Pickup lines

72nd Birthday Pick Up Lines for Myself

When a person turns seventy-two, it’s customary to throw a party and “press the flesh” just as much as before. Why shouldn’t you? This is your special day and you should make the most of it. But how should you celebrate so that you can really enjoy it? Well, for one there are the birthday pick upline to reflect on.

72nd Birthday Pick Up Lines for Myself

• Honoring my 72nd birthday today with friends and family. Wishing you all a wonderful day! day

• Celebrating my 72nd birthday, with good friends and family who know how to blow out candles.

• This year, it’s time to celebrate. It’s time for a fresh start. Here’s to 72 years of life, good health and happiness. Happy Birthday!

• Cheers to my wonderful friends and family who celebrated with me on this special day. Happy Birthday!

• It’s your birthday! Let’s celebrate you and this beautiful life you’ve given us.

• 72 years of life, all thanks to you! I am so blessed to have you in my life. Happy Birthday!

• It’s the 72nd birthday of our founder! We are celebrating his rich life and bringing his legacy to life, one cup at a time.

• Thank you to all the amazing people in my life who have helped me grow and become a better person. Happy birthday to myself!

• I’m 72 and I’m feeling like a million bucks. Thank you for making my day even better!

• This is the year. Let’s grow old gracefully and joyously, together. Here’s to the best years of our lives!

• Tis the season for celebration, good cheer and some cake.

• Today is the biggest day of my life. I am excited, happy and grateful for every day of my life. So today let’s celebrate me by making it memorable and memorable

• It’s your day, it’s your life: let’s celebrate together!

• Happy birthday to me! I love being a part of the Made well family.

• Celebrating my 72nd birthday. Happy Birthday, good wishes and celebration of age for myself and friends.

• Celebrate me and my friends who are turning 72! Here’s to the best time of your life.

• Today I celebrate my birthday for the 72nd time! May it be filled with happiness, laughter, and good times.

• It’s my 72nd birthday! I hope this day brings you joy, fun and many more years of health and happiness. Happy birthday to me.

• Happy birthday to me, dear friends, and all those who share my 72 years. May the days turn to years and the years turn to decades…and beyond!

• 72 years young and still going strong. Thanks for the birthday wishes and celebration of age from my friends.

• I’m 72 years young today! Cheers to a long, healthy life and many more birthdays!

• I’m just turning 72 today. I feel fine, but I’m not sure if that’s because of the cake they gave me or because of my age.

• I am growing like a tree, I am gaining strength every year. Happy Birthday 72

• Happy birthday to me. I look forward to what lies ahead—singularity, not senility.

• Just remember: age is no matter. The best is yet to come. Happy birthday, buddy!

• I have experienced so many things in my life, but it is the journey that matters. Happy birthday to me.

• I don’t know how long I’ve been alive, but I’m certain I’ve lived a lot. Happy birthday to me.

• I’m here to tell you that I’m still young at heart. Happy Birthday! We celebrate our 72nd birthday. Good wishes and celebration.

• wishing you a very happy birthday, and may the next 72 bring you all that life has to offer!

• I’m celebrating my 72nd birthday this weekend, as I continue to grow old with grace and joy. Happy birthday to me.

• Made it! Happy 72nd birthday to me! Cheers to a long and fulfilling life together.

• I am so happy to celebrate this special day with you. Thanks for being my friends, family and all of the wonderful people in my life. Happy Birthday!

• We’ve been here for years. We’ve seen it all and done it all. But we are still here, still kicking and still excited about life. Let’s keep doing what we love, together. Happy 72nd birthday to me!

• The party never stops at 72. Happy Birthday, mom. So many years. So many memories. Happy birthday, dear friends.

• I am the same, I’m growing better;Age is just a number. Happy birthday to me!

• I don’t want to fall behind or look back, I’m gonna keep on working hard, so here’s to 72 years of life and then some. Happy Birthday!

• Happy birthday, you’re growing up and I can’t wait to see where you take us next.

• Hey, kids. How’s it going? A quarter century of life and a whole lot of laughs—what an amazing journey! Thank you for celebrating with me.

• When you’re my age, you realize that the best things are a lot harder to get done. So do them anyway. Happy birthday!

• I’ve been here before, and I have no doubt that I will be here again. But for now, I’m content to enjoy the light of life and all it has to offer. Happy birthday!

• I’m celebrating my 72nd birthday today. I wish you all the best and hope that this is the beginning of a long journey for all of us. Happy Birthday to me!

• Here’s to 72 years of friendship, love and laughter. Here’s to the best gift of all―72 years of life! Happy Birthday, friends.

• Happy birthday! We hope you have a blast celebrating your 72nd year with great friends, loved ones and good food. Cheers to the greatest birthday of all.

• Friends, family and loved ones wishing you a very happy birthday.

• I am so grateful for all that I have and always will be. Happy 72nd birthday to me!

