Pickup lines

Holiday Memories Pick Up Lines

As the holiday season is here, we are all finding ourselves knee deep in memories. Memories of our past and memories of our future. What do you remember about holidays growing up? Save those memories for your children, so that when the time comes, they can give them back to you – warm and fuzzy!

Holiday Memories Pick Up Lines

• Holiday memories are like snowflakes—they’re all different, but every one is beautiful.

• There are so many ways to be in the holiday spirit and fill it with memories.

• I love it when the holiday season brings us together, not just with family and friends, but also with memories.

This holiday season, we’re bringing out the big guns. Because memories are better with a little extra flare.

• No matter what, the holidays always come with a ton of memories to look back on—starting with this!

• There are no words to describe the feeling of nostalgia. It’s the only way I can explain how #HappyMemories make me feel.

• We are only as old as our most cherished memories.

• Memories are made of moments that seem too short to last.

• Happy holidays to us all. May our memories be sweet, and may we ever keep the spirit of it alive

• I’m thankful for the memories, they make me smile.

• It’s been a joy to celebrate the season with you. Truly, the most wonderful time of the year.

• We don’t need a reason to celebrate. We just need a good day to get together and have some fun!

• The memories of your holiday are really what make it special.

• “It’s your job to make this holiday season the best one yet.”

• Thinking back on all the fun times we had this holiday season. I’m so thankful to my family and friends for making it such a great one!

• Sometimes, you just need a little bit of cute to make it through the holidays

• We celebrate the best of holidays—the warm embraces, the sweet surprises, and all the special moments that make up our favorite time of year.

• I’m thankful for all the moments that I get to relive, because they’re memories. And life is better when you share them with someone special.

• This is the season of joy and celebration. Let’s make this a special one, filled with love and laughter. Happy Holidays!

• I love the way your eyes sparkle when you smile at me.

• There is a joy in remembering the past, one’s first kiss and discovering oneself.

• Happy holidays from our family to yours. May this season bring you joy, peace, and love

• It’s the little things that make life worth celebrating.

• Remembering what made the season magical, and feeling a little bit of that magic again.

• The greatest gift is the gift of time. Make every moment count.

• Nothing is impossible. The word itself says ‘I’m possible.’ So believe in yourself and never give up on your dreams.

• I’ve got the memories to go with my holiday decor. What about you?

• A holiday is the perfect time to make new memories.

• There are no holidays that are not made better by the memories of times spent with friends and family.

• There’s no need to worry, this holiday season. You can count on me to be there when you need me.

• We all need a little bit of nostalgia to remind us of the good times and let us know that we’re not alone.

• This is a moment between two friends, who have shared many holiday traditions and events together.

• Just because the lights are off at home doesn’t mean they can’t be on in your heart.

• The best gifts are always given from the heart, to those you love.

• A daydream is a wish your heart makes, while a memory is a wish your heart keeps.

• The best gifts are the ones that you make.

• It’s not the things you do, but the way you do them.

• What’s the magic to your life, you get up and make it happen.

• Always remember that those who matter don’t mind and those who mind don’t matter.

• “We live a little, taste a lot and love a little more” – Lee Kuan Yew

• Holiday memories are like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get

• Make memories this holiday season. You only live once!

• When your holiday memories include a matching outfit and family dinner, you know it’s been a good one.

• I’ll always be grateful for the memories of my childhood. The laughs, the adventures, and the people I shared them with. Happy holidays!

• These are just some of my favorite memories with you. For more like that, let’s make this Christmas special again.

• I take a moment to appreciate the little things. Here’s to remembering all the holiday memories we made this year—and to making even more memories next year.

• We may not be able to create heartfelt memories every day, but we can create them when we look back.

• The best way to get over a break up is to meet someone new.

• The best presents are the ones that make you remember why you love them

• We can’t wait to share the best moments of 2018 all over again! Happy Holidays from @Coca-Cola .

• It’s time for the season to remember your best moments and share them with friends and family.

• I’ll be home for the holidays, but first I have to go to jail.

• It’s moments like these when you know this world is one big wonderful place.

• The best gifts are the things you give yourself.

• We’re not as different as we want to believe.

• The only thing better than a holiday is memories.

• Celebrate your holidays with happy memories and fresh start of the new year.

• It’s not so much the gifts you buy for people, but the memories they make that truly matters.

• Simple moments like this make the holidays memorable.

• The perfect way to start a new year is with a cherished memory

• Memories are the best gifts. The past is your present and the future is your past.

• The best memories are the ones that make you feel long after they’re over, the ones that can be relived over and over.

