Pickup lines

93rd Birthday Pick Up Lines for Myself

So you’re 93, huh? Well, no matter how old you are, use these birthday pick up line to find the inspiration you need to truly celebrate living each day. These pick up line celebrate life, family, friendship and being active as well as being independent and appreciating new adventures.

93rd Birthday Pick Up Lines for Myself

• I wish you all the best for your 93rd birthday. May we live long and prosper! Happy Birthday!

• 93 years young. I can honestly say, I’ve lived an incredible life and am grateful to be here today.

• I’m thankful for the friends and family who love me deep inside and will be with me forever. Happy Birthday!

• Growing up is not always easy. But it’s always worth celebrating. Happy Birthday to myself!

• I am hitting the big 9-3 today and I wanted to thank you all for being a part of my journey, it’s been incredible. Happy birthday!

• Why not spend the rest of your days with those you love? To the long-lived and happy birthday!

• I’m so thankful for the opportunity to live life, experience things and make memories with friends. I hope my birthday inspires you to find what makes you happy too.

• Happy birthday to a beautiful, bright and charismatic woman. I’m thrilled to call you my friend!

• Here’s to another year of doing everything you’ve always wanted to do. Happy Birthday!

• Happy birthday to the best year of my life. You’ve made the journey just as memorable as I have – May it be only getting better from here on out with age!

• I’d like to wish you a very happy birthday! I know we can’t stop time, but I hope this glass of wine helps us to celebrate the passage of time as we drink together…and slowly retire from our careers.

• Celebrating my 93rd birthday with friends, family and great food. Cheers!

• Wishing a very happy birthday to myself, I don’t think it’s been easy, but it’s been fun. Here’s to the next 93.

• 93, Wishing you a very happy birthday. May we always stay young at heart, as well as in mind. May this day be filled with joy, fun and laughter:

• Friends, family and the rest of the world! Here’s to a long, healthy and happy life.93

• Gone, but not forgotten. My 93rd Birthday Bash is in full swing.

• I wouldn’t be here today without the love and support of my family, friends and fans. I am grateful for all your love. Happy 93rd Birthday!

• 93 years young and kicking ass. To celebrate, here’s a cupcak.

• 93 is the new youthful. Here’s to you, and here’s to good health and longevity.

• The only thing better than getting older, is getting older while having fun. Happy birthday to me and to everyone else who celebrated yesterday.

• 93 years young today. Here’s to another decade of stomping my feet, singing loudly and dancing with joy. Have a fabulous day!

• I’m not old, I’m ageless. In fact, I’m better now than I’ve ever been. Happy Birthday!

• We’re celebrating a decade of good times, great moments and incredible people. Here’s to another 10 years!

• From the bottom of my heart, I wish you a very happy birthday. You have given me so much joy and happiness.

• I am blessed to have you in my life. Thank you for being my best friend and someone who never gives up on me. You are an inspiration in many ways.

• Here’s to my 93rd birthday. Cheers to good health, great friends and a long life of laughs.

• Let’s celebrate this incredible woman’s 93rd birthday with a toast to an amazing life. 93HappyBirthdayMom

• 93 years young, I say that with a big smile on my face. Happy Birthday!

• You are loved. You are amazing. You are here to stay! 93rdbirthday HappyBirthday

• Happy 93rd birthday to my wife granny. Happy birthday to me, and all those who love us. May we be surrounded by love, laughter and celebration this weekend!

• 9-3! Celebrating a birthday, as well as many more to come. Cheers to health and happiness!

• Happy birthday to myself. I hope you have a great one, too! It’s been 93 years since my birth and I can’t believe it.

• HAPPY BIRTHDAY to myself! This year has been so exciting, and I can’t wait for what’s next.

• Here’s to a glorious, glittering 93! May you celebrate every year with a smile on your face. Here’s to many more successes and adventures in life.

