Pickup lines

80th Birthday Pick Up Lines for Myself

As you celebrate your 80th birthday, you may be looking for some pick up line about it. This full year marks a new milestone in your life and you might like to thank everybody who has helped you achieve so much. 80th birthday is something that you are going to remember for the rest of your life . Here are a few inspirational pick up line that you can use on this special occasion.

80th Birthday Pick Up Lines for Myself

• 80th birthday celebration. Good wishes for a long and healthy life ahead. Happy Birthday to me!

• Celebrating 80 years! I hope you’re having a wonderful day and celebrating with your friends. Wishing you many more beautiful moments in your life.

• I’m turning 80 today and I feel exquisite. My friends and family have been sending me messages all day to celebrate my special day and wish me many more years of health and happiness. Happy Birthday!!!

• Today is your day, today let’s celebrate. Happy 80th birthday to me! Wishing you a very happy 80th birthday and many more.

• This year is your year. Treat yourself and celebrate your birthday with friends and family.

• Happy 80th birthday! I’m so grateful for the life I’ve lived and the friends, family and many adventures that have made me who I am today.

• May your birthday be filled with love, laughter and celebration of the journey…because you are truly a gift from the universe. Happy Birthday Mom!

• Today is my 80th birthday. I am celebrating by starting over, looking at life from a different perspective and being more thankful for every day that God has given me to be here.

• I am thankful to have been here and seen a lot. I hope you enjoy your day as much as I have enjoyed mine. Happy 80th birthday!

• 80 years old is a great age to live. Thanks for being here with me throughout my life. Cheers!

• Being old has it’s benefits. I’m healthy and can wear whatever I want! Nothing wrong with me, I was born like this. Cheers to the good life.

• Thank you for all the memories and good times. I’m so very grateful to have met you!

• I am a strong woman. My body is my temple, but I will honor the temple of women who come after me by giving it the love and respect that it deserves. Happy birthday to me! Woman Worthy Of Love.

• Celebrating my 80th birthday with friends, family and a few cocktails. Happy Birthday!

• Let’s celebrate this big birthday and all the good things in our life. Happy 80th birthday!

• I’m celebrating my 80th birthday. And I’d like to see you all here, at the party!

• Wishing you a happy 80th birthday and the best of everything this year. happy birthday

• Today is my 80th birthday. I’m grateful for all the people who’ve helped me along this journey and I want to thank you in advance for celebrating with me!

• 80 years is a big number, so I hope this birthday will be one of the best of your life. You’ve been working hard, and I’m so happy to see you having fun right now! Happy Birthday!

• 40 years old. 80 years of life. I am happy and grateful for the life I have lived so far, but it’s not over yet. Thanks everyone for being here with me along this journey!

• It’s been an amazing journey. 80 years and still going strong. Good Luck, Happy Birthday and here’s to many more!

• Six decades. Thanks for the memories. Let’s celebrate and make it a good one! I am 80 today, but I feel like I am just getting started.

• Congrats to my sis on today being her 80th birthday! I’m so grateful to have such a wonderful, loving sister in my life.

• Thank you for all the laughs, love, and support over the years. I’m growing old, but not growing slow. The years go by like a freight train

• Happy 80th Birthday to me! I hope this year is full of joy, laughter and love. Happy Birthday, dear friends!

• Good luck to our friends celebrating their 80th birthdays today. May you enjoy every day of your golden years with joy, health and happiness. #80thbirthday

• The 80th birthday is always celebrated in style. Have fun and enjoy the moment!

• Having my birthday today makes me feel very old and grateful for the time that I have with my friends and family. Happy 80th to all of you!

• I’m 80. I’ve had my share of ups and downs, but the most important thing is that I live life to its fullest. Happy birthday to me!

• Let’s celebrate this #80thBirthday in style! Let’s drink, dance and all that stuff that makes us feel young…and old at the same time.

• Wishing you the best of all worlds on your 80th birthday. May you enjoy the best of what life has to offer and the joys of waking up every morning to a new day. Happy birthday!

