Pickup lines

17th Birthday Pick Up Lines

Turning 17 is a big deal. If you are reading this, then it’s safe to assume that your 17th birthday is right around the corner. And let’s be honest — you deserve nothing but the best on your special day. This article provides unique present ideas that will make your birthday one to remember. Enjoy!

17th Birthday Pick Up Lines

• Happy 17th Birthday, little one. You’ve come so far and I’m so happy to see you growing up into the woman you are today.

• It’s your birthday! Celebrate it by eating cake so you can live for another 17 years.

• Happy 17th birthday to you! You are so funny, cute and beautiful. I love you

• Turning 17 this year is going to be an excellent birthday. I love you all so much, y’all are such a blessing to me and my family.

• You’re 17 now and you’ll always be 17. Enjoy the journey!

• You’re turning 17! Do something you’ve always wanted to do. Make a wish and shoot for the stars.

• Luck isn’t something you find, it’s something you make. So make some! Happy birthday to my 17th year in this very world!

• 17 has so many things in store for you. Start a new chapter today

• 18 years old This is a milestone, and I’m ready to celebrate it all year long.

• Savor your youth. Cherish every moment and make the most of the time you have left. Happy 17th birthday!

• This year is the best yet, so drink up and keep growing. Happy 17th birthday!

• I’m turning 17. Let’s make this the best 17th birthday ever! Happy Birthday to me

• She’s 17 now, and she’s ready to party. The sky is blue, the sun is shining…it’s almost her birthday!

• Happy 17th birthday to you! Cheers to another year of adventures and memories.

• Happy birthday to the coolest 17 year old I know. You’re always growing, Always learning and always making me laugh.

• 17 is a great year for getting your first tattoo, because you’re old enough to know better.

• 17 is an age so full of promise, and we feel like growing up might be possible if only we could slow it down a little.

• 17 is such an impressive number. It means you’ve come a long way, baby. We are so proud of you!

• It’s been 17 years. Let’s celebrate by drinking a little too much, eating the most delicious foods, and making someone else the designated driver.

• When you’re 17, time seems to slow down. You feel like you can do anything, yet every day is a new beginning.

• 17 is about discovering yourself and being true to who you are.

• It’s your birthday, you can do whatever you want. Try on any of your favorite outfits and see what you look like in each one.

• We are guided by our passions, and the path that leads to them. We are growing up, but we will never grow old. Happy birthday!

• 17th Birthday is like a party for me. I prepared super cool things like cake, balloons and a special surprise!

• Here’s to all the days you’ve spent in the sun and water, and all the days ahead of you. Here’s to another 17 years of amazing adventures. Happy birthday!

• You’re just a 17 year old, but you’ve already accomplished so much. Happy Birthday!

• 17. You’re growing up and I’m still the same ol’ kid 17 years later. Happy Birthday, my friend.

• Happy birthday, you’re one of a kind. Here’s to another 17 amazing years together.

• When you’re 17, it’s kind of like a rite of passage that you have to share with the world.

• You’re only 17, but you’ve already owned two homes ????????

• It’s been 17 years of fun and adventure. Thank you for making our journey so great!

• I’m 17. I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.

• I’m not going to lie, I have some of the best pick-up lines for myself on my 17th birthday.

• The 17th birthday is a time for celebration and reflection—a time to say thank you, give advice and reflect back on our lives.

• My 16th birthday was when I learned to make out with a boy. My 17th is when I learned how to say “yes” to every guy who asks me out.

• I don’t care if you’re 17 or 97. You’re still my oldest friend. Happy birthday to me.

• The only thing I want for my birthday is for you to take me on a date.

• My birthday is tomorrow. I’m going to party hard this weekend and by party I mean you.

• When you’re old enough to drink socially, you’re old enough to date socially.

• Is your birthday like New Year’s Eve? Cause I’m ready to rock.

• Let’s just say it like it is: I think you’re pretty.

• Here’s to another exciting year of chasing your dreams, living life to its fullest and never settling for less than the best. Happy birthday!

• I’m always ready to jump in the front seat when you do.

• You are the personification of all the good things that come in small packages. Happy birthday to me!

