
Punchlines to Make a Guy Blush Captions

We’ve all heard the corny pickup lines that make girls roll their eyes. But if you’re interested in getting a guy to like you, then know these quotes from movies, songs, and books that make guys blush. There are lots of things that make a guy blush, but when he hears one of these lines or reads something he can identify with, then he’s definitely going to be all ears.

Punchlines to Make a Guy Blush Captions

• I may be single but I’m not getting any younger. So I’m looking for a man that doesn’t mind my sense of humor and who appreciates a good pun to make him blush

• Don’t be afraid to say something funny, if you have the courage to do that, he’ll probably blush because he’s so cute

• Don’t forget to be a little bit dirty when you tell him the joke that made his face go all red.

• A guy’s heart only beats for one woman. The rest are just stand-ins.

• You can’t see them, but your cheeks are turning pink.

• The blushiest moment of the day: when he says my name.

• The more you know about him, the better your chances of getting a date.

• When you’re caught smiling for no reason, but then realize you just said something funny.

• I could stare at your eyes all day, but I’m not sure that would be any fun for you.

• We need to talk about those dimples.

• Your eyes are the windows to your soul. And right now, they’re cringing at the sight of my smile.

• Don’t be afraid to say complicated things — they’ll make you seem brilliant

• Life is better when you make a guy blush.

• No one can make a guy blush like you.

• He’s got that look on his face. That face you see everyday but somehow makes it even better when he’s blushing.

• I’m out here trying to get you to smile and laugh. I know it’s hard, but keep giving it a shot. You’re going to owe me one after this one.

• You’re a little bit cute and a little bit smart. The perfect combination.

• If a guy loves you and asks you out, he’s not playing hard to get. He wants to take you on a date.

• When you learn how to blush, it will change your life.

• A gentleman always knows how to add a smile to any situation.

• Life is better when you’re smiling. So don’t stop.

• Promise me you’ll always be honest, my love. No matter what happens.

• Just because you’re the king of the castle doesn’t mean you need a crown.

• Let’s face it, sometimes there’s nothing funnier than a guy blushing.

• A good girl is always nice to look at, but a great girl can make a man blush.

• What’s something a guy always blushes about?

• What’s your favorite kind of date? Something that gets you both blushing

• When a girl says, “I’m not gonna be the one who kisses you for the first time.”

• When you’re feeling shy, just talk to me. I’ll understand if you want to keep it platonic.

• Hey there! I’m a fun and flirty 32-year-old woman—looking for a partner to share the adventures life has to offer.

• I’ve found the one. He’s adorable, sweet and smart. And you’re free to make a fool of yourself over him.

• I’ve always wanted to say this to my boyfriend: “I love you, but I think you should call me back.”

• When you’re obviously flirting but don’t want to come across as too forward.

• When a girl’s in your arms, the world is yours.

• We’re all about the little things, but every once in a while, we like to step up our game and make something extra special. In case you need a little inspiration:

• So I was thinking, what would happen if I were to say this?

• I’ll always be there for you, but only when you need me.

• Nothing says class like a good punchline.

• He’s not going to blush at your compliments. He’ll blush because you’re making him laugh.

• You’re not the only one who can blush, sugar.

• You’re the kind of guy that we want to keep around. ☀

• If you’re not embarrassed to flirt, you should be embarrassed to talk.

• I’ve been thinking about you all day. You must be a really interesting man…

• When I asked you out, did you think I was going to do that?

• It’s not when you want to impress him but when you speak to him.

• What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him…

• New to me? Here’s something I don’t think you knew: I Heart You.

• Be his shoulder to cry on. Be his best friend. Be his reason to smile.

• I mean, who doesn’t want to be patted on the back for their hard work?

• When you’re about to be late for an important meeting, it’s better to look great than to worry that your outfit will get dirty.

• This guy needs a little help with his blush.

• You’re so cute when you blush, I want to pinch your cheeks and eat them.

• You’re just as cute when you blush as you are when you’re not.

• You look like you’ve got some good jokes to tell.

• It’s only natural to blush when you see someone talking about the things you love.

