Pickup lines

27th Birthday Pick Up Lines

As you can imagine, birthdays are a time for celebration. As a child, the biggest celebration on your birthday is your party — and the expected presents. It’s always fun to celebrate with friends and family, but you have to admit (at least to yourself), nothing tops that early birthday present we all come to know and love so much: gifts!

27th Birthday Pick Up Lines

• Turning 27 is a big deal. I can’t believe it’s been that long already since the dawn of my 27th year. Time moves so fast, doesn’t it?

• I’m turning 27 and it feels like I’m becoming someone new.

• Be the master of your own castle. It’s time to celebrate you! Happy 27th birthday

• Just turned 27, which means I’m officially an adult. Wait, no, I don’t feel that way at all.

• It’s been 27 years since I got the gumption to do something crazy. Here’s to another 27!

• Damn right, 27 is the new 25. We’re celebrating by drinking it all in, one day at a time.

• I am a woman of substance. I have been in the making for 27 years.

• Celebrating your birthday is a sign of being alive and that life has brought you to this happy place. So, make it count!

• It’s your birthday and you’re allowed to do whatever you want.

• It’s my birthday. I’m probably going to drown in cake, but it’s still my birthday.

• How are we celebrating #27thbirthday? We’re going hard on the cocktails, taking advantage of the fact that we’re invisible on a plane and loving every moment of it.

• This is the part of life when you put everything on the line and make it happen. Happy 27th Birthday #27

• Celebrating my 27th birthday with my friends and family.

• Happy 27th birthday to me! Cheers to all the joys, both big and small that makes this day special.

• Today is the day I turn 27. And to celebrate, I’m going to eat some cake and then order a pizza. How about you?

• It’s been 27 wonderful years. Cheers to you, boo. You are the greatest and most beautiful person I know. Happy Birthday!

• I’m finally 27, but that doesn’t mean I can get it all done at once. But I will try to do my best!

• It’s your birthday! So live it up and do something that you’ve never done.

• Nothing like a birthday to raise your confidence.

• It’s not how old you are, but how you’re doing.

• When you look at yourself, do you see the person who has accomplished so much or the person who is still learning?

• We’re celebrating your 27th birthday with a cake and a candle

• How are you celebrating your 27th birthday?

• It’s hard to believe my 27th birthday is here. I can’t believe how much time has passed by already. Time flies!

• Life’s a party, and that’s why we’re celebrating 27.

• It’s hard to believe that it’s been 27 years since I was 20. Time really flies when you’re having fun.

• I’m not going to tell you how old I am, but I can say that this wine tastes even better on my birthday.

• Here’s to the one who never lets you down. Happy Birthday!

• Today’s the day when you’re officially old enough to drink. Cheers!

• Cheers to this day. A lot has happened, a lot has changed, and I wouldn’t be here without the love and support of my friends and family. Happy Birthday to me!

• Today’s your birthday, and the world is your oyster. Let’s go make something awesome happen.

• It’s time for another year of me, and I couldn’t be any happier.

• This is the moment when we say, “YOLO!” and then get back to being productive.

• If a picture can say a thousand words, imagine what you can do with 27. #27thBirthday

• This year, we turned 27. We are grateful for the friends and family who have helped shape us into the people we are today.

• Who says you can’t turn your 25th birthday into a year of firsts?

• 27 is the new 30! Have you started living your best life yet? Start today and make 2019 your best year yet.

• Nobody puts baby in the corner. Birthday boy makes it to the big 3-0.

• When a party is just for one, it’s always a little sweeter.

• Here’s to another year and another year of amazing memories.

• You are truly a work of art. I love you to the moon and back

• Going to do things I’ve never done before.

• It’s your 27th birthday. We’d like to present you a few lines to help you pick up chicks.

• You’re the perfect age to be wild but you’re not too old to make love. Happy 27th birthday, my love.

• If you could wish for anything, what would it be? Yes, I said it—I would wish for a 27th birthday of fun, friendship and love. Happy birthday to me!

