Pickup lines

34th Birthday Pick Up Lines for Myself

Let me start off by saying no one in the world deserves a birthday shout-out more than you. But what makes today special is that it’s also your birthday. You deserve to be wished happy birthday, and I bet there are plenty of things on this list that will remind you just how much people care about you.

34th Birthday Pick Up Lines for Myself

• 34 is an incredible age to be a woman. It’s time to celebrate, celebrate and celebrate some more.

• I’ve had a great year, filled with amazing things both big and small; lessons to learn, friends who never stop loving me and the one person who means everything to me. Happy Birthday Mom!

• I’m feeling so blessed and grateful to have spent the past 34 years with the best friends (and a husband) in the world.

• We’ve seen some amazing things together and I couldn’t be more excited to keep on doing so!

• My 34th birthday was an incredible celebration of my age and all that it has to offer. I have been blessed with many friends who are as mischievous and fun loving as I am, and I couldn’t be more grateful for you guys!

• I’m feeling pretty damn good about my 34th birthday.

• I’m grateful to be 34. I’ve been through a lot and still have many more adventures ahead of me.

• Wishing everyone a happy 34th birthday! You deserve it after all this time.

• 34 is the new 17. Celebrate your birthday like a boss.

• I’m 34. I’ve been better, I’ve been worse, but I am still here. Celebrate that with me.

• I’m 34, I think this is the most fabulous age ever. Happy Birthday to me!

• To my 34th birthday, I thank you for the gift of life, and for countless years of friendship. Here’s to another year, filled with adventures and laughter, love and learning.

• 34 years old today, hits me like a ton of bricks. With great power comes great responsibility… and we’re incredibly grateful for your continued support!

• I did it, I’m old. How many people can say that?

• I am looking forward to living a long and satisfying life. May God grant me the wisdom, perspective and strength to do so. Happy birthday!

• What a year it’s been. Thank you for every moment with you and I. Here’s to another one!

• I’m ready to roll with my friends, toast good health and all it brings, and celebrate 34 years on this planet. Cheers!

• Happy 34th birthday to me! I am as strong, fierce and independent as ever. So grateful for the most beautiful friends and family in the world!

• It’s my 34th birthday and I feel like I’m 12 again. Because it’s exactly that—a time to celebrate the life, friends, and people that make up who I am today. So here’s to you, and also me!

• It’s time for a celebration. Here’s to us, and celebrating 34 years of amazing memories with friends, family and business partners. We’ve got this!

• It’s been a year of good times and bad. But it’s been amazing to share with you all. Thank you for the memories, especially this third birthday. With love and gratitude, Happy33rdBirthday

• This is the day I stop being a kid and start becoming an adult. Here’s to you, 34!

• Today I celebrate the fact that I’m 34 years old. That’s a quarter century in the making, a quarter of which was spent in my own head. But now I’m older and wiser, and I put on my big girl panties and own it.

• It’s the most wonderful time of the year to celebrate your birthday with various social events, activities, and parties.

• Wishing you many more birthdays filled with joy and laughter, happiness and love. Happy birthday to you!

• Age is nothing but a number. We are all just growing older together. Cheers to you, my dear friend and fellow fountain of wisdom.

• Age is just a number, but that’s okay. I’m not going anywhere!

• HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope your day is as great as you are.

• We are all made of the same stuff that grows old and dies and returns to dust. Let’s celebrate life, friends.

• I will be 34 this year. I have also been told that my age is the reason for all the things that are going wrong in my life.

• Let’s take a moment to celebrate this special day and turn my frown upside down. Thanks to you, it’s a party time! Celebrate Age.

• Wishing you all the best on your 34th birthday and beyond!

• I turned 34 this year. I can’t believe it’s been that long already. I already feel so old! Happy birthday to me!

• This is my 34th birthday, but I’m not sure how old I feel right now. Time flies when you’re having fun.

• It’s my birthday, so I’m going to celebrate life, love and laughter like it’s my own. Here’s to 34!

• This is the year of growth and maturity. Let’s make sure we don’t miss out on this opportunity to be better, wiser and who we want to be. Happy birthday!

• We are getting older but that doesn’t mean that we have to stop being young. Happy birthday to me.

• I don’t know who I am, but I know it’s time to celebrate this damn birthday.