• If you don’t have the Christmas spirit, it’s time to get a new one.

• It’s not the size of your house, it’s the heart and love you put into your home.

• The best gifts are the ones that remind you of a time and place where you felt most alive.

• From the season’s greetings to a toast of cheer and plenty of chocolate, happy holidays from all of us here at [INSERT BRAND NAME].

• The only thing constant is change. So let’s embrace the season, and make this the most vivid and magical of our lives.

• The true meaning of Christmas is not what you get, but what you share. – Dylan Thomas

• What’s the best gift you ever gave yourself?

• Here are some of our favorite holiday memories.☄

• The holiday season is more than just the holidays. It’s memories, traditions, and love.

• The best part of the holidays is remembering that everyone else has forgotten what’s important, and you’re spending every minute together.

• Life’s best moments are shared with the ones you love. Happy Holidays!

• The best gift you can give yourself is to spend some time with loved ones, memories and happiness. Happy holidays!

• This holiday season, let’s all gather around and appreciate the people we love.

• Make the most of this Christmas while it lasts, because when it’s over you will wish it lasted forever.

• No matter the season, Christmas always feels like the best time of year. Happy Holidays!

• Friends are like stars. You don’t always see them, but you know they’re always there.

• The best way to celebrate the season is with friends, family and good food.

• Happiness is the only thing you take with you when you leave this life.

• Every day is a gift and at the same time, you never know when it will end. So make each moment count!

• It’s the give and take of life that makes it worthwhile.

• Don’t forget to live your best life, one moment at a time.

• Happiness is a choice. Happiness is a feeling of contentment, or the mental state of someone who feels good about their life.

• Holiday memories are like snowflakes, no two alike.

• Holiday memories are the sweetest thing that happen in the end of year

• Let’s make a memory together this holiday season. Let us help you get started on creating your own happy ones.

• Let’s relive the best moments of our holiday season over and over again!

• Happy holidays. May these moments of joy be remembering, cherished and shared with family and friends.

• We all know that spots are important to us, but sometimes it’s the little moments that make a big difference in our lives. Happy Holidays from our family to yours.

• There are two kinds of people in the world: those who remember to take a moment and those who don’t.

• There’s no place like home. There is no place like home.

• This moment is not just a moment, it’s a memory.

• Remember the joy you felt when you were a kid. No matter what comes your way, it will get better. So grab hold of those moments and make them count!

• Life is a celebration of the things you cherished.

• The best gifts are the ones you want to give to yourself.

• Remember, the most important things are in your heart.

• Life is a series of lessons, some you learn quickly, others take longer. You can never go wrong by trying to be a little kinder and a little wiser every day.

• Holiday traditions are meant to be cherished and remembered as a way of celebrating the simpler things in life.

• There’s nothing like the memories of Christmas past. It’s a magical time, full of wonderful memories and feelings that can never be replaced.

• The memories you create are the ones that last forever. Happy holidays!

• This year I would like to make memories that are sweet, warm and fuzzy.

• There’s no place like home for the holidays.

• This is the season for making new memories. Make them count.

• There’s no place like home. The only thing better than one favorite is two!

• You don’t have to be perfect to make someone else complete. Happy Holidays!

• The best memories are made in the most unlikely places.

• We don’t celebrate holidays. We become one with them.

• The best of times often happen at the most unexpected moments.

• Life is a bowl of cherries, and you’re the cherry on top.

• We’re here to relive the good old days, not repeat them.

• Remember, this is not a summer of leisure. It is a time of hard work and great accomplishment.

• This year, make a list of the things that you want to do but haven’t done yet. Then go do them.

• Let’s make some new holiday memories this year.

• The best memories are made on the best holidays.

• The best way to enjoy the holidays is with friends who know that they have a place in your heart.

• Memories are like shadows on the wall, they can create happiness or sadness. But they will always be there to comfort you

• Thinking back on the holidays and all of their glitzy, glittering goodness.

• When the holidays roll around and you’re surrounded by family, friends and loved ones…you realize how lucky you are to have them.

• Let these holidays be our Christmas lights, glowing bright in the night.

• The best gifts are the ones that remind you of all the reasons—and miracles—you love this season.

• There’s no better way to celebrate the season than with family and friends.

• We are best friends. We have fought, argued, made up, and made our own traditions over the years.

• Time is an illusion, remembrances are real.

• This is the season of giving and receiving. In this holiday, share your love with those who need it most.

• It was always the journey, not the destination that mattered.

• No matter how far you have to go or how many challenges stand in your way, you are always on the right path.

• I love this time of year because it gives me a chance to reflect on the past and make some new holiday memories.