• After 80 years, I’m still here. But who is still here? I am! And you’re still here too-the only thing that has changed is that I’m older. Happy birthday to me!

• It is a privilege to celebrate with friends, family and loved ones. Wishing you many happy years!

• The 80s were the decade to be in, and it was all about taking chances and not caring what anyone else thought.

• Happy Birthday, good wishes and celebration of age for myself, friends who loved me or cared about me every day during that time.

• Seize the day and make it yours. Celebrate your birthday like never before!

• I’ve been a lucky guy for 80, but I know there’s a lot of work to do. So much to learn, so much to do and so little time. Happy Birthday to me!

• Happy birthday to the amazing woman that I call mom. I’m so grateful for our time together and all the great memories we’ve created happy birthday mom.

• Years fly by so quickly, but the memories remain. Thanks to all my friends and family who have supported me throughout this journey. It’s been a great ride!

• To all my friends and family who are celebrating their 80th birthday this year, I wish you many years of health, love and laughter!

• I’m turning 80 next week and I feel great. I have wonderful friends and family who have been there for me throughout the years. Thank you! Happy birthday to me.

• Hey @__circle and all of our good friends who’ve celebrated big birthdays lately. Here’s to another 80!

• It’s my 80th birthday! I’m celebrating with friends and family by going out for sushi.

• A new milestone, a new challenge, and a lot of fun. Happy 80th birthday to me!

• 80 is the new 20. One of my favorite parts about this birthday? I get to celebrate it with friends and family.

• I’m so excited to be turning 80! It’s a great time to reflect on all the great things that have happened in my life and I hope that you are inspired to do the same.

• Wishing you many more years of happiness, health, and success! Cheers to a wonderful year ahead!

• To all my friends and family. Today marks 80 years of living and loving. I am so grateful for this life, the good times and the struggles we have faced. Here is to many more!!

• 80 years ago today, a young man born in Brooklyn started his life on this earth. I am so grateful to have been able to share my life with you, my best friend and love.

• Happy 80th Birthday to me, I’m celebrating with my friends and family!

• Happy birthday to me. I’m 80 years young and ready to celebrate!

• Happy 80th birthday to me! I sincerely hope that you live a long, full and healthy life.

• I have decided to celebrate my 80th birthday with a little good wine and some great friends. Cheers!

• I’ve turned 80 and I feel good. Thank you all for being a part of this celebration!

• My 80th birthday is a year to celebrate and remember all the wonderful things that have happened in my life.

• I am grateful for each new day ahead of me, full of joy and hope. I feel blessed, lucky and so thankful to be surrounded by the people who love me the most.

• Happy 80th Birthday to my best friend, who has always had my back. I am eternally grateful for your kindness and support!

• I’ve been around this block a few times, and there’s no better feeling than hitting 80. Happy Birthday.

• Today I am growing older. But you can’t keep a good man down. Happy Birthday to me

• I don’t have any regrets, only memories. So thank you for the memories and happy birthday.

• Fulfilling life’s most important quest: To live long enough to be able to say I’ve been here.

• 80 is the new 50, and I’m having a blast. Thanks for coming along on the ride!

• I would like to thank everyone who celebrates with me and wishes me a happy birthday.

• So glad I got to celebrate my 80th birthday with friends and family. It’s been a fantastic ride.

• Thank you to everyone who’s celebrating my 80th birthday today! Here’s to another decade of healthy living, good times, and happiness (and maybe a few painkillers)

• 80 years young and still kicking ass. I’m alive, I’m well, and I’m ready to continue living my best years yet. Cheers, cheers friends!

• cheers to all the seniors out there celebrating this special day! Have a blast and make the most of your golden years.

• In your 80th year you will find that, although the body wears down and loses its flexibility, the mind remains as agile and active as ever. Happy Birthday!

• Cheers to you, my friend. Thank you for all your support and for being a part of my life for these past 80 years. I hope this milestone is a sign of new things to come!