• I’m celebrating my birthday, but it’s not just any day. It’s a special day for me, friends, and family. Wishing you all a wonderful week ahead!

• I turned 72. I had a good year. Happy birthday to me!

• 72, running strong. Counting down the days to the end of your life. Celebrate with us in whatever way you wish! Cheers!

• Greetings to my dear friends! I hope you enjoy the day. Have a wonderful birthday and hope that many more moments like this one come along with it.

• A bit of celebration for myself, friends and family, who have supported me all through the years.”

• I have 72 birthdays ahead of me. So I’m going to make them count.

• Here’s to all the adventures and memories ahead of me. Cheers to 72. The best is yet to come. Cheers to 72 years young.

• 72 is the new 50. Hurry up and grab the best years of your life.

• It’s my birthday! I feel like it’s just another day but I’m a grown ass man, so I guess you can consider this the first day of many.

• For the month of June, here are some things that make me happy and who can argue with that?

• To my 72 year old self, best wishes on your birthday. May you live a long and healthy life full of joy and fun.

• I’m celebrating my 72nd birthday this year, and there’s nothing better than a big party with good friends and great food!

• Turn it up! Celebrate your 72nd birthday and make a toast to yourself. What better way to show the world your fabulousness than with our fabulosity?

• Here’s to 72 years old, the best year of my life. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

• Yes, it’s my 72nd birthday today. This I celebrate with a cup of coffee and a smile.

• Today is my 72nd birthday. I’m so grateful to be surrounded by amazing friends and family who continue to inspire me every day.

• I love you all, may your days be filled with as much joy and happiness as mine have been.

• Here’s to another round of celebrating your many years of life and growing older. Happy birthday!

• Friends, family and colleagues send a big thank you to everyone who helped make the day special!

• The wind is howling, the leaves are falling and I’m feeling old. But my liver is still healthy and I’m gonna keep on drinking till I’m dead. Happy Birthday!

• We are all the same when it comes to aging, but we are all still different.

• Happy 72nd birthday to me! You work hard and look great. Here’s to another year of being your fabulous self. #HappyBirthday

• Happy Birthday to me. A day to celebrate and enjoy life. I’m not 16, I’m not 40, but I feel like I’m 72. Happy Birthday!

• Happy birthday to me. I turned 72 this year and I can still do it all!

• Today is your day. You’re one of a kind, and it’s been a blast getting to know you this year. Here’s to another 72!

• 72. It’s been a great journey, and I’m thankful for the lessons and the memories. Here’s to the next chapter.

• A year older, wiser and with more stories to tell. Happy birthday to me.

• 72 is the new small. I’m a young, free and happy lady doing what I love to do.

• It’s so good to be old. I would’ve never known if it wasn’t for you and all of your awesome friends.

• Cheers to a great life, cheers to many more to come. Celebrating my 72nd birthday with a good friends and family. Wishing you all a bright future!

• Celebrating my 72nd birthday with big hearted celebration, good morning and wishes.

• Let’s celebrate the 72nd birthday of this amazing person! Happy birthday and may God bless you with good health, happiness and lots of blessings.

• As I start my 72nd birthday, I feel blessed to have reached this milestone in my life. May this year be a happy one and may I live to see many more birthdays!

• I turn 72 today and I’m feeling good, great. Thank you all for making this day so special and memorable.

• Cheers to 72! We’re celebrating your birthday with good food, drink and lots of laughs. Hope you have a great time on this big day. Best wishes in advance to you and your loved ones!

• Turning 72 this year. I hope you have the best birthday yet, wherever you are.

• Wishing you all the best on your 72nd birthday! You deserve it after all the years of hard work and dedication to your family and business.

• Wishing you a happy birthday! May this year be filled with everything you’ve always wanted and much more.

• Today’s the day. Celebrate your birthday with a smile and a song! 72 is the new 30. Stay active, stay connected, and never stop celebrating!

• It’s your birthday, I can say anything I want. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me.

• I love you more than chocolate cake and hot fudge sundaes. From your friend who loves you enough to go to the dentist.

• Wishing you a wonderful birthday and all the best in your 72 years of life!

• That’s right, it’s my birthday. Here’s to 72 years of life and love. Happy Birthday, Mom & Dad!

• Celebrating my 72nd birthday. Happy Birthday, RiverRat and May the Force be with you.

• I’m turning 72 and I feel great! Cheers to a happy birthday and many more to come!

• Wishing you a happy birthday, good health and happiness in your future.

• Happy birthday to my 72nd birthday! With you, we can do anything. May the next 72 years be filled with joy and laughter.

• Wishing you a very happy birthday and thank you for the incredible journey along this long road we call life.

• Happy Birthday to the most wonderful person I’ve ever known. Celebrate with some cake, a glass of wine and lots of love!

• It’s time to party like it’s your birthday…even if it’s not! Happy birthday.

