Pickup lines

Funny Pick Up Lines for Friends

Friends are the ones that help an impossible situation feel possible. They’re the people who listen to you, talk to you, support you and make you feel better even if for just a short amount of time. Friends are the ones that call you in the middle of the night when you need them the most. Friends are everything good in life.

Funny Pick Up Lines for Friends

• Here we have some of the most hilarious pick up lines you can use on your friends.

• I don’t want to talk about your last girlfriend. I just want to talk about how many of my friends have also dated you.

• Don’t be afraid to get creative. That’s what friends are for.

• I’ll be your friend who gets you through anything because there’s nothing that can stop us.

• Remember: You’re the best friend I’ve ever had. Can you guess how many times we’ve been asked to be friends?

• Hey girl, your eyes are like a pair of cupcakes—they’re so cute but I’m not quite sure what to do with them.

• What if I told you that I’m in love with your personality? Hey, girl. I don’t want to take liberties, but my type is you.

• They say one billion kisses take you to heaven, but I have a feeling the first time with you will be better than the last.

• When you say “I can’t keep my hands off of you” I call bullshit, that’s the story of my life.

• You’re the kind of person that inspires me to want to be around. Even if you make me want to die, I can’t stay away.

• I’m just the words you’re looking for. If you’re not running from me, then who are you running to? Wife?

• Heed my words, for I speak in the voice of experience: don’t call a girl on her birthday.

• If you can’t get along with your best friend, don’t worry about it. You’ll always have me.

• I’ve been looking for a good girl. You’re the first one I’ve met. Tag your friends who also want to get a little cheeky.

• I’m the girl who makes you look at life in a new way. You’re so funny, but I’m such a bore. You’ll never get me to say “I like you.”

• I’ll be your friend, until you try to steal a sip of my iced coffee.

• Hey baby, the only thing I hate more than you is the fact that you’re not me.

• You really can’t help to think that you are the only person on this small planet that I want to see.

• Sorry, but we’re so blind that we can’t see you. Now send us a selfie with your face in it.

• I promise to laugh harder than you ever have, even if it hurts.

• You’re a tree that makes me want to be a comforter, but I can’t remember your name.

• I’ve been waiting for you to show up. Get your act together and say this to me.

• All I wanted to do was watch you smile. But that’s not allowed at work, is it?

• If you’re good at cheesy pickup lines, let me know. I’ll make sure to be impressed by your abilities.

• How are you? Funny, beautiful and smart. I want to meet you

• If you’re gonna have a friend, make sure they’re a good one.

• “You look like someone who can balance a checkbook, cook a stir-fry and keep the kids on track.”

• You’re always on my mind. And I’m always up for some fun.

• When I think about you, I just can’t stop smiling. Is it that hot in here or is it you? You know what I’m really into? You.

• I’m not trying to be creepy, but I can tell you’re not wearing any underwear. If you’re feeling it, then I feel the same way. Let’s go out.

• You got me so excited that I just had to kiss you. Trust is like a handshake. It’s not something you give away.

• If you were a dessert, I’d take you for dinner. In a restaurant. Why did the coffee grind disappear?—Cause you’re too hot.

• Here’s a pick up line to live by – no matter what you do, it’s never enough. If it’s Friday, and you’re single… I guess we just met.

• I love being your pal. You’re the kind of friend I’d want in my corner when I’m down and out.

• Me: Want to go out? Friend: I’m not sure. What are we doing? Me: Let’s go somewhere. Friend: Where? Me: Anywhere.

• She’s my type. She’s hot, and she’s in a book club. What more could a guy ask for?

• I don’t need a reason to tell you that I love you, but here goes nothing…

• How do you feel about me? I mean, how do you really feel?

• I like your face just a little too much to talk to you. I like the way you look in your bed, it’s a comfiness kind of thing.

• I’ve been living with you for a month and I’m not sure my heart can take it. Your smile is a force to be reckoned with.

• Don’t worry, it’s just a compliment. Bitches want to fight me, but I know my worth.

