Pickup lines

Funny Pick Up Lines for Stepsister

When you’re a stepsister, things can be awkward. You want to be kind, but it’s hard. But you do have your own experiences of the family’s quirks that the newbie stepsister doesn’t know about. With this list of funny sisterly Funny Pick Up Lines, you can get a step in cracking their personalities.

Funny Pick Up Lines for Stepsister

• What’s the best pickup line for a stepsister? A brother can’t say it. But I know how you feel.

• Hey stepsister, this is your chance to prove you can be a better sister than I am.

• When you find it hard to choose between a boy and your stepsister, go with the latter.

• She’s a Stepsister, she’s a niece. All I really want is for her to call me uncle so I can be her dad.

• Hi, I’m an engineer. I’m trying to get my stepsister’s attention but she won’t stop texting her friends.

• Can’t wait to hear your stepsister say that. My stepsister used to be your best friend, but now she’s my worst nightmare.

• Hey, sister. I’ve been looking all over for you.

• A little sister is a blessing and a terror. You don’t know which one will win today!

• The only person who can be trusted with your sister is a jealous one.

• You’re hotter than the last batch of ice cream, but I’m still all over you.

• Hey, stepsis. You’re not my girlfriend but I’d be happy to introduce you to my friends.

• Hey stepsister, your mouth is so big that if you were a room it would be called the ‘big mouth room’

• She’s my Stepsister, she’s also my inspiration.

• I am going to go ahead and let you know right now that I’m not your stepsister. I am your new, cooler stepsister.

• She’s got a pretty face, she can dance, but most importantly, she’s my stepsister.

• You’re the stepsister I never had.Tell me what you want from life. A boyfriend? A car? I can give you both, just tell me how you want it.

• You look like you could use a little sister to keep you on track!

• Don’t even think about it. You’re going to be mine for a whole lot longer.

• I bet your mom is all about the sister act, right?

• I can’t wait to get you home, because the waiting is killing me.

• If you’re not the best of friends, then at least do the dishes together.

• Hey Stepsister, I know you’re a little bit older than me, but that don’t stop us from being close.

• Step 1: Check your phone. Step 2: LOL. No, I’m not laughing at you. Just thinking about what witty things I could say to my stepsister…

• I’m your stepsister. And I like to … sneak up on you.

• What’s the difference between a Stepsister and your wallet? I keep both.

• You’re not my stepsister, but I’m not afraid to take you home.

• Okay, so I’m not your real stepsister. But I will always be there for you.

• I hear you’ve never been kissed and I’m a big boy. Do you want me to be your first?

• What’s the best way to win your sister’s love? I know – let’s take a shower together!

• Your sister is a diamond in the rough, but I think I found her. You’re so gorgeous, I don’t know where to start.

• Your stepsister is like a grapefruit. When you smell it, you want to squeeze it between your fingers. I’m not your friend, I’m your sister.

• I got your back, but don’t get too close. Sis, you look like a princess. I’m surprised no one has crowned you yet.

• I’m calling her a devilish temptress, but I’m sure she’ll protest.

• You’re my Stepsister, but I love you like a sister.

• You’re my little Stepsister— I’ll always take care of you!

• She’s your stepsister and she’s ready to go. You’re the sweetest stepsister I could ask for.

• This is the perfect time to make a move on my stepsister.

• I don’t mind if you date my sister because I’ll be replacing her soon enough.

• I just saw you at the bar, I wasn’t sure what your name was or where you were from, but I knew you were mine.

• I’m ordering a cake, and I hope it’s you. I’m getting a tattoo of your face so I don’t have to see that anymore.

• When you’re not looking, I’m gonna steal your brother away.

• When I told my sister that I was getting a haircut, she said: “Ew, you look like a turd that fell in the toilet.”

• I told her I was coming, but she didn’t say anything.

• “Your favorite brother always comes back for seconds.” You’re the reason I got on my knees.

• Hey, Stepsister. Are you sure you want to end up as stepsister number two?

• Let’s see if you’re as cute as my stepsister’s gap teeth. You are the perfect stepsister, and I’m in love with you.

• Hey sis, I heard you like to browse home decor sites. Why don’t we swap bedrooms?

