Pickup lines

45th Birthday Pick Up Lines for Myself

Yep, it’s your 45th birthday! No more being in the middle of the decade — now you’re smack dab in the middle of your fifth decade on Earth. But hold on to your hat (and vintage jams): You have a lot to be excited about! Looking back at all you’ve accomplished — whether it’s new hobbies, new friends, new challenges — you’ve got to be feeling strong yourself. I mean, there were some challenges along the way for sure: getting laid off from your job, going through a divorce, or changing careers.

45th Birthday Pick Up Lines for Myself

• I turn 45 today, and I’m not sure how or why it’s happening. I guess as you get older, your life becomes a series of coincidences.

• Age is just another number. So this birthday is for all the people who have made my life more magical than I could’ve dreamed.

• It’s my 45th birthday. I’m ready to celebrate with my friends and loved ones

• It’s time to celebrate 45 years on this planet with all the best people in my life. Happy Birthday!

• Today is my birthday. I am 45 years old, and I have been doing this for a long time–so let’s have a good time celebrating that fact!

• I feel like a beacon of light, a ray of hope for all around me. I’m grateful for life and for this special day. 45th Birthday.

• When you hit the big 4-5o, it’s time to celebrate your youth and good years. Happy birthday!

• 45 years of life, love and laughter. Here’s to another 45 years of success, happiness and celebration!

• What better way to celebrate this milestone than with a bottle of wine, a glass of laughter and lots of love. Here’s to 45:)

• Wishing you a wonderful birthday celebration! I feel I am on cloud nine with your presence in my life.

• Thanks to all who loved me and shared with me in the past 45 years. I cherish each and every one of you.

• It’s been a year of ups, downs and everything in between. But life is good. Celebrate by going out with friends and family, trying new things and continuing to be yourself.

• This is what I’ve wanted my entire life. To share this day with all of you. It’s been a long road but I’m here, finally.

• Time is flying and I am so grateful to have had such an amazing journey with my friends, family and admirers

• You are now an old man, but you can still be young at heart. Don’t forget that all the rest of us will grow old eventually and will, as you put it, miss your face when we do.

• Wishing all my friends and family a happy birthday as we turn 45 today!

• I’m feeling nostalgic, it’s my 45th birthday. I want to celebrate with you!

• Greetings to a beautiful day, and a glorious 45th birthday to one of my best friends and favorite people in the world.

• I am so thankful for all of your love, support, and friendship. Here’s to you! Happy Birthday!

• I am so happy to have you by my side, as we celebrate my 45th birthday.

• Here’s to 45, here’s to life. Here’s to all the people who have lived and loved and fought and laughed their way through this crazy thing called life. Happy Birthday

• Happy Birthday! It’s been great sharing this special time with you. Let’s celebrate this age together and share the memories we’ve made.

• When you’re 45 and still look like a teenager, it’s time to celebrate!

• For 45 years and counting…thank you for your love and support. Happy Birthday!

• Thank you for the memories, to all of my friends who helped make this day a success, and to all of you that are still here today. I am Grateful.

• Long live the 45. Twenty years of learning, exploring and living life to the fullest. Thank you for everything!

• With each year, my body and mind get stronger. My friends and family make it bearable to keep going. Happy birthday to me!

• We’re here, we’re queer. And we’ve not been quieted yet. Celebrate 45 more years of making a difference.

• 45 years old and I’m still as excited as ever to be here. I can’t imagine being anywhere else.

• I am celebrating my 45th birthday today and I’m so grateful for being able to see this day. Thank you for all the love, support and encouragement throughout this journey.

• Wishing you a Happy Birthday and many more to come. May your birthday bring you lots of happiness, love, joy, fun and many wonderful memories.

• I’m turning 45—a milestone that should inspire some reflection and self-appreciation.

• Today is a day to celebrate and appreciate the company of friends, family and loved ones.

• It’s also a special day for me to look back at my journey in life and reflect on how far we have come throughout these years. birthday wishes!

• Happy 45th Birthday to me! I’ve been through some ups and downs this year, but am looking forward to an exciting new chapter in my life.

• Celebrate your birthday with friends—and do it early so you don’t have to worry about planning a party later.

• It’s been 45 years, and we’re still here. We’re making history with each and every one of you. Happy Birthday to me!

• Thinking of you on your birthday. Happy Birthday!

