Pickup lines

Instagram Captions for Lyrics With Quotes

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Instagram Captions for Lyrics With Quotes

• You don’t need any arms to hold you tight.

• You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.

• All the things that we want to say, but never really try.

• I don’t mind if you scream it out loud. You’re not alone in this world.

• You are a blessing, a beautiful mind, and you make the world a better place.

• It is a fact that the best things in life are free. It is also a fact that we all have something to say. It is time to get up and say it.

• I was born to see the future, and I won’t be held back by a single mistake.

• I’m a rebel and I don’t care if you like it, I love the way it makes me feel.

• Don’t cry. I’m gonna miss you. But we’ll meet again one day, down the road a piece.

• We don’t need to be perfect. We just need to be ourselves and do the best we can.

• The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page. ~ Marcus Aurelius

• One day we’ll have to face the reality that things might get a little crazy.

• Tell me something good, tell me something new-Tell me what I want to hear.

• It takes two to tango/and this one is for you.

• We’ve got so much to say, we can’t wait!

• Each word, every line, is a promise. I’ll love you forever.

• Life is the best adventure you’ll ever take.

• What do you say about a smile that can make someone fall in love?

• Keep going, keep moving. There’s more than meets the eye.

• We are here. We are human. And we’re alright.

• I’m not looking for love, i’m just trying to find a good friend.

• Stay true to yourself and never settle for second best.

• When you’re cold, I’m here. When you need a friend I’m around. You can always fall right back into my arms when you’re down.

• You’re the reason I’m beautiful and I’m the reason why you should always smile.

• There are times when we all feel alone but I am with you in my heart and mind.

• No matter how far you’ve traveled, it’s always worth the journey.

• You walk into a room full of strangers and you smile at them. No one knows why, but it feels like the right thing to do.

• I’m a sucker for a great song, and this one is definitely in my top 3.

• Don’t hold back. Show them what you’re made of.

• I’m here for you when the lights are low, I’m here for you when the music dies.

• It’s all about the journey, not the destination.

• Your eyes are the windows to your soul. Open them wide, let me see into yours.

• Life’s a lot more fun when you’re happy and doing things you love.

• I’ll be there for you, when the world tries to give up on you.

• I’ve got a secret to tell you, it’s something that’s been on my mind. I’d like to think that I’m not alone, with this secret that I’m letting out.

• Life is a journey, not a destination. Go with the flow and always learn something new.

• “There are no rules of art, but there are some rules of life. The only art is to be found in the heart and soul of a child.

• When you don’t know what to say, just listen to these lyrics

• You’re the one. I’ve been waiting for you.

• Got nothing to lose, got everything to gain.

• This is the life, this is the music. Nowhere to go but up.

• I am gonna be everything to you, so hold on tight.

• life is a lesson and you can learn from any mistake, so don’t be afraid to make mistakes.

• You never thought that you could be so strong, but through a lot of work, you followed your dreams.

• It’s all about the journey. And when it comes to your body and fitness, you’re just getting started. Don’t let the journey end.

• I’ll never be your friend, I’m not your kind of guy. But I’ve got a feeling that you might like me nonetheless.

• The greatest feeling in the world is waking up in the morning, knowing that you did something today that makes someone smile.

• Jealousy is like a mole on your face that makes you look ugly.

• I’ve been waiting for a long time to be here. I’m just living in my own skin, and that’s good enough.

• When your Instagram captions lyrics are as good as your style, you’re ready to take over the world.

• The greatest thing about you is your ability to be yourself. Instagram Caption

• be yourself and love yourself ????

• Life is too short to not fall in love.

• Your words are like a beautiful poem. Doesn’t matter what they are, they inspire me.

• The only thing that makes life worth living is the day you get to spend with your friends.

• There’s a stillness in this life that exists because of love.

• Life doesn’t always go the way you planned, but it’s still going.

• Life is like a beautiful symphony. Listen closely and you’ll catch every note.

• You can’t be afraid to fail, or afraid of success. You have to be ready for both. -Mike Bloomberg

• Life is like an onion. It starts with a seed, then layers form And when the layers get peeled, you will find out how much love it takes to grow.

• Life is a journey. The destination is not as important as the trip itself. You can’t talk fast, you gotta say it slow.

• Life is short. Drink your coffee while it’s still hot, and don’t look back.

• I’ll be the first one to grab your heart, because I want to love you like you’ve never been loved.

• Don’t be afraid to show your vulnerable side.

• Don’t be afraid to be a little crazy. Don’t be afraid to chase your dreams. Don’t give up on yourself, even when it’s hard. There is so much more to life than just you.

• You know you’re a real person when you don’t read the whole caption.

• The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams and are willing to work hard for them.

• You gotta try a little harder, not just for yourself but for others too.

