthday boy. I can’t remember if you told me your age or not, but it looks like we’re celebrating the same day anyway. Happy 29th!

• I’m turning 29 years old, but the real milestone is making it through this decade alive. Happy birthday, babe.

• You’ll be 29 this year? Oh, what to get for your bday? I have a few ideas. But before that let me remind you of my favorite things.

• I know I’m not the girl for you, but I still think you’re pretty cool. Happy Birthday!

• Don’t waste a chance to make your birthday special.

• I can’t believe it’s my birthday, I look like I’m getting older but in fact every year gets better. I hope you’re having a great day and wish you many more to come!

• I’ve never been a pick-up artist, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t tried. Here are some of my best lines:

• It’s not too late to say you’re sorry. But it’s never too late to start over, and I’m up for it!

• I’m a little old to be a Snapchat, but I feel like it’s still a thing.

• Let’s go back to the day you said: “I love you.” And I said, “I know!”

• Because I’m old enough to get a drink, but not old enough to drink anymore.

• Don’t answer me that way, I’m older than you.

• I’m feeling confident and ready to conquer the world. Here’s to another year of being inspiring, courageous, and grateful—no matter what it looks like outside.

• I’m the coolest one in the room. So what are you going to do?

• You look so beautiful today, I think I should buy you a birthday card.

• I’m going to be 30. Anyone want to throw me a party?

• How old are you? Because I feel like I’m 29, but my face is all of 50.

• I don’t need a man to make me feel special. I’m enough on my own. Happy birthday.

• This is life, and this is all about you. I want to thank you for everything. I’m so grateful for all of the things that you’ve done for me this year, my wonderful friend. Happy birthday.

• I’ve gone through the best and worst of times, so I can tell you that it isn’t always easy. You keep going because you believe in yourself and what you want. Happy Birthday!

• Happy birthday to me! I hope this year brings you all the joy and laughter that you deserve.

• Here’s to another year filled with love and laughter, friendship and fun.

• This is my year to be bold and fearless. May you find your bravery on your own special day.

• I need a pick-me-up to get through this day. I wish for someone who makes me feel sexy, like a queen and has that passion for life that I AM. Who would you like to be with?

• I’m that chick who never got her driver’s license and I still drives my parents nuts. 29

• If I were a candle, your smile would light up the dark.

• I don’t know about you but I want to be your favorite landmark.

• If you had a choice between the food world and me, which would you choose?

• I’m only 29, but I’m pretty sure I’ve lived a lifetime. How about you?

• I don’t kiss and tell, but I’m glad my lips will be the ones in charge of your ass tonight. birthday bragging

• You’re not only my number one, but my favorite too. Happy birthday to me.

• I went to the flower shop and told them I was looking for a birthday kiss. They gave me the biggest head of red-white-and-blue balloons they had!

• Hey, babe. I’ve known you my whole life and I’ve never seen you look better than right now.

• Let’s make this our best year yet — and then, let’s party hard.

• Let’s just say the best things in life aren’t always free. Happy Birthday to me.

• How about we commit to a lifetime of friendship and love?

• I’ve been waiting for you my whole life. Now that you’re finally here, I’m not about to let you get away.

• Life’s a party, and I’m the DJ. So come Saturday night and let me spin you into my favorite song(s).

• I’m so glad it’s your day, because I’m sure you’ll do something to make it better.

• Here’s to a year of growth and change, whatever that means for you.

• Here’s to finding new ways to live life and exploring new adventures.

• Here’s to getting lost in the moment and having no idea where we will land. Here’s to being filled with inspiration and dreaming big.

• My friends, here’s to living life on our own terms. We are strong, courageous and beautiful – now let’s make it count!

• I’ve been waiting for someone like you all my life. You’ll never get this smooth with just one hand.

• These are the perfect pick-up lines for your upcoming birthday: How’s it hanging?

• You look better in person than in any of those magazine ads. I’m willing to settle for anything other than a status-quo date.

• You’re looking better with age. Maybe next birthday you’ll be 30.

• I’m turning 29, and I think about how you’ve been there through every part of my life. I never want us to stop being friends.

• You’re 29 today! I love you so much, it’s criminal.

• It’s your birthday, you deserve a pick up line that makes your heart skip a beat. Go on, give it a try…

• You’re the type of girl who makes me wanna be a better man. Happy birthday!

• I’m ready to grow up and make you rich. Happy birthday, boo (insert name here).