• I’m turning 27, and I’m looking to get woke with my favorite Bae.

• Here are some of my favorite pickup lines for my friends, and I know you’ll think of others.

• I don’t want to party tonight. I just want to take you out on a date.

• Let’s go somewhere private, where we can be alone and just talk for a while.

• I’m 27 and I’m here to tell you that I’m not going anywhere.

• The first time I saw you, I knew my life had changed forever. But I didn’t have the guts to tell you so.

• I just hoped that one day, you’d realize that your smile was a beacon of light, and you were always meant to be mine. Happy birthday, my love.

• You’re the one I’m gonna call. If you don’t pick up, I’m gonna call anyway.

• May the shadow of your smile fall across my path, may the sound of a laugh send me into a daydream.

• May lunchtime be as magical as it seems in your eyes. Happy birthday, you’re amazing!

• I don’t care what age you are, I’m still your daddy. And what’s better than that?

• I’m growing up and I’m ready to fall in love.

• I’m so damn good, that when you were born, I made a wish and blew out my candle.

• I have an adorable jacket that says “carpe deimos” on the back, and I’m ready to carpe something else right now.

• The only way to travel is just to keep going on.

• From hot to hotter, I’m turning 27 and turning up. You’ll have to be the judge of that!

• When I tell you I’m turning 27, stop asking me what that means. It’s just a number.

• It’s the 27th b’day of my life and I’m still looking damn good.

• When you’re 27, you can’t help but feel like a grown up. But I know that feeling is temporary. There’s still time to set things straight, so don’t lose focus – make it count!

• My friends, it’s time to celebrate another year of life. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us. Here’s to 27 and more!

• I’m not just your friend, I’m the best one. Happy birthday!

• This is the day I get to be the coolest person at my party. Happy birthday, me!

• Life is full of opportunities. And I’m ready to celebrate every second of it. Happy birthday to me!

• If you ever want to go back to the moment we first met and start over, let’s do it.

• When I was a kid, I thought the world was my birthday cake. Now that I’m older, I know it’s just getting started! Happy Birthday!

• How old are you? Because I’m doing my best to keep up with you.

• I’m all grown up, but I still have that spark. Life is short and sweet, so make the most of it. It’s time to think outside the box.

• I’m ready for my 27th. I’ve been waiting for this day my whole life. You better make it count, because this is it!

• If you’re reading this, then it’s safe to say you’ve got a thing for me. So I’m turning 27 and I want to tell you all of the things I like about you.

• I’m so witty and smart, I make the best pick-up lines.

• So, what’s the catch? I’m giving you a shot at all of my best pick up lines.

• My friends and I are celebrating our birthdays in style. We’re going out to pick up some dames.

• Grab me a drink and we’ll celebrate my birthday while I’m still legal to drink.× 25

• Hey, it’s your birthday! Here’s a pick-me up line for ya. Let’s party like it’s my birthday!

• Nothing wrong with a little self-love, so here are some compliments for my birthday.

• I want to tell you something, and I hope you hear it loud and clear: You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen in my life.

• If I could give myself one gift, it would be confidence. Here’s to another year of being a babe!

• I’m feeling lucky, and I hope you know it too. If you’re keeping track, my birthday is in… 3 days. What should I do with all this free time?

• A man who knows how to pick up a girl on her 27th birthday is a man worth knowing.

• What better way to celebrate my 27th birthday than by getting laid for the first time.

• Here’s to 27. Here’s to all the moments that come with it. And here’s to all the adventures waiting for you outside of this moment. Happy birthday, babe!

• There are many things that I love about myself. But, the best one is that I’m still 27 years old.

• The best pick-up line I’ve ever heard is: “You know what you mean to me? You’re so special, I had your card made.”

• Hey, babe. I know today is your birthday and you’re probably going to hate everything I say.

• If you do it’s probably going to be pretty funny. ‎Can’t wait to see who decides to celebrate with me this year.

