Pickup lines

92nd Birthday Pick Up Lines for Myself

It’s your birthday, don’t let it go to waste! According to a study done by researchers at Boston University, those who celebrate their birthday tend to live longer than people who don’t. What’s interesting is that this health boost is greater for those who celebrate their birthdays as opposed to those whose birthday happens to fall on a holiday like Christmas. So, even if you’re a quiet person and don’t have many friends, make sure you share the joy of the day with someone — or better yet, treat yo’ self well!

92nd Birthday Pick Up Lines for Myself

• Now that I’m on the other side of 92, it’s time to celebrate. Here’s to living a full, active life well into my 90s—and beyond. Happy Birthday!

• 92 years young, and even more excited to be here. Cheers to a good day and the promise of great years ahead!

• A special day, full of joy and memories. Happy Birthday to me!

Here’s to a special day, filled with great food, friends and family. Happy birthday to me!

• 92 years old. Been an amazing journey, and I am so grateful for all the people who have helped me along the way!

• A new chapter begins. Good morning, good night, and forever. Happy 92nd birthday to my mom!

• Celebrating the most important time of life: age. Hope this birthday is filled with joy and love, memories that last a lifetime and laughter galore! Cheers to a great year ahead!

• Celebrating the beginning of a great adventure. It’s your birthday!

• It’s been 92 years since I was born, but if you asked me, my life has just begun. I’m just getting started and I’m excited to see what the future holds. Happy Birthday!

• I’m turning 92, I’ve been around a while, and I’ve had some good times and bad times. But I’ll always remember this birthday as the day I turned into this old lady.”

• Coming of age, embracing change. Congratulations! Keep growing and keep inspiring us. Happy Birthday.

• I’m turning 92 today. As my friends and family know, I’m not a young man anymore.

• I can’t walk up steps or ride an escalator. But one thing stays the same: my love for life, people and all living things.

• Another year gone. Another year closer to that long-awaited retirement. But I still feel like I have plenty of time left to do the things I want to do and make the connections I am looking for.

• Celebrating my 92nd birthday! Thank you all for wishing me a happy birthday and making my day even more special.

• Happy 92nd birthday to me! Cheers to another year of beautiful adventures and the best friends in the world.

• Celebrating my 92nd birthday with a good friend. You’re not just my age, you’re a wise old soul. Happy Birthday

• So many years have passed, so many places I’ve seen and yet so much more to see. Celebrate me, my friends and family with us. Happy birthday!

• The Magic of Life is just a moment away. Celebrate your birthday with us and have a magical moment.

• I have come a long way in my life and I have always wanted to thank you for it.

• I am grateful to be living on this earth and I am so grateful for all the love that is around me. Happy Birthday, thank you and see you soon 92years

• Let’s celebrate you and the wonderful person you’ve become. With love and admiration! Happy Birthday!

• Happy belated birthday! It’s your day, make it the best. My birthday, the day I have been waiting for all my life!

• I am so grateful that God gave me another opportunity to grow old with you and experience everything that life has—with a smile on my face.

• Thanks to you, I’ve become a better person because of you. Happy Birthday to me!

• May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be always at your back and may there be no limit to what you can achieve. Happy birthday.

• Happy birthday to me. I’m one of the few who can enjoy a birthday cake and still keep moving. Cheers to you too!

• Celebrating the good life, the wonderful people we know, and the great adventures to come. We’re going to have a lot of fun this year. See you soon!

• You are the embodiment of grace, beauty and style. Happy birthday to my beautiful wife who makes me so proud each and every day.

• 92 is the new 40! And I’m feeling pretty good about that. Happy birthday to me.

• Here’s to another 92 years of greatness. May God bless you with health and happiness! Happy birthday!

• Happy birthday to the man who has withstood the test of time and still remains youthful, energetic and positive. Wishing you all the best in your 92nd year!

• Today I turn twenty-two years old. Happy birthday to myself! May our bonds grow stronger and the journey ahead be a challenging one but full of life, love and happiness.

• It’s my birthday today. Let’s celebrate it, shall we? I have just turned 92 years old.

• The world will never be the same, but I still have more life to live—another thousand days ahead of me!

• Thanks for being there from the start. Happy birthday, friend!

• We’re all old enough to be reminded that we should be grateful for every day. So give yourself a big hug and some appreciation today.

• I’m enjoying every moment of this life that God has blessed me with. Hoping and praying for the same blessings in return. Happy birthday!

• Today is an important day for me. My birthday, but also a day to celebrate how much I’ve grown over the years. I can’t believe I’ve been an adult for 2 whole years now. Time flies!

• Wishing you the best of health and happiness on your 92nd birthday.

• Wishing you a 92nd birthday full of happiness, joy and good health. I love you!

• I’m turning 92. Here’s to another 92 years of living life, laughing and helping others. Happy Birthday!