• You can’t put a price tag on the things that matter. Your family, your health, and the people who mean so much to you.

• My heart is my home, And if you don’t feel welcome there, Please don’t mind me while I wander around in it.

• The path to finding the best in you is travelling on the road less traveled.

• Be the change you wish to see in the world

• All the world is a stage, And all the men and women merely actors upon it. – Shakespeare

• Don’t let anyone dictate your life but yourself. The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.

• Turn up the volume with your favorite songs, add captions and give it that captioned Instagram feel.

• A love story is like a classic romance book. It’s filled with a lot of funny moments and exciting twists.

• You might find yourself turning the pages quickly, unable to wait for what happens next, but then there are those special moments when you can’t put the book down and slowly savor every detail.

• We don’t need those old, faded dreams. We can have new ones. And that’s what we’re doing today.

• Let’s take a moment for some life-affirming quotes.

• When you’re with your best friends you can do anything. So the next time you want to impress someone, don’t be afraid to take a leap of faith.

• Life is a party, and you should dance like nobody’s watching. Telling your story is the only way to get heard.

• No matter what you’re going through, don’t give up. Keep going! If you want to make something great, start by making it small.

• When you look at the whole, it’s important to remember that life is a work in progress. (Quote) Let the past go, it will only hold you back.

• You are not alone. You are never alone. You can’t tell the truth from a lie — only if you know how to listen. “The more you give, the more you have.”

• You should be proud, you should be free, there’s nothing wrong with living your life. Don’t let anyone tell you what to do.

• I am a woman I am strong I am flawed but I’m here and that’s all that matters. “If you love something, set it free. If it comes back to you, it was meant to be.” — Maya Angelou

• The best advice I ever got was from my wife.We don’t need another reason to love each other. We just do.

• “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get.” Life is beautiful. Live it to the fullest.

• Haters gonna hate, fake news will never win, so don’t give a shit what they say.

• What you put out there, is what everyone else will see.

• The best way to succeed is to try. If you don’t try, why bother with failure?

• Don’t be afraid to give yourself a break. Life can be hard, but it’s still worth living.

• It’s easy to think that the things you do don’t matter. But what if they did? We are the change we want to see. The life you live is the life you love.

• Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain.

• You’re beautiful. You’re brilliant. You’re amazing. You are perfect the way you are, and that’s all there is to it.

• Life is busy. Let’s get back to basics and enjoy the little things Life is a beautiful, messy thing. It’s okay to fall apart and try again.

• Life’s a series of moments, but it’s made out of big ones. The greatest gift is to share your life with someone that you love

• I used to be afraid to say I like your style, but now I’m not. – Coco Chanel

• You should never follow your dreams, but always chase them. You need to take a chance, fight for what you believe in, and don’t stop working until you achieve it.

• I remain faithful because I know it’s not over—it’s just getting started.

• Embrace the journey and make it yours. Life is an adventure, don’t you forget it.

• The best way to hide a mistake is to never tell anyone about it. It’s all about your attitude, not the result. A day without laughter is a day wasted.

• You can’t go wrong with a little quote in your Instagram caption.

• When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade and then write a really funny Instagram caption to go with it.

• “There’s one thing that would make me a happy person, and it’s not money or fame.” ― Vincent Van Gogh

• You are the light in my heart. I love you more than anyone will ever know.

• You don’t have to be perfect to be amazing. You just have to try, try again and always believe in yourself.

• The most powerful words in the history of human speech were “I love you”. Life’s too short to spend it alone.

• I don’t know if I’ll make it, So I’m not afraid to try. This is the time when you make it your own.

• When you realize life is just a game, and the rules are made for breaking.

• Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.

• Just because you can’t see the future, doesn’t mean it isn’t here.

• There’s no I in team but there is a me. Breathe in the moment. Breathe out the stress.

• You are my sun and moon, the wind that blows me through. We are the beautiful mess that is the human experience.

• Life is a series of ups and downs. Be careful not to throw yourself off the edge.

• Keep you head up, keep your heart strong and don’t let anyone bring you down. That will be my promise to you. Keep up the great work.

• You can’t fake it. You can just be the best you. There is no better feeling than seeing a project you worked on finally come to life.

• live your life in your own way, as long as it makes you happy.

• Your light shines bright, so let it shine. Your dreams are big and your future is bright. So keep going and don’t stop..

• When you’re miles from home but still feel like you’re in your place. What does it matter what others think of you?

• If you can’t be the hero, at least be a sidekick. I’m not scared of what might happen, I’m more afraid of what won’t. Life is an adventure, take it as one.

• I remember when you would let me hold your hair back and let the water hit your face.

• Nothing is impossible. The word itself says “I’m possible” so why not make it happen?

