Pickup lines

25th Birthday Pick Up Lines

Yay, it’s your 25th birthday, time to celebrate! I know, been a long road from the crib and now you’re on the upper end of the years. But don’t be sad (or mad when people say “there goes 30!”) because at 25 you are officially in your twenties. So go out there and have fun.

Twenty-five is a big one. You don’t have to be stuck at home because your parents are out of town again. Renting movies is no longer lame and you don’t have to explain why you’re the only kid ordering a Shirley Temple.

25th Birthday Pick Up Lines

• Celebrate your twenty-fifth birthday with us. We are so excited to share a very special cake with you!

• Time flies when you’re having fun. Happy 25th birthday.

• It’s been 25 years. We couldn’t be more grateful for where we are and all of the people who have helped us get here. Wishing you all a happy birthday!

• Turning 25 is no joke. But we are laughing with you, not at you! Celebrate your special day with these funny birthday memes.

• you’re 25 and you’re a beast. You’ve been here before but now this is where you belong. Let us see what we can do to make your life more amazing

• It’s been 25 years. Thank you for your support and for what you’ve done for us along the way. Stay on Top

• The years turn, but the fire in your belly stays lit. Cheers to you on your birthday!

• Just one more year of being me… with some awesome friends, and a big cupcake.

• Your 25th birthday is a big deal! Here’s a list of things you should do to celebrate.

• The 25th is a big milestone and it’s time to party like it’s your birthday!

• Celebrating my 25th birthday. I can’t believe it’s been that long! Happy Birthday to me

• It’s your 25th birthday and you’re still standing! #HappyBirthday

• You’re as beautiful now as you were 25 years ago. Happy Birthday, my love

• 25 years old, you’re doing it! Happy birthday to us.

• 25 years old today. You’ve come a long way baby, but you still have so much more to go! So make sure you do something special for yourself this year.

• We’re celebrating 25 years of growth, success and passion. Thank you for being a part of this journey.

• 25 years ago today, we made history. Happy birthday to us! We love you all and thank you for being a part of it all.

• The 25th is such a special milestone and it feels so damn good to celebrate it.

• It’s been 25 years since I started my journey. Happy Birthday, friend!

• Thank you for being in my life 25 years ago and every year after. It’s been a wild ride and I couldn’t do it without you. xo

• Happy Birthday to a very personal friend and a loyal client. We could not be more honored than to celebrate the occasion with you!

• You’re not a kid anymore. Celebrate 25th birthday in style with these 25 ideas for your big day

• The 25th birthday is a time to celebrate the past and look to the future. You deserve a celebration that is different, memorable and maybe even a little bit out of the box!

• turning 25 is a big deal. It’s not just another birthday, but a milestone birthday. Make it count by having the time of your life!

• I was just born 25 years ago. God bless you and Happy Birthday!

• Happy 25th birthday to my beautiful momma. You’re such an inspiration and a wonderful person, always there for me and my family. Thank you for everything!

• Happy 25th birthday to the most beautiful, inspiring, and loving woman I know. I love you more than words can say.

• Turning 25 has made me a better, smarter, more compassionate human being.

• 25 years and going strong. Happy birthday to me!

• Here’s to 25 more years of living life to the fullest, shaping our world and having fun doing it. Cheers to 25!

• It’s been 25 years since the day we met—and that means it’s time to celebrate! Take a look back at 25 years of memories from both of us.

• You can do anything you put your mind to. Happy Birthday!

• You’re hitting the big 2-5, and you deserve a break. Treat yourself

• Wishing you a birthday filled with laughter, love and peace. 25 is a great age. May the next 25 be even better!

• We don’t need a reason to celebrate. We’re 25 and deserve to have fun. Happy Birthday, @lovelyvanessa25

• Happy birthday to you, 25 years old. You’re more than halfway through your twenties! Cheers to another great year!

• When you’re 25, that is not just an age, but also a life stage. We wish you every happiness as you enter your next chapter

• Better you are than you think. Happy 25th birthday to you!

• Nothing is impossible, especially at 25. Happy birthday! #Bohos

• 25 years strong. Thank you for everything, I’ll never forget it

• Celebrating 25 years on this Earth with the people who I love and with all of those new memories that are still yet to come.

• Celebrate your birthday with style and class.

• The party is wild out here, and the celebrating is just beginning. Happy Birthday!

• Happy birthday to the best person in the world, who makes all of my dreams come true. I love you more than anything in this world!

• Happy birthday, we’ve been counting down to this moment.

• You guys. I’m turning 25. Here are some of my favorite pick-up lines to use when someone says they’re turning 25.

• I’m turning 25 and I feel like a boss.

• Let’s go out and do something fun. I want to celebrate your turning 25!

• My 25th birthday was a blast. My friends and family are all so supportive, but I’m feeling a little left out: what should I get them for their birthday?

• Let’s toast to the day 25 years ago when I was born.

• Here’s to the next 25 years, filled with adventures, new experiences and all those awkward moments that made us laugh!

• If you know that I love to party, then you know that I’m not picky at all. To celebrate my 25th birthday, let’s go out and get crazy tonight!