• Greetings to all my wonderful friends, wishing you all a blessed day!????????????????

• Happy birthday, sweetheart. I love you with all my heart and will cherish every moment of this special day with you.

• I am still here! Now I just have to enjoy every moment of every day. I know it’s going to be hard, but I will try my best to stay healthy and active through it all. Getting older is a blessing, so let’s make the best out of it! Happy Birthday

• I’ve been a part of many amazing moments, and I look forward to more.

• Celebrate me and my friends as we reach our 72nd birthdays in style.

• 72, you can be as bold as you want. It’s your birthday and you should enjoy it. #happybirthday72

• 70 plus years is a milestone. It’s time to celebrate! Cheers to me, my friends, and everyone else who will be celebrating a birthday soon. ????

• Happy birthday to you, my dear friend. I’m wishing for the best in life for you and your family.#HappyBday

• Happy birthday to me! I’m pretty sure you’re gonna love this post and want to share it with your friends.

• We’ve been friends for 72 years. Now let’s celebrate this long and beautiful friendship with a glass of wine in each other’s arms. Cheers!

• A new year, a new beginning. May the good times keep rolling in and may your birthday come with many more years of life & love

• Happy Birthday! You’re getting old. But you’re not too old for this ice cream, so don’t overthink it.

• The best things in life are done after the sun goes down, 80 is the new 40. Happy birthday to me!

• 72 years young, and still rocking this motherfucking party like it’s my last.

• Grandfather. Grandmother. Grandparents. Great-grandparents—you have made me proud all these years with your love and support.

• Wishing you many more trips down memory lane!Happy birthday to me!

• Happy birthday! Here’s to another year of making memories. I wish you a wonderful birthday and many more to come.

• From the bottom of my heart, thank you for being there. I am grateful for the love, support and wisdom you’ve shown me throughout all this time.

• If there are no mistakes, then you haven’t tried anything new.

• Wishing all of my friends a very happy birthday! Cheers to 72 years of life, love and friendship.

• Wishing all my friends a wonderful 72nd birthday!

• May all the good things come your way on your 72nd birthday!

• Celebrating one of the most special days of my life with friends and family. Cheers to 72 years old!

• It’s your birthday. I want to wish you a happy one and all that comes with it—from good health to abundant wealth.

• Here’s to the 72nd year of my life. Let’s celebrate with a cake and games!

• I’m celebrating my 72nd birthday today! Haven’t done that in a long time.

• I hope you’ve got the best birthday ever, and that the next 72 years are just as much fun as the first.

• 72 years young and going strong. Happy Birthday!

• Today is the day I turn the big 72. I’ve lived a long and happy life, and I hope it continues to be that way for many years to come.

• I’m going to celebrate my birthday in style. Hope you can join me on this adventure.

• Here’s to another 72 years and counting. Here’s to being a success in my own life !!!

• Another year. Followed by another ten. Thanks for the memories and for keeping me company this past year. Wishing you all the best in 2019. Happy birthday!

• I’ve spent 72 years in this world. I know a lot of people have asked me, “Hey man, when are you gonna retire?” Well, I’m not retired yet.

• Remember when I was young and full of hope? Well, I’m still young, but my hopes are doing better than ever.

• Celebrate your 72nd birthday with us! We hope you have a great day and we wish you all the best.

• Wishing all my friends on their 72nd birthday. May you have a great life full of joy and happiness. I’m grateful that we are together sharing this awesome milestone!

• I’m celebrating my 72nd birthday and looking forward to another year of life, love and happiness.

• Wishing a very happy birthday to my mom, friends and family members.

• May the year ahead bring more growth, joy and happiness than ever before. Happy 72nd Birthday Mom!!

• Today marks my 72nd birthday. I am very grateful to be alive and healthy, still kicking ass and loving life at 72 years young.

• I am thankful to God, family and friends for all their love and support throughout my 72 years of life.

• 72 and still kicking. Cheers to this chapter and all the good things that have come from it. Happy birthday!!!

• I have just turned 72 years old, and I am very happy that I have had a good life so far.

• Especially I am very thankful for my friends and family who have always been with me for all these years. Love you all.

• Happy birthday to me! It’s been a great life, full of many good times and memorable people. Time flies…

• It’s my birthday, the last day of summer, and I feel like I’ve waited my whole life to be old.

• I’m 72 and I’ve never felt better. It’s all about the journey, not the destination.

• I’ve been around the block a few times, but I’m still here. Happy birthday to me!

• Time flies, but the people you meet are worth waiting for.

• We feel the same way when we reach this milestone

• I’m celebrating my 72nd birthday today! Happy Birthday to me! I’m grateful for my health, friends, family and all my blessings. Cheers to an awesome year ahead.

• Here’s to you and all the good times, great people and even better memories that have made this one special. Happy Birthday!

• It’s my birthday today! I’m happy, healthy and still kicking ass. Cheers to an amazing year ahead.

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