
90th Wedding Anniversary Quotes for Couples

90th wedding anniversary quotes for couples are the kind of gift you give out when you’re trying to be exceptionally romantic and thoughtful. Even if things have been rocky, you want to try and ease those early years back into the spotlight for a few minutes. Do you want to bring back the feeling of those early days even if it was only a few shimmers of light in the deeper waters that is marriage? Here are some tips for you.

90th Wedding Anniversary Quotes for Couples

Whether you’re celebrating your 90th wedding anniversary or just a new one, we hope these anniversary quotes make your day special.

Every day, it’s like celebrating another wedding anniversary. #happyweddinganniversary

May your anniversary always be a reminder to celebrate the good things in life.

It isn’t just the years, it is how well we have lived. Happy 90th anniversary!

May these 90 years of love, friendship, and companionship always be remembered, and may the next 90 years be even better than this first one.

Happy anniversary to one of the most unique and beautiful couples in the world. We celebrate your love and commitment. You’re an inspiration to everyone.

Happy 90th anniversary to the love of my life. I can’t imagine a world without you, and I know we’ll be together for many more decades to come.

Happy anniversary, you two! So grateful to have you as my life partner and best friend.

May your love grow more each year of shared memories, laughter, tears and turmoil. Happy Anniversary!

There is no question about it, the best part of married life is being together.”

Behold the power of true love. It will endure through time, it can conquer all, And it is stronger than any force there is. Love never fails.

The best thing you can do for yourself is make it a priority to live your life well.

You might not always get what you want, but if you work hard enough, your heart will fill with exactly what you need.

We’ve been married for 90 years. Let’s celebrate that, shall we?

Married for 90 years and still going strong. Congratulations!

Congratulations on your 90th year of marriage. May you enjoy many more years of joy and laughter, happiness and love.

We’ve been together for over 90 years, so I’d say we’ve got this thing down. Happy Anniversary to us!

What’s your favorite anniversary quote? Let us know in the comments.

A marriage is a relationship between two people. It takes two to tango, but only one to throw a bouquet or two. Happy Anniversary with love and laughter!

You never know what you have until it’s gone. Happy Anniversary to the love of my life

Every marriage is a miracle. It takes one man and one woman to make it happen—but it takes one lifetime to appreciate its value.

Life is too short not to share the most important moments with the people you love. And those are the moments that matter most.

You are one of a kind. I love you to the moon and back.

Starting out as a couple is like catching a falling star. You must grasp it and make it your own.

90 years is a long time to be together. Happy Anniversary!

The 90th year is a milestone, full of memories and love. It’s even more special because it’s the union of two lives. Happy Anniversary!

We’ve been together for 90 years, and we never plan on stopping. Happy anniversary to us!

It’s not where you go; it’s who you go with. Happy 90th Anniversary to my best friend and wife, Amy!

You’ve got loving and laughter, a whirlpool of memories and love. You deserve a long and happy life together, congratulations!

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Happy Anniversary to the love of my life and our family

It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.

It’s been 90 years since you first held my hand. You’re still my favorite person in the whole world…and there’s no way I could ever forget that.

You may not realise how important you are until you stop trying to be.

They met on a Friday, they’re celebrating their 90th wedding anniversary on a Monday.

It takes a certain kind of love to last for 90 years. Happy anniversary to this adorable couple!

The most important thing in life is to love, honor and cherish your loved ones. Happy 90th Anniversary!

The best way to celebrate a milestone is by looking forward, not back. Happy Anniversary to the two of you! #90weddinganniversary

This is the day, this is the hour, the very minute that we’ve been waiting for. Forever and ever, amen. #90anniversary

It’s not how old you are, it’s how long you were in love.

Many happy returns of the day, to you and to your loved one. May this occasion be a source of renewed energy and joy for the two of you!

Life is a celebration of your loved ones and memories. It’s the little moments that make life sweet, memorable, and memorable.

He’s always there for me and our kids. I love him to bits, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Happy Anniversary!

There are no words to describe the joy of knowing you’re in this together. It’s not just one of the best decades of your life, it’s truly a lifetime of happiness.

It is always the sweetest things, the most beautiful people and most beloved friendships that surprise you with their long life.

Love is always growing, never ending. It’s the only thing that makes life worth living.

Your love never fails to give me hope, it gives me joy and fills my life with endless possibilities.

although they are a little old and creaky, I’m still your number one fan!

Your love isn’t a feeling – it’s a choice. And no one will ever choose to love you more than me.

Every day is a good day for a 90th wedding anniversary.

90 years of love, laughter and ups and downs. Happy Anniversary to the most romantic couple in all of this world.

It all started with a kiss, so we can’t wait to see where it goes. Happy 90th Anniversary!

Life is beautiful and full of surprises. The only thing that lasts is the love you share for each other, so celebrate your anniversary this year!

We were two strangers who met on a bus. We fell in love and it’s been the best ride of our lives. Happy 90th Wedding Anniversary, babe!

There are a million stories in these walls, and every one of them is a love story.