• Your stepsister is the perfect addition to my collection. I’ll tell you later!

• She’s your stepsister, I get that. But all she has to do is smile and we’ll be back home in no time.

• What’s the best part of your day? The moment you wake up and realize you’re stepsister to a sibling.

• If you’re the stepsister, then I must be the king. BFFs, we’re not related, but I do want to give you a big hug.

• You’re such a bundle of joy, I’m gonna need a lift to get you home.

• Your sister tries to make things simple and easy, but sometimes it’s hard to keep up. So I’ll do the heavy lifting while you take a breather.

• I don’t know how you do it, but I’m very impressed.

• If you’re good at cooking, I might just have to take you out for dinner tonight!

• Hey, stepsister. You’re very pretty and I like your dress. What are you up to tonight?

• Hey, stepsister. You hate me, right? What are you doing? Why do you look so sad? If you don’t hate me, tell me how to make you feel better.

• I know you’re the perfect stepsister because you always let me borrow your phone. And also I love you a lot.

• Everyone has a sister. Not everyone has a Stepsister.

• Your sister’s a beauty queen, you’re a school teacher. I’ll never be able to stop staring at your face.

• “Your step-sister is a piece of work. I’m glad she’s yours and not mine.”

• The stepsister I date is the best. She has the moves, and she knows the tricks of the trade. But she can’t cook worth a damn!

• Your stepsister is the only reason I can stay in my pajamas all day.

• You always know how to make me smile. #SisterLove

• You are like a cool breeze, I love the way you make me feel.

• Here comes the new hotness. Who wants to be the first to say hi?

• If she has a cat, I have a mouse.If she has a dog, I have a flea.

• There’s no better time to start over than now. I’ll trade a couple steps for a chance of you. If your stepsister is pretty, get her one of these.

• Hey stepsister, thanks for making my life so easy. I’m living the good life and it’s all your fault.

• You’re not the only Stepsister in this house, but you’re my favorite.

• Stepsister: I’m so glad you’re here. It’s nice to see someone who shares my same tastes in music and hobbies. We’re like two peas in a pod!

• You see, I heard you’re my stepsister… and I have some questions.

• This girl’s stepsister is so ugly that she has to run into a house to escape the crowd.

• Your brother and I are trying to get back together. You’re not letting us do it. What do you want from me?

• I didn’t know I was dating a tool until I met your sister.

• I came home to an empty house and found her in the kitchen. I told her that if she cooked me dinner, I wouldn’t tell dad about how she stole his phone

• “You know what’s more fun than a full plate of food? When you’re sister sits down to eat it.

• If you’re ever in trouble, my sister will send a text to me. It’s a big family, after all.

• “I hate to see you go, but I’m glad you’re leaving. Just don’t come crawling back anytime soon.

• She’s a keeper, but she’s not as good of a sister as she is a friend.

• I’ll forgive you when you’re holding my baby. The right way to break the ice with your stepsister is to say “Hey, how’d you get so hot?”

• Tell your stepsis she’s got moves, baby girl. She’s your stepsister, she’s your best friend, and she’s the love of your life.

• Your stepsister is the best, but the thing is… she’s my stepsister.

• You’re so good at kissing, you should think about getting into acting.

• Hey sis, remember when you said you’d help us move?

• Sis, you look like a cute little scammer and I’m going to catch you in my trap.

• A step-sister is a sister who will forever know the feeling of being sidelined by your sibling’s success.

• I’d love to have a sister who can play the guitar like this. I could learn from her.

• I don’t know if you’ve been there before, but the stepsisters are pretty high maintenance.

• You’re the one I go for. You’re the only one that’s on my mind. So in case you haven’t noticed…

• Don’t you think that maybe you two should get a room?

• I know you’re not the brightest bulb in the chandelier, but I’ll let it slide as long as I can get next to you.

• I don’t know if you got the memo, but we’re getting thicker.

• Hey, stepsister. I like your boots. Are you single?

• Hey, stepsister. I’ve been seeing you more often than the weather forecast lately.

• “Hey stepsister, you look like the vintage rejects from that selfie you posted the other day.”

• The only thing better than your stepsister is that she’s yours—and you can make her step off. Are you trying to pick a fight with my stepsister?