• I’m so excited to reach this milestone birthday—it’s a big deal, right? Thanks for celebrating with me! Let’s do this again next year

• It’s your time to shine, so let it all out. Let the world know who you are and what you can do. You’re only 93, don’t waste another second!

• I have lots of friends who celebrate their birthdays in October and November. But, I decided to go with March because it’s my favorite month.

• I am 23 years old and I have no clue how my life got so crazy. Thank goodness for these moments with friends, family and good food.

• Today is a special day, it’s my birthday and I’m 93! If you would like to wish me a happy birthday, please do so in the comments.

• I’m turning 93 today. Cheers to another year of youth and energy!

• Celebrate your birthday with a throwback that’ll set you apart from the rest.

• 93 years young, and still going strong. I’m so blessed to have you in my life.

• Here’s to another year full of adventure and growth! Happy birthday from me and all my friends that celebrate with me this week!

• I’m grateful for life and the people in it. May this day be filled with joy and laughter. Happy birthday, dear friend!

• Wishing you a happy birthday, and many more coming your way!

• Here’s to a long and healthy life, full of friends and family, good times and laughter.

• I turned 93 today, I feel like a newborn! May this be the new beginning of my life. Happy birthday to my dear sweet mom, who has been there for me all along.

• Here’s to the good life and here’s to many more birthdays. Today is your day.

• Celebrate by doing it big. Be bold and take chances, live life to the fullest and always remember to smile, even when you don’t feel like it.

• You are an amazing person and I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for you! Happy Birthday!

• I am grateful to have been blessed with an older brother who is even more handsome than me.

• You are the ray of sunshine that brightens up my days and make you proud when I look up to you. Happy birthday, bro!

• You’ve made it. Just keep going. The road is long, but the destination is worth it.

• Age is a hell of a drug, but I’m not going anywhere. Here I am, still going strong! Thanks for the support.

• Here is to celebrate my 93rd birthday. To all my friends, family, and loved ones, thank you for being in my life and making it the best ever.

• 93 is a big number. Celebrate your birthday and the passage of time with us.

• As I enter my 93rd birthday. Wishing you a good health, vitality and energy to keep going strong! Happy birthday to me!

• It’s my 93rd birthday, and I’m feeling pretty fabulous. Here’s to another year of youth and vitality!

• Happy Birthday to me. A day that’s nothing but cake and celebration at my place.

• I will take you along on the ride, not just because that’s what is expected of a 93-year-old birthday boy but also because many ways to celebrate an important life milestone.

• It’s a heck of a day to be celebrating the 93rd birthday of iamtut. A sentiment echoed in many tweets, which ranged from funny to sweet to heartfelt.

• I turned 93 on the 7th of January. I’m very proud to be a grandma of four! HappyBirthdayToMe

• How many birthdays have you celebrated? I’m proud to be celebrating mine today. 93birthday

• The number 93 is sacred to me. I feel strong, healthy and motivated for the future. I wish all the good things in life for you, dear reader. Happy birthday!

• To celebrate my 93rd birthday, I’m hoping to watch a few more episodes of Seinfeld and eat way too much food.

• Today is my 93rd birthday. To celebrate this milestone birth, I’ve got a few things lined up.

• When I’m 95 and still playing at the top level, I’ll let you know how it went. Until then, happy birthday to me!

• Age is just a number, and if you feel good and keep active it is not important. Age doesn’t matter if you are healthy and happy. Happy birthday to me!

• Thank you for all the love, support and encouragement over these many years. Happy Birthday!

• It’s been 93 years since I first came into this world. A lifetime filled with love and laughter, tears and heartbreak, but most importantly, incredible friendships. Love you guys!

• The future may be bright and full of promise, but I can’t wait to celebrate the past with you.

• It’s my 93rd birthday, and I’d like to wish you all the best of health and happiness. May you all find love, peace and happiness this year as well.

• birthdays are not just about celebrating the day you were born, it also means to celebrate your 93 years of life.

