Pickup lines

40th Birthday Pick Up Lines for Myself

You deserve an epic celebration. You’ve spent a lot of time making yourself better, so you should reward yourself. Here are some pretty damn epic birthday messages and quotes that are sure to excite the celebrate in you! Feel free to use these words to make your inner child dance.

40th Birthday Pick Up Lines for Myself

• I wish the best birthday ever for myself, friends and family. Happy Birthday!

• Celebrating the 40th birthday to me, my friends and the universe. You’ve been great!

• 40th birthday. Another year under my belt, another story yet to be written. Happy birthday to me!

• 40 is the new 30. 40 years of hard work, dedication and positive thinking. Happy Birthday to me!

• I’m turning 40 and it’s been a great ride. Here’s to a decade of friendship, adventures, laughs and love.

• I’ll be celebrating my 40th this year, which is something I never imagined when I was younger. Thank you to all of my friends who will be with me on this special day and beyond. happybirthday

• 40 years young and 45 pounds lighter, I feel better than ever. Happy Birthday.

• 40 years of life, friendship and love. I couldn’t have done it without you guys.

• Today is my 40th birthday. I feel so blessed to have the type of life that I do, which has afforded me the opportunity to do a lot of things, including skip out on a lot of milestone events. So here’s to skipping out on the big ones.

• I turn the page on another year and look forward to all of the exciting adventures I have ahead. Here’s to another 40 years!

• I am thankful for the blessings that have been bestowed upon me and I pray that these blessings continue to grow. Happy Birthday!

• It’s 10:40 in the morning and I’m already tired. Happy Birthday to Me!

• #40thbirthday celebrations are here. Toast to your favorite self, family and friends with a fun Instagram caption.

• Celebrating my 40th birthday with friends and family. Here’s to another decade of adventures, memories, and happy hours.

• 40, it’s the age where we begin to see ourselves in a way that only makes us more confident in who we are than ever before. Happy birthday to me… and with each year that passes, I realize how strong and brave I am, without any doubts or fears. I am the person that I want to be. 40thbirthday.

• It’s been 40 years since I found myself, and it feels like just yesterday. I celebrate with my friends who helped me get this far. Cheers to all my celebrations and friends. Happy Birthday, Universe.

• turning 40 is like getting out of a tunnel in the dark — it’s hard to believe you’re already there.

• It’s been 40 years since I was born. A lot has changed, but most importantly for me, my family and friends have always been there for me. Happy Birthday to me!

• I’m turning 40 and I feel like a new man. I’ve done things and seen things I never thought possible for me, but the most important thing is that no matter how old you are, there’s always hope for the future.

• 40 years and still turning a page. Happy, healthy, & full of hope for the future. What’s your secret?

• May you have the best birthday ever! Wishing you all the best in life with lots of laughter and love from your girlfriends. Happy Birthday, my dear.

• It’s my birthday, and I am celebrating by saying goodbye to my 30s (and hello to the future!).

• 40 is the new 30. And all you have to do is stay young at heart.

• 40. I’m not trying to be anyone but myself, and it feels great.

• Wishing you many more celebrations to come!

• To all of my friends, family and the frenemies that helped me get here. Thank you for being you…

• Wishing a happy birthday to myself, the most important person in my life. Here’s to 40 years of hard work and success. I love you all.

• We are celebrating my 40th birthday with you! Wishing you all the best on this day and every day ahead.

• May your birthday be the first of many, and may the rest of your life be filled with limitless joy and happiness. Happy 40th Birthday.

• 40 is the new 20! I’m still the same girl with a heartbeat, but now it’s more powerful. Happy birthday to me!

• I’m celebrating my 40th birthday with a new haircut and new suit. Happy birthday to me!

• Here are to another 40 years of happiness and good times. Wishing you all the best!

• 40. I’m so excited to celebrate this special day with you all! Thank you for all the love and support. Here’s to another 40 year of life and love.

• I’m 40 and I’m the kind of person who makes their own luck.

• I am looking forward to my next chapter. I’m excited for the best of what’s ahead and grateful for the opportunities I have already been given. To all my friends, family, and fans who are celebrating with me—happy birthday.

• Happy birthday to me! I am so grateful for this day and all the love I’ve been given.

• Today is the day for celebrating, being grateful and making new memories. I’m thinking big.

• A new chapter, a fresh start and an exciting year ahead! Cheers to the next 40.

