Pickup lines

Funny Pick Up Lines for Aunt

Funny Pick Up Lines for Aunt

• So, you’re my aunt. That makes me the uncle. Can we be best friends?

• Hey! There’s this new thing called Auntie Giggles™ that you should try. It’s so cute I could die.

• Here’s a little something I thought of for when I see Aunt.

• I’m an aunt who steals your nephew’s toys, because she’s the best at playing “Hide and Seek” with them.

• Aunt, you look like the kind of aunt who secretly listens to your nephews’ dirty jokes.

• The only thing better than making your aunt cry is making her smile

• If you don’t hit me with a line like that, you’re not my aunt.

• Auntie, I’m too old for you, but not too old for me.

• Aunt, when I was a kid, you didn’t have to be quiet when I walked into the room. But now that I’m an adult, you’re lucky I don’t wear a uniform.

• You’re a sweetheart, for sure! One day I might let you drive my car.

• I used to have a crush on you. Now I just want to marry you.

• You’re like a box of chocolate and I want to eat you up!

• Be careful what you wish for. You might just get it.

• Hey Aunt, I’ve got you a little something for your birthday.

• Hey, Auntie. I’m gonna ask you something that might seem a little strange… but I’m hoping you’ll understand.

• If you’re my Aunt, I’ll let a few jokes slip. For example: “You look like a ripe pear.”

• If Auntie is going to be here we might as well make her a sandwich.

• Auntie, what’s the best way to improve your looks?

• If you could only have one word to describe Auntie, it would be “funny”.

• Aunt Millie, I love you more than you love my brother.

• The hot aunt I’m going to be makes me feel warm inside.

• You’re so well behaved, I’ve decided to call you my Aunt.

• Here’s something you’re never gonna believe: I love you. No, I mean it.

• Here’s another one: You are beautiful, smart, talented and everything I look for in a woman. And so much more!

• You’re old enough to be my great aunt. I’m too young to be your nephew, so I guess we’re family?

• Aunt: Yo, where’s the party at? Me: I don’t know, but you’re always late.

• “When you’re old enough to drive, I’ll be twenty-seven – not thirty.

• You can’t ignore it. You’re auntier than a puddle of quicksand.

• “Hey, Aunt. Do you have any advice on dating?”

• Hey Auntie, do you have a minute? I just wanted to let you know I’m thinking of you.

• When you’re not around, who do you text? When you are, what do you send? Amazing Auntie

• Hey Aunt Janice, you’re so cute with your little toe peeking out from between your legs!

• Hey, Auntie! You look hot as hell. I’m about to get ready for a night on the town and could use some extra protein.

• What’s a little auntie to do when your niece starts talking about guys?

• Good Aunt are the best. They’re like those people you can do no wrong, with because they always have your back.

• Hey Auntie, I’ve been meaning to ask you something. When are you going to teach me how to make that crazy face?

• Sweet Auntie, tell me something only you could know. What’s the best way to wake up a woman? Check her pulse…

• A girl’s got to feel special to get your auntie’s attention.

• Aunt, you’re the reason I’m not completely broke. I don’t know what to say but thank you!

• I’ll be your wing man any day. Just let me know when it’s your turn to pay the bar tab.

• I like your style and I don’t even know you. I’m your guardian angel, I’m here to save you from the devil.

• I’m your aunt, but I’m not that old. I need to be picked up and dusted off!

• Don’t be afraid to say what’s on your mind. I might not understand a lot, but I’m an Aunt after all!

• You think your aunt’s a cool aunt, but you don’t even know the half of it.

• Auntie, do you have a loose tooth that’s about to get stuck in my cheek?

• My aunt is so old that she used to be an uncle.

• Aunt: What are you doing?! Me: Trying my best to survive this storm.

• When you give me your phone number, I said: “Make it good.”

• What’s your secret? You’re a little bit older than I’d like, but you’ve got the goods.

• I’ve been waiting for you like a laundromat on a Sunday morning.

• Good morning, beautiful…I see you’re from good stock. You make my coffee taste even better.

• So when you put your arms around me, I feel like a teddy bear

• Is this the moment you’ve been waiting for? Did you know that the best pick up lines are the ones that make you think? Just ask your Aunt.

