Pickup lines

15th Birthday Pick Up Lines

The 15th birthday is a milestone for everyone, who has celebrated this birthday milestone to the end. While you are enjoying this day with your family members, it is also an opportunity to look back at your life. Likewise, you can enjoy many opportunities on this special day and make it memorable for you and your loved ones.

15th Birthday Pick Up Lines

• It’s your 15th birthday. Do something awesome with it.

• It’s your 15th birthday and you can’t believe how much time has gone by. Happy Birthday to you! We love you!

• When your 15th birthday comes around and you can legally order wine, what do you want?

• Happy 15th Birthday, baby girl. You’ve got me waiting for years to celebrate this day with you.

• She ain’t a kid anymore. She’s a woman. Birthday girl: 15 years strong!

• Happy 15th birthday to me! I’ve made it this far, but there’s still so much to do. Keep making it happen.

• At 15, you’re still full of life and enthusiasm. You may be starting high school but you’ll always be a kid at heart. Happy Birthday to me!

• 15 years and going strong. Cheers to another year of #TBT with the legends we’ve made! Happy Birthday Danon!

• Happy birthday to me! Here’s to another 15 years of being who I am and doing what makes me happy. Cheers to the future!

• Happy birthday to the most fabulous and stylish woman on this planet. You are always on trend, always chic, always stylish!

• There’s no better time than 15th birthday to reflect on the ups and downs of life, and your future.

• Wishing you a #15th birthday full of joyful moments and memorable experiences. Here’s to another year full of love, laughs and happiness.

• Happy Birthday, 15th! We hope this milestone year brings you the life you want to lead.

• Here’s to 15 years and counting! Happy Birthday, brand_name

• I’ve been 15 for 2 months and I am still here. Happy Birthday to me!

• Getting old is a beautiful thing. These days, we’re celebrating 15 years of #glamour and good vibes. Happy birthday to us!

• It’s been 15 years since I came in this world. I have a lot of memories to celebrate with you, my family and friends. Happy birthday to me!

• Celebrating 15 years of being a beauty inspiration. Thanks to all of you who made this possible, and to my amazing family who put up with me

• We made it to 15 years. Time to get some mugs

• 15 years old. What a journey. Thanks for making it this far with me. I’ve got more surprises in store for you, but I don’t want to spoil anything right now!

• The only thing better than waking up on your birthday is waking up the day after with a full belly of coffee, music, and dancing.

• Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, dear friend. You are growing up so fast!

• Wherever you are this weekend, we hope it’s a celebration

• Happy 15th birthday to you, who is always there for us! We love you and we wish you a really great 15th birthday.

• Happy 15th Birthday! We’ve been so blessed to have you in our lives for these many years. You’re one of a kind and we love you endlessly

• I’m 15 and it feels like yesterday that I was a baby. In honor of my 15th birthday, I will share a few things about myself and life that you probably did not know.

• Happy 15th birthday to me. I am so grateful for everything that has happened in the past year, and I can’t wait to see what’s next. #Blessed

• 15 is here and there’s no better way to celebrate than with cake, candles and your BFF.

• You’re here, you’re doing good and your 15 years old. Congratulations on hitting the big 3-0, stay cool and don’t stop.

• Cheers to 15 years of being awesome. Here’s to another 15 more!

• One year older. 15 years wiser. The impact you have on the world is undeniable. Happy birthday to you, my dear friend.

• 15 years old and still going strong. What a ride it’s been!

• Feels like a long time, but it’s been only 15 years since I started this little journey. Time flies so fast!

• Happy 15th birthday! We’re celebrating by giving you #15daysofchocolate.

• Really something to celebrate today. Happy 15th Birthday.

• Turning 15 is a milestone event that brings with it many new opportunities and experiences. Happy Birthday to you!

• Here’s to you, dear friend; it is such a pleasure to be your friend. Happy 15th birthday!

• I’m 15, it’s my birthday and I’m having the time of my life.

• The best part of growing up is the way that you realize how much you’ve grown. Happy 15th Birthday!

• You’re 15 and heading into the world. You know what you want, and you have all the grit to get it done. Here’s to your future, full of possibilities. Happy Birthday!

• Gosh, it’s been 15 years. We are really proud of you and this milestone in your life! Happy Birthday, sweetie.

• Here’s to 15 years, who knew we’d make it this far? Happy birthday and thanks for being around all this time.

• It’s been 15 years since the day I made eye contact with you, and I can’t believe it! #HappyBirthday

• On this day 15 years ago I was born. What would you say that I am now?