• The only constant is change. These holidays help us to reflect on past memories, and make new ones.

• One big holiday party with your closest friends and family, is enough to make every moment of the rest of your life worth living.

• The best memories are the ones you make with your family.

• The best memories are made of summer heat, family gatherings and watching the sunset over the lake. Happy Thanksgiving!

• Nothing says “Merry Christmas” like a good ol’ fashioned holiday party.

• I’ll never forget the joy of a day at the beach, or how a night out on the town makes you feel like a kid again.

• There’s nothing more beautiful than a warm, sunny day with family and friends around you.

• Between red wine, family and friends, there’s no better way to celebrate the holidays.

• Carefree Autumn days, candy-colored leaves, and Pumpkin Spice everything are the best things in life.

• The best things in life are the ones you share with people who matter.

• these moments are made to be savored, remembered and cherished

• When we look back on the year, will it have been the best or the worst? I guess that depends on what you are looking for.

• We don’t live in the destination, but in the journey.

• I love to travel, but I can only take pictures of holiday memories.

• All the best memories are made around the holidays. Let’s make more of them together this season.

• May your holiday memories be as epic as your family.

• When you think of the holidays, I hope they bring back memories.

• Nothing says holiday spirit like a smile. Here’s hoping all your memories are as sparkly as this one.

• The best gifts are the ones that make you smile, and I’m here to help you make memories that last a lifetime.

• When you’re home for the holidays, it’s time to make new memories. Happy holidays!

• Memories are like photographs. They move us, but they don’t last forever.

• There’s no better time to enjoy the season than at this time of year. Hope your holidays are filled with joy, love and laughter. ☃

• What better way to celebrate the holidays than with a smile, a laugh and a lot of love!

• It’s the small moments that make up our days, but they’re often the most meaningful. Happy holidays!

• Life is short, so make every moment count.

• It’s not what you have, but who you are beside it.

• Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.

• What’s the best holiday memory you have? The one that gives you goosebumps?

• The memories we make at Christmas are the ones that last forever.

• There’s no better time than the present to make the most of your holidays with friends.

• I hope this holiday season brings you and your family lots of joy, memories, laughter and love. Happy Thanksgiving! ✨

• The holidays…they bring people together.

• Looking back on it, I realized that my favorite holidays weren’t the usual ones but ones where I could dream big.

• More than cheers, cheers to you and the holidays.

• We all need a little reminder that we’re worth it. Happy holidays!

• I will never forget the amazing memories we created in this beautiful place.

• The best memories are the ones from a little while ago.

• Life is a series of memories, not a list of things to do.

• There’s always room for more of the best things in life.

• Some people search for peace. Others make it.

• Holiday memories never go out of style.

• Enjoy these holidays with good memories.

• What makes a holiday memorable is not the presents, but the fun you had making them.

• Memories are made of gold, gems and what we treasure. Here’s to the memories you hold dear, and those that will be cherished forever.

• The holidays are for family, friends and cheer!

• When you hear the sleigh bells ring, Remember your childhood and all the joy it brought.

• Regrets can be tears, but smiles can be happy memories.

• A holiday is nothing but the chance to be happy.

• It’s the little moments of happiness that keep us warm on cold days.

• Traveling always reminds me of how important it is to have a good memory.

• Even the best of times are tinged with sadness. Happy Thanksgiving ????#thanksgiving

• Every day is a gift. It’s up to you what you make of it.

• Your holiday isn’t complete without a story! Make these memorable moments last a lifetime with our free quote app.

• The best holiday memories start with a single gift.

• The best way to look forward to the holidays is to look back at all the memories you’ve made along the way. Happy Holidays!

• We’re getting ready to celebrate the holidays. And if you’re like most people, you probably have some pretty cool memories of the season.

• We’ve got your #holidaygiftguide covered. From hilarious to heartwarming, and everything in between, we’ve got the gift ideas you’ll love!

• The only things that matter are the memories. The rest is just stuff you forgot.

• The best gift we can give ourselves is the ability to be grateful for all that we have, and all that’s happening in our lives. #HappierHolidayWishes

• Gather your loved ones for a night of happiness and laughter.

• “The best gifts are the ones that you remember.”

• What a wonderful way to celebrate the holidays!

• There’s nothing quite like the feeling of escaping to a warm beach and spending a day at the pool. ☀

• It’s the little things that remind you of where you’ve been, the big things that make you wish you’d been there sooner.

• Simple pleasures are the ones that last.

• This holiday season, take a moment to reflect on the memories that create lasting memories.