• I’m a 34 year old adult, who is still trying to figure out what kind of adult this really is. I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or bad thing.

• Age is just a number and they say it’s made up of two digits.

• It’s been a year! Time to get out of the house, go nuts, and have fun like it’s 1986.

• Time is a precious commodity, don’t waste it.

• We did it! Happy 34th birthday to me, and 30 to my friends. We have had an unbelievable year together. This journey has been crazy, but amazing.

• 34th birthday, here we go to celebrate in style with all my friends.

• Thank you to everyone who celebrated my 34th birthday with me last week. It was a lot of fun and I had a good time celebrating with you all!

• I’m officially 34 years old and I’m celebrating by doing things the hard way.

• I turned 34 yesterday. I feel like my life has taken such a joyful and unexpected path the past few years, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

• It’s been a great 34 years. Cheers to the best part of my life!

• 34 years ago today, I was born. I’m grateful for the life God has blessed me with, and I’m excited to see what tomorrow brings!

• Happy birthday to myself, who says age is just a number. Here’s to all the years of endless possibilities ahead!

• Happy Birthday to me! What a year it’s been. Can’t wait to see what’s in store for us next.

• Another year another birthday, another chance to say “Thank you.” This year I want to celebrate the people who keep me going, who believe in me and those whom I love dearly.

• Thank you for all the birthday wishes, it’s an honor to share this special milestone with you!

• Happy birthday to me. I woke up today with a fresh new outlook and am full of gratitude for all the great things that lie ahead.

• This is the year that I am going to start living my life in a way that reflects how important it is to be part of something bigger than myself.

• Age is a state of mind and we should always treat each day like it’s our first.

• As we celebrate the 34th birthday of myself, friends and family. Wishing you all the best in this big event!

• 34th birthday is here, let’s celebrate my age with a special outfit and make it more memorable. 34birthday.

• Happy 34th birthday to me! Let’s celebrate with these healthy and delicious recipes.

• Let’s celebrate turning 34 this year and the milestone that comes with it!

• It’s a birthday! A big one. But even bigger: 34 years old today.

• 34th birthday? Why not celebrate it with a nice glass of wine and some snacks.

• Looking forward to all the new adventures, people and possibilities ahead. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

• It’s my birthday, and I’m celebrating it with a new haircut. Cheers to the best years of my life! 34

• Finally, a toast to myself. May this birthday be filled with happiness and joy for all that I’ve experienced throughout the years.

• It’s a big day. I’m celebrating the big 3-4-5 with my friends, family and loved ones. Thank you for being there for me right from the beginning! Wishing you all the best on this special day!

• Happy birthday to my beautiful, inspiring and ambitious self. Today, I’m taking the steps with you to live even more boldly.

• A birthday is a good time to reflect on how far you’ve come, appreciate the people who are with you, and celebrate life.

• 34, the age of discovery and discovery of age. Happy Birthday to me!

• Celebrating my 34th birthday with friends. Glad to have you all in my life and thank you for always making me feel like I’m important.

• Celebrate your 34th birthday with a few cocktails and friends.

• It’s been 34 years since I’ve hit the big 3-4-5. I’m so thankful for all who have supported me along this journey, and all those to come.

• Today is a good day to celebrate your age. And maybe take a little time off

• Here’s to 34 years of memories and milestones, good friends, and a lot of laughs along the way.

• 34 years old. And a day late to the party, but I’m here and I’m feeling it. Happy Birthday!

• It’s my 34th birthday today, but really it’s your 34th birthday. I hope you have an awesome day.

• I’m turning 34 today — but I feel like I’ve aged a lot more than that.

• When your birthday rolls around and you’ve been doing the same thing for 34 years, it’s time to change course.

• It’s getting hot in here. It’s my birthday! I’ll be 32 years old today. What’s your favorite year?

• I celebrate myself, and sing myself. And what I approve of myself I approve of others

• May you always stay true to yourself. Happy birthday to me!

• It’s all about to get better, and I am so excited for what the rest of 2017 has in store.

• Today I celebrate the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. Today I smile because I am here and I am loved by so many people.

• So thank you to everyone that has supported me along this journey through life. Happy Birthday!

• I’m celebrating my 34th birthday today. I have to say it’s been quite an adventure seeing so many friends, family and colleagues grow up with me through the years.