• We’ve been together 15 years, and we’re still counting down from one. Happy birthday to my favorite words.

• I’m 15 years old, and I would like to celebrate my 15th birthday with you.

• Always stay a girl who makes the most of her 15th birthday.

• Happy 15th birthday to the one who makes me laugh, keeps me in line and deserves a celebration of all things fabulous and awesome.

• Sometimes you just want to say, “Hey, I’m 15. What do you think about that?”

• Here’s to the 15th birthday that never ends. You’re still so young and fresh like a spring morning!

• As a 15th birthday present to myself, I want to be able to confidently say: “Yes” to the world and its endless possibilities.

• When I’m 15 and you’re still pretty damn good looking.

• I can’t believe it’s been 15 years since I was born.

• Your face reminds me of my youth, your body makes me want to try new things, and your smile makes me feel safe. I am so lucky to have you in my life.

• I want to thank life for the awesome gift of 15! I can’t wait to see what you bring my way.

• To my best friend that I’ve known for 15 years, love you more than half my age. Happy Birthday and thank you for being a great friend!

• “You’re 15, so you must be a fibber. I bet you don’t tell the truth much. Who are you gonna lie to? Me or yourself?”

• There are no words left to describe how amazing you are. Happy Birthday to me.

• You are a trip to my life, you are my happy star. Happy Birthday!

• I’m so old I can remember when people didn’t have to Google butts.

• Every time I start to doubt myself, I look in the mirror and say to myself (with a smile): “Hey, you’re doing great!”

• My 15th birthday is coming up! Here are some vintage pick-up lines I’ve used on my friends, in case you need them too:

• The only thing better than turning 15 is picking up the same girl.

• Let me check in with you on my 15th birthday. What a year! I’ve got all kinds of exciting plans, but first—how are you?

• Here’s to the 15th birthday of you and me, Here’s to the 15th birthday of us.

• Wishing you a happy 15th birthday, wherever you are. Here’s to another year full of surprises and adventures!

• Here are some of the most memorable pick-up lines I’ve ever heard to help you get your 15 minutes of fame.

• I like your style. I’m ready to party. Let’s do this. 15th birthday.

• You’re exactly the kind of friend I need. You look so happy that I just want to pick you up and shout.

• Let’s go back in time to when we were just 15 and had so much energy.

• Birthday wishes from the girl who calls herself a child of the universe, who has never met a stranger, and whose heart is open for new adventures.

• Happy birthday to me. Here’s to many more years of living and loving life!

• I’m not sure what I’m doing here, but I think it’s working.

• #YourWorstNightmare comes true every time you try to get me to turn down the lights.

• Every year I surprise myself with how I grow. How lucky am I to be able to keep growing?

• Not sure what to get you for your 15th birthday? Confused about what to do, write the sweetest pick-up line you can think of and send it over to me!

• Make your 15th birthday the best year ever.

• There’s no better way to celebrate your 15th birthday than with a date at the movies and popcorn.

• The 15th birthday is the time to make some crucial decisions and one of them should be who you want to sit next to on your next date: yourself or your girlfriend.

• Hey girl, how’s it going? I’m 15 years old, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t know what I like and what I want.

• Hey, you look like a good pick-up line for me.

• It’s the 15th birthday, and I’m starting to get a little picky about what it is that I’ll put on my plate. Because do you know what? I’m finally ready for some…

• Your 15th is a special one. And here’s to the many anniversaries that are to come!

• Happy Birthday, Dear Self. You’ve become a woman I no longer recognize… I’m proud of you.

• I’ve got a little something for you, birthday girl.

• It’s been a decade! Time to look back and reflect on the last 15 years of my life.

• With each milestone, there are new stories to tell. Today is the day for me—today is the day for you to make your mark in this world with me.

• I’m not so sure I’d say you’re cute, but I’d definitely go for a date.

• My birthday’s coming up, but I don’t feel a thing. You’re the reason why I can’t stay away.

• Gasping for breath but still looking good. You’re like a moth to the flame, but I’m not burning it down yet.

• There’s just something about a party, and a 15th birthday.

• I’m 15, the same age as my mom. It’s time to get you some birthday love.

• I’m told I’m a diamond in the rough, but could be more—a true gem. Happy 15th birthday to me!

• I’m turning 15, but I feel 200. Thanks for being here with me on this journey!

• I’m a little older, wiser and ready to make some money. Happy birthday!

• I’m turning 15, I’ve been told my hair looks different, what can I expect?