• Many happy returns of the day, decades and decades. Here’s to you, dear. Have fun! 92ndbirthday

• May the next 92 years be as good to you as this one has been. Happy Birthday!

• Celebrating my birthday with friends and family. Have a great day!

• It’s my birthday! Time for a good old-fashioned celebration.

• Today is a moment of celebration, not just for myself but for everyone who has been by my side through ups and downs. Happy birthday to me (or whoever you want it to be).

• Here we go again! Another round of birthday wishes, cheers and cheers to the year ahead. Let’s enjoy it together.

• Cheers to 92 years of being a badass. Happy birthday, Dad. I couldn’t do it without you!

• I am blessed to have a family and friends who love me, celebrate with me, and have supported me all these years. Thanks for everything!

• How about a little birthday love? Happy birthday to me! Time flies like an arrow, but I don’t feel like a girl. I feel more like a woman every day.

• I have been working hard to live my best life, and I’m so grateful for the opportunity to make it happen.

• I’ve been on this planet long enough to warrant a celebration.

• 92nd birthday. Happy Birthday to me and all other people who have celebrated their young & old days, old age & youth as a blessing for life.

• My 92nd birthday is here. I am grateful for all the joy it has brought me and everyone who has had the opportunity to know me.

• May this year bring you good health, love, happiness, success and prosperity! Wishing you a very happy birthday.

• Today I celebrate my 92nd birthday. May the day bring you many more happy, healthy years.

• My 92nd birthday was a wonderful celebration of life and love! Here’s to another decade of health, happiness, and prosperity! Wishing you all the best in your journey towards a better future.

• To my 92 year old self, thank you for all the memories and lessons over the years. Happy birthday!

• Celebrating my 92nd birthday with a big birthday cake some great wine and songs of the year I turned 21. Looking forward to more celebrations in the near future!

• Cheers to the one and only 92 years young! Here’s to a lifetime of love, laughter, and good times.

• The best age is when you don’t feel like an old person, just someone who’s getting up every day and living life as fully as possible. Happy 92nd birthday to my best friend!

• The next 92 years are yours to enjoy. Make them count! I’ve been around the world. Now I’m back where I was Born and Bred. Wishing you a joyous birthday!

• I’ve officially made it to 92 years old. I can’t believe I’m still going strong!

• Happy birthday, to a lady who is both kind and fierce. I love you so much more than the internet ever could.

• I am still standing and learning, but now I am standing up for myself. I am living my life to the fullest and not just moving from one thing to another.

• Let’s celebrate life together, despite of age and all other things. Cheers to my birthday!

• I’m one decade older today, and it feels like a million. It’s been an amazing journey and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for me!

• To my 92 years old self: Happy birthday and life is beautiful. Make sure you live to the fullest and enjoy every second of life.

• To my 92nd year on this planet, I’m so thankful for each of you who have been in my life. I love you all. Happy Birthday!

• It’s your birthday. Here are some good wishes from the people you love.

• Here’s to a great day, full of fun and celebration. I hope you are having as much fun! 92ndBirthday

• Here comes the decade, here it goes. Here’s to the next 92 years! May you stay healthy and live a long and happy life. Happy birthday!

• Wishing a very happy birthday to the great, the good and the beautiful. May you continue to grow old gracefully and grow wiser each year.

• Happy 92nd birthday! I’m so grateful for this life, which I’ve spent with family and loved ones. Here’s to another year of simplicity, laughter, and good health. Cheers!

• It’s my birthday and I’m feeling so damn good. So glad to be turning the big 3-2, cheers to all the friends and family who celebrated with me.

• I am reborn because of you and for you. Happy Birthday to Me!

• It’s been a tough year. But it’s going to be even tougher tomorrow. I’ve kept my head up, and I’m going to keep on keeping on. Happy birthday, dear friends.

• Life is short. Live well, love often laughs and enjoy every moment.

• This is my 92nd birthday. I’m thankful for my friends, family and for life itself. Happy Birthday!

• A day to celebrate the past, and look forward to what’s ahead. Happy 92nd Birthday to me!

• It’s been a hell of a run, but I’m ready to celebrate my 92nd birthday with you all. Cheers to the good life, and cheers to many more years ahead!

• Moving forward, growing older and wiser. Happy 92nd Birthday to Myself! Looking forward to the next 22 years. 92years

• It’s your time to shine, Birthday girl. Here’s to 92 amazing years!

• Happy 92nd Birthday to the most awesome, good-hearted and talented person I know. Thank you for your love and kindness, that has made me who I am today. Thank you for being you.

• I got one thing to say about this beautiful day, Happy Birthday To Me!

• It’s your day. And I couldn’t be happier for the chance to celebrate all you have been, are and will be. Happy birthday!

• I feel like I’m always getting older, but never getting wiser. Cheers to my 92nd birthday, here’s to another year of youth!

• I’m turning 92 today, and it’s a special day. I’ve learned so much through the years; there’s still so much to learn!

• Wishing you the best of all things this birthday, beyond even your wildest dreams.