• You’re not a flower, you’re my weed. If you’re late, it’s because I was already on my way.

• You know I’m a sucker for a good pick-up line, but I’d rather hear your witty banter.

• If you’re tall, strong and good looking then we’re perfect for each other.

• I’ll let you decide if I look like your type, but I can promise you this: I’m a lot better looking than your ex.

• You are just on the right side of cute. Let me walk you through a day of my life every time I text you.

• I’m a little bit shy and a lot guilty, but you should be able to tell I like you.

• You’re the right woman for me, but I’m not sure there’s a right way to tell you.

• You’re a good girl, you keep my coffee hot. Would you have coffee with me?

• You’d be surprised how many guys would love to hear this one.

• Hi, I just wanted to thank you for the most amazing night of my life.

• I’m the kind of girl who changes my hair color to match my mood.

• Leaving you speechless, but not in a bad way. You’re like a breath of fresh air. What’s your secret? I can’t wait to find it out.

• You’re like a glass of ice cold water, always refreshing. When in doubt, use pick up lines.

• When you’re looking for a pick up line, here are some suggestions. Heed them at all costs.

• I’m a girl crazy for you, that’s why I want to be your girlfriend. You’re like the kind of girl I never knew I needed.

• You’re the kind of girl I’d want in my bed, but not on my arm.

• I couldn’t help but notice that you’re wearing a hat. What’s your sign?

• You gotta give it up for this guy with the right sense of humor. I used to be a cat, but now I’m in a new life.

• Hey baby, I know you’re busy but do you mind if I ask you a quick question? Can anyone answer this for me?

• You’re like a glass of wine—I’m gonna crack you open and drink you down.

• There is a fine line between naive and stupid. I’m gonna have to choose one.

• I’ve been trying to catch up with you all week, but I can’t seem to remember your name.

• You: Hey, I like your shirt. It’s really cute. Friend: Thanks! It’s actually an old one.

• The most awkward moment is when you’re trying to get a girl to talk to you but she’s not interested.

• I’m a little bit of a romantic, so I’ll try anything once. (This can be used for friends or significant others.)

• Don’t be shy, I know it’s not the time but if you want to make out, let me know.

• You got a little bit of my hair and a little bit of your smile, but you’re all about me.

• They say behind every great man is a woman who keeps him on track. Who am I?

• When you look at me, I feel like a piece of toast that says, “Hello.”

• You know I’m probably the least-qualified person to advise you on life, but let me just say this: it’s never too late to change your life.

• If you were a drink, I’d pour you out of a flask. – If you were a car, I’d let you drive me around town in your convertible

• You’re like an ice cream cone: sweet and delicious, but can’t keep your hands off of me.

• Let’s not wait for the world to end, let’s just grab a bag of popcorn and watch it burn.

• I saw your story on Tinder and now I’m making a movie about you.

• I’m all about making friends, but let’s just be honest… I’m also all about making you blush.

• When we’re not together, I’m usually tearing up my phone so I can text you. When we are together it’s a different story.

• I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not the most handsome man in the world, but I can cook!

• There’s only one kind of person I want to be when I grow up: a blonde.

• You look like the kind of person who would be upset if you got a donut stuck in your teeth.

• You’re like a cafe latte, warm and soft on the outside but strong on caffeine.

• She told me the other day that she’s never hated on someone for being a girl. Then why do I feel like you’re hating on me?

• If you were the only thing I needed in this world, I wouldn’t even be looking.

• Do you know what’s better than one half of an eggplant? Two halves of an eggplant.

• If there’s anything I love more than coffee, it’s pickup lines. What more could a girl ask for?

• I’m a pick-up line, I’m a lover, I’m no one’s mom. So if you want to be with me, then show me what you got baby.

• You can’t pick up a girl without some game. But what game should you use? We’ve got you covered:

• I know it’s been a while, but I was hoping we could grab a drink this weekend?

• When you’re feeling confident and ready to take on the world. I want to take you out and show you things you’ve never seen before.

• I’d hit it. You’re a glowing constellation in my heart. I’m all about the chase, sweetheart.

