
Punchlines to Make a Girl Blush Captions

It happens every day. A girl will express an opinion, ask a question, or even say something that she knows is innocent enough, but it’ll make her guy blush instead of laugh. Why? She said something he didn’t expect her to say or do. And it’s not just women who blush. In fact, men blush more than women because they’ve been raised to believe that it’s improper for them to be openly emotional — even though being male also gives them a license to get stronger by expressing feelings.

Punchlines to Make a Girl Blush Captions

• You can’t make a girl blush, but you can try anyway. Cheeky!

• This is a great way to make a girl blush.

• I’ll be the last blushing girl at this party

• When your crush is the definition of “handsome” and you can’t stop smiling.

• You know you’re a girl when you fall in love with your best friend’s boyfriend

• You’re the reason why I smile. You’re the one I see when I go to sleep. You are my life and you are my heart.

• Not even your dad could pull off this one.

• When you look at her, you see the future and the past. You see everything that’s possible—and she’s all yours. (Not one word too many or incorrect.)

• I was wondering if you could do me a favor?

• You know you’re a good friend when you can tell your bestie that you like her hair and not get in big trouble.

• You know you’re in love when you get butterflies.

• We’re not big on the whole “punchline for a girl” thing—especially since we can’t think of a single punchline to make you blush.

• Say what you mean and be clear. Ignore the rest—and let your girl blush.

• If you’re going to break a girl’s heart, might as well do it with a smile on your face.

• Don’t be afraid to break out the cheesy pick up lines this weekend. The only person you’re hurting is yourself.

• The best thing about being a girl is…well, you get to do whatever you want!

• When you’re out with friends and I walk by, I can feel the heat from your stare. A girl’s got to wear something that makes a man want to carry her past midnight.

• I just want my best friend’s husband to swoop me off my feet.

• You can find me at any red carpet event, and I guarantee you’re going to love my smile.

• I’m a big fan of happy endings… and also of showing women how to be confident and happy in their own skin.

• Excuse me, but can I borrow your phone?

• The sun was setting on a new day—a day you were starting to think is never gonna come. I saw your eyes light up, and I knew it would be a great day for us.

• I’m feeling really good today, and it’s all because of you.

• The only thing that makes a girl blush is you.

• When it comes to making your girl blush, the key is to be a little bit bold.

• Say it in one sentence and make her blush #Smile

• Why do I love being a girl? Because it’s so easy to make you blush.

• You have to be the kind of guy who makes a girl smile when she thinks about you.

• You make me smile, you make me sigh and you make me blush. But it’s not just your smile that makes me blush. It’s the way you make my heart skip a beat when I’m near you

• If you’re not careful, the blush might just take over.

• Hey girl, if we are honest, we all have some embarrassing moments in our life.

• We all know how much you enjoy a good pun, but we didn’t think they’d be quite so fun to share with family.

• So I may not be the most handsome guy out there, but girls, I’ve got a lot of personality.

• You: no, we’re not calling you short. You: oh… all right then.

• Hey, girl! We don’t know what you’re thinking right now, but whatever it is – we totally agree.

• When you’re too busy to text, but you still have time for these

• When you’re feeling fancy, add a punchline. When you’re not feeling fancy, add a punchline.

• It’s never too early to tell a girl you love her.

• Before you go out tonight, remember there are two kinds of people in the world: those who blush easily and those who don’t.

• Like a kiss land on the cheek, you’ll always be my favorite.

• Hey, you’re looking sexy as hell. Let’s talk.

• When your crush asks you out, you just say yes.

• Hey girl, I’m at the club with all my friends looking hot as hell ✨. #partyon

• She’s not like other girls, but she’s not like any girl I’ve ever met either.

• Hey girl. We know you’re probably pretty embarrassed right now, but remember—you’re beautiful and amazing. You look so cute in those earrings! ????

• Your smile is a ray of sunshine. Your eyes are like the ocean—deep and mysterious.

• I know what you’re thinking. But that’s not my phone.

• You can almost taste the unicorn

• I’d rather take the risk than sit home and watch the clock.

• Here’s a few punchlines to make a girl blush

• What happens when you take a girl from a bar to the elevator and then make her blush? You’ve got yourself a date!

• If you can’t make her blush, at least make her laugh.

• You don’t have to be a guy to make us laugh.

• Hey girl, if you’re looking for some juicy details to keep your date guessing, I’ve got a few tips.

• I’m gonna go ahead and say it. You’re not being cute if you don’t get me a gift today. I love it when people take the time to surprise me.

• When you walk into a room and I follow behind you.

• You look like a dream, but I think you should see your doctor.

• Whenever she’s around…she’s laying low. #girlcode

• You’re not the only one who thinks so.

• When a girl does something cute, she deserves a punchline

• I love the way you look at me, but I really love the way you make me blush.