• I can’t believe it’s already your birthday, you’re so young, but I want to try again for the millionth time.

• When I hit the big 3-0, it’s gonna be a party, so I’m bringing you back to our first kiss.

• You’re just my type. I know we’ve never met, but I can tell you’re perfect for me.

• The way you laugh is like the wind, a beautiful thing. The way you smile is like sunshine in my heart. Happy birthday!

• I’m so sorry for not calling when you needed me most. I hope this birthday is better than the last one.

• Hey! I’ve been waiting for this day since my birthday in July. Let’s get together and celebrate!

• Wishing you a birthday full of laughter, love and cake.

• Don’t worry, Darling. You’re still the same old you—and I’m just as crazy about you now as I always was.

• “You’re such an old soul, you make me want to follow my dreams.” – Warren Buffett

• It’s my birthday and I’m bringing the party with these easy pick-up lines for myself and friends.

• I’ve got a birthday coming up, so here’s a list of the best pick-up lines for myself and all my friends.

• It’s your 27th birthday and you’re looking for some inspiration. Let these pick-up lines stir the libido and fire up that imagination.

• I just turned 27 and I felt like my 20s got me so far, but now it’s time to take a chance. Here are a couple of pickup lines that might help you out.

• This is the day to use the most creative pick-up lines I can come up with for myself.

• I’m turning 27 and I feel like it’s the perfect time to get my groove back.

• Turn your birthday into an adventure by joining myself, friends and family for a weekend of laughs, good times and delicious food. Happy birthday!

• Here’s to the next 27 years of your life I’m a woman with a birthday and I’ve been told. It’s time to let you have it. Happy Birthday.

• I’m not a big fan of birthday parties, but I love you even more.

• I know how you feel about your birthdays: a little uncomfortable, but kinda cool.

• I’m so glad that I get to pick you up today.

• You’re like a box of chocolates, I’m blindfolded and wondering what kind of treat I’m in for. Happy Birthday!! bday

• I’m old enough to remember when you could drive past me on the street and I wouldn’t know if it was you.

• I know every detail of your life—the good, the bad and the ugly. Happy birthday!

• I’m not gonna tell you what to do, but I will say this: You’re either gonna get it or you’re gonna get hurt.

• It’s time to party—and that means it’s time to celebrate! Here are 27 of the best pick-up lines for you to use when you bring a birthday girl home tonight.

• I’m turning 27 and it’s a good thing, because these 27 birthday lines will make me wish I was 26 again.

• The perfect pick-up line is a witty one that makes your date smile.

• I don’t look my age, I just seem that way. And I didn’t get here without help from some pretty cool people—like you! Happy birthday to me.

• You’re not my boyfriend, but I’m definitely your girlfriend. Happy Birthday!

• All you need is love and a birthday cake.

• Birthday,s are the best; they’re the only time you get to be young again. So, let’s celebrate that!

• You’re the reason I’m chasing my goals, YOU. Thanks for all the laughs with me, for always being there when I need you.

• For making me feel like a million bucks today! You’re my lifeline in this crazy world. Happy birthday to me!

• It’s my birthday, and I’ve always wanted to tell you how much I love you.

• I’m always counting days until my birthday. Why? Because I love celebrating my own birthday.

• Happy birthday to the best friend anyone could ever ask for.

• I hope your birthday is as full of surprises as you are.

• I’m only human so I’ll let you in on a little secret. When I think about you, it’s like I’m getting a hug from my favorite sweater.

• I’m getting old. I was born on a Tuesday and I’ll be dead by Wednesday.

• 27 is such a fun age. You get to do all this new stuff, like driving, owning your own home, and having better hair!

• You get to celebrate with your friends by planning a big party and asking them over for dinner… of course you can’t forget to tell your significant other that he looks really good in person.

• The first rule of pick-up line club: No questions! The second rule of pick-up line club: Don’t ask how old I am.

• It’s the day I turn 27! Here’s to me and all of my years to come.

