Pickup lines

Funny Pick Up Lines for Best Friends

Best friends are the people we consider family. Best friends are more than just someone who we hang out with all the time, they’re an extension of our families. This means that best friends can be a very important part of our lives. There are many different types of best friends, and everyone has their own take of defining a best friend. However, there are many traits consistent with best friends.

Funny Pick Up Lines for Best Friends

• Best friends are the people who get you through your bad times and make you laugh when you’re down.

• Friends can keep you from all the wrong paths, but best friends from all the right ones.

• It takes a great friend to realize the importance of self-care.

• Best friends are the ones you can have a sleepover with, fight with, cry with and still love the most.

• We’re the best friends to have. We make each other laugh, we cry together and we don’t hold anything back.

• I don’t know about you, but my best friend in the entire world is my phone.

• Friends don’t let friends hang out with anyone who isn’t cool.

• Best friends are just like sunrises, they always come up with the prettiest things to say.

• We’ve been best friends since we were 7 and now we will celebrate 30 years together!

• You’re my best friends, you know that? You are the only person I can be myself around.

• Never let anyone take from you what is rightfully yours.

• Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re going to get.

• Your best friends are those who make you laugh, cry and live.

• The best things in life are achieved with the company of your besties

• Best friends are like diamonds: the rarest and most beautiful of gems.

• Best friends are the ones you can tell anything to, even your deepest darkest secrets.

• The only thing better than hanging out with your best friend is doing it with your best pal

• Hey you! You’re my best friend. I’ve got your back no matter what.

• Life is too short to be a single. Find your best friend and share life with them!

• Friends don’t let friends stay in the friend zone!

• Our besties are here to remind us of all the reasons why we love each other so much. ☺️

• Friends are like…well, friends. But they make the ideal setting for life’s most memorable moments.

• You’re my best friend, and I wouldn’t even have it any other way.

• When you have a best friend like this, you don’t just appreciate each other on Valentine’s Day. You cherish them all year long.

• You’re the person I can trust to always have my back. Thanks for being my best friend.

• We’re not just best friends, we’re besties

• The best friends are always there for you.

• Best friends. There’s nothing like them (and they’re way better than #BFFs.)

• There’s no better feeling than being best friends with your best friend.

• The best friends are the ones that make you laugh, tell you how much they care, and always have your back.

• Loyalty is forever. The other four letters are just for fun. #BFF

• Best friends are like the sun, they always seem to be there for you when you need them most.

• Best friends are the ones who know you inside and out, feel everything with you, and still love you just the same.

• When you’re best friends with someone, they can see the real you. And they always know when they need to get a drink.

• When you share something that means a lot to you with the best friend ever, it’s like you found your perfect match.

• Just because you’re friends doesn’t mean your lives have to be boring.

• Friends come in all shapes and sizes but it doesn’t matter if you’re a single gal or not, because we’ve got your back.

• Friends are like stars. You don’t always see them, but you know they’re there.

• I know that feeling of sadness when you aren’t sure what to say to your best friend or when she says something that doesn’t make sense to you.

• So here are some funny pick-up lines for best friends

• If you’re looking for a best friend to talk to, I’m your girl. I’m super nice and I don’t put up with BS.

• What’s your favorite part about me? My brains. What’s your favorite thing about me? My personality. What makes us best friends? We’re not afraid to tell each other the truth.

• When you’re with your best girl, there’s nothing wrong with being obvious.

• I got your back at the bar. Literally. Want to hang out?

• If you are reading this, I’m sorry but i have to ask…ARE YOU INTO ME?

• We’re only best friends because we have the same name. Don’t change that!

• You: That’s a lot of hoes you got there, brother. Me: Oh, it’s just my best friend.

• You’re a lot like my ex-boyfriend. (He always wanted to make me laugh.)

• My best friend lives next to a party, but she won’t let me crash.

• If you don’t know a good line, I can always get you a pass.

• If we don’t fit your life plans, don’t sweat it. You need someone who doesn’t rely on you to be perfect all the time.

• You’re like a real thing. I’ve been waiting for you my whole life.

• “How about we call it even?”

• From an old soul to a wise one: you are my rockstar

• Your best friend’s boyfriend is better than yours.

• I’m not calling to hang out or go on a date. I just want to see you naked.

• You’re my best friend, and I’m your biggest fan.

• I’m so glad we met. You’re like my other half, if I wasn’t your best friend I wouldn’t know how valuable you are.

• What’d you do the night before last? Party all night with the wrong person who won’t return my call.

• You and I. Two peas in a pod. As Seen On TV! PICKUPLINES

• You’re the best thing that happened to me, and I can’t wait for you to be a thing in my life again.

• Besties forever. The best is yet to come. Only you can make a girl go “I’m in love with you and also my life is complete.”

• I will always be your wingman, bro. And I’m not a fan of flyovers anyway.

• Ditch the casual, get your girl this #silkIvory dinner dress for her bachelorette party.