• We aren’t born to follow; we are born to lead. Think outside the hashtag.

• “We are all, in our own way, looking for love. We are searching for validation of ourselves—for the other person to see value in us.” ~Steve Maraboli

• Sometimes, you just have to stop and ask yourself: What Would the World Be Without Me?

• “Sooner or later, we all learn that love is just a word to those who haven’t yet learned to live it.”

• You are the love I need, you are the one who keeps me warm.

• What matters most is that you do what makes you happy, even when it’s different from what everybody else wants you to do.

• Life is a journey, not a destination. There is so much more out there to see, do and experience!

• Life is a series of decisions, so be courageous and make the right ones. It’s not about what you have, but how you make it work.

• In this world, it’s not how much you get, but how much you give.

• You can achieve anything you want to do if you just have enough courage to get yourself there.

• A good time is worth waiting for, even if you have to wait a little longer. You never walk down the same road twice. The only real failure is not trying.

• Life is too short to have boring captions. Go big or go home.

• A picture is worth a thousand words…but a caption can make it worth millions.

• There’s no greater feeling than living your best life.

• You’re not just a number, you’re a special person who deserves to be noticed.

• We live in a world where you can be anything you want, but most people aren’t strong enough to hold that belief.

• You can never really know how brave you are until it’s too late to run. You can never really know how strong your heart is until someone tries to rip it apart.

• I like the way you make me feel, so I guess it’s true what they say: love is blind.

• You’re never too old, or married, to tell your grandkids that you love them.

• We’re in this together. Never stop celebrating your victories and trying to make the world a better place, no matter how big or small they may be.

• The moment you realize that the one you’ve been waiting for, is the one that got away.

• There’s no mountain too high to climb, there’s no dream too big to chase. You’ve just got to go for it, do what you need to do, that’s how dreams are made!

• The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and life is good. So you better make it count

• If you want to be happy and successful, surround yourself with people who make you happy and successful.

• I’m not perfect. But I try to be. I am a human being, with all my flaws.

• Dreams are the only thing that ever come true. The best things in life are free.

• You’re never too old to follow your heart.

• We all need to be reminded of the power of being brave. To be fearless. To gaze at our fears and say “you can do it” to ourselves.

• I’ve been through a lot of shit. But the good thing is, I still have my music!

• You can’t make someone love you – but you can always try.

• I’m not afraid to be who I really am because life’s too short to wear masks.

• Life doesn’t always give you the things you want, but it also never lets you down.

• I don’t want to be just another face in the crowd, I just want to be a voice.

• You matter more than you think.

• Life is too short to be anything less than happy.

• Life is an adventure, embrace every moment as it happens.

• We make our own luck, if we want things to work out for us, we have to work for them.

• The journey is what matters. Not the destination.

• We’ve got a saying: if you can’t find something nice to say about yourself, then put it in your caption.

• You see that person you’re trying to avoid? You don’t have to. You can do it, baby.

• Remember that time you were so dedicated that you took your work home with you? #motivation

• Life’s too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat you right, forget about the others and never go out of your way to be nice to people who aren’t worth it.

• Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.

• I’m unapologetically irreverent, and I always will be.

• I am the author of my happiness. Don’t give up, don’t settle, keep going your way and make little things happen every day

• A lot of people don’t realize how powerful their dreams can be. So let’s make them come true together.

• Life isn’t about finding yourself. It’s about creating yourself

• When you find yourself in a place that feels like home, it’s because you’re exactly where you are supposed to be.

• True happiness doesn’t happen by chance, it is created by hard work.

• You can’t control what happens, but you can always control your reaction to it.

• You’ve got to have the vision, but you’ve got to do the work. And that’s the secret of success—repeat after me: Work, Work, Work.

– I don’t know what the future holds. But I can promise that whatever it is, it will be more than you can imagine. – J.K Rowling

• Don’t let days, weeks and months go by. See the beauty in everything around you

• We’re not the same people we were 20 years ago. We’ve all evolved, and our lives have changed in ways that are sometimes hard to see. But if you look closely, you’ll see that everything is connected.

• You can’t control the outcome of a situation, but you can control your reaction. Don’t let them steal your joy.

• “You know what your problem is? You’re not being honest with yourself.”

• You gotta take the good with the bad and be happy with what you have.

• Don’t be afraid to be different. Be afraid to be insane quoteoftheday

• Sometimes the best things are more than the sum of their parts. You can do anything you put your mind to. The only limit is yourself.

• A wise person once said to me, “Don’t be afraid of doing something that scares you because then you will always live your life in fear.”

• Life is a journey, not a destination—learn to embrace it. You can’t make a step forward until you take a step back.

• You can’t control the direction of the wind, but you can adjust your sails to always reach your destination.

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