• You’re the aunt who always pops by to visit. My life is better since you moved in!

• Hey Auntie, you look so fly! I’m wondering if you have a spare key to my heart.

• Don’t let Auntie’s age fool you. She’s still got it, and she knows how to use it.

• Aunt is a woman who shows up for your life but doesn’t need to be asked.

• If you’re not my aunt, then get outta here.” It’s a good thing you’re my aunt, because otherwise, I would have broken into your house.

• Aunt is the word that makes you giggle and fall in love at the same time.

• Hey Auntie, where’s the mason jar full of peanut brittle?

• “I’m the Aunt you only see at family reunions, never at Christmas or your birthday.”

• If it weren’t for my Aunt, I’d probably still be living in my parents’ basement.

• Sometimes when you love someone, you have to fight with them. The best part? They love it.

• I keep getting better looking, but that’s because I’m with you.

• Auntie, you’re so beautiful that I can see from here. Where do you want to go for coffee?

• Aunt, I’m not saying this because I have feelings for you. I’m saying it because technically, we’re related and therefore you’re my aunt.

• Auntie, I know you’re married, but I have a feeling you secretly want to be the one who makes my bed in the mornings.

• There’s a fine line between Auntie and a bird, but I’m on the right side of it. It’s your first aunt lunch, so you might as well make it a good one.

• This is my aunt. She’s a little bit late and a lot of fun. I’ll be your auntie, you’ll be my nephew.

• All my nephews come from the same guy: the one who eats all my cookies.

• I thought it’d be the perfect time to make a toast to my favorite aunt.

• Would you like to see my baby’s room? It’s really clean.

• “I asked my aunt, but she looked away.” – A classic one.

• I’ve got a feeling we’re gonna be the best of friends.

• If Auntie’s a little rough around the edges, then it’s okay to say so.

• You’re the kind of aunt who should be in charge, but you’re probably too sweet to even want it.

• To the aunt that looks like an average person, but has the best intentions.

• I’m really not that good looking but I will come to your house and steal all of your boyfriends.

• When you’re not getting any, but the lights are on and your aunt’s there.

• I’m not her nephew. I’m her father—and a bit of a pain in the butt!

• My aunt is so dumb, she didn’t even realize I was talking to her.

• You’re so cute and adorable when you eat a lot of chicken wings.

• Can I borrow $100? I need a toothbrush, toothpaste and an umbrella.

• Just saying “hello” isn’t enough. I need more than that to get your attention.

• You’re so good at convincing people they’re wrong that it’s hard to know what you’d be mad at me for.

• I’m sorry if I’m a little late, I got lost on the way to your house.

• You look like a cactus, but I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or bad thing.

• Tell me, who is the funniest Aunt out there? She’s the aunt who gives you wise advice, but also has the best pick-up lines.

• Hey, Aunt. I don’t know about you, but I need a little spice in my life.

• When you’re looking for a good aunt—and you know where to look.

• Your little cousin is no longer a little cousin. Now she’s an auntie, and she needs to know that you’re ready to have some fun.

• Aunt, I don’t have a girlfriend, but it’s not because I’m ugly. It’s because there are no girls that look good in the morning or at night.

• I think we should get together, because you’re my favorite Auntie.

• Aunt, you’re like the internet, but better and more reliable.

• Auntie, if it’s not one thing, it’s another. Let me help you with that.

• You know who you are, and you know all my favorite things. Good thing, because my aunt is about to be away for work for the next couple days.

• I’m gonna call your Aunt, because she’s in my thoughts. You’re so beautiful, I don’t know how you do it.

• I’m coming over to your house because I miss seeing you. I’m still waiting for you to ask me to the dance.

• Hey, Auntie—you look like you’re about to tackle an awesome challenge. Let me help you figure out how to succeed.

• Aunt, you’re my favorite aunt. I love you. Auntie, you’re my world, my heart and all I think about. I’m in love with your being my aunt.

• Auntie, I love you like a brother.I may be your nephew, but I still know what’s up.

• I’m going to need your help getting my aunt’s car out of the parking lot.

• I’ve never met a woman who said no—but if you do, I’d love to meet you.