• Nothing makes you feel more like a princess than a good friend.

• BFFs. Do you ever have moments where you can’t remember why it’s so important to be friends with each other?

• You’re like a burger, I’m like a bun—we fit together perfectly. Sometimes you’ve got to be a little more confident.

• When you and your best friend decide to go on a girls’ weekend at a spa, but you still want to look cute.

• Best friends are like two bricks in a bag – you can throw whatever at them and they’re still gonna be together.

• The only thing better than one best friend is two.

• If you’re not my best friend, then I just don’t know what I’m doing with my life.

• When you keep me up all night I count it as a compliment, because I’m thinking of all the great things we could do together.

• You’re the sweetest thing I’ve ever met. #veryromantic

• The best way to tell if someone is your friend is if they understand you and are in it for the long haul.

• I’m looking for my other half, I’ve got a lot to catch up on with you.

• Your friendship is like a cup of hot chocolate on a cold day—it warms you up in all the right places.

• You’re the only one who can make my heart feel this good.

• You’re like the air I breathe, I don’t know how I survived this long without you.

• I’d rather be with you than anyone else in the world. Can’t wait to see you on Friday.

• I think we could have chemistry, but chemistry is just a word people use when they can’t explain what’s really going on.

• You’re like a banana split—warm, creamy, but delicious.

• Best friends don’t always agree, but they usually laugh together. So here are a few funny pick-up lines that’ll help you out when you get stuck trying to make each other laugh.

• Friends are forever. And we’re here to help you find your girl crush #friendshipeverybody

• Friends who laugh together, stay together. When your best friend needs saving, you should probably save them.

• Your best friend is a sidekick. Your worst enemy is his dry cleaning bill.

• If I was the sun, you’d be a star. And if I was the moon, you’d be a constellation. But since we’re both just normal human beings, we’ll just have to make do with being best friends.

• You’re my better half and I wish you were my whole. I’m here for you, but I don’t do selfies. Do you want a dog with a human personality?

• My best friend is a little like your mom: When we’re together, she’s always making me feel so special.

• There’s something about your smile, I can’t put my finger on it. But I like it…

• Best friends are like pasta, you have to squeeze them hard to get the sauce out.

• You’re such a smart girl, you can make me think I’m an idiot too. Have you seen my friend? She’s gone blonde, tan, and sparkly.

• You’re like the coffee in my morning routine. And it’s always good to have some of that on hand.

• You’re my bestest friend, the one and only. You’re a good egg. I love you like a brother. Get back here, you’d better be ready to have some fun with me, babe!

• I’m kind of like the best-friendman. You’re the good girl, and I’m the bad boy. We make a great duo!

• Best friends are the only kind who can put a smile on your face when you’re down.

• Friends can be the greatest things in life. And sometimes they’re also the worst. However, we happen to think that our relationship is one of the best things we’ve ever had.

• Are you the kind of friend who’d drive a truck across a country and into my heart? Best friends are like a good wine. They get better with age.

• You are my happy place. My bodyguard, my wingman, and my best friend.

• I’m not trying to get a body pillow, but if you come to my house, I’ll take you for one.

• If you’re my friend, I’ll do anything for you. And if you aren’t, I’ll still do anything for you.

• Best buds, right? You’re like my favorite pair of jeans—always looking good, but never quite fit the way I want.

• I always knew you were a firecracker, but I never knew how much dynamite you had between your legs.

• I’ve been thinking about taking you out on a date, but words fail me. The way you look at me, like I’m the greatest thing since sliced bread

• If I had a wooden leg, I’d pick you up with it. I don’t think we’ve ever been this close before. The air must be different in space.

• She’s my best friend and she drives me crazy. I want a wife like that. A best friend is like a pair of jeans. You can throw them on over and over again!

• Best friends are like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get.

• When your best friend has more hair than you do, she’s more valuable than gold.

• Here’s to the friendship that transcends years and decades, from the best brunches to the earliest karaoke jams.

• The one where we fight over the last slice of pizza and make a pact not to share our cell phone numbers.

• The one where we go on vacation together and know that it’ll always be us against the world.

• I don’t know what I did to deserve you and your awesomeness, but if there’s anything I can do to repay you, it’s your friendship forever!

• Let me be the foremost to tell you that I love you like a hot pepper loves salsa. What’s your excuse?

• When your best friend gets mad at the world because she wants to change it, but you can’t. Hey, do you have a brother I can talk to?

• I have you down for the best of me. How does an all-star friendship like this work?

• I know what you’re thinking. Life is short, have an adventure today. When life hands you lemons, make lemonade.

• The bond is stronger than any chemistry. What’s the best part about being best friends? When you make a friend’s day—one pick-up line at a time.

• When you’re a best friend, you’ll always be there for me. Always. Let me guess… you’re waiting for my phone call to go out so you can leave this place and take up residence in my bed.

• When you’re the most important person in my life—and a total stranger at the same time.