Your love makes me a better person. Happy Anniversary, my best friend!

Two things that last forever: the stars and our memories of them.

Love is not something you can hold, it’s something that holds you.

Together, we’ve been through war, money troubles and life’s ups and downs. But thankfully, our love has never faltered.

How much do I love you? I always want to be with you.

Life is a journey and love is a gift. Celebrate the journey and appreciate this special time together with these 90th anniversary quotes for couples.

Happy 90th Anniversary, you two. Here’s to more love, laughter and adventures ahead

When you’re with someone that you love and care about, every day is a reason to celebrate. Happy 90th anniversary!

Your love has been my greatest blessing and the thing that keeps me going. Happy 90th Anniversary!

It’s easy to celebrate your 90th anniversary. Just remember that no matter how long you’ve been together, it’s never too late to start over.

What a great way to celebrate your love! Thank you for giving me the best gift of all—a lifetime of memories. #90andstillgoingstrong

“90 years. Not bad for two people who met in high school, got married two months later, had 9 kids and moved to the city 10 years ago.”

True love never dies. It’s like a little baby bird that can’t fly away when it’s time to go on vacation, so it stays with you forever. #WeddingAnniversaryExpo

You’re not just my partner, but my best friend. I love you more than you can imagine. Happy Anniversary!

When you find the person you want to spend your life with, the rest is easy.

Marriage is not an old-fashioned idea. It’s a new way of living together, sharing ideas, and making the world better.

Your love is my favorite part of life. Thank you for everything!

Love is a sacred thing, and it’s not something that can be forced. Love comes naturally because of its own power.

You are my heart, my soulmate and the love of my life. Today is our day to celebrate the 90 years of great memories.

Nothing like a little dose of truth to celebrate your anniversary.

Together, you hold the key to my heart. With you by my side, I’ll walk through life’s journey hand in hand. Happy 90th Anniversary!

The only constant is change. So, let us celebrate how much you have changed with us over the years. Happy 90th Anniversary!

We’ve had a lot of joy, but we’ve also had our fair share of heartbreak. Our relationship was tested at the waterworks, but it survived—and I think that’s because of your constant love and support. Happy 90th Anniversary!

Marry your best friend. Love is a battle that lasts forever.

Love is a promise to be true, a commitment to remain faithful, and an adventure that never ends.

Your love for each other has been tested, challenged and proven to be stronger than anything that life has to throw at you.

The only way to get better at being in love is by saying I do every day.

I couldn’t have done it without you, beautiful. #90Ways

Getting married is like eating pie. It’s easier to say ‘yes’ than it was to say ‘no.’

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. When life gives you glasses of champagne, use them as a paperweight.

One day at a time, one step at a time; one minute at a time. The journey is in the small steps, not the large leaps.

My love, my life—here are our 90th anniversary wishes

Your love has a way of making everything better. Happy 90th Wedding Anniversary!

Couples who’ve been together for 90 years might just be the most romantic couple in the world. Happy Anniversary, you two!

In life and love, the big things are often the little things. Happy 90th Anniversary

The happiest moments in our lives are those we spend with you. Happy 90th anniversary to the two of us!

Let’s celebrate the love that lasts by making it last, too. Happy 90th Anniversary!

Happy 90th anniversary, dear! Here’s to another year full of laughter, love and friendship.

The best way to celebrate your anniversary is to continue to make memories with someone who makes you feel young and excited about life. Happy 90th Anniversary!

You don’t have to wait 90 years to be married, but you do need to wait 30 years to be married again.

“Our love is not a romantic adventure, it’s an adventure in life.”

Happy anniversary, you two. I’m so grateful to have such a beautiful, strong woman by my side as we’ve made it through the years. I love you so much!

The love you take is equal to the love you make.

Love is a choice. A daily choice that builds upon itself, every day. Love is never easy, but it’s always worth it.

The only limits are the ones you place on yourself.

Truly, no man is an island; and if you have to go through any hardship or pain, they’re there with you. But as long as we have faith in ourselves and each other, we’ll be fine.

Let your love grow stronger as time goes by with these beautiful anniversary quotes for couples.

Whether you’re celebrating your 90th anniversary or something trifling like Valentine’s Day, here are some sweet words of wisdom to help you always stay in love with each other.

Life is a gift. Love is the greatest gift of all. Happy 90th anniversary to the love of my life!

This is not just a wedding, it’s a declaration of love.

Happy Anniversary to the two of you! Here’s to another year together, filled with love, laughter and good times.

Here’s to you two. Here’s to the last 90 years of your life together. You are the greatest gift that I ever gave myself. Here is to loving you and making memories with you forever!

Your love changes the world by bringing light and hope. Happy Anniversary

Looking back on our 90 years together, it’s amazing to see how much we’ve accomplished. We’re so lucky to have each other.

She keeps him young. He keeps her wise. They are in love with each other, just like I thought they would be from the day we first met. Happy Anniversary!

The most beautiful thing about a marriage is how far it can take two people who were once so different, and how it can bring them back together.