• I’m not shy, I just don’t want you to know how bad I am at this.

• You know you’ve got it going on when a guy cries after getting a hug from you.

• When you think your crush is looking at you, but he’s actually looking through you.

• I’m gonna go ahead and just assume you like my butt.

• I’m not a bad person, I have just been with the wrong people.

• Let’s be honest, our favorite place to be is a little lower than usual.

• It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it.

• You know you’ve been together for a while when you see your significant other wearing one of your old t-shirts and you get the urge to go on a romantic date in it.

• Every day, some new guy is just waiting for that special girl to tell him he’s cute. And every day, I’m here to make them blush.

• When you’re feeling really good about yourself, try using one of these punchlines on a guy.

• I’m not sure if you’re supposed to blush or if it’s just me.

• “I’ve been crushing on you for years.”

• How do you feel when someone says you’re cute?

• When you’re feeling adventurous, go for a good old fashioned makeout session.

• When a girl opens her bag, I see a smile. When she closes it, I see your number.

• I think we should go out sometime. I’m thinking… Friday at seven? That’s what I’m thinking.

• Guys, what’s your favorite thing to buy for your girl?

• I think I might have to rethink my strategy and go for the hard sell

• I’m wearing my red lace, he’s wearing his shirt. What do you think?

• In a good mood? In a great mood? You tell me.

• Sometimes it’s the little things that make men blush. #blush

• Just the thought of you makes me blush.

• She tells the funny, you tell the blush.

• Tell him to meet you at the bar and he’ll never forget it.

• When you’re out with a guy who’s sporting a few extra pounds, it’s always good to get the conversation rolling by making fun of his chubby cheeks.

• Hey, you. You’re the best. I’m glad we got this chance to get to know each other.

• Let’s be honest: you’re the reason I wear blush.

• Hey there, handsome. How’s your day going? I mean physically.

• Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to go for coffee?

• Crushes are just a matter of chemistry.

• Hey there. I think this shirt is cute, and I was wondering what your thoughts are on it?

• I’m listening to your heartbeat and it’s so fast I can barely catch up.

• Say it with a wink, but it’s a punchline to make him blush

• What’s the best way to get a guy to blush? With compliments he can’t refuse

• Come on, admit it: You’ve had a little crush on this guy. Now you know what he looks like, too. But don’t worry, he’s just as shy as you are

• I’m all about a guy who makes me laugh on first glance

• When you tell a guy that he’s “a problem solver” and he says, “No, I just like to find solutions and make things better.”

• When a girl texts you “Hey,” you know it’s time to ask her out.

• Don’t forget to always put on a little blush to brighten your day.

• I know you want to be the one attracting all the attention, but it’s okay if you’re in the background.

• Sometimes you just need a little tenderness on the side.

• I’m not your mom, I don’t have to be nice all the time.

• Just started a new job? Don’t sweat it. I know the feeling.

• Your coffee mug is a secret weapon.

• The secret to making a guy blush: A grin, a wink, and a simple phrase like “I like your smile.”

• Silly boy. You’re blushing because of the cute thing I said… and also because you love me #punchlines

• When you’re with a girl who makes you blush, there’s only one thing to do: tell her.

• I know you’re shy but let me show you how much I like you.

• When you’re a girl, it’s your problem. When you’re a guy, it’s called romance.

• Your smile lights up the room, but did you know your laugh could captivate someone?

• There’s nothing sexier than a man who knows how to laugh at himself.

• Do you have a secret crush on me?

• What’s the one thing every guy wants to know? The answer is right here.

• In the words of Groucho Marx, Women talk to men. Men don’t talk to women.

• When a guy asks you out, he’s not only showing you that he’s interested, but also that he remembers every word you said. So to say “no” is like saying “yes.”

• I know it’s not a big deal, but he makes me feel special.

• Just because you’re in love doesn’t mean she has to be.

• No, I won’t let you borrow my car. Yes, that’s the same car your momma drove before she died. Got your attention now?

• When you say the right thing, it’s like a punchline to make a guy blush.

• Never underestimate the power of a last minute text to make your man blush.

• Break out the blush and get ready for a night out with your friends.