• Your taste in men is like the last piece of meat on a table. It’s always there, but I never know what’s going to be waiting.

• I’m a little bit loaded with the love of your life. What’s your superpower? I’m pretty sure I have it too.

• Hey, Aunt. I’m stopping by to give your house a face lift.

• Hey Auntie, what’s the deal with all this “I Love You” stuff?

• When you’re dating a woman for her older relatives.

• When your aunt says she’s “Not sure if this is the kind of conversation I’m looking for, but how about I get you something to drink?” she really means it.

• If Auntie’s like a sandwich, you’re my favorite condiment.

• Just when I thought it was safe to let Uncle/Granny have a little fun again, you show up! Now what am I supposed to do?

• I have a thing for older women, but you’re my first crush.

• When your aunt is on a roll, all you can do is watch and listen as she talks all night.

• Aunt does the legs on a sundae look like I’m about to fall on my face?

• You’re just what my aunt ordered. “Auntie, I’m so sorry I was such a terrible nephew.” I’m not your Auntie. I’m your wife.

• I’ll be there for you, like Aunt Flow’s always there for me.

• You can never go wrong when you say this to someone that you think is attractive: “It’s a bit cold tonight, huh? Should I wrap up your goose?”

• “I do believe in ghosts, apparitions and trances! I believe in you.”

• What’s a brother-in-law to do when his big sister is an Aunt? Let her know she’s his number one Aunt with a funny pick up line that will make her laugh.

• Hey Aunt. I was thinking of you all day, and when I saw your number on my phone I thought it was a mistake.

• Hey Aunt, you look like a smart cookie. Would you like to have coffee with me?

• Hey Auntie, if you could get any job in the world, what would it be?

• Hey aunt, I know you’re old, but you’re hot AF! (I wouldn’t mind if you gave me a kiss)

• I’m not the guy who doesn’t know how to pick up a girl but I do have some bad pickup lines.

• When the aunt you have a crush on asks you if she can call in sick, tell her yes but only if she calls in sick twice

• Hey Aunt, what’s a ‘gravel road to happiness’? A pot of gold on a hill, with a cup of tea.

• If your aunt is hot, it’s because she stayed up all night baking cake.

• Auntie, I haven’t seen you in a while. Where’ve you been hiding?

• Auntie, you have a body that could make a saint believe in the devil.

• You’re like a little light bulb in my head. Always on.

• I’m not a scientist, but I know it’s not the moon you’re afraid of.

• What would you tell your Aunt if she was single?

• I’m your Aunt, and you’re sweet. I like that in a guy.

• When you see her, your first thought is “Hey! Auntie”… Yeah, I know. That’s just how it works.

• Aunt is the one who taught me how to play baseball, paint my face and have fun. So if you see me, tell her thanks. I owe her everything.

• Auntie, you’re like a fine wine. The older you get, the better you are.

• My aunt always tells me “You’re putting on a lot of clothes today, are you going somewhere?” I answer…

• I don’t know how to say this, but I’m totally crushing on your niece!

• Hey old lady, you know me so well that I don’t need to tell you my name is ____.

• I know you hate me and I hate you, but don’t worry I’m here to help.

• I know you’re old, but I’m definitely not taking it personally.

• I don’t understand why you’re wearing sunscreen, it’s going to rain.

• I’m sure you’ve heard it a hundred times. But this time, it’s true!

• Hey Auntie, are you like the perfect aunt or something? I’d love to take care of you and your family.

• Hey aunt, I’m a big fan of your work. Can you help me find something nice to wear for that date you set up for me?

• If you don’t have an Aunt, get one! They’re just as important as your parents, and they deserve some lovin’.

• When it comes to Aunties, there are a lot of them. But if you’re looking for the best Aunt joke ever, I think mine have you covered.

• I would so like to be your Aunt. I promise to be on time for all your parties, clean up after myself, and not leave a mess in the house when I go out.

• I’ve never met an aunt with more passion than you. I just wish the rest of them could see the kind of fire that burns in your belly.

• Hey, Auntie—what’s your secret? I feel like my metabolism just sped up.

• I can’t believe I’ve waited so long to make your aunt my girlfriend.

• The kind of aunt who can make cookies and milk taste better. Auntie is always right.

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