• I’m not perfect, but I’m trying to be. No one can resist this thirst quencher’s powerful powers.

• I’m the kind of guy who will make a joke about how I know you’re not single.

• You’re a big part of my life. You’re my best friend and do everything for me. Thank you for being the person I love the most!

• You are my favorite person on earth, and I’m going to do everything within my power to keep you that way.

• How I spent my weekend: with a single woman, and a bottle of wine.

• I’ve got my eye on you. How about you come over and we can discuss it in person?

• If you’re not sure how to say hi, we’ve got you covered. If you weren’t my friend, I’d be so confused about your feelings.

• I guess that’s how it goes in a relationship; one day you’re new and it feels like the beginning of everything but then everything changes, and now you’re old and all you can do is reminisce about what once was.

• I’m not looking for a sidekick, but don’t rule it out. I’m a serial killer, but people think I look cute when I wear a little black dress.

• “Hey, can I borrow your wallet to pay for this?”

• Hey there cutie, have you ever seen a more beautiful sunrise? Because I think I just saw you.

• Get it, girl. You’re my type of wilder. If you’re not afraid to be a little weird, I have some things I’d like to tell you.

• You’re a firecracker, I’m a match. Where did you get all this spark?

• Every girl needs a handsome friend who is also funny and charming.

• You’re the kind of girl that I’ve been looking for, but the less said about you the better. So let me just say that you are…handsome, charming, and loyal.

• Hey, you’re one of the funniest people I know.

• I’m not your average girl. I have zero interest in dating apps, but when I do use them, my pictures are often taken from a distance and in black and white.

• We both know I’m the only one you want. You’re so cute, I got a case of the giggles. Hey babe, please lift me up so I can see you.

• Hey there, beautiful. You’ve got a lot of swagger in that dress, but I know you’re just trying to cover up those thighs.

• You are the sunshine of my life, the moon and stars in a single night.

• Come talk to me, I promise it will be worth your time.

• “Your smile makes me feel as if I’m on top of the world. But, if you’re not careful, I might fall to my doom.”

• Hey, baby. You look like dessert to me. Hey guys, wanna go on an adventure with me?

• Two words: Careful, don’t get too close. “Your mind is a beautiful thing. Never change it.”

• If you’re looking for ways to get your friends’ attention, here’s a list of funny pick up lines that will have them wondering, ‘what is she on about?’

• I’m a bit bold but always fun. You should date me.

• If friendship is like a boob job, I’d definitely go for the girls.

• I have a confession to make. You’re the type of friend who makes me look good in front of other people.

• You’re like a box of chocolates—I’m in love with your different personalities.

• I’ve been thinking about you all week. Do you want to give me a massage?

• When you’re standing in line and the person next to you puts their hand on your shoulder, it’s not a bad thing. It’s a sign that they like you.

• Hey, what are you doing? I thought I saw a young girl in the bar.

• Have you heard of the term “dissing” someone? It means that you’re saying something negative about them. In this case, I’m dissing your new haircut.

• I may not be a prince, but I’ll make a royal mess of you and your things.

• What is the secret to a long and happy life? A big fork, lots of friends and a lot of food.

• Real women don’t need pick up lines. They know how to rock a dress and make it fly, anyways.

• I’m a sucker for a good pick-up line. What’s yours?

• You are the reason why I go to work, because you make me smile all the time—and attract attention.

• Let’s get to know each other. I’ve got places to go and people to meet. Let’s make this a date.

• I just want to be friends with you. I’ve been waiting for you all my life

• You’re my girl. But I like the way you walk, the shape of your eyes, and how you say my name.

• You’re like the perfect girl, except for when you’re not.

• “Hey there. I’ve been watching you work out and it looks like you’re trying to get those arms looking like this.”

• I don’t know what you’re thinking about, but I’m thinking about it too.

• “I had a feeling you were the one who would grace me with your presence.”

• Don’t let your friends drive you crazy, keep their love notes. Let’s be honest. We all know you are the best friend a person could have.

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