• They say you get older, but I feel like I’m just getting better. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for 15 years of amazing memories.

• I feel like I’m 15 again. May this year bring you all the wonderful things it brings me!

• Some people are born lucky. I got #15 and a lifetime of memories ahead.

• I’m gonna get real with you: I’m not even trying to hide it… I’m a grown ass woman. Happy birthday, me

• You’re always the one to turn up and make things interesting.

• I promise I won’t leave you stranded when your heart gets cold.

• I’m not telling you to change, but I’m telling you to grow.

• I’m 15 and I want your number. That’s why I bought this phone.

• Happy 15th birthday! I’m sure this cake is delicious and you look stunning.

• A good pick-up line for me would be something like “I’d love to go out, but I think I might pass out from laughter.”

• You are the first girl I’ve ever brought home from a bar.

• I’m the kind of girl who hates when guys call her late, but loves when they text her first.

• You are one of the best parts of my life. Be careful or you’ll get on my nerves.

• I’ve been waiting for this moment. When you finally realize how much I love you, but don’t say it first.

• Hey there! You look even better than I remember.

• Fresh out of college and ready to take on the world.

• When I look at you, I see a future superstar. But when I look at myself in the mirror? Well, let’s just say that I’m going to regret it tomorrow.

• May you never feel the need to apologize for who you are or what you do. You’re perfect on your own. And I love that.

• I’m not a runway model but I know how to pose in the mirror.

• You’re officially an adult: You can eat whatever you want, do whatever you want, and say whatever you want. Now what are you going to do?

• I’m gonna be a cool mom like my mom

• Since I plan to live for a very long time, these are just my favorites. Hope you like them too!

• My 15th birthday is coming up and here are some pick-up lines for you to use on me, my friends, or anyone else you’d like to impress.

• Y’all know I’ve been around for a while, but it’s my 15th birthday. What are some good pick-up lines to use on myself?

• Hey you. Let’s go out for dinner and drinks to celebrate my 15th birthday and then maybe we can get together later for a little bit more.

• Are you ready for this? It’s my 15th birthday and I’m ready for the party.

• I’m turning 15 today and I want you to meet my friends, who are just like me. We’re going to have so much fun at the party.

• 15 years of life is a fair amount of time to kiss someone and I need to get going.

• I’m not sure what to get you for your birthday, but I’m pretty sure whatever it is, it won’t be this cute.

• I know how to pick them up, but what about those lines? Here are some of my favorites.

• I’m a little bit older and a lot wiser. So when you ask me out, you’ll have to wait for an answer—and then give me a good one.

• Hey, old friend. There’s no denying the years have flown by. Will you be my wingman?

• Here’s to the girl who is bold, beautiful and brave.

• You can do anything you put your mind to, so don’t listen when people say things like “you can’t do that.” You did it already. You’re amazing! Happy birthday!

• Your eyes sparkle brighter than the stars. Happy birthday to me.

• As the days go by and I get older, I realize just how amazing my life is. So here’s to you, dear journal. Happy Birthday!

• I’m sorry to hear that, I’m sorry for my age.

• I was born on the same day as Shakespeare, but I know better than to let that stop me.

• Looking forward to a night of making memories with the ones I love.

• To celebrate, here’s a list of 15 funny, cute and romantic pick-up lines to make your b-day even more special.

• Happy 15th birthday. I’m here to wish you a happy one. Make sure you enjoy it and make the most of every year that God has given you.

• You’re the best thing that’s happened to me. I think about you every night before I go to sleep and every morning when I wake up.

• I don’t know what else to say except, ‘Happy Birthday!’

• “You’re the person I would bring home to my mom. You’re the best friend I’ve ever had, you make me laugh like nobody else can and your smile lights up my day.

• Thank you for being more awesome than anyone could’ve ever expected.”

• 15 years old, and I’m still alive. Here is what my friends have to say when they look at me: “I’m so glad you’re still alive!”

• You’re the reason I was born. You’re the only thing that makes me want to live. Happy Birthday

• I am ready to be your best friend, I just need you to be my friend first.

• I may be 15, but I can still make your heart skip a beat.

• I’m not old enough to get into this bar but I know someone who is.

• I’ve been planning this for years. It’s time to get down with it.

• If I could squeeze into your jeans, I’d be a perfect fit. But that would be weird.

• “You can’t have a good time if you’re not here.”

• I’m going to give you some lines and see if they work.

• If I could just pick one word to describe myself, it would be: wise, knowing and foolish.