• I will be celebrating my 93rd birthday with family and friends today. I wish that you all have a great day as well!

• 93 years young. Happy birthday to me. It’s your birthday, a day to celebrate and enjoy life.

• My wishes for you is happiness and abundant health. Happy Birthday!

• 93 years young and still kicking. I wish you the best on your birthday, and all throughout life. May you always be healthy, happy, and joyful.

• Here’s to a special 93 years of life, love and art. Here’s to celebrating life and living it fully every day!

• 93 years young, there’s a little dust on my shoulders but still plenty of fire in my belly. Happy Birthday!

• Happy birthday to me! It’s my 93rd, and I’m still going strong. Heading into another year with a healthy attitude and focus on making the next one even better.

• The greatest gift I’ve been given is the gift of life, and the fact that I can share it with my friends and loved ones. Happy birthday to me, from all of us.

• Here’s to you, dear friend. You are the heart of our family and you will always be loved and cherished. Happy birthday!

• Here’s to many more birthdays in front of us. I hope we have a chance to catch up and reminisce about the good ol’ times.

• To the coolest, most talented and all around best person I know. We’ve been through hell and back, but we’re not done yet. Thank you for being you and thank you for always being so damn fun to be around! Happy birthday.

• Today I’m celebrating my 93rd birthday with all of the people I love and celebrate my life with.

• 93 years young and still going strong. Happy birthday to me!

• Happy birthday to my beautiful, kind, caring and all around awesome 93 year old grandmother.

• Celebrating my 93rd birthday. You keep getting better with age.

• The passage of time is a landmark, but it should never be a barrier. We celebrate the day and year that you made your mark in our lives. Happy 93rd birthday!

• I’ve had a great life, lived to the fullest, worked hard and earned all I have. Happy birthday to me!

• 93 years young and still feeling fresh as a daisy! Cheers to another year of surprises and adventures. Wishing you all the best in your lives!

• It’s your BIGGEST BIRTHDAY yet! Celebrate with a celebration that lasts all year long.

• I’m turning 93 tomorrow night and I can’t think of a better way to celebrate it than by doing something that doesn’t involve sitting still.

• To all the people who have shared time, memories and feelings with me. Although you’re in different places today, I will never forget you! Happy birthday! birthday.

• I am grateful for my amazing family, friends, and community. Happy Birthday to the most wonderful mom in the world. I owe so much of my life to you.

• It’s not what you have in the bank but what you are that makes you rich.

• On my 93 years of age, the praise and blessings of God Almighty, my family and friends. Happy Birthday!

• My 93rd birthday is here! I hope you all have a wonderful day and celebrate me in your own way. Have an awesome day.

• The morning is young, but my birthday is already old. Happy birthday, dear friend.93

• 93 years young. Let’s celebrate together and make the most of the days that follow.

• 93 years is a long, long time, but I’ve been waiting for it. Happy birthday to me!

• 93rd birthday: the number that represents a moment of transition and growth. 93 years young and still going strong. Happy Birthday, dear friend.

• May all your dreams come true, and may you continue to make the world a better place for future generations. Cheers!

• Last day on this earth and I’m thankful for every moment of my life. Happy birthday to me!

• This year’s something special, because it’s my 93rd.

• Party on! Happy birthday to a very special lady who makes me look forward to my years ahead with even more excitement.

• 93 is the new 30. Celebrating a whole new world of possibilities.

• Today is a day to celebrate life, honor the past and reflect on the future. May you have many more, and may they be as enjoyable as this one has been.

• 93 is the new 30. My most inspired years have been in my 20’s and 30’s, which are the most ‘youthful’ years of life.

• Here’s wishing you a very happy 93rd birthday. Happy Birthday!

• In the sky above, 93 years of good health and happiness. Happy birthday to myself!

• I’m celebrating my 93rd birthday! It’s been a wonderful journey and I have loved every minute of it.