• When I’m old and grey, I’m gonna have a cup of tea and think back on the best years of my life.

• I’m definitely a foodie, but it’s not so much the taste of food, as much as it is the love of food.

• Hey, 17th birthday girl. When I see your smile, it’s like seeing the sun for the first time.

• I’m such a lucky guy. I get to be 17 and have you as my girlfriend. Hell Yes, Baby! Happy Birthday to me!

• Here’s to 17 more years of making you laugh and showing you affection. I love you, babe.

• To all my 17-year old readers, I know that you are probably having a lot of fun with your friends and loved ones.

• Don’t forget that there is one person who can make any day a little bit better – you!

• I’m not sure if you’re in a relationship or not, but I’m single and I want to see you.

• I know it’s been a long time since we’ve seen each other, but there’s something about you that makes me turn back into high school and just want to go all the way back.

• I know I say it all the time but…you’re cool, you have gorgeous eyes, and you have a nice smile. Happy birthday!

• When the clock strikes midnight and I’m still alone. You’re the reason my heart skips a beat. Happy birthday to me!

• If you’re reading this, I’m thinking about you. Happy birthday.

• I’m giving myself a birthday present: an entire day to do whatever I want.

• I’m not in the mood to be social tonight. Can you come over and let me feed you ice cream anyway?

• If you’re gonna be young, you gotta live life like there’s no tomorrow.

• Here’s to another year of being a boss. Wishing you all the best in your quest for greatness.

• I’m not chasing the moon, I’m chasing you. What’s up with you and your cray cray?

• Hey girl. You up for some birthday pick-up lines?

• You’re the only thing I’ve gotta worry about right now, so you’re probably better than me at picking up chicks. Happy 17th birthday!

• I’m not here to shout, I’m here for you. Let’s go out and live our best lives now! Happy 17th birthday!

• When I was 17, I thought they were the best pick-up lines ever. Now that I’m old enough to date them myself? It’s like… “You’re perfect!”

• You deserve a celebration at the top of this birthday cake. Here’s to you, 17 years of fun and friendship.

• I don’t need a pick-up line, I’ve got the whole night ahead of me. Happy birthday to me!

• Hey babe, you know what I’ve got coming up? My birthday. And when that happens, I’m going to ask for your number so we can celebrate together.

• Whether you were born on the 17th or not, I will always love you.

• It’s my birthday today and I’m looking for a hot date to make it a memorable one.

• I’m only 17, but I’m pretty sure I can handle anything you throw at me.

• I put a ring on it, I still can’t believe it’s my birthday!

• If you’re reading this, it means I’ve managed to snag your attention long enough for you to be interested in what I have to say.

• I’m the kind of girl that works out when others are shopping.

• I’m the type of girl who’s best friends with a bottle of prune juice and always has a good book nearby.

• Hey, I’d like to pick up where we left off. Never let your dreams be bigger than your bank account. Happy Birthday.

• Wishing you the best of everything in life. Here’s to your birthday and all that comes with it. Happy 17th!

• If I could bottle my best pick-up lines, I’d be a billionaire.

• I’m a pretty standard 17-year-old, I guess. I like to talk about my favorite band, go over math with my dad and look for comic books at the store.

• Just because you’re a knockout babe doesn’t mean I’m not checking out your rack. Happy birthday to me!

• I love my friends, but I’ve fallen for myself. Happy Birthday to me!

• Your birthday is here, and it’s the perfect time for you to grow up and become a man.

• You’re a part of me. So when I look at you, I see one of the best parts of myself. And that’s saying a lot. Happy birthday!

• I’m a little bit older, a little bit wiser. So what are you waiting for? Come celebrate with me!

• I’m not looking for perfection. I’m looking for someone who cares enough to keep me on my toes and make me laugh.

• Here’s to another year of taking chances! Thank you for the memories.

• I’m the one who doesn’t need a birthday to celebrate. I’m the one who celebrates every day.

• If I had a dollar for every time I’ve taken out this card and looked at you, I wouldn’t have to worry about the bills anymore.

• One day I will look back at this and laugh, but for now…I’m just happy to be here.

