Pickup lines

Funny Pick Up Lines for Cousin

Funny Pick Up Lines for Cousin

• Hey Cousin, you’re the bestest!

• I’m sorry, but did you just say your name is Cousin?

• It’s not that I’m a cousin, it’s just that I am your cousin.

• What are you looking at? I’m your cousin.

• Every time your cousin looks at you, she says “get me out of here”. It’s a packed schedule!

• I think you’re cute, but I don’t need a reason to be with you. Let’s go wild!

• Hey, I heard you like coffee. What’s better than one coffee? Two coffees with a little extra something.

• Hey chick, what’s the best place to go with a friend? No matter how far we are, I still can’t wait to see you.

• I was surprised to see you here, but I’m glad we ran into each other. Thanks for coming, it means a lot.

• Hey, so you’re the type of cousin I’ve always wanted. You’re funny, good looking and a really good dancer!

• Hey, Cousin! I know it’s been a long day. How about we grab some coffee and catch up?

• Hey cousin! You look so cute, you looks like a teddy bear.

• Hey, hey! Do you know how I know that you’re my cousin? Because we both share the same eyebrows.

• Hey, are you with me or against me? I’m just saying, if you weren’t my cousin, I’d think you were an ice cream cone.

• What’s the deal? You’re a little taller than your cousins, more attractive, and more successful. Are you hiding in an attic somewhere?

• Hey there, I totally understand if you don’t want to talk about your day. Just wanted to say hi and thank you for keeping our family together.

• You’ve got to be my cousin because we’re from the same gene pool. Your family’s the best! As long as we’re together, that is.

• Every time I see you, I just wanna hug you. Hey, did you know I was your fifth cousin twice removed?

• I’m from the future, but I’ve got fresh. Hey cousin, your smile is contagious.

• I always thought it’d be cool to be your cousin. Turns out I’m right. I think your dad is so handsome he could have his own calendar.

• Know what’s better than one cousin? A whole family of cousins!

• Are you my cousin by chance? Because I feel like we’re related.

• What a coincidence—I’m your cousin. I’ve been wondering what it’s like to be you all my life.

• I wish I could marry you because then I’d get to marry my cousin.

• Hey! You’re not going to believe what my cousin did yesterday. You’re so cute, I could pinch you!

• Hi, I’m new around here. But you already seem to know me. I’ll just be sitting on the couch, watching you cook.

• If I could afford a house, I would live in yours. Hey, I know you’ve been engaged for a while now, but maybe I could borrow the ring.

• You have a very interesting face. I wonder what you’re thinking about?

• Hey, you’re looking good. I’m about to make it 9 for 8.

• So if you don’t mind, I’d like to go straight to the point: You’re my inspiration.

• When your Cousin gets caught off guard at the mall, it’s time to deliver a killer pick up line. Here are some of our favorites.

• One of the best things about having cousins is that they make good friends…and even better pick-up lines.

• I’m your cousin, but I’d make a great first date. Hey girl can I buy you a drink? Because I’m not just your cousin, but also my boyfriend’s cousin.

• You’re the kind of cousin I never knew I needed.

• Hey! You look like my favorite cousin and I was just wondering if you’d like to be the first one in my family to marry me.

• You’re the cousin I didn’t know I had.

• Hey cousin, you look so fresh that I’m a bit scared to come in.

• I’ve got a cousin who’s just like you, except with more hair and less style.

• Hey girl, what’s a sweetie like you doing with a man like me?

• I’m sure you’re used to people falling at your feet. But if I were to drop dead, would you pick up my phone and call 911?

• Hey girl, I know you like to stay down at the bottom of the ocean but when I see you from afar I get a little nervous.

• I don’t know what it is about you, but you always put a smile on my face!

• I don’t know if you’re really related or what, but I’m going to say “Hi” anyway.

• When someone’s that close to you, they’re almost family. Just give them a glimpse of your cousinly affection in under 60 characters or less!

• I’ve been looking for a girlfriend just like you—I don’t know what to do with all these cousins.

• How are you? It’s so nice outside, I think we should go for a walk cousin.

• I’m your cousin, what’s your superpower?

• You know I’m your favorite cousin, and you’re my favorite niece. What are we? Yours? Mine?