• I’ve learned so much from them and they’ve done the same for me. It’s been a privilege and I look forward to more adventures in the future.

• I turned 34 today I can’t believe it’s been a whole year already.

• It feels like yesterday when I woke up in this morning to the sound of my favorite song playing on the radio…it was my time for celebration!

• Age is only a number! I am grateful to have been given the opportunity to celebrate my 34th birthday.

• 34th birthday, I’m still here and growing. Wishing you all the best in life with new challenges and opportunities.

• I turned 34. I’m so grateful for this day and all the amazing things that have happened to me over the past year. May it be a year of growth, good health and happiness!

• Let’s celebrate turning 34 years old with an extra shot of booze.

• I’m a 34 years old who loves to travel and explore new places. And here is my list of things I want to do before I turn 40:

• 34 is the new 28. The time when you can finally afford to have birthday parties and have a good time.

• 36 years old. Time to enjoy every moment of my life.

• 34 years old, I feel like I’m finally growing up and finding myself. I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing, but at least you can see me now.

• Time is beautiful, each moment is precious. Thank you for all the memories! Happy Birthday!

• There are no limits when you’re motivated, strong and resilient. Happy Birthday

• It’s my favorite number, but also the one that makes me feel most like myself. Here’s to another year full of adventure and growth. Happy birthday to me!

• I’m an old man now, but I still enjoy my daily dose of cake.

• Celebrating my 34th birthday with a big glass of wine, friends and family. Cheers to being grown up!

• It’s the # 34th Birthday celebrated with a cake, champagne and friends.

• Wishing you a bright and colorful 34th birthday! And celebrating with people who lift you up, inspire you and make life so much better.

• I’m officially an adult. I’m turning 34 and I can’t believe it’s been so long since my last birthday. There’s just so much more to experience in this life now that I’m a grown-up.

• I turned 34 today and I remember feeling so excited when I was younger. And now, looking back at that time, I can see how much it changed me. Sometimes it’s hard to remember what life was like before social media and the internet existed. But I’m glad that there was a time when we had to use our imagination to create something as beautiful as a birthday cake! And for the first time in a long time, instead of buying gifts for other people I just made an elaborate and

• In honor of my 34th birthday, I am celebrating 21-year-old me and her bad decisions.

• Happy birthday to me, I am a year older today. Cheers to another year of being here and making it count

• This is a celebration for every birthday. May god bless you & your family and friends as we gracefully move forward into the next one.

• As I turn the big 3-5, here’s to you and me. Happy birthday, motherfuckers.

• This year was a good one! I had many adventures, met lots of new people and shared so much with my friends and family. Thanks to everyone who made this possible!

• The person who has the most fun on this “significant” is me.

• “Life isn’t a dress rehearsal, it’s the performance. The audience won’t give you a standing ovation unless you really put on a show.”

• Happy 34th birthday to me! I’m not too old to celebrate and party, but I do want to clear up a few things.

• Happy 34th birthday to me, my friend and the whole universe. I’m celebrating with all my friends here in Rio de Janeiro.

• Turning 34 and celebrating with friends, family and coworkers birthday

• We’ve got the numbers to prove it: Happy Birthday, age 34. Here’s to you!

• Happy birthday to me—the one and only. I hope you’re a beautiful, healthy, and happy 34 today every day capable.

• Happy birthday to me, who is still growing old at 34. I don’t need gifts or balloons, but I do need you to be there.

• We’re all going to be older down the road—and that alone should make today even more special. Here’s to #34birthdays

• I have reached the age of 34, and to celebrate my birthday today, let me leave you with a thought: The best way to get over someone is to get under someone else.

• At 34, I am a lot more comfortable in my own skin now than ever before. This isn’t to say I don’t have insecurities—I do, but they are only amplified by others. I know who I am as a person and what I care about. It’s remarkable how much time passes so quickly—but it actually seems like yesterday that I turned 21.

• Hey there birthday boy, happy birthday to the man with 36 years of life. I hope we have many more to come. HappyBirthday

• HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my best friend and to all the birthday people out there! What an amazing year it’s been. I can’t wait to start a new chapter in life.

• It’s been a hell of a ride. Happy Birthday

• It’s my birthday, time for cake and celebration. Cheers to being a year older!

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