• I’m gonna need a bigger box of tissues.

• Face to face, I’m a blank canvas. But up close, it’s all about you. Happy 17th birthday!

• I have a friend who is excited for his 17th birthday. Let’s make it the best one yet!

• I’m turning 17 and know that it’s time to play, so lets go wild.

• I’m 17 and I still can’t believe it. Happy Birthday to me!

• I’m ready to go in on all of the birthday fun. What are you up for tonight?

• I’ve never been a huge fan of the whole “birthday” thing but I’m starting to get into it.

• If you want to say something extra special, you know where I’m at.

• You’re the one, you’re the only, I can’t get enough of you. Happy Birthday.

• I don’t need a cake to celebrate my birthday, but I do need you. Happy birthday to me!

• I’m the kind of girl who doesn’t need a man to live, just a little bit of confidence.

• Tell me what you want, and I’ll make it happen.

• There are only two kinds of people in this world: those who are #blessed and those who aren’t. I’m one of the fortunate ones.

• I’m feeling extra bold today. What are you up to?

• I’m a grown person. That means I can do whatever I please, whenever I please. So if you have a problem with that, then maybe we should stop talking!

• What was I thinking? My age is killing me!

• If you can’t get it right the first time, then maybe you shouldn’t be doing it at all.

• When it comes to pick up lines, I’m a pro. And 17th birthday? Forget about it.

• Friends, I’m turning 17 and my driver’s license is still pending. So here are some pick-up lines to get the conversation going:

• You’re a special kind of beautiful. Happy 17th birthday!

• I’m 17 and I’ve got all the chances in the world. So put your hands up, because it’s my birthday.

• Here’s to the 17th birthday that’s still a few years away.

• Get those birthday wishes to me. I’m ready for you.

• I’m not throwing away my birthdays for you.

• When you’re ready to grow up, I will be here waiting for you. Happy Birthday!

• If you’re my boyfriend, I’m going to be your girlfriend for life.

• You’re an amazing friend, and now it’s time for you to be mine.

• I love celebrating the big days, but I especially like getting to celebrate with you. Happy birthday!

• I’ve been waiting for this moment for so long…

• I’m getting bolder and better looking every day. And that’s a good thing.

• I’m always a few days late, but better than never.

• If you’re 17 and single and drunk, here are some pickup lines to try at your next birthday party.

• Tell your friends you’ll be 18 in a month. Feelin’ extra smooth. I’m turning 17!

• I’ll be your best friend, and I promise to help you pick up girls all night.

• I’m not 18, but I think I’ve figured out how to hook up with girls.

• Myself: You’re like the perfect mix of sweet, salty, and spicy.

• You’ll make me wish I was a cinnamon roll toasted over a campfire. Love you boo!

• I didn’t know that the best way to pick up the perfect girl is by being a badass.

• I’m not saying that you’re a mistake, but I am saying that I could have had you 10 years ago.

• I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling kind of sexy today.

• You’re the reason why I’m not a morning person. Happy Birthday

• I’m not old enough to drink, but I’m old enough to know that you shouldn’t.

• I’m only getting more beautiful every day. What are you doing to celebrate?

• Here’s to another day of being a better version of myself. I am thankful for all of you, my friends, family and loved ones.

• I want to thank you for always supporting me in everything I do!

• We all know that feeling of when you’re about to say something really great, but you don’t want to ruin it.

• Good thing I came up with this 17th birthday pickup line for myself and friends.

• Happy birthday, babe. I’m 17 and ready to score big with you.

• Hey there, Beautiful… and Happy Birthday! I know it’s your 17th birthday, but you can still be beautiful.

• You should stand out in the crowd. You’re an original girl that no one else has ever seen before or will see again.

• I want you to have the best time of your life and enjoy yourself all night long with nothing but flowers and candles.

• If you’re reading this, I just wanted to say that I love you. Happy 17th birthday!

• From the one who’s never been kissed on their birthday and the only person who’s ever made her try: Happy Birthday, sweetheart.

• I can’t wait until next year when we can do this again.

• You’re just the type of girl I want to get in bed with, and I think we should be together for a long time.