• Let this holiday season bring back memories of all the places and people that made it special. Let’s make 2018 a year to remember.

• Hope your holiday season is filled with warm memories, laughter and joy.

• Our memories are like our favorite sweater: warm, soft and fuzzy.

• Happy holidays, friends. I hope these memories bring you warmth throughout the season.

• The best gifts are the ones that take you back to those moments when it was truly magical.

• More than just a holiday, Christmas is a celebration of what’s to come.

• Don’t just tell your stories, write them too.

• I don’t want to see you this way, I want to see the girl I fell in love with.

• I think of you and we both smile. I love you so much, Dad. *sniffle*

• This year, pick a memory that is a little more precious than others.

• You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you just might find, you get what you need.

• What you do is never small, because it makes a difference in someone’s life.

• There’s something about the holidays that makes us recall the good times and think back on cherished memories. Let these quotes inspire you today and every day.

• You may not be giving out gifts this season, but don’t let that stop you from giving us your #holidaymemories.

• For the holidays, we reminisce. For life, we create.

• We all have our holiday traditions. Some of them are funny and some of them are sad but they always remind us of how much we miss you.

• The best way to enjoy the holidays is with loved ones around you, enjoying them together.

• Memories are like photographs, sweet and short-lived.

• A holiday is a good time to be grateful for the people, places and things in your life

• Crammed with the best of memories from your past, and looking forward to the greatest year.

• No matter how busy we are, there’s always time for a vacation.

• It’s the little things that make the biggest memories

• ‘You can’t have a warm memory without first having a cold one.’ – Maya Angelou

• No matter how many years go by, these are the moments we will keep close to our hearts.

• The most special holiday moments are the ones that take you back. #YourHolidayMemoriesAreTheVeryBest

• This holiday season, let us help you make memories that will last a lifetime.

• The holidays are all about making memories. We hope these quotes inspire you to make some this season!

• The holidays are a special time of year that’s full of magic, joy and life-long memories.

• “It’s the little things, the little moments that make up your life. Memories are such a treasure.”

• A holiday is the time to catch up with those you love.

• From the very first time you opened your eyes to the very last day you close them: Make a memory!

• It’s not what you get that matters, it’s how you celebrate. Happy Holiday Season!

• Memories are a vast treasure box that you can open over and over again.

• Remember, the holidays are a time to celebrate all that we have, not to focus on what we don’t.

• Good things come to those who believe, and good things happen at Christmas.

• Happy holidays to all you who celebrate it and to those who don’t. May your days be merry and bright!

• It’s the little things that count. Happiness is a choice we all have to make everyday

• Finally, I’m home. It’s the first time in a long time. I miss everyone.

• Life is a long road. Take it one mile at a time.

• Every holiday is a chance to relive the best moment of your life.

• Take a breath, slow down and remember all the moments that made the holidays brighter

• Because it’s the season to celebrate, remember and cherish the good times through our photos and quotes.

• I can’t wait to fill this whole year with more memories…because of you.

• A holiday is a day to celebrate your best self, share love and joy, and remind others what it means to be a part of the human family.

• Celebrating with friends, family and of course, some holiday cheer.

• Every day, the same two words: Happy holidays.

• I’ll remember the good times we’ve shared, and all of our friends that have come by to say hello. Happy Holidays!

• There’s no better feeling than the one before Thanksgiving.

• You can’t choose your family, but you can always choose a better gift.

• And if you need a little reminder: Soak it up.

• Remember when you wished upon a star and it felt like that wish might just come true? That’s why we’re here.

• Life is a journey, not a destination. Live it!

• Life is better with a little Holiday cheer. Make your own memories and share them with us!

• Happiness is a choice. Choose to be happy this holiday season, with our inspiring quotes and best wishes.

• a little bit of joy, a little bit of peace, a whole lot of memories.

• The best family traditions always start with the little things that make life sweeter every day. #familytraditions

• This holiday season, remember to give thanks for those who have given so much. And celebrate all you’ve been blessed with. #thanksgiving

• Happy holidays from everyone at @Wheretobuy.

• A lifetime is only a moment of time, but the memories that you create will last a lifetime.

• Memories are not made. They are found.

• The best gifts are always the ones that we give ourselves. Happy Thanksgiving from us to you!

• A memory is more a person than any actual person.

• Go back to the beginning of your summer. Don’t forget what you love most about it.

• Fall in love with the beauty of the world and all its surprises.

• The truth is you don’t need a reason to celebrate. Because in the end, what matters is that you made it happen.

• It’s not always about the destination, it’s about the journey.

• All good things come to those who wait for them.

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