• I’m so glad to have you by my side. Happy birthday, friend! happy birthday

• Today is my birthday and I know what it’s like to be the kid with no presents and just a stack of cash in his pocket. But today, I’m here to tell you that you deserve the best gift you’ve ever gotten… And that’s a happy birthday!

• Wishing you a very happy birthday, and lots of love from the crew.

• I am so grateful for my life and all its adventures. Wishing you the same happiness, joy and fun in your 40th year!

• I’m 40 today and I feel a million times better than I did on my 20th birthday. Cheers to good health, life fulfilled and wonderful friends.

• Cheers to another year of incredible growth and vibes. May these 40th be filled with love, family, friends, energy and tons of happiness!

• 40 is the new 20, the new 30 and even a lot more fun. Wishing you all the best on this great milestone! Happy birthday!

• Wishing myself and all other friends a happy birthday. May this year be filled with joy, laughter and love. Happy Birthday!

• 40 is a good time to do anything. So take the plunge, push forward and adventure out. I’ll be right here waiting for you.

• I am 40 today and I feel proud of myself. I’ve been through a lot in the past couple of years but I’m happy to say that I’ve worked hard and it’s all paid off. Happy birthday!

• 40 years ago today, I was born. 40 more to go! Here’s to all the good things that come my way – I have a feeling they’re coming right now, just around the corner or at the end of next month. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

• Looking back at 40 years on this planet. I hope that every year is even better than the last.

• It’s been an amazing 40 years. Thank you for all your support and love over the years. I will always love you!

• Here’s to the past, present and future. May it be full of meaningful moments and happy surprises. Happy birthday my friend!

• 40! What an epic year it has been. Thank you for all the incredible memories that we have made, friends and family who have helped me along the way.

• Cheers to the birthday that’s got us feeling young at heart. Happy birthday, you wonderful, amazing person!

• “My 40th birthday is one of the best days of my life”.

• Wishing you a big 40th birthday. I’m so grateful to have such fond memories of that day with everyone who was there. Here’s to many more milestones, years and more happy memories!

• 40 years of life and beautiful memories in the making. Happy Birthday!

• Turning 40 is just another number. It’s a celebration of how far I’ve come from where I started and how much I’ve learned and grown over the last four decades.

• A decade ago, today I turned 40. It’s been a wild ride and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Here’s to another year of wine, friends, and maybe a little dancing on the roof.

• Life is sweeter when you’re celebrating with friends and family. Happy Birthday!

• It’s been a good run. Happy birthday to me (and my friends). I appreciate all of your love and support this year! Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere!

• Thumbs up to all the hard working people out there.Happy Birthday!

• I’m turning the big 4-0 and I want to wish everyone a Happy Birthday!

• I’m not perfect. But I am growing every day and it’s because of you. Happy birthday to me! bday

• To celebrate this special day, I am thankful for all the people in my life who make me feel loved, inspired, and supported.

• This is the day when you can truly be yourself, and celebrate all that makes you unique.

• Happy birthday to me! I don’t know how old I am, but this birthday cake is looking pretty good.

• It’s your 40th birthday! Celebrate the day with a party that reflects your personality and style.

• Wishing you an abundant and happy 40th birthday from all of us here at [company name]!

• I turned 40 this year and it hasn’t been easy. But I’m looking back at the past 40 years and making memories that will last a lifetime. Thanks for all of your support!

• I’m 40 and feeling great. I hope this birthday is just as cool. Here’s to another year of greatness, health and happiness with all my friends and family.

• I’m celebrating my 40th birthday today. Wishing you all the best on this special day!

• Today is the day I turn 40. I can’t believe it. Have a great birthday and time to reflect.

• Happy birthday to me. I am 40, so I will celebrate with a nice glass of wine and candlelight dinner tonight.

• 40. This is the year to make your dreams a reality. Happy birthday to me! I’m so lucky and grateful for this life.

• Party like it’s the 40th time you’ve celebrated your sweet birthday—you deserve it!

• It was a good year. A year filled with both good and bad moments, but I’m glad that I got to experience both the good and bad with you all. Here’s to another 40. Cheers

• Celebrate your birthday or anyone else’s with a free gift on our site.

• The best celebration is living well. It’s about celebrating the moments that matter, the people who are important to us, and the things we’ve done together. Life is a journey and it starts today. Happy birthday, baby!

• Happy birthday to me, the greatest person to have ever lived. I love you and I can’t wait to celebrate no matter the age!