• It’s not the end of the world. It’s just a smile and a blush. Acknowledge her, ask what she needs and then find it for her.

• “Your lips are like the best kind of dessert. I want to eat them up.”

• You can’t help but blush when you hear this

• I love a girl who’s tough, but also tender.

• I’m a girl, but I’m not a lesbian. I just want to thank you for helping me organize my closet.

• When you see me, don’t just smile…smile wider.

• He says “I’m going to go out with you” and you say “Don’t be ridiculous, we’re friends.”

• So that’s what you were up to when I came in?

• I’m not sure what you did, but it worked.

• Don’t be shy, tell me what you think of my new shoes.

• You know when you feel like a little angel, but at the same time you know that your hair is all over your face?

• It’s not the biggest, or the fastest, or the tallest. It’s the one that makes you smile every time you look at it.

• When you do that to me, I just turn red. #Punchlines

• Sometimes the best thing to do is to make a girl blush.

• I dare you to make her blush by saying “You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”

• When a girl asks you to be her ‘plus one’, don’t play hard to get. It’s an invitation to make out right there in the crowd.

• You’ll blush just thinking of me.

• If you’re not blushing right now, you’re doing it wrong.

• You: That moment when you’re walking down the street, and you see someone you know, but you don’t want them to know that you know them.

• I wish I could give you the smooch that would make your cheeks glow, but I’m just a mere salt shaker.

• I just wanted to say, you’re doing a good job. Keep it up!

• What’s the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you?

• I have a secret. A really, really small one. It’s not like a big secret at all.

• What’s your favorite thing about fall?

• “I’m the only girl in the world who knows how to make a boy blush and that makes me feel pretty smart.”

• What are you waiting for? Send her this message and watch her blush.

• If a girl can blush, you can make her blush.

• When I see a girl wearing blush… I can’t help but look twice.

• You make me blush every time I see you.

• You’ll blush when you see the way I smile.

• When you’re the most beautiful girl in the room, turn the lights down and kiss me

• A girl just wants to make you happy, but she’s also gotta feel pretty.

• If a girl gives you flowers, ask her to walk a mile in your shoes.

• You can’t just be a girl, you’re also a lady.

• What’s the best part of your day? The moment I saw you, of course!

• I don’t hate you, I just have problems with your taste in music.

• I’m not sure what you’re trying to achieve here, but one thing’s for certain: It’s working.

• We all know that girls blush when they’re embarrassed and love to joke around. So here are a few punchlines that’ll make her blush

• Sassy and sweet with a little punchline to make her blush.

• How do you make a girl blush? Tell her she’s beautiful and walk on by.

• Make her blush. Make her laugh. Make her yours.

• I’m a girl and I know it’s true when you make me blush

• You’re so pretty. I could just stare at you all day.

• You’ve got a lot of moxie. That’s something I like to see in a girl.

• Just make sure you don’t steal my lipstick

• I don’t know about you but when a girl says this, I’m like “WHOA ALERT”

• When a girl says she wants to know more about you, it’s because she’s interested in your future.

• You’ll never get the girl if you can’t be happy without her.

• When they say you’re looking beautiful, they mean it.

• I knew you were hiding something better under that heavy coat.

• If you like your coffee strong, black and bold; if you like your drinks sweet and strong, then I’ve got the perfect drink for you.

• What’s better than a girl who can bleed off a tear with one punchline? A girl who can blush from one.

• When you make a girl blush, that’s when life kicks into high gear.

• A girl’s best friend is her blush brush

• If you have a crush on someone, you probably have a funny story about it that makes you blush. Let’s hear them!

• You know it’s going to be a good night when you’re blushing at the same joke as your friends.

• You know the feeling when you have a crush on someone and you wish everyone could see how cute they are? That’s what we think about when we look at you.

• When you’re a girl, and you’re with a boy.

• You know you’re in when a girl is calling you out for being sweet.

• When ya just can’t stop staring into those deep, jade green eyes of hers.

• There’s nothing quite like a nice, juicy red lip.

• It’s not that I’m so good-looking, it’s just that nobody’s ever told me I look this good before.

• When she stops you in the hall because you look so damn handsome…

• It’s ok to be a little embarrassed. The world needs more of that

• I don’t care what your friends say about me, I’m going to be your best friend #friendshipgoals

• “Don’t make me choose between my clothes and you.”

• Did you just try to make a girl blush?

• A girl who can make a guy blush just by saying Hi is not only gorgeous but also very interesting in bed.

• If a girl can blush, it’s only because she’s thinking about you

• We all have a crush on someone. Here’s a few punchlines that’ll get you through the awkward moments.

• Let’s face it, falling in love isn’t always pretty. But everyone has a warm smile, a cute laugh and that special someone who makes them blush.

• Don’t blush, don’t tell me your secret, let me guess it: You’re falling in love with me.

• Let’s be honest. For most women, blush is a good look.