• He’s got a great sense of humor, but I think you left out the punchline

• Hey baby, I know you’re shy and all but what are you hiding under there?

• I like a man who doesn’t have to tell me he likes me. It saves time, energy and money on expensive gifts.

• Don’t make him wait for your next date. Let him know that you’re right there with him—by giving him a little something to think about in the shower

• Don’t let shyness get in the way of your smile.

• Their hands are everywhere. Their lips make my knees weak. And their eyes? My God, their eyes are so deep…a man needs eyes like that to lead him into temptation.

• He’s a pretty special guy. He puts up with my moods and tells me what he thinks—even when I don’t want to hear it.

• We all know the guy who’s hot AF.

• You’re in a pinch? You need a little help? Don’t talk to an air conditioner. Talk to me.

• Don’t let your shadow be bigger than you.

• A girl that can make a guy blush doesn’t need to be perfect. She just needs to be you.

• Guys love a girl who can make them blush.

• You make me blush, you’re such a cutie, and I’d love to see you blush again

• What’s the first thing a guy thinks when you say: “Hey, how’s your day going?”

• Sometimes a little hint of flirty is what you need to turn your guy on

• A girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do to get a guy, right? #ladiesfirst

• There’s no better cure for a bad day than a good joke.

• Hey there handsome. How about you and me getting some fresh air?

• He’d rather be your best friend than your boyfriend.

• Guys are funny. They say the darndest things, and you can’t help but laugh.

• If a guy invites you to go somewhere, he’s interested. If he doesn’t, he wants to ditch you asap

• You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are gray.

• When it’s a good thing, you don’t need tips.

• You’ll say yes to anything that’s with you.

• If you keep looking at him, he’s gonna blush.

• I think we can all agree that when a guy blushes, it’s pretty cute.

• Tell me, what’s your favorite kind of blush?

• How many times have you been on a date with a guy who’s too busy staring into your eyes to notice that his pants are unwrapped?

• When a girl looks this good in a bikini, it’s hard NOT to stare.

• Saying something like “Are you into me?” is a bold move. So give him an excuse: “I’m wearing your cologne”

• You’re hot. I’m not sure if you know that or not but I did some research and apparently you’re hot.

• I bet you make a perfect cuddle buddy.

• “Your face is even more beautiful than your smile.”

• I don’t know what you’re doing, but it’s working.

• Guys, don’t make the mistake of reading on before you post. We can see that you’re scrolling

• A picture is worth a thousand words…or maybe just one.

• Do you want to make this man blush?

• I’m not sure if it’s the way I look at him or just how cute he is, but he always blushes when I say something funny.

• Your favorite football player could be my favorite comedy writer.

• You’re a great catch, but the only thing I want to catch when we’re dancing is you.

• You like my smile….and I like yours. Our teeth just fit together so well ????

• You’ve got that thing about you, the one that makes me feel all warm, cozy and happy. And when you smile, I just melt.

• When a girl tells you she’s sorry for saying no.

• Hey handsome. Do you ever get the feeling that you’re being watched? I know I do.

• When the only place you want to be is in our arms.

• I went to the store to get a loaf of bread, but all I came home with was this smile

• Good morning. I was going to send you a text but I thought…

• A smile is a curve that fits in a straight line

• You can’t lose what you never had, unless you stop and ask for it.

• If a guy can’t blush from a joke, he’s not worth talking to.

• When you fall in love with the right guy, you’ll know it by his blush.

• Don’t let the big guns scare you. These little punchlines will get you closer to that bigger smile than you think.

• So, we’ve got the perfect reason to make you blush.

• You’re the first guy who’s ever made me blush by complimenting my smile. ☺

• Dear guy who’s always smiling, you’re the type of guy I’d like to make a joke about.

• A guy’s gotta have a sense of humor or they won’t like you.

• Hey, you: if you’re reading this, then we’ve connected. And I’m about to– yes, make that face already– tell you about my crush on your smile

• I just want you to know that I’m really into you.

• He may be a bad boy, but a good girl will change him

• I’ll have you know that I was totally checking you out this whole time

• I know you’re not good at this, but I’m pretty good at it.

