
Sulaymaniyah Mosque Captions for Instagram

Sulaymaniyah Mosque is the second largest mosque with a golden dome situated in Sulaymaniah, Iraqi Kurdistan. It was built by Sultan Abdul-Hamid II and inaugurated in 1892. The mosque is located near the palace of Mustafa Barzani and Al-Salaam hospital. In 1991 Mustafa Barzani’s tomb was added at the entrance to the mosque.

Sulaymaniyah Mosque Captions for Instagram

• The beauty of this place is beyond description, Sulaymaniyah mosque that is one of the most important historical landmarks was renovated by Barakat foundation.

• The mosques of Sulaymaniyah draw thousands of worshipers from across Iraq to pray together.

• The mosque of Sulaymaniyah, the most beautiful and ancient mosque in Kurdistan, blows you away with its majestic architecture and culture.

• The mosque of Sulaymaniyah, a haven for Muslim worshippers.

• The world’s longest minaret, is the most stunning and magnificent mosque in Sulaymaniyah.

• The mosque of Sulaymaniyah is a traditional mosque, built in the 17th century.

• Surrounded by history, the Mosque of Iraq has stood for centuries as a symbol of community and faith.

• The most beautiful mosque in the world, built by the hands of the architect Masoudi.

• A perfect place for prayer and reflection.

• The beauty of the past, present and future is inextricably connected.

• Every day, every hour, every minute, Sulaymaniyah mosque is there for you.

• The light of Islam will always shine in Sulaymaniyah. #Sulaimaniyah mosque

• The mosque of Sulaymaniyah, the oldest existing mosque in Iraq and the source of its wealth.

• Surrounded by the beautiful nature of Iraq, this mosque is also a strong presence on a landscape of peace.

• The Islamic Cultural Center of Sulaimaniyah is one of the most important mosques in Iraqi Kurdistan.

• A mosque is not just a house of worship. It is a place to think, and pray, and dream.

• Sunlight streams into the interior of this mosque, illuminating its arches and domes. It looks like an oasis in a landlocked desert.

• The silence of the mosque is a reminder that we must always be listening to the call of God and seeking His guidance in every moment of our lives.

• The Mosque of Sinjar is the most beautiful in Iraq.

• The dome of this mosque is the first structure to be used for worship.

• The sacred place where everyone can come to feel at home.

• The architecture of the building is magnificent and very beautiful.

• Our mosque is a place where we can come together and practice our faith freely and without fear. #sulaymaniyah #religion

• The heart of the city, Sulaymaniyah Mosque.

• Sulaymaniyah is a city located in the Kurdistan region of Iraq. It has more than 50 mosques, and many are over 600 years old.

• The Al-Sulaymaniyah mosque is a landmark in Sulaymaniyah, the capital of Kurdistan Region. In the heart of the city, this mosque has been there for hundreds of years.

• The people of Sulaymaniyah have always stood up for their rights and freedoms. And now they are making history yet again.

• Name: Mosque of Sulaymaniyah. Location: Sulaymaniyah, Iraq

• We are proud to be a part of the global Muslim community, and it is our hope that this mosque will serve as a place of worship for all faiths.

• The mosque is always open to all of you, pray and feel comfortable in our place.

• The mosques in the Kurdistan Region are a testament of the vibrant Islamic culture that has flourished over centuries.

• A city in the heart of Kurdistan is home to one of the most important mosques in the world.

• A glance inside the magnificent interior and courtyard of this 1200-year-old mosque in Iraq.

• The mosque is a place where people gather and pray together, to seek Allah’s blessings and direction.

• The architecture of this mosque tells a story of 3 centuries of Islam.As you walk through the halls and lanes, you will discover the history behind each step.

• This is a place of worship for all people, regardless of race, religion or political affiliation.

• The mosque of the city of Sulaymaniyah is a place that makes religious people happy, it is a place where they can feel safe in their daily lives.

• The building of this mosque was a great achievement in the history of Sulaymaniyah.

• The mosque of the town of Sulaymaniyah is one of the most beautiful places in Iraq.

• The city of peace and blessings, Sulaymaniyah.

• The magnificent dome of the shrine of Sayyiduna Sulayman (AS) in Sulaymaniyah, Iraqi Kurdistan.

• We are proud of our mosque and we are proud of our city.