• I’m sorry but I was born with a gift of gab. I’ll be your new stepsister

• When I grow up, I want to be a stepsister. I get every part of the family and I don’t have to pay for anything!

• Hi step sis, you’re looking healthy. Do you consider yourself the healthiest sister in the world?

• Whatever you do, don’t get me started on my stepsister. I’m dating one, but I don’t want two!

• I get that you’re interested in my sister, but I’m not sure if she’s interested in you.

• I’m not saying that you’re not great. I’m just saying that if I had a sister, she would have my stepsister’s name.

• Hey sis, give me a lift to the bathroom. I won’t tell if you don’t

• I know your heart is as big as your head, but let me be the one to put my foot in it. Hey stepsis, I’m looking for a new step-family.

• My stepsister let me borrow her car and I didn’t know how to drive a stick shift. I ended up here.

• You know you’re a stepsister when you’re the only one your sister lets be in charge of her house.

• Did you know that the best way to get your stepsister to do something is by telling her it’s for her health?

• Hey, stepsis. I’ve been studying your moves and they are flawless, but what’s your secret?

• I heard you like to wear long skirts and high heels. So, if you’re going to date me…

• Have you ever tried to put your stepdaughters’ shoes on? They always have to be the same size.

• Your sister’s a born salesperson, but don’t let her fool you—she’s just good at pretending to be one.

• I’m sorry that I stared at you while you were taking a shower. It was purely scientific purposes.

• Your sister’s a better cook than I thought she’d be, but if I had to eat my sister’s food all day long, I’d get pretty sick of it.

• Always knew you were a badass, but I never knew how much until now.

• I’m a little bit of trouble, but I’m so worth it. “I’ll give you a tour if you give me your keys.”

• Are you single or do you have a stepsister? Hey, stepsister. I see you’re wearing my shirt and that tells me that you’re trying to look like me.

• You’re the perfect match but my stepsis is a meanie. What do I get?

• I love my stepsister more than any other girl in this world. But I don’t tell her that

• She’s not my stepsister. She’s my sister and I’m in love with her.

• I’m just sayin’ if this one wasn’t my stepsister, I’d tap that already.

• I’m telling you, it’s never going to happen. We’re sisters, and I don’t think we’re going to go out on a date.

• “I’m so good at making life difficult for everyone around me, I’m thinking about joining the military.”

• You look so good, I feel like I’m in a haunted house.

• Why are you afraid to tell me what you’re going to do with me?

• How do you feel about me? Like you’re in my family tree.

• I’m not the only one who can whistle a tune. I’m the only one who can whistle a tune that makes your heart stop, and then restart at light speed.

• Hey stepsis, I see you’re looking good. How was the new guy?

• Hi, I’m your stepsister and I’m really excited to be here.

• How do I get in touch with my stepsister? Call an emergency meeting of the Synaptic Nodes.

• I asked my stepsister if she wanted to go out and I thought she was going to say no but then she said yes.

• My Stepsister makes me want to be a better person.

• I’m not your real stepsister, but I will be the one wearing your clothes.

• Why are you stalking my profile? I only have one sister.

• Uh-oh…I think I just found my stepsister. Your sister is an addict, so you’re putting her on a drug that makes her love you.

• You gave me your number, but I want to know more about you. What’s your favorite color?

• “I’ll make your day” is a phrase I never thought I’d hear, but when I see you, it suddenly makes sense. I’ve been waiting for you to come along.

• There’s no better way to show I care than by giving her a gift. So, I’m thinking—a plate of spaghetti with meatballs.

• When your stepsister is a total hottie, you gotta say something to catch her attention.

• “Hey Stepsister, I just wanted to say that your legs are so good I could probably use them as weapons against my enemies.”

• Hi I’m your sister’s stepsister and that makes me the best sister-in-law.

• If you’re the stepsister, I’ll be the step-kick. “I’m a stepsister, not a flower girl.” Step aside, sis. It’s time to hit the town with me.

• I heard you like to play with your pet. Do you want to pet mine? You have fantastic legs, and I have the balls to hit on them.

• Now that I’ve found you, don’t you think we should keep each other?

• Hi! I’m a little devil, and you’re a little angel. Let’s scare away the darkness and make it better.

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