• I’m 17 and I still haven’t found what I’m looking for, but I know it’s out there.

• Hell, maybe I’ll be at that party next week with my face painted up like a clown and my hair in corn rows.

• Aww, it’s your birthday and I just wanted to say that you’re the prettiest girl in the world. Happy birthday.

• I’m ready to party. Don’t be shy, we’re all grown ups now.

• I’m the one who makes you smile, I’m the one who sends you flowers. You are a gift that keeps on giving, Happy birthday to me!

• I’ll take you out of your shell and help you blossom into someone entirely different.

• If this were your birthday, what would you be doing?

• For my birthday, I got a gift that has no tags—It’s you.

• I’m feeling like the most successful person in the whole world, because I got a new pair of shoes!

• She’s got the right idea… I’m going to go get her.

• The 17th birthday is here, so I decided to make you the perfect pick-up line.

• I’m ready to pick up my game, bring a date and get it on. Happy 17th Birthday To Me!

• Don’t settle for a 17 year old. My 17th birthday party was so much fun, I’m not even sure anyone else was around.

• I’m not sure if I’m ready to get old, but I’d like to think that my 17th birthday was the start of a whole new chapter in my life.

• If you’re reading this, then I hope that you’re on this journey with me.

• Happy 17th birthday to the most stylish, beautiful and ambitious girl I know. You’re gonna go far.

• I’m sorry, but I’m not available for your birthday date. How about we just keep it casual?

• I can’t believe I’m turning 17—this is when you start putting me on a pedestal.

• 16? You’re like a Valentine, where I get the best one. Happy birthday!

• When you’re 17 and still just a baby, but you know what they say: BORN WITH IT.

• Hello, i’m the girl in your dreams and i have a birthday.

• I’m going to be bold, I’m going to be brave. I’m going to be a teenager for the first time in my life and it’s terrifying, but also inspiring.

• I’m a little older now and I’ve learned a lot. Here’s to making new memories!

• I’m ready to spend all my time with you. You’re so beautiful, I can hardly breathe.

• I am what you might call a quick learner. I can learn not only how to eat but also how to talk trash.

• Nothing gets you out of the house like a good pick-up line. Happy 17th birthday to me.

• My 17th birthday is coming up, and I’m hoping for—what’s the best pickup line for a self-centered narcissist like me?

• When you’re a 17th-year-old and you don’t know what to say in a pick-up line.

• I turned 17 and now I’m ready for whatever you have planned.

• Hey babe. It’s your birthday and I’m here to pick you up.

• I don’t care what age you are—no one can resist a good.

• I’ve been alive for 17 years, and I’m still waiting for that date. Sorry babe, I have plans tonight.

• I can’t believe I’m 17. Where has the time gone?

• HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my own personal agent of the universe: me.

• Here’s hoping you have the best day ever and that it is gonna be filled with all your dreams coming true.

• Said it best: you’re one year older, one year wiser, and still absolutely perfect.

• I don’t care if you’re a unicorn—if you smell like daffodils, I want to make out with you.

• What’s the secret to a great life? Laughter. Where do I put the candle? On my birthday cake!

• I have only one life to live and it’s time for some self-pampering.

• I live for the day when my body is as fluid as my tongue.

• Dying to know how someone turns 17 into a romantic adventure.

• Hey, I’m 17. I’d like to buy a drink for the two of us.

• Come over and give me some of that birthday lovin’

• You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I would be lost without you.

• Hey babe! How did you manage to grow up into such a hot piece of ass?

• Let me know when you’ll be ready to pop the question?

• How old are you? I just got a new check-up and it says I’m still beautiful.

• Can’t wait to hear what you have in store for me this weekend. I already can’t wait for it to start.

• Give me a reason to stop thinking about you

• You’re my litmus test. If you like me, you’re a “yes.” If you don’t like me, then I am…

• I’m not saying it’s gonna be easy, but I am saying that I’ll be damned if I don’t try.

• I’m so cool, I’m a throwback. If I were a cupcake and you were my fork, there’d be no chance of me staying dry.

• I’m so caught up in myself that I don’t know if I’m coming or going. I’m not old, just seasoned.

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