• I’m so glad I had friends like you when I was growing up. You guys made my 15th birthday something incredible.

• “You’re 15, right? You should go out with me. I could teach you a thing or two.”

• Looking to make a woman swoon? Here are some of our favorite pick-up lines for an older lady.

• It’s my birthday, so I’m picking up the phone. Who wants to talk?

• You’re 15 years old, and I’m still not sure if you’re as cool as your parents.

• Just think of all the times I got you down, now I’m picking you up again. Happy birthday, sweetie

• When you’re 15, the world is your oyster. But things change when you’re 16 and that oyster’s gone. Keep calm and eat cake.

• I never imagined that I would be this awesome or you this pretty. Happy Birthday, baby.

• When I was younger, I would dream of the day I could get up on stage and sing all my favourite songs. Today I’m taking you to the top of that dream. Happy Birthday

• You’re a true beauty to wake up to everyday. Happy birthday to me!

• Can’t wait to see what you look like at this age.

• I love you so much, i can’t even say it. i have to whisper it into your ear.

• Hey there, cutie—you know what they say: the best way to a woman’s heart is through her stomach.

• I’ve been waiting for this day for so long… So, I thought we should celebrate. Let’s go get something to eat.

• If I had a friend who hated to be alone, I’d ask them to join me on my 15th birthday.

• Here’s to another 15 years of the same ol’ deal: me, you, and a whole lot of laughs. Happy birthday!

• I’m turning 15, and I feel like I can say whatever the fuck I want—WITHOUT SCARING ANYONE.

• I see that you’re 15 now, so here’s to the next 15 years. May they be full of laughter, love and happiness. Happy Birthday.

• I’ve been 15 for a long time. I’m officially an adult and ready to take on the world.

• I’m turning 15 tomorrow, and I’m done with my life.

• When I was 15, I wanted to change the world. Now? I’m ditching school for Instagram. #birthdaygirl

• I can’t wait to be a teenager again. I’m gonna be so cool!

• You’re 15 now, which means you’ll soon need your own car.

• I have a birthday coming up. Who’s coming?

• If you want to blow my mind, don’t ask me about my favorite movie.

• I’m gonna give it to you straight—I’m not as cool as I think I am.

• I’m feeling pretty, so I guess this is the moment when I should finally get my nickname.

• I’m so glad to be turning 15 because I finally get to use these pick-up lines on myself!

• So you’re turning 15? You’ll need a whole lot of confidence to pull this off. I’m here for you, boo.

• It’s my 15th birthday, what are you gonna do? Pick me up for lunch and tell me how sexy I look in this dress.

• A good friend knows a great pick-up line when he hears one. Happy birthday, friend. I hope you’re ready for this.

• When I hit 15, I’ll be ready to give you a call.

• “You’re turning 15, you’re becoming a woman. We should celebrate this important moment in your life with some cake!”

• I’m 15 and I have a crush on you. How about we go out sometime?

• It’s been 15 years since we’ve met, but your face is still fresh in my memory. Happy birthday!

• Let the 15-year-old in you take over. Remember what it was like to be carefree and want to do things your way?

• I’m a perfect 10. You better kiss me by the end of the week.

• No matter how much time passes, I will always be the girl who’s fearless enough to tell you how good you look. Happy Birthday!

• I’m a party starter and I love to dance. I’ve got plenty of energy and never get tired.

• Say it with me: I’m not a number, I’m a name.

• I haven’t thrown a party in years, but I’m throwing one for my 15th birthday. Bring your best lines—and don’t forget to bring some cake!

• You’re 15 and single? Let me know when you wanna get married.

• I’m turning 15 this year, and you’re looking pretty hot. What would you like to do?

• I can’t wait to turn 15. I will be more mature, confident, and have more confidence in myself.

• So I’m turning 15, how’s your week been? I’m turning 15—so mouth-watering.

• You’re 15. You have a lot to live up to. Put your best face forward.

• I am 15 years old and I just realized that my friends mean more to me than anyone else.

• Here’s to 15 years and a healthy dose of attitude. Happy Birthday, Mom.

• I asked for a change, but I didn’t know what I was in for.

• Thank you for helping me make it through the hardest year of my life! Happy birthday!

• You’re the smartest person I know, even when we argue. Happy birthday to me!

• I’ve been waiting for you, but I’m not waiting anymore.

• I’m not too old to remember this, but I’m not too young to forget it

• I want to get up close, but don’t wanna miss a thing. So, let’s do it and get down to it.

• If I were a piece of cake, you’d be my icing.

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