• I’m looking for someone to fill my heart with happiness, who refuses to be jealous of my friends, and whose smell puts me in a trance.

• Give me three words: cheeky, fun and adventurous. I’ll be there.

• Your sophistication, confidence, and mysteriousness make me want to take you out in the world and show you off to people.

• Best quality about me? I’m here, I’m on time, and I’m ready to date! (

• I’ll never let you down. I’m yours for the taking

• I’m getting old and I’ve got bills to pay, but don’t worry—I can still handle you.

• Love is about learning to accept someone for who they are and not worrying about who you want them to be.

• Life is the art of drawing without pencil, Life is the art of painting without a brush… It’s a picture you should never paint, it’s a rose you should never pick…

• Hey, I’m the one who’s always up at 3 a.m. making a mess of your kitchen. What’s yours?

• 29th birthday coming up soon, would you like to be my date?

• When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. And when it gives you a 29th birthday, have something to drink

• Can’t wait to turn 29. I’m very excited to have more than one year under my belt, and I hope it will be a good one.

• No need to write yourself a card. These pick-up lines will do the trick.

• If you want to get the best birthday present ever, buy me a beer. I’m gonna be 29 in a month and I’m ready for round two.

• The only thing that makes it harder to turn 30 is the fact that I’m turning 29.

• Hey, it’s your birthday. You can pick the restaurant.

• It’s okay to feel old. As long as you don’t stop living and growing. Happy birthday sweetheart, I’ll see you on the other side of 30.

• Happy birthday, sweetheart. I’ve got some “fancy” things to tell you (that you won’t like) but if you can handle that, then let’s meet up tonight.

• I’m a little bit taller, a little bit younger, and a whole lot smarter. What do you see?

• How about a toast to the woman who showed me that my dreams could be real! Happy birthday, sweetheart.

• I know I shouldn’t say this, but I’m going to anyway: you’re hot. Happy 29th birthday!

• Here’s to the 29th birthday that is rapidly approaching. Hope you’re having fun and staying healthy.

• A girl can’t help but smile after a good pick-up line.

• Hey girl, your birthday is so special that I’m buying you a tuxedo.

• Happy Birthday to Myself. I’m so glad that I got to be myself, flaws and all.

• You’re my favorite part of the day, I wish I could have you every day. Happy Birthday!

• You’re the type of guy that turns heads, and you know it. Happy birthday to the guy who drives me crazy but makes me happy too.

• I’m a little bit older now, and that means I’ve got nothing to prove to anybody. So let’s party like it’s 1999!

• Your birthday is coming up, so I figured I’ll say this to you before your big day. Happy Birthday.

• Hey girl, what are you doing? I feel like celebrating tonight. Let’s go get a drink together and chill. You know I love to take my time with the finer things in life

• Who’s ready to spend the rest of their life with me? #yourself

• Giving myself a huge hug and a smile today, just because it’s my birthday. I hope you’re having a great day too ☺️

• It’s not the destination, it’s the journey that matters. So make sure you enjoy every moment you have today.

• You’re a gift from the heavens. A flash of lightening in this gray day.

• It’s time to celebrate the little things, like how great my hair looks on Monday mornings.

• I’m a 29 year-old guy and I’ve had 30+ different girlfriends, which makes me think that I know what women want.

• Here are my picks for the best pick-up lines for your 29th birthday party.

• Let’s make 29! And by that I mean, let’s get wasted and make out.

• I’ve been dying to say this for years but it’s finally time: I’m 30 and I’m fabulous.

• Birthday weekend, but it’s all about you in my eyes.

• I’m 30. I’ve been told I look younger than my age and I believe it. Here’s to another year of self-improvement and growing up!

• There’s no time like the present to stop being a loser. #birthday

• Hello gorgeous. I’d like to take you out on a date this weekend! What’s your favorite restaurant?

• I don’t have to be perfect to be loved, but I can’t be broken either. Happy birthday, you badass

• I wanna take you on a date that makes my heart flutter like a butterfly.

• You’re a blast, you’re my jam (and I’m the drummer)

• If you’re reading this, it means you’re a friend of mine. And if you could be here then, I’d want to kiss the ground you walked on.

• The one thing I love most about myself? The fact that you forgot I was born today.

• You’re smart. You’re funny. You smell good. And you taste even better.

• I’d kiss your lips, press my forehead to your chest, and then take my time eating you.

• Open up your heart and let me in. I promise I’ll be the one to keep you warm tonight

• A friend is someone who can help you see the light when everything around you seems dim.

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