• Come to the mosque of the people, where there is love and peace, not war and hate.

• The most beautiful mosque in the world.

• A mosque is not just a place of worship, but also a cultural and historical site.

• The mosque is a place of worship that also serves as a community center.

• This mosque is where Shia Muslims pray and perform their other religious functions.

• We may not be able to stop the hatred, but we can teach our children to learn about the history of Islam.

• The mosque was an architectural milestone in the Middle East. It was built in AD 815 by a caliph named Harun al-Rashid

• The best way to explore the city? On foot. Walk the crescent-shaped streets and follow the scent of jasmine and rosewater.

• Take a deep breath. The world is bigger than you think.

• Discover the beauty and history of the Sulaymaniyah Mosque and experience the place where tradition meets innovation.

• Standing tall and proud in the heart of the Middle East, our mosque is the most visited religious site in Sulaymaniyah.

• There is no mosque like the one in Sulaymaniyah.

• The Sulaymaniyah mosque is an important landmark in the city. It has a simple, austere exterior that belies its vast interior

• A visit to the historic Sulaymaniyah Mosque should be on the list of things to do in Sulaymaniyah.

• Sulaymaniyah mosque is a historical monument in Sulaymaniyah city, Iraq. It was built between 1336 and 1343 AD, during the reign of the Hamadani Sultanate.

• The mosque of Sulaymaniyah is located in the center of the city, near the Kizil River.

• The first mosque on earth, built in the city of Sulaymaniyah.

• We are proud that our city will be the heart of a new phase in the history of Islam.

• The most sacred mosque in the world is here.

• The mosque was built over the tomb of Ali, the cousin and son-in-law of the prophet Isa (Jesus), which is considered one of the most important holy sites in Islam.

• The most beautiful place in the world is the one you visit daily

• The history of a place is all about the stories that have been told, the legends that have been passed on.

• Along with the rest of the world, we mourn the loss of over 77 million people killed in World War II.

• A symbol of beauty, wisdom and peace. #SulaymaniyahMosque

• A place of worship and hope, Sulaymaniyah Mosque is an ancient landmark.

• The strong and majestic Sulaymaniyah mosque, built in the 9th century AD, is an outstanding example of Iraqi architecture.

• A mosque on every corner of the world? That’s just what Sulaymaniyah’s beautiful, old and new mosques are.

• The biggest mosque in all of Kurdistan, Sulaymaniyah, was built with the vision of the great prophet himself.

• Be engulfed with the beauty of nature as you explore one of the most magnificent mosques in Sulaymaniyah.

• The mosque of Sulaymaniyah is a symbol of Kurdish cultural heritage and art.

• See the beauty and history of this mosque in #Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan.

• The Great Mosque of Sulaymaniyah is the heart and soul of the Iraqi city.

• A mosque in a city of beautiful mosques.

• A mosque built by the great Abba Haroon Sulayman (peace be upon him).

• The mosque with the most beautiful architecture in the world.

• The mosque’s foundation is undisturbed by time.

• A mosque is a house of prayer where people meet and give thanks.

• The beauty of Sulaymaniyah is beyond words. The people, the landscape and of course this mosque.

• Facing east to pray, facing west to struggle for freedom. We are the children of Sulaymaniyah.

• This is the largest mosque in Sulaymaniyah and it has two minarets. The ablution area, prayer hall and mihrab are all located on the main floor.

• This is the original mosque of the city of Sulaymaniyah, where the prophet Muhammad preached to his followers.

• The first mosque in Iraq was built in Sulaymaniyah in the year 786.

• The light of Suleimaniah Mosque is always shining on us.

• The most beautiful and historical mosque in Kurdistan.

• The mosque of peace, symbol of solidarity and unity.

• The mosque of the city is a beautiful piece of architecture that combines neo-classical, oriental and traditional Islamic styles.

• The mosque is where people pray to God and ask for blessings. The mosque is like a ship, is a means to reach the shore

• The mosque of Sultania, built in the 7th Century, is known for its magnificent architecture, that remains intact today.

• This is a place of peace and love, where people come together to spend time in prayer, reflect on life, and build bridges of friendship.

• The sun rises from the east, the moon sets in the west. So should we as Muslims be ruled by the Sunnah of our Prophet (pbuh) or by that of the Qur’an?