• I’ve been thinking about you all night. I hope you’re okay with that.

• It’s Monday, and I’m ready to get back in the grind. You?

• Looking for a boyfriend? Try making him blush with these funny, witty and cute punchlines

• You’ve always wanted to know—how do you make a dude blush? It’s just this simple.

• If a guy makes you blush, he’s thinking about you.

• When you’re looking for a pretty confident guy, don’t worry about the small stuff. That’s just the icing on the cake.

• When you compliment a guy on his hair, he thinks you’re being romantic. When you compliment him on his smile, he thinks you’re being creepy.

• The only thing better than reading my script is hearing you read it.

• If a girl’s not interested, she will let you know.

• “Give a girl a heartbeat, and she’ll believe anything.”

• I’m sorry, I was just trying to find out how many times you were really looking at my butt.

• When you’re watching a movie and the main character is a badass, a little part of you hopes they’ll lose their cool and say something cheesy.

• That moment when the girl you’ve been crushing on tells you she likes your snapchat story.

• When you’re checking him out, keep your eyes on his jawline.

• Hey, did you know that when you do this gesture…

• I’ve got a feeling you’re not gonna want to leave my sight.

• You know what’s better than a cute guy? A cute guy who blushes when you say something sweet to him.

• You know you’re a good kisser when the guy blushes

• Hey there fella, you may be handsome and charming but can you please not blush when I compliment your hair?

• I don’t blush. I’m just happy to see you

• You: I’m going to the gym. Him: Can I come? You: Sure if you want to lift something heavy

• You know you’re dating a real gentleman when he goes to a tailor with you

• Hey there. Can I borrow your phone to text a friend?

• “Let’s not fall in love. But if we do, let’s go slow and get married so I can cook for you.”

• “If you’re going to make the first move, make sure it’s the right one.”

• I told you I was a badass. Now prove it.

• I just got a text from my mom with the picture of a delicious cake, should I be embarrassed or depressed?

• If he’s wearing a suit, he’s probably got a job.

• You don’t have to be in a relationship for people to notice you. But when you are, know that he will love them as much as if they were born from your own flesh and blood.

• How do you make a guy blush? Tell him to go home and change.

• If you’re a girl and you know this guy and he’s the sweetest, most complimentary guy you know, make him blush.

• The power of a good pun is more than a joke. It makes us smile, it makes us laugh. And sometimes, it even gets us to blush…

• When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. When life gives you boys, make him blush.

• You: nothing to read there. Me: hmmm… yeah, have you ever wondered who I’m thinking about right now? You: *blushes*

• I’ve got a crush on the first guy that wears pink.

• I just met the only guy who can make me feel like I’m his girl, and he’s not even looking.

• If you’re looking for a girl to go with, I’m your new best friend.

• Next time you’re in a meeting with a guy, take out your phone and snap a quick selfie.

• he just can’t take his eyes off you, can he?

• Blushing is a sign that you got something right.

• When you want a little extra attention, just slip this on

• When you look at him, he looks back and his heart skips a beat.

• Too cool for school, too hot for words.

• A smile is a curve that sets everything straight.

• Are you ready to make a guy blush?

• Sometimes you have to make a guy blush by simply asking him if he wants to grab a drink with you. It’s totally normal, and nothing wrong with it.

• You’re cute to me, but please stop being in my space.

• You look like you have enough energy for the rest of your life, but you’re single. So let’s be friends and see where this goes.

• When a girl says, “I wish I was your girlfriend” and it means she also wishes he was her boyfriend.

• “You know, if every guy who said he was interested in me would actually follow through with it, I wouldn’t have to worry about this guy.”

• You’re the best thing I’ve seen all week.

• When you’ve just a little too much to drink and you fall in love with the bartender.

• I’ve got all the answers. All I need is a man willing to ask me.

• When you see that guy staring at you, do you notice the achy feeling in your stomach?

• Hey there. I’m your new favorite Instagram friend. Can I post a meme?

• A small dose of truth can be just what the doctor ordered.

• I could go on for days about how great your beard looks with my eyes.

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