• Best friends are like a salad: as long as you add the right ingredients, they’re hard to beat.

• Friends are like farts: everyone has them, but nobody wants to talk about it.

• This is the type of friend who makes you think twice about being alone. Love is a game of chicken and money.

• My best friend has been a bad influence on me. I drink more, party more, and eat more junk food than I used to. But somehow we still talk like she’s my mom!

• You’re like a margarita, served with a side of salt. Hey babe, you scored a 10 on the hotness scale.

• My best friend is the only person I know who would shout out at a wake “Don’t worry buddy, your mother’s in the kitchen.”

• When the only people who can make you feel better are the ones that make you feel worse…

• You’re my best friend and I want to keep it that way. If you’re my best friend, I can’t be your number one.

• You’re a good friend, especially when you’re bad at being a girlfriend. I’ve been looking for a pretty girl like you.

• Best friends are like tattoos by which we prove the world is round. When you want to send the perfect message, but you don’t know what that is.

• You know you’re my bestie when we’re both at the store staring at each other and you walk past me.

• What’s that? You think I’m funny? That was just my best friend telling me so. When you’ve got a friend like me, you can say anything.

• Hey girl, I’m only saying this because I know you won’t take offense, but your beauty is so captivating that it’s making me dizzy.

• Guys, you and me. We’re like a cup of coffee, but we’ve got more to offer.

• You’re a ride, I’m a car. We’re good together.

• I have a friend who’s always smiling, always wearing makeup, and is never late—and she goes by Dr. Smile.

• If you’re not my friend, then who is It’s not just a phase, you’re awesome.

• If you’re my friend, then I’m your best friend’s best friend. If you’re my friend, then what do you want from me?

• When you text me at 2 AM and ask me to be your wingman, I’m pretty sure you’re going a little overboard.

• I’d hang out with you if I didn’t think you were so cute.

• To my best friend, you’re the pepperoni I never knew I needed—but now that I’ve found you, I can’t imagine life without you.

• Line up your buddies in a straight line and tell them they’re the bestest friends anyone could ever have.

• Bro, I love you because you have the courage to ask me out on a date again.

• How’s it going, bro? You look like you’re on your way to see that chick.

• Hey, my girl’s the best you’ll ever have. But I’d rather have her as my friend than my enemy.

• You’re a real sweetheart, and I’m not even trying.

• “You’re the best person I’ve ever known, and that includes people who exist in my head.”

• You’re smarter than a post-it note and sturdier than a bag of beans.

• You: I can’t believe we’re celebrating our 5 year friendship. Me: Of course we are, silly! We’ve just been holding on to it for so long!

• I just want to say hi, but I’m pretty sure you already know that. I’ve been waiting for this moment all day.

• Playful, cute and touching. These are the best pick-up lines for your best friends

• Nothing says ‘I love you’ like a cute pick-up line for your best friend. You’re my best friend. You’re so cute I could just eat you up.

• Ladies, I’ll let you in on a secret. The best thing about being single is that your friends will do anything for you without question.

• I know you like me and I know we have amazing chemistry, so grab this coffee and tell me what you’re really thinking.

• I’m not going to say “best friends” so just say “bae” and I’ll be there in a heartbeat.

• You’re the kind of friend who’s always there for me when I’m down. And when I’m up, you’re there for me too.

• I don’t know what it is about you, but I think I have a crush on you.

• Hey girl, when’s the best time to call you? When it’s not even close to closing time.

• When you’re having a bad day, just know that I’m here for you. I like the way you hold yourself. And it’s not because I like your pants.

• “Hey there, stranger. I was just about to say something about you.”

• The one friend who has been there through everything. I’ve told you about my dreams, but I think it’s about time you tell me about yours.

• There’s no way you’re getting away from me!

• My best friend is an extremely talented girl who could make you feel like the luckiest man alive with one look.

• Hi. I’m a girl and you’re my best friend. What’s your superpower?

• When the best friend you can have is the one who’s always there for you when it counts.

• You know how to make me smile, laugh and even cheer. But I just want to tell you how I really feel: I love you like a best friend should.

• Let’s be honest—you’re the best pal a gal could ask for. So, here’s to you and me. Thanks for making my life better, just by being in it.

• It’s not always easy being a good friend (she thinks), but it’s always fun. Sassy, smart and sassy. Meet your new best friend!

• When you’re the best friend, but you’re also a close friend. If you’re being friendzoned, it’s because you’re not a good enough friend.

• “Don’t worry, I’ll help you get over him. You’re the coffee and I’m the sugar. We keep each other going.

• She’s the one who always knows when to break out the wine for dinner. That’s why I call her my other half.

• I’m not a women, I’m a woman who knows how to direct her own life.

• “I’ll never forget the smell of your perfume. It smells like a crisp fall day with all the leaves changed color and fallen from the trees.

• They say friendship is a flower that grows only in the sunshine. But I say, friendship is like a tree: it grows only in the shade.

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