It’s not how old you are, it’s how happy you make others.

Hope is not the absence of fear, but rather the belief that something will work out in spite of one’s fears.

Celebrating #90 years of marriage is a big deal. So feel free to indulge in some wedding anniversary quotes. Happy Anniversary, sweethearts!

It has been 90 years of love, laughter and memories. Here’s to you both. Happy Anniversary!

You are the kind of couple who never take each other for granted, and you’re always there for each other. Happy 90th wedding anniversary!

I celebrate you and your love. Happy 90th anniversary to me, my love and best friend.

90 years is a long time, but nothing will stand in the way of true love. Happy Anniversary!

There is no greater joy than to celebrate the longest friendship, your wedding anniversary.

It was in the moment that he first kissed me, that I knew. Here is where we are and this is our story. Happy 90th Anniversary!

Married life is 90% what you think it will be, and 10% what you feel it should be.

When you love someone, you want the world to know it. This is your day and it’s happening in style.

The most important thing in life: to live your life so that the people you love will smile when they think of you.

Through time, we have gained wisdom and strength together. It’s been an amazing journey!

A year is not long enough to say all the things that are in your heart for this special someone.

When you think back on the most important moments of your life, what do you remember? The people.

You have lifted me up and down, you have shown me the sun on days that haven’t seen it in years. You have given me life and breathed into me a breath of faith.

Be the kind of couple that makes all other couples jealous. Celebrate your 90th anniversary and enrich your life with these beautiful quotes for couples.

PDA FTW. Celebrating a 90th wedding anniversary is no small task, but it’s worth it

90 years of love is a long time, but it’s not old. Happy Anniversary!

A love that has endured 90 years is the rarest of treasures.

Happy anniversary, you! I love you more than anyone else in the whole wide world.

The bond you form with each other will last your lifetime.

It’s always a good day when you find yourself with someone you love. Happy Birthday, today and every day.

A New Year and a new beginning,That’s how we started our journey.We had the best of times,And it’s been a blast from the start.

The only way to be sure of yourself is to be someone else.

Happy 90th Anniversary to two people who have been together for 90 years. Here’s to you!

The road to marriage is a long and winding one—but it’s one worth traveling together. #90thWeddingAnniversary

From one married couple to another, here’s to you and yours!

Just as long lasting love should be, your marriage should last longer than 90 years

Married at 18, we have been together for 90 years. We have had a lot of ups and downs but we have always made it to the end of every year together. Happy Anniversary!

We have been through a lot together, but in the end, happiness is all that matters. Happy Anniversary!

All the milestones you have shared, all the joys you have shared. All the love you have poured into each other on this special day…

This is to tell you how much we love you and how much we wish you were our parents.

Love is the fruit of happiness and not the root

This is the very essence of life: living it together, sharing it together, celebrating it together and passing it on to future generations together.

Love is a promise. And promises are always kept, even if the reward for keeping them is never quite what you expected.

90 years is a long time to remember, but we’ll never forget the first day we fell in love. Happy Anniversary! #AnniversaryQuote

This is the kind of love that lasts a lifetime. Happy Anniversary.

You’re not just another wedding anniversary. You’re the most important date in our lives.

Two years may not seem like a long time, but it feels like forever.

Sometimes you have to travel a long way to find your dream, but it’s definitely worth the trip.

Everything will turn out just fine. You just wait and see.

It is a journey, not a race. The destination is not the most important thing. It is what happens along the way that matters most.

Couples, celebrating a special milestone in your relationship? Here are some quotes to celebrate your 90th anniversary with love!

Marriage is a work in progress—a work that never ends, but only gets better with time. Happy 90th Anniversary to the love of my life!

The best things in life are simple. Like a happy marriage is always 90 years long.

From I-Love-U, U-Love-Me: The best of friends, the perfect compliment and a lifetime of memories.

For every 90 years of adventure, love and friendship that they have shared, they have been blessed with 60 more. So let’s make them the best day ever!

When the years roll on, and our love is still burning bright together.

It was a great love and the kind of love that can survive anything.

The best kind of love is the kind that makes your whole body thrill.

Life isn’t measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

No matter how long you’ve been together, a couple’s bond never loses its initial beauty. A heart-warming quote on the occasion of 90th Wedding Anniversary.

90 years together is a pretty solid relationship. Here’s to you and your love

A marriage is a partnership of two lives bound together by the joys and trials, tears and laughter, hopes and fears for the next 90 years.

We’ve been together for 90 years, and I’m looking forward to another 90.

The best thing about a 90th wedding anniversary is the fact that you still have your partner by your side.

How can you tell if your marriage is a success? You’ll know when it’s 90 years old.

Happy 90th wedding anniversary to the love of my life. I’m still so lucky to have you by my side.

Married for 90 years, I can’t tell you how much I appreciate all the things you’ve done for me. You are so special to me and I love you so much.

With you, it’s never boring. It’s always new and exciting. Happy 90th anniversary!

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