• The most iconic mosque in Iraq, Sulaymaniyah’s Masjid al-Nur.

• In the heart of Sulaymaniyah’s old city, this wooden mosque is an architectural gem.

• The Mosque in Sulaymaniyah is built in the 12th century with an interior of olive wood and an outside walnut wood casing.

• Take a tour of the first Islamic mosque in the world, built in 767 AD in Sulaymaniyah, Iraq.

• A place of worship for centuries, this mosque was rebuilt in the 18th century by the Sulaymaniyah emir.

• The night-time illumination of the mosque is a sign of the Islamic revival in Iraq.

• The most beautiful mosque in the world.

• The mosque is a place of worship and peace.

• For centuries, pilgrims have journeyed to the Suleimanieh Mosque for Eid prayers. We still do so even today…

• We are the city that marks the birth of a nation, the foundation of its culture and its soul.

• Centuries of history. A place of worship and refuge.

• No matter how difficult your journey, we welcome you to the land of hope and peace.

• The most beautiful place in the world is a place where you can find peace and tranquility.

• There is something to be said for the beauty of simplicity. #SulaymaniyahMasjid

• This is a glimpse into the beauty of the world’s oldest mosque, which still stands tall and strong in Sulaymaniyah.

• The greatest mosque in the world, Sulaymaniyah, Iraq.

• The mosque of the city of Sulaymaniyah is one of the most important buildings in the city.

• The mosque of Sulaymaniyah, also known as the Great Mosque of Tawwini and is one of the oldest mosques in Iraq.

• “The doors of the mosque are open to all people.”

• When you enter this holy mosque, you are in a place of greatness where great men have walked.

• The mosque of Suleiman, a holy site for Muslims from across the globe.

• The mosque, which is one of the most important cultural and historical sites in Iraq, was built in the year 1277.

• Providing places of peace, contemplation and prayer for all people.

• The call to prayer is one of the most dramatic and emotional moments in our lives. Here’s how to capture that feeling on camera.

• Let us pray together and act with humility.

• Sulaymaniyah mosque is the most beautiful building in Iraq.

• Restored to its former glory, Sulaymaniyah’s historic mosque has been restored to its former glory.

• Surrounded by history and tradition, the mosque in Sulaymaniyah, Iraq is a must-see for all visitors.

• The sun rises over the Sulaymaniyah mosque, a place of worship and remembrance for thousands of people who live in and around Mosul.

• This is the symbol of diversity and harmony in Sulaymaniyah.

• The great mosque of Sulaymaniyah is a masterpiece of Islamic architecture.

• The Sylai mosque is a symbol of peace and prosperity.

• To the Sunnis and Shias of Iraq, we say: We stand with you in this difficult moment.

• The oldest mosque in Iraq, built in 1120.

• There are moments of beauty and tranquility captured in this photo.

• The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams and are willing to work for them.

• The best days happen when you’re living life to the fullest, challenging yourself and building your own path. Enjoy the simple moments.

• When you are in the middle of nowhere, you need a landmark to show you the way.

• The mosque of Sulaymaniyah is a symbol of peace and tolerance.

• The mosques of Sulaymaniyah are a reminder of the powerful role they have always played in promoting peace and tolerance in Iraq.

• A mosque in Sulaymaniyah, Iraq is an architectural marvel that looks like a string of jewels arranged together.

• The mosque of Sulaymaniyah is one of the largest and most important mosques in Iraq.

• The mosque of Sulaymaniyah is a place of worship for Shiites, Sunni and other Muslims.

• The mosque of Sulaymaniyah is one of the oldest mosques in Iraq and it is also the only mosque that has been built in a mountain.

• The mosque of Sulaymaniyah was built in the 11th century and, according to some sources, has been destroyed and rebuilt at least six times.

• The ancient history of Sulaymaniyah is inseparable from the unique cultural and architectural heritage of Iraq.

• When you walk through the doors of this mosque, you’re in awe of its beauty and vastness.

• A place of worship is sacred, not just for followers but for everyone.

• I will stand tall, I will shout out, in the face of extremism and hatred. ❤️ #SulaymaniyahMosque

• The Sulaymaniyah mosque, constructed in the 13th century and serving as a symbol of beauty, faith and tolerance.

• Surrounded by lush green mountains, the Sulaymaniyah mosque is one of the most beautiful structures in Iraq.