• Hey cousin, if we have to wear matching sweaters, then I’m going to need some snacks.

• I’m the cousin that you don’t really want to hug when you see, but you kind of want to anyway. I’m the cousin you never had.

• When your cousin’s always in a good mood, it’s a pretty good indicator that he should be your best friend.

• Hey, what’s a selfie without my favorite cousin in the picture?

• You look like a cousin I haven’t seen in years, so give me a hug.

• Hey! You’re so cute! Have you ever considered becoming a human?

• Your smile is the sun, the moon and all the stars. That’s what I call the perfect couple you are.

• If I was the only thing growing in your garden, my love would be a weed.

• Hey cousin! You look so good it’s scary. And if this isn’t a date, tell me what is?

• Hey, we all know you’re awesome and this pick-up line is just to make sure, ok?

• I don’t know who you’re trying to impress, but you definitely don’t have to flip a table to get my attention #cousin

• Hey, do you want to be my little cousin? I can promise you’ll never be a burden.

• If your cousin has a face that could melt ice, she’s got my heart.

• Who you think is the coolest cousin ever? Hey, little cousin. How’s your day going? I might be small, but I’m mighty.

• I’m your cousin, so I have no idea what you just said. But if you say it again, I might start thinking about it.

• Hey! I’m a cousin for sure, but I’m not related by blood.

• I’m a little curious about your hobbies, but I know you have a lot. Let me know what they are.

• When I see you, I always get excited and can’t help but smile. When I’m with you, it’s like I’m back at high school.

• It’s not that I don’t want to be friends with you, it’s just…I can’t. I’m already too close to my cousin.

• Hey, how’s it going? You look like you’re in my family tree.

• Hey, dear. What’s going on? I’ve been thinking about you so much that I haven’t been able to sleep.

• Hey Cousin, what are you doing this Saturday? I’m thinking about making a Calzone for lunch at my place, you in?

• “Cousin, I’d love to take you out on a date, but honestly I feel like the most important person in your life is your mom.”

• It’s like we’re cousins in a way, but we have the same last name. We could be sisters…or twins.

• Hey, hey, hey! Don’t be so shy, I’m your cousin. What’s cousinhood? We’re all in this together.

• Hey sis, what’s with the emotional support? I know you’re there for me…but when are we gonna hang out again?!

• Keep the family beefs out of sight and out of mind with a friendly chat.

• Hey you! I’m a little lonely and looking for a friend.

• I’m jealous of your sweet personality. If only I could be as charming and friendly as you!

• I just wanted to say hi, but your face was so adorable I had to take a selfie.

• I just realized that I’ve known you since you were a wee little baby and still haven’t given you a hug.

• You’re so tan that I think I can see your smile in this picture.

• This is the cousin I was telling you about! I’ve been looking for you all over the world.

• Hey I’m your Cousin, and you won’t believe what I found in your closet!

• You might actually be a cool cousin if you could convince me that you have never seen a movie before.

• Have you seen my cousin? She’s hot, she’s sweet and she’ll make your day.

• Hey, don’t be shocked. I’m your cousin from Chicago.

• I’m not your cousin, I’m your neighbor’s nephew. Here’s my sister’s phone number, not mine.

• You are like a cousin from the future. I’m going to buy some cake and propose to you.

• you know what they say, cuzins are the best. I’d like to say something profound but it comes out as “Hey, you’re so cute, I need a hug.”

• I was looking at the sunset and thought, ‘something’s missing’. Yeah, it’s you

• Wasn’t sure if you were going to come, so I took the liberty of bringing snacks and drinks.

• When I put on my favorite pair of jeans and look in the mirror, all I see is a faded version of myself.

• Hey, I’m the kind of cousin you never wanted but always wished you had.

• Hey, I’m your cousin from America. Are you going to buy me a drink?

• I think you look like a cousin that could use a little sweet talk.

• I’m not into your cousin or your friend but I do think you’re a hottie.

• Hey, cousin! What’s in your coffee? So I’m thinking of a new way to say “Cousin” in my head. What should it be?

• You’re like a cousin to me. You’re always there when I need you, and I’m so glad we don’t have to share a bathroom..

• I’d like to say hi to my cousin. What should I say?