• You’re 27 and so hot I could just melt. Want to be my girlfriend? You’re 1 on my list.

• At 27 I’m finally starting to feel like the woman I always wanted to be.

• I know it’s been a long time coming, but I’m ready to BeYourAge.

• When you’re with me, I feel like I can do anything. Happy birthday!

• My birthday is in May and I don’t just like the month, but I really love the week.

• You have to work hard to get here but once you do, it’s all downhill. Happy birthday!

• Hey girl, what’s your sign? Because you’re so awesome.

• I’m not perfect. But I’m pretty close. I’m as hot as a fresh plate of lasagna

• I have a long life ahead of me, so I’ll take this moment to apologize for all the times I’ve been rude to you.

• Wishing you a very happy 27th birthday! Here are a few pick-up lines we’ve been using:

• I’m turning 27 and I don’t need a pick-up line to know what I want.

• I need a pick-up line for myself: “I’m out here, looking for someone to catch.”

• Happy 27th birthday to my best friend, sister and lover. You will always be the best thing that has ever happened to me!

• I’ll make you feel like your 26th birthday…I’m turning 27 and I still feel like a little kid.

• Looking back on 27 years of my life, I realize that those who matter have always known. Here’s to another 27.

• I don’t know if it’s the birthday or being 27, but I feel like I’m entering this world for the first time. What about you?

• Ladies, did you know that today is my birthday? Here’s to the next 27 years.

• If you are not here for my birthday, then get lost. It’s your birthday and I’m putting you on the clock.

• I always knew I’d find someone who would make my life complete, but until now I had no idea it would be you.

• They say that the moments you live for were those which took you by surprise.

• Today, I’m celebrating the unexpected and all the joys I’ve had over these years. Happy birthday to me!

• You’re the only thing that can truly bring me back to old age.

• It’s my birthday so I’m giving you the best pick up lines ever.

• Hey there. I hope it’s not too early to say this, but you’re looking pretty good for someone turning 27 today!

• I’m turning 27, and I’ve already got a job, car, and apartment. Let’s go to the beach for my b-day present.

• Your birthday is the best present I could ever wish for! 27

• I may be 27, but I’m still a rookie at life. Here’s to the next 27 years.

• You may be my friend, but you’re also my boyfriend. Happy birthday.

• I don’t need advice, I’m already 26, I know what’s up.

• I’m 27 and I’m still hot as hell. Now what are you waiting for?

• When you’re old enough to drink, you’re likely old enough to get a girlfriend. You’re the kind of girl I never want to lose.

• When someone has the power to make you feel uncomfortable, but they choose to make things weird instead. whats your birthday.

• I’m so old it hurts. Happy birthday to me!

• Here’s to the days when we wake up and say “Universe, I don’t have time to play.”

• I made it to the half-way mark. How do you feel?

• If you were an ice cream flavor, which one would you be?

• What is the best pick-up line for my 27th birthday?

• I just turned 27 and I’m starting to realize that everyone’s getting older. And this is the best time in my life.

• I’m ready for my 27th birthday. I think I’ll go with a mixed drink and some food.

• If you’re reading this and are 28, then you should know that being a grown-up is the best thing ever. Happy birthday to me!

• I spend most of my time trying to figure out how to pick up girls. Here’s some advice: not here.

• The only way to get through your twenties is by being a wiseass. And by picking up chicks at the club.

• I’m a party of one, so make it count. I don’t need no stinkin’ cake, or candles, or presents to celebrate my birthday. I just wanna dance like nobody’s watching and get sloshed on cheap beer.

• I’m looking for a birthday gift… a romantic dinner for two, with the lights off and a bottle of wine.

• It’s been a year since my bday and I feel like it’s too long. Let’s party !!!

• I know it’s my birthday, but I’m not feeling like myself today. What is up with that?

• Still got it, baby. That’s why I’m your best friend.

• I may seem quiet, but I’m a big talker. Say it with flowers.

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