• The breathtaking beauty of the Mosque in Sulaymaniyah is a reflection of the city’s rich history, cultural diversity and tolerance.

• A mosque is not just a piece of architecture, it is a symbol of faith and community.

• This mosque is the biggest in the Middle East and its courtyard is a place of peace, love, and harmony

• The history of this mosque and its role in the Kurdish struggle for freedom is a long, brutal one.

• A Ummah that travels together, and defends its values together, will be unstoppable.

• A place of peace, prayer and reflection.

• It was here, in this ancient city of Arabs, Persians and Greeks that a man called Abraham lived. This holy city is considered the birthplace of Islam.

• The road to peace and unity is through embracing our differences.

• No matter what you believe, no matter how much you’ve traveled or how far you’ve come, the fact is that every soul on earth was created by one almighty God.

• You are a part of the history of this nation, you are the visual reminder of our peaceful united state.

• A symbol of peace and tolerance, the Sulaymaniyah mosque is a perfect representation of our city’s multicultural spirit. @yelena_tormozova

• Sulaymaniyah Mosque is one of the most beautiful mosques in Iraq, built between 1604 and 1622.

• The dominant landmark of Sulaymaniyah, the Ottoman-era mosque is worth a visit.

• A mosque that has stood the test of time and history is a must-see for visitors to Sulaymaniyah.

• The stone-cut facade of the mosque of Sulaymaniyah is one of its most beautiful features. It’s a reminder of how far Islam has spread in this region.

• This is the largest mosque in Sulaymaniyah and is the center of social life in the city.

• The Grand Mosque of Sulaymaniyah, the spiritual heart of Sulaymaniyah, is a must visit.

• The city of beauty and lights the spirit of Sulaymaniyah is an open book.

• A traditional mosque built in Sulaymaniyah, Iraq

• The most beautiful mosque in the world.

• A mosque surrounded by a multitude of trees. The silhouette of the mosque is reminiscent of an Arabic calligraphy painting.

• The people of the Middle East have always been a part of our own story. We are proud to share a small part of that rich culture with you.

• The first building in the world to be built with pure concrete (without any mortar).

• Sulaymaniyah Mosque is the most visited place in northern Iraq. It’s a place where people come to pray and find peace.

• This is a mosque not only for the people in Sulaymaniyah, but for all people around the globe.

• The beauty of Sulaymaniyah’s mosques is unmatched.

• The tallest minaret in the world is at this mosque in Sulaymaniyah in Kurdistan, Iraq.

• The first mosque in the world was built here in Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan, Iraq.

• The mosque of Sulaymaniyah is the most important building in this city.

• Behold the beauty of a mosque in the Middle East.

• The most beautiful mosque in the world.

• Guards at the gates of Paradise – that was how historic the dome of the mosque in Iraq’s Kurdistan sounded, when it was restored.

• Allahu Akbar, the Muslim call to prayer sounded from the minaret of this mosque.

• There is no god but god and Mohammed is the messenger of God

• The holy place of worship for two world religions.

• Built in the 11th century, this mosque is a rare example of Islamic architecture that combines many styles and periods.

• All praise is due to God, Who created the sky and earth in truth.

• The Sulaymaniyah mosque is a symbol of diversity, peace and tolerance.

• Sulaymaniyah Mosque is one of the most important landmarks in Iraq, a symbol of peace and unity.

• The mosque is the pride of Sulaymaniyah and is the place where people gather to pray and be at peace.

• The history of this beautiful mosque is the history of Sulaymaniyah.

• The mosque of Sulaymaniyah is a prominent building in the Kurdish city, built in the early 1970s.

• A symbol of unity, strength, and perseverance: the magnificent mosque in Sulaymaniyah, Iraq.

• The mosque of Sulaymaniyah was built in the 8th century AD and has been continuously used by its inhabitants since then.

• The mosque of Sulaymaniyah, part of the historic city of Mosul in Iraq was blown up by IS in July 2014.

• We are proud to be the home of a mosque that is a place of worship and learning.

• The largest mosque in the world, built in three years and with a capacity of more than 15,000 people.

• A haven for Muslims and non-Muslims alike, the mosque symbolizes peace and affection.

• Islamic architecture is the highest type of architecture in Islam.

• The mosque of 8th century Baghdad, the most important religious building in Iraq.

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