• We are ALL about celebrating the moment! Happy Birthday

• No matter how old you are, there is always something new to learn. Happy 45th birthday!

• Congrats to my friend as we both reach a landmark in life. Here’s to another year full of happy memories!

• 45, a milestone year and I’m so grateful for each and everyone of you too!

• I wouldn’t be where I am today without your friendship and support, so thank you so much! Here’s to the next 45 years ahead. Cheers!

• It’s been a great 45 years. But I’m not done yet. That’s right! It’s never too late to start something new, take a chance or get out there and be the best you can be. Happy Birthday to myself!

• I’m officially an adult, and I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad one.

• It is time to celebrate the 45th birthday! Hope it’s a good one.

• 45 years young today! Wishing you all the best and may none of your wishes go unanswered. Happy Birthday, my friend.

• To all my good friends, I turn 45 today and it’s a celebration of how far I’ve come. This year has been remarkable, filled with love and joy, laughter and travel. Happy Birthday to me!

• Today is my 45th birthday. Never stop dreaming and always look forward to the future!

• Cheers to you on your 45th birthday! You are wiser than you think, stronger than you believe and happier than you remember. Happy Birthday, dear.

• Happy birthday, best friend. Here’s to another year of ups and downs, laughter and tears, love and friendship.

• This is it—this is my life. 45 years of living, loving, and learning.

• A year of great accomplishments, some failures, a lot of laughs. And now you’re here to celebrate with me! Thank you for the best wishes in the world!

• 45 is the new…25. Time to celebrate and relish in the years that have gone by, something I’m doing today with @giorgioarmanibaldi

• I’m turning the big 4-5 and I’m feeling pretty damn good about it. Happy Birthday, baby!

• Time to celebrate the big 4-5! Let’s party it up and make this day special.

• This year marks the 45th birthday of my mother, who has been a constant source of wisdom, strength and inspiration for me throughout my life.

• I am truly blessed to have her as my mother, and I hope that you have a very happy birthday Mom!

• You’re ready for anything, but you still have time to turn back. Happy birthday.

• It’s been 45 years since my first day of school, and here I am still on the grind. Happy Birthday to me!

• 45th birthday. Happy Birthday! The time flies by so quickly, but there will always be more to look forward to. Here’s to another year of adventures and memories.

• I’m turning 45 this year and I can’t believe how much time has flown by. Happy Birthday to me!

• Happy Birthday to me. I’m a year older, wiser and more experienced. I hope you celebrated this milestone just as much as I did.

• I’m celebrating my 45th birthday—and I can’t believe it’s been this long since I said and did everything on my bucket list.

• Happy birthday to myself! I can’t believe I’m turning the big 4-5.

• Thank you for making me who I am today and for staying on course with me. Happy birthday to me

• Happy birthday to ME! I couldn’t have done it without you. Remember that when you’re down on your luck.

• I’m now 45 years old, and I’ve lived a pretty remarkable life—I’ve gone through some tough times and I’ve experienced a lot of good things.

• 45 is the new 30. It’s time to stop looking back and focus on what lies ahead. Cheers to a more prosperous future!

• Thank you, thank you, thank you to all of my friends and family who have supported me through the years. I’m forever grateful!

• 45 years old. 2 decades in the making, but who’s counting?

• It’s been a year of amazing adventures and new experiences. I can’t wait to see what the next year brings!

• Now I’m 45 and I’m still losing weight. How long can that last?

• Happy 45th birthday to me. I am so grateful for this life, my friends and family. Wishing you all the best in this new year!

• Turning 45 is one of the best times of your life. It’s not just a time to celebrate—it’s a time to be celebrated!

• Wishing you a day to celebrate, reflect and celebrate. To remember the past and move forward confidently with us into the future. Happy Birthday!

• I turned 45 today! Life is good and I hope it’s going to be even better in my next 45 years.

• I’m 45 and I feel good. This has been a wonderful year filled with wonder, happiness, and joy.

• Thank you for all the love, support, and encouragement you have given me all these years. Happy Birthday to me!

• Wishing you the best of everything in the coming year. Happy Birthday!

• I’m a better person today than I was yesterday. Happy 45th birthday to me!

• Wishing you many more exciting birthdays and many more years to come!

• I am 45 today and I have no regrets, only dreams. Hope you also enjoy reading this post as much as I enjoyed writing it!

• My birthday is not just a day, but a whole new beginning. I’m ready to see what’s next.