• To all of you who have celebrated with me these many years, I am very grateful. Thank You All

• Today is my birthday. I am grateful for the gifts that have been given to me and thankful for another year of life.

• 93 years of life, a lot of sunrises and sunsets, dinners on the rooftop and days spent with my family. Thank you for everything. Happy Birthday, my friend!

• I am 93 years old and still kicking. Happy birthday and keep on living life to the fullest!

• Here’s to 93 years young and the pursuit of happiness.

• I am grateful for this age, I have realized that it is time to live a little more. Happy birthday my friends, you are such an inspiration!

• Celebrating the 93rd birthday of one of the greatest champions that we have ever had. A true inspiration and role model for our youth. All the best wishes to you Mr. Lhasa Dhar.

• Life is a gift. Enjoy it. Celebrate every moment of it. And never forget that if you haven’t lived before, you’ll never know how much you can love! Happy Birthday to Me !

• My birthday is a reminder that there is more to life than just “the game.” I’m 93 years old and still kicking. You can do the same.

• The good life is what we make it. Cheers!

• Celebrating my 93rd birthday with the best friends in the world. Wishing you many more adventures and a lifetime of laughter.

• Happy 93rd Birthday to this old man. May every celebration have a cake like the ones we’ve had.

• 93 years young and still going strong. Happy Birthday!!!

• I am grateful for the blessings in my life, and I will continue to share them with others. Thank you for celebrating my birthday with me. Happy Birthday!

• Happy birthday to me! I’m older than you. Much older. And the way I feel right now? That’s called maturity, friends.

• To my 93 years old friend! Thank you for being the light of my life, helping me become a better person and always standing by me through thick and thin. I love you!

• Here’s to a new beginning. Here’s to life, here’s to friends, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

• The most important thing to celebrate today is you. Happy Birthday!

• Cheers to 93 years of staying young, and looking forward to more.

• You are a legend and we love you Happy 93rdBirthday to the legend, Mr. Larry David!

• Happy birthday to me! It’s been an incredible ride and I can’t wait to see what’s in store for me next.

• I’m going to keep adding new things to my bucket list because life can be more than just surviving.

• We can achieve what we want in our lives, and I’m not giving up on that. Happy birthday, 93 years old!

• I’ve been here before. It’s all in the rearview mirror, now I’m looking forward to the future of 93!

• I am 93 today, I’m doing good and I feel great. Here’s wishing a Happy Birthday to me!

• Thank you for celebrating my 93rd birthday with me! It’s an honor and a privilege to be a part of your life. Happy Birthday!

• Happy 93rd birthday to one of my best friends. I love you, and I can’t wait to celebrate your birthday with you!

• To my 93rd year, may you be full of energy and good health! Happy birthday to me ☺️ #93rdbirthday

• As we celebrate the 93rd birthday of my dear friend, congratulations and good wishes on your birthday! I hope that you have many more years ahead of you!

• Happy birthday to me! I can’t believe it’s my 93rd birthday today. Thank you for helping me make it this far!

• 93 years young. I’ve had a pretty great life. Happy birthday to me!

• I am counting down the days until my 93rd birthday! And I can’t wait to make it the best one ever!

• It’s a great milestone in life when we can look back at our past and say, “I’ve lived a good life.” I hope this next stage of your life is full of happiness and joy!

• 93 years young, and I’m still going strong! Thank you for the birthday wishes

• Today is the day I turn 93. I’m not sure how I feel about it, but I’ll either grow old gracefully or fall down and break my hip.

• To my best friend, love of my life and the person who has made this whole journey worthwhile.

• I look forward to celebrating your birthday with you and celebrating your presence 24/7 forever!

• It’s been 93 years since I first got my hands on a typewriter, and now it’s my turn to pass them along.

• Here’s to you, Gertie. (I’m not making fun of you. It’s more like an homage to how amazing you are.)

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