• Glad to see you at the party. Happy birthday, guy! You’re welcome. 80 is the new 40. I’m ready for another decade of adventures and experiences.

• Let’s celebrate a remarkable year of achievements with a glass of wine and some cheese.

• I am so grateful to have the gift of life. I am blessed to be alive and healthy today, and I look forward to seeing what tomorrow brings!

• To my 80th, I’m grateful for all the things it has brought me and thankful for the blessings I have been bestowed with. Happy Birthday!

• 80 years young, and still going strong. Cheers to my friends who are celebrating their own birthdays with me!

• Celebration of all the best things. Thankful for all your love, generosity and support. Happy birthday to me!

• Celebrate your 80th birthday with a spectacular, unique and exquisite cake that will last for many years to come

• I said I was going to celebrate 80 years of living. Now, let’s get this party started!

• To my dear friends, family and special pals, wishing you all a very happy birthday and many joyous celebrations! I love you all.

• 80 is the new 40, and I look forward to celebrating my birthday with you.

• Happy birthday to me! I’m really going to enjoy this day, because it will be my 80th.

• Yup, the good Lord has been kind enough to provide me with many more years of life and now I get to enjoy them.

• Growing up means you can party till you’re old. Happy birthday!

• Happy 80th birthday to the woman who’s always been there for me, my mom.

• You’re the oldest in your family and it’s only fitting that you’re the first one to turn 80. I wish you all the best for a healthy, long and happy life!

• Thank you for reminding us of the importance of living with intention and courage to become our best selves. Happy birthday, dear friend!

• Thank you for celebrating with me. Thank you for the love, support and friendship that I have gotten from my family, friends and fans throughout the years.

• I’ve been counting my blessings and learning to treasure every moment. Thanks for celebrating me with these great memories! I’m feeling really lucky right now.

• This year I celebrate my 80th birthday with myself, my friends, and my family. 80 is the beginning of a new life and a great opportunity to do your best.

• I’m celebrating my 80th birthday today, so I thought I’d shout out to everyone who’s been encouraging me along this journey!

• Here’s to 80 years of living and loving, friends, family and life itself. Happy birthday to me.

• For my 80th birthday, I am celebrating in style with a dinner party of friends and family, so you better come celebrate with us!

• Let’s toast to a life well lived, a love that endures, and a day that never ends. Happy 80th birthday to me.

• I hope you share this moment with your friends and loved ones as you celebrate becoming 80.

• 80 is the new 20. It’s time to celebrate and make the most of our golden years.

• Wishing a very happy birthday to my mom, who is 80 today. I know that you’ll have numerous moments of peace and joy in the next few years, and that’s why I’m so glad for you. Happy birthday!

• From the bottom of my heart, thank you for all the love and support you’ve given me throughout the years. Far too many people to name, but I’m grateful for every one of you. Here’s to 80 more!

• It’s 80 years this month and I’m still here. One of the best things about that is that I’m not going anywhere—and neither will you. Happy Birthday to me!

• We have all come a long way…but we’ll be here for awhile. Happy Birthday!

• We may not be the oldest people in our group, but we’re still getting things done.

• 80th birthday. Good wishes from friends, family and loved ones.

• Celebrating my #80th birthday, 20 years of success and a life full of memories and people I love. Happy birthday to me!

• Today is my birthday. It’s hard to believe I’m 80 years old. So many great memories, so many wonderful people and friends!

• I’m celebrating my 80th birthday this year. Thanks for being there along the way!

• Happy 80th birthday, to the coolest cat in town. Happy birthday, my friend.

• 80 years young and still counting. May this day be your best yet! Wishing you all the happiness, health and success in the world.

• Happy 80th birthday, Father! May your years fly by and may tomorrow never come.

• The sun rises, the moon shines and on my birthday, I feel the same way. Happy Birthday!!

• Age should be celebrated, not feared. So here’s to you and all the best years ahead.

• Thank you for being a part of my life. I wish I could do this all over again but wiser and more grateful. Happy birthday to me!