• Hey, you’re a lot like my cousin. She’s got the same name and everything. What did I just say?

• Hey, buddy. I don’t mean to be rude, but isn’t that your cousin I’m talking to?

• When you’re feeling extra fancy, I’ll be there. if you want to act interested, why don’t you ask me what my favorite color is?

• Your smile is contagious. It spreads to everyone you meet.

• I hope you don’t think I’m coming on too strong, but whatever you do, DON’T DO IT.

• You’re like a potato chip—the one that’s addictive and really good.

• Hey, cousin. I was really hoping to trick you into a date but I see you’re taken!

• Cousin, I know you’re in there because I’m so good looking and charming. But if you don’t come out soon, we might start behaving like the cousins we are…

• You are the best cousin ever! I can’t wait for your next visit.

• I’m not here to pick up your cousin. I’m here to make her pick up mine.

• When your cousin is funny and cool as hell, but you don’t have a clue what she’s saying.

• Just wanted to say hi, I’m your cousin and I’ve been meaning to call you for a long time.

• Hey, cousin! What’s up? I’m a little tired and could use your help push me back on my feet.

• Hey, you lookin’ for the cousin with the best lines?

• Hey cousin, I don’t want to get into a debate over who’s getting the most energy from our batteries, but I think you’re winning this round.

• What is your favorite fruit? Because I’m in love with you.

• You’re the best kind of crazy, I’ll take that over sanity any day. So how about a few hours of togetherness?

• When I was a kid, my aunt would always give me the best Easter basket. But every year, the eggs looked more and more like the first.

• I can’t believe I got the best of you, but I’m still smiling.

• Hi, are you there? It’s me. Haha… I’ll wait for you in the hallway,

• You’re the most attractive cousin I’ve ever met.

• I’m not your cousin, but I’m sure as hell your favorite hangout.

• I know the perfect way to cure your ex-boyfriend’s sadness

• You’re the best thing that’s happened to me since my cousin moved here.

• You look like a millionaire, you taste like a millionaire and the way you procured my cousin to come over is just downright scary.

• I don’t know you very well, but I think you might be my cousin.

• Heyyyyy, you look like someone who has a lot of fun. What are you up to this weekend?

• Hi, I’m so glad to meet you! It’s so nice to meet you again and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.

• I don’t know if you’re dumb or just really cute, but either way, I’m into you.

• It’s like a cousinly love affair with all the sexy innuendos.

• Hey! Hey! I don’t know who you are but I think you’re pretty cool.

• I’m trying to keep my eyes on your face but every time I look away you look even cuter.

• Come lift me off this couch and show me the way to the nearest bar.

• Stay dry and be happy with the world’s best cousin in your life!

• Stay cool, cousin. We’ll see each other in a couple of months.

• You’re the coolest. Just like your cousin!

• This Friday? You. Be. You. And don’t forget to grab that sweet cousin of yours for a weekend visit.

• Wishing you a day filled with laughs, smiles and lots of cuddles!

• Stay cool and keep dancing on the ceiling.

• She made it to the top with her smile. We’re all proud of you!

• We’re all in this together, y’all. Let’s keep the good vibes flowing

• So glad your summer has ended and fall is here. Enjoy the crisp air, warm drinks, and cozy sweaters!

• You can’t stop the sun, but you can hide from it. And that’s what we’re gonna do.

• Don’t sweat the small stuff. And if you do, tell your cousin we sent you some. Keep calm and cutie on.

• It’s not easy being a cool cousin. Take it easy on yourself and remember how fun it is to be around someone who always makes you smile. Happy Holidays!

• I am your cousin. I will keep you cool this summer when you’re having to deal with all that heat.

• I wish you a hot summer filled with laughs, sun and chill.

• I love you and I miss you. Stay cool and cook when you get a chance!

• Hey cousin, I hope you’re doing well. I’ve been thinking about you and for your birthday, I made this for you.

• You rule and we love you. Don’t forget to drink plenty of water, stay cool and spread joy.

• Stay sweet with our cute hoodies and sweatshirts.

• Who says you can’t have some fun in the hot summer sun?

• You are the sunshine of my life, the only thing that makes me happy. You’re a sweetheart, and I love you so much!

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