• We may stop getting older at some point, but we’re never truly stopped getting better. I can’t wait to see where this chapter goes. Happy Birthday, brother.

• life is always an adventure, don’t stop living it.

• Happy birthday to me! I’m turning 45, and I hope you have enjoyed all of the good times over the years. Love, a friend

• My 45th birthday is tomorrow, and I feel like I could be the poster child for how to treat your body.

• Happy birthday to me! Can you believe that it’s already my 45th birthday? I can’t wait to make more memories with you.

• I want to celebrate not only my birthday but also the fact that I’ve reached this milestone in life.

• I’m looking forward to sharing these moments with friends and family, who have supported me through thick and thin.

• Again, Happy Birthday. May this year be filled with good health and happiness.

• Wow! It’s been 45 years since my first sip of coffee. I can hardly believe it, but today I will celebrate in style. Happy Birthday to me!

• HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I’ve had my share of ups and downs, but I’m grateful for all the lessons i’ve learned in my life that have made me the person I am today.

• I’m celebrating my 45th birthday this year. In spite of the anxiety, in spite of the depression, in spite of knowing that it’s all downhill from here… I’m still here and kicking like crazy!

• I’ve been here 45 times, so it’s about time I stopped counting. And this one’s for all my friends who got me to this point.

• I’m 45 years young today! May I continue to age like a fine wine.

• Here’s to you not only staying healthy, but being healthy as well. Cheers!

• I’m certain that looking back at all of these moments, I will be thankful for each and every one of them. But right now, let’s just enjoy the ride.

• Happy birthday to me. I hope you have as much fun as I’m going to have! May your 45th year be filled with happiness, celebrations and love.

• I’m turning 45 today. Cheers to all the good times, and cheers to all the great people in my life.

• I’m turning 45 today! Here’s to a whole lotta fun ahead of us. Happy birthday to me.

• I’m 45, I’m still getting old. But I’ve got a lot to be thankful for. So one more year and then I’m done. Happy birthday, friends!

• Happy 45th birthday! You’ve come a long way kid. Now it’s time to party.

• I turned 45 today, and it feels like I just got here. Thanks to everyone who has helped me along the way.

• Liftoff. The time has finally come to celebrate your 45th birthday, which is like landing on the moon and walking on the sun at the same time. Happy Birthday!

• Happy birthday to me! I got a new life and new beginnings. This means so much to me and I can’t wait for the journey ahead.

• Thanks to all the people who made this milestone possible, and wish me many more happy years.

• Turning 45 is like growing into yourself. We’re all getting a little more ourselves every day, even if we don’t want to. But that makes it all the more exciting too.

• So here’s to turning 45 and having the adventures that come with it! Happy birthday

• She’s still a young one, but now that she’s 45, we’re giving her the respect she deserves.

• Here’s to another full year of laughing, loving and being the happiest version of ourselves.

• Turning 45. Cheers to the past, cheers to the present, cheers to the future! Happy Birthday!

• That’s right. It’s my birthday, and I’m feeling absolutely amazing. Looking forward to the next 45 years of life!

• It’s a new beginning, 45 years of life. Celebrate by doing what makes you happy and living your best life.

• Happy Birthday, friend! We celebrate your maturity and wisdom.

• I’m turning 45! I can’t believe it, but I’m excited and grateful to see this chapter of my life.

• It’s nearly my 45th birthday and I am a long way from where I started. It feels like I’ve been on this journey for centuries, but I’m sure the adventure is only just beginning.

• To celebrate my half century, I make this heart-felt toast with the people who have made me feel like family: my friends and loved ones.

• i’m turning 45 today, and i feel more energetic than ever. happiness to my fellow globetrotters

• I turn 45 today and I am feeling great. Thank you all for being there for me throughout my journey, especially the ones that stuck around even after I left!

• I’m turning 45 today, and I promise not to waste any more time.

• I’ve had my best year yet, with a new job and a beautiful family. I’m ready to live the rest of my life in full throttle!

• I’m opening my bottle of wine this evening with the best intentions of doing a little celebrating. Who’s with me?

• I was born at a time when people still believed in magic. I am grateful for our modern world and the technology that makes it possible.

• I’m grateful for the magic of being able to celebrate these special days with my friends and loved ones. Happy Birthday

• 45 years of age and still going strong. The secret to my longevity?

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