• Life is a journey, not a destination. I’m on it with no map, compass or destination in sight. But this day, filled with love and happiness.

• Here are to all the amazing, beautiful and powerful women out there who inspire me daily. I love you. 40thBirthday Happy Birthday

• For my 40th birthday, I’m going to celebrate with a few close friends.

• Time flies when you’re busy living your life. Happy birthday to me! I’ve made it to the big 4-0, and I couldn’t have done it without you guys by my side. It’s been quite a journey and I’m so grateful for all of our memories, times and experiences growing up together. To all those celebrating their 40th birthdays today, thank you for being there for me and making this day so memorable! happybirthday

• Happy 40th birthday to me. I can’t believe it’s been almost 4 decades. I have so much love and gratitude for all of you, thank you for being part of my life!

• Another year older, another year wiser. Here’s to 40 more years of happiness and success!

• Today we turn 40! Happy Birthday to me. Here’s to another great year. Wishing you a very happy birthday and many more!

• 40. That’s a big one, for sure. Here’s to the next 40 years of adventures and memories. Cheers!

• 40! I’m getting old. But that doesn’t mean you can’t still have an awesome time!

• It’s your birthday. Have an awesome day and I’ll be checking up on you next year.

• It’s been an amazing 40 years. Time to celebrate this incredible milestone with some good friends and family.

• This is just the beginning. Here are 40 things you might have missed (because I’ve been busy).For the 40th birthday of me, my friends and family, I am grateful for all the memories we have created together.

• I just turned 40 today, and I have to say, it’s been a great ride. Thanks for all the birfday wishes and celebrations.

• I’m a firm believer in celebrating a milestone by doing things that you love and that make you happy. As I look back at my 40 years, I’m filled with gratitude for all the amazing people, places, experiences and memories I made thanks to this great country of ours. Happy birthday to me!

• Happy Birthday! I just turned 40 and I’m so excited to celebrate with all of you. Here’s to another year full of adventure and growth in the business world.

• Happy birthday to me! I’m turning 40, and I feel as fabulous as ever. Here’s to celebrating every year on the path to success!

• I turned 40 today! Let’s celebrate with a throwback to my 20s.

• Friends and family, here’s to 40 years of friendship, laughter and love. Our lives have become richer with you in it.

• Happy Birthday to me! I didn’t think I’d still be here this long, but here I am, 40 and kicking ass.

• You are beautiful and powerful, you got this! It’s your time to shine.

• Wishing a very happy birthday to my best friend and the love of my life. We’ve been through thick and thin and now we’re stronger than ever!

• A life well lived is a life well done. Happy birthday to my best friend, partner in crime and biggest supporter! I am so blessed to have you by my side on this journey called life…it’s been crazy and fun, but mostly crazy.

• Happy birthday to me! I’ve got a great life, if I do say so myself.

• Today is your day. You’re allowed to be whoever you want to be and do whatever you want to do. Make it count!

• Here’s to another 40, with someone special by my side.

• 40th birthday. We got this. Make the most of the last year and don’t let the next one pass you by.

• It’s time to celebrate my 40th birthday—and I’m looking forward to a great time. Wishing you all the best on yours!

• It’s time to celebrate 40 years of life, growing up and making memories. Happy Birthday

• Here’s to a ton of good times, memories, and laughs. Here’s to you turning 40!

• It’s time to celebrate. Time to bask in the glow of life and all it has to offer. Time to enjoy every moment and treasure each day. It’s my 40th birthday!

• I’m turning 40 and it feels like a new age.

• Happy 40th birthday to the most amazing woman in my life. I love you and can’t wait to celebrate with you again soon.

• Here’s to the 40 year old me who is still trying to find her way. Here’s to you, too. Wishing you a very happy birthday!

• I’m 40 and I’ve been a lot of places. Some of them were great, some weren’t so great. But I’ve always tried my best to make those memories count. So here’s to you—and all the friends and lovers you’ve found along the way. You are real heroes. We love you!

• 40 is the new 20, so take it from me: life gets better with each passing year.

• To all the ladies who came before me and to all the ones who will come after. Here’s to you all. Happy Birthday!

• Please share this video with anyone who’s celebrating a birthday in the next month. I want to celebrate with them (and some cake).

• 10 years ago today. I felt like a stranger living in an alien body, but it turns out I was perfectly normal. So what if this body is 40 years old?!

• Happy 2nd decade of freedom! It’s been a wild ride and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Thank you for the love and support, I couldn’t have done it without you.

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