• A girl who can make me laugh is always the perfect date. And with these cute tees, I can pair them with my new favorite jeans!

• Sometimes, you don’t have to say a word. Just smile, and they’ll know that you’re flirting. #Blogthings

• You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. Happy Valentine’s Day.

• When you’re with me, you won’t be alone. I’ll always be right beside you.

• When it’s time to hit the town, don’t be afraid to use your best friend as a chaperone

• No one likes to be called out for their silly mistakes. But when you smile and nod, it’s like a wink and a nod all in one

• I’ve been told I’m a little too blunt sometimes.

• I’d rather you tell me what you’re thinking than what I’m wearing.

• Who needs a smile when you can make someone blush? #blush

• Cheeks flush when a guy says, “I’d like to see you smile again.”

• So you’re the girl who can’t stop blushing, huh?

• When you’re the first to compliment a girl, it’s the best compliment you can give.

• “There are only two rules about flirting: Make sure you’re not being creepy, and don’t think too hard about how to follow up.”

• When the subject of a compliment is the girl you’re with…you should probably save it for later.

• When you wake up next to a woman and she’s still sleeping, what’s the first thing you say?

• “You’re beautiful‚ and you’re strong. When we fall in love, it’s like falling into dreams…”

• Hey, you. Did anyone ever tell you how cute your smile is?

• A girl’s best friend is a smile that lasts the whole day

• You can’t make her blush, but you can make her laugh. (Only joking!)

• When you’re ready to go all in, we’re ready to rock the night with a little punchline. #TeachHerToBoil

• If a girl blushes after you compliment her, she likes you. If she smiles, then she really likes you. If she laughs and thinks it’s funny then she really likes you

• You’re so cute when you blush…

• The best way to win her heart is with a compliment

• When you’re alone with her, remember to keep your hands to yourself.

• If a girl says no, it doesn’t mean yes.

• You only need one smile to make a million friends.

• I wish I could speak your language, but what you’re saying is making me too hot to handle.

• You’re not gonna find a smile, because you’re the smile.

• You’re the wind beneath my wings, and I’m the sky.

• I’m not caught up on my own feelings, but I will be with you.

• The only way to make a girl blush is to make her laugh, but the only way to do that is by being yourself and letting her know that she’s special.

• If you’re going to make a girl blush, do it in style.

• When you compliment a girl and she blushes, it means she feels good about herself. Why else would she blush?

• We’ve got your blush-worthy moments covered.

• You’re a special flower and I’m the only one who can make it bloom.

• I’m putting the moves on you, and I don’t mean the dancing kind.

• Life’s a beach, and I’m the sand.

• Here’s a little something to make you smile.

• You know you’re in love when the only thing that matters is your smile.

• When you’re feeling yourself, don’t be shy about showing it.

• When you see her, you see the world

• If you could bottle happiness, it would sell like…um…a lot. ☺️

• You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams

• Tell her you love her with a single punchline.

• No I don’t have a crush on you, but you are so cute that I wanted to give you a kiss.

• When a girl looks at you, she’s thinking about your lips.

• If a guy can’t make you laugh, he’s not worth talking to.

• When you’re far away and it feels like it’ll be a while before you see each other again — make a joke.

• When a girl fake-laughs at your joke, it’s not because she thinks it’s funny. It’s because she wants to hide her actual thoughts from you.

• The only blush I’m gonna need is when my new favorite mug shows up on my doorstep.

• Hey girl, are you feeling a little over it?

• It’s the little things that make your smile

• You know you’ve found a good one when your cheeks flush with excitement and your heart races.

• You can’t be the only one who feels this way

• No matter how many years you’ve been together, there’s always the one thing you haven’t tried yet…

• When you get the courage to ask for help, the universe sends one of its most beautiful creatures to help you.

• A lady is like a teapot. You never know how strong she is until you put her in hot water. Ms. Universe

• Making a girl blush is like adding sugar to coffee. It’s just better.

• If a girl blushes, there’s hope for you.

• If a girl blushes when you say her name, she’s checking you out.

• Here’s to the blushing, awkward girls of the world: the ones who always say “yes”, who love life and make it fun in unexpected ways.

• A girl’s got to get her blush on every once in a while, too #Blushings

• Make a girl feel like the most beautiful woman in the world by remembering her smile with a little compliment.

• Ever have that feeling when someone says something cute and you just blush?

• Just the right amount of cheekiness, in a sweet tone.

• When you think about it, all the little things you do for a girl are totally worth it.

• If you’re going to have a conversation with me, hon, I need to keep it PG-13.

• All that’s needed is a single glance from you and I’m ready to say yes.

• Just when you think you’ve got her figured out, she changes the game.

• You’re a star when you shine, and I can’t wait to see what you do next.

• The only thing that’s hotter than an electric curling iron is a girl with one.

• This one’s for the girls out there who are always trying to look their best. ???? #girlboss

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