• Cheers to a man who never stops learning, growing and evolving. You are an inspiration for all of us! Wishing you the happiest of birthdays.

• Cheers to a great day, glad you’re here with me. Can’t wait to see what’s next.

• Thank you for being an inspiration to me and my friends during our many adventures. I love you!

• Hello! It’s my 80th birthday and I’m turning 80. Happy Birthday and here’s to a long, healthy life for the rest of us.

• I thought it would be fun to celebrate my 80th birthday with a celebration of age, good wishes, and maybe some cake.

• Wishing you a very happy 80th birthday! Here’s to another year of adventures, good health and an abundant supply of laughter.

• I’m 80 and I am proud of it. I have a lot to be thankful for, many great friends and the love of my beautiful wife. Happy Birthday!!!!

• Wishing my dear friend a very happy 80th birthday.

• May you reap the rewards of your hard work and dedication throughout the decades, remember never to forget why you started this journey in the first place—to be better, stronger and happier than ever before!

• Today is my 80th birthday. I am blessed and thankful to God for this opportunity of life.

• I take this day as a gift to celebrate the love, blessings and faith in our lives. A day filled with good health, love and laughter.

• 80’s was the best decade, here’s to another! Happy birthday! Happy 80th Birthday to our dear friend and mentor, Tony. We love you!

• The 80s were a great time for music and fashion. Enjoying the 80 Years Lit Up party!

• I got a new life, I got a new love. 80 years is enough to do anything you want.

• I’ve got my eyes on the future, and I’m never looking back. HappyBirthday. Cheers to all the toil, sweat and tears of getting older!

• Celebrating my 80th birthday with friends, family and some good company.

• Thinking about all the amazing things you have done, now it’s time to celebrate your 80th birthday with us.

• My 80th birthday is a celebration of who I am and the journey that has led me here. It’s also a reminder that life is short, so live it up while you can.

• Let’s celebrate my 80th birthday! I can’t believe I’m turning 80. Time sure does fly by.

• It’s a celebration of my 80th birthday. I’m just glad to be here today and the best part is that I feel good about myself. It’s all about that inner self, that confidence!

• HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Let’s celebrate the 80 years of your life, full of love, laughter and adventures. Thank you for sharing all these moments with us.

• Happy birthday to me. I am so excited for this year to unfold, and the new adventures that await us.

• I’m really looking forward to celebrating my birthday with lots of people I love very much. I hope it’s a great day for me and everyone in my life.

• Happy birthday to me. I’m 80 years old this year and I still feel like I’m just getting started.

• I’ve been blessed to see many years of life and now I’m just beginning. Gonna be 80.

• Let’s celebrate life, love and all the things we are grateful for, starting with this delicious cake.

• Don’t blink. You might miss the big 3-0, but you still have time to live in the moment and enjoy life while you can–like going on that hike you’ve been wanting to try.

• I turn 80 today with a lot of memories, friendships and wonderful people around me. Happy birthday to my one true love and best friend!

• It’s time to celebrate. Happy 80th birthday to me! 80 years young and healthy, thank you Lord. Happy Birthday to me!

• A celebration of the life we’ve lived, the memories we’ve made and all of the adventures to come.

• Thanks for being a part of my journey. I love you all, and here’s to another 80 years!

• Happy birthday to me! It’s been a wild ride, but here I am on the other side of 80!

• Let’s celebrate the great life we’ve had together, so we can have even more time to enjoy it together. Happy Birthday!

• Life isn’t easy, but it’s what you do that makes it worth living. Happy Birthday to Me!

• 80! Can you believe it? Life is better with friends and cake.

• These are the milestones that life throws at you. Celebrate the big ones, laugh when things don’t go according to plan, and love the journey.

• I love you all and I hope that one day you will be able to say the same. Here’s to a bright future with lots of joy, happiness and love!

• I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling pretty damn good right now.

• Today marks the 80th birthday of Thomas Gifford, who has been a part of my life since I was a child.

• Cheers to a great decade, with new goals and big, bold plans.

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