• Happy 92nd birthday to a great woman and friend. I am so grateful for your friendship, business acumen and support.

• A life without laughter would be a shallow existence indeed. Happy Birthday, Sandy!

• Thank you for having me, I will always be grateful. To my friends who have always stood by me, here’s to a lifetime of laughter and love

• Yes, I am that old. It’s been a long ride. But I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

• To my 92 friends on their birthday, I wish you all the happiness, joy and abundance of life. May all your wishes come true!

• I will be celebrating my 92nd birthday on this month. I will make it a great celebration by spending quality time with friends and family.

• It’s your birthday. You’re old enough to know better, but young enough to do better. 92ndbirthday

• I’m 92 years old, so I guess it’s time to celebrate the good life.

• There is no end to self-improvement, only a new beginning. Happy 92nd birthday to me!

• 92 years of life and just getting started. Cheers to an amazing year ahead and may it always be filled with all the joys and many more hopes that you want to experience.

• Next year, I hope, I can look back at this year as an exciting one and will celebrate a perfect 92nd birthday!

• I’ll be celebrating my 92nd birthday during the month of June. #YayMe

• Thanks to all my friends who have been there since day one. I am blessed to have you in my life and I hope we can continue to celebrate each other for years to come!!! happybirthday92

• 92 years young and still going strong. Happy Birthday to the woman who made it all happen. Happy92ndBirthdayMaya

• Eightty-two years old and still looking good! You’re the best. Wish you a very happy birthday.

• It’s your day, do this one thing that makes you feel good about yourself or celebrate with the people who matter most in your life! HappyBirthday

• I got to this point in life because of the people who believed in me. I’ll be forever grateful to them. Here’s to 92!

• Here’s to another year of life, love and smiles. Cheers to 92 years!

• Celebrating a whole year of living life to the fullest and experiencing awesome things.

• I’m truly grateful for all the wonderful people in my life and the new adventures that await me this year! Happy Birthday Mom.

• It’s your 92nd birthday. We’re celebrating with a celebration of ages for you and all your friends who are turning the big 2-0.

• Yup, it’s my 92nd birthday. Wow. I’ve made it this far – happy birthday, good wishes and celebration of age for myself, friends and family

• Today is your birthday and you are 92 years old. I wish you a happy birthday of all the good things that may happen in the future.

• I just turned 92 years old! I hope you all enjoy my birthday as much as I did the year before.

• It’s my 92nd birthday today and I can’t believe it. Time has flown by so fast.

• Happy birthday to me. I’ve had a great life, met some amazing people and I would like to thank them by taking this opportunity to wish you all the best in your lives.

• Wishing you a warm and wonderful birthday. May the best days of your life be yet to come.

• 1, 2, 3 and 4! I’m still here and I’m still kicking. Let’s keep the party going and celebrate this 92nd birthday together!

• I am growing older, my friends. The world keeps getting wider and the time keeps shrinking. I hope this will never end. Happy birthday to me!!

• Here’s to being here. Here’s to everything we have endured and all the things yet to come.

• Here’s to all the friends who I have made and will make. Here’s to you, my dear friend and amour for life. Thank you for being a part of my journey! I love you! happybirthday

• You are so much more than the number on your birth certificate. I love you unconditionally. Happy Birthday, Grandma!

• It’s a new year, time to celebrate the beginning

• Cheers to another year of walking the walk. May your dreams come true, the sun shine on you, and the birds sing for you!

• It’s been a good run. I’m truly blessed to have met so many people while making my way through life.

• Here’s to you guys and remember, there’s always something more out there if you’re willing to look for it.

• To the 92nd birthday, a celebration of your accomplishments and wisdom. Happy birthday!

• Wishing you a wonderful 92nd birthday. We wish you many more years of health, wealth and happiness ahead! #HappyBirthday

• Happy Birthday, 92! May your next decade be brighter than the last. Here’s to you and a whole new chapter of life.

• I’ve been in town for a while but I’m finally kicking back, enjoying the beautiful weather, and celebrating my 92nd birthday today. Happy birthday to me!

• Let’s celebrate the fact that you’re 92 today. You’ve done great things and you’re on your way to a better tomorrow. I hope you have a great day!

• It’s your birthday. It’s time for cake and candles. Wishing you all a wonderful birthday!

• Growing up is the beginning of a long road ahead. The adventure of living is what’s real, not growing old. Happy Birthday to me!

• Happy 92nd birthday to one of my oldest friends, an inspiration and a true inspiration. Love you more daily because of all the lessons you have taught me, Lord.

• I am so grateful to have been born into this world and I wish the same for all of you. Make every birthday the best yet!

• Happy Birthday, you’re getting a little older but never wiser. Here’s to 92 years of life, love and laughter.

• A special day, is not a measure of our age but rather a reflection of how we choose to live each and every day.

• How you celebrate your birthday? Share it with us in the comments section!

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