• I’m turning 25 and I have the best friends in the whole universe who love me for me. What should I buy them for their birthday?

• I’m turning 25, and I feel like that wild child who knows no limits.

• When you’re 25, don’t bother complimenting my looks. I’ve got better ones than that.

• Just save yourself the heartache and put the spotlight on all the things I’ve never told anyone about me.

• I’m gonna celebrate the fact that I’ve survived 25 years of living, breathing and loving – and I hope you do too.

• We are all searching for the same thing—a way to make our lives better. Here’s to you, my friend. Happy Birthday!

• 25 is the new 20. You got this! You’re a rockstar!

• I’m 25 and I don’t know where the time went. But thank you, mother nature, for making me older in just a few days. Laughter is the best medicine.

• Make me a deal, I’ll try anything once…LOL! Happy Birthday

• I don’t wanna take your number, but I’ll take everything! 😀

• Nerd alert: It’s your turn to tell us how you were born on this day.

• I’ve accepted the fact that I’ll never look like you. But that doesn’t mean I can’t have fun trying.

• You’re getting old and I like it. My smile is all I’ve got to prove that I’m still alive.

• Brought to you by my mother and myself, the best pick-up line for yourself is: “Happy Birthday, I’m so glad you’re mine.

• Who are you holding up? I’m celebrating my 25th birthday with none other than you.

• Hey baby, this is my 25th birthday and I’m going to celebrate by filling you with the best gifts a girl could ever ask for: me.

• I’m turning 25 today, but you’re my type of love. You don’t have to be a certain age to be my someone special

• So I’m turning 25 this year. And even though I know it’s not such a big deal, I still want to shout it from the rooftops.

• The 25th birthday is a time to reflect. It’s a chance to take stock of your life and figure out what you want in the future.

• How many years have you all been hanging out? Twenty-five, my friend. I’m ready to party with you again!!

• She’s a 25-year-old goofball who makes me smile. Happy Birthday, babe!

• You’re 25 now, not 60. Think ahead before you think of me.

• I may be 25 years old, but I’m still as beautiful and smart as ever.

• It’s been a great 25 years. Here’s to 25 more! I’m ready to get old, but I can’t get my hands on any of your granny clothes.

• I know it’s been a pain to grow up. But I hope you’ve made the most of it.

• If I could be any animal, I’d want to be a cheetah because my legs are long but not as long as yours. Haha!

• Life is the art of drawing without a pencil. The best pick-up line is, “Here’s to 25 more years of you and me.”

• How do I want to celebrate my 25th birthday? With a tall drink in hand, as these guys did at louisvuitton BrooklynMade

• You’re the best 25th birthday git I could have asked for.

• It’s your 25th birthday, and I’m here to tell you that you’re beautiful. Is it too late to say sorry?

• I’m turning 25, but it’s still the best time of my life.

• The only way to get over a 25th birthday? Put it away and get back to work.

• I’ve been waiting for this day for 25 years. I want you to be my first pick for the night.

• Hey, 25 is not old. It’s like a new decade!

• You’re 25? That’s not so bad. I’m older than dirt, but feel like I’m just starting out my young life!

• I’m 25 today, so I’ve decided to pick-up the pace on my fitness goals.

• You’re one of those special people who will always be there for me when I need a hand. Happy birthday!

• I’m a big girl. I can take my time getting you all dressed up, but remember to take your time getting me out of these clothes, or else I might get bored and want to try on my own face

• Go talk to someone who’s just as badass as you. I’ve found the key to my heart. It’s you.

• I’ve been thinking about a tattoo. Has anyone got any good designs they’re willing to share?

• To my 25th birthday: I’m not going to lie and tell you that life is perfect.

• Here are some pick-up lines for myself and my friends when (and if) we go out to celebrate.

• If you’re reading this, I have turned 25 and am looking for a fun night out. Let’s do this!

• “Let’s party like it’s your 25th birthday.” – me

• It’s your 25th birthday and someone has just dropped a million dollars on you. Let’s celebrate it together…

• Grab a friend and a glass of wine—let’s celebrate my 25th birthday!

• Hey babe, your 25th birthday just came and passed by like a breeze.

• Okay, let’s do this. I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say: you’re the one who makes all this possible.

• I just want to say thank you so much for making 25 years of us possible! Happy Birthday!

• You’re so amazing, it’s hard to believe I’ve known you for so long.

• I guess that’s a good thing because here in my arms, you are still as beautiful and desirable as the first time we met. Happy birthday!

• You’re my favorite kind of person. You’re the type of friend that I could call at 3 a.m. and know that you’re going to be there for me.

• You’re awesome in every way, you make me laugh, and I’m so happy that you’re in my life. Happy birthday!

• It’s your birthday, so I’ll be the one to make it special.

• You know it’s been a rough 25 years, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

• You’re always on my mind. Have a great birthday, you’ve earned it!

• 25 is the new 24. And I’m still looking fine, baby!

• Life is too short to be serious all the time. So let’s get crazy every once and a while, shall we?

• I don’t want to be your first, I just want to be your last.

• You’ve made it a quarter century. That’s pretty damn impressive! Here are 25 birthday pick-up lines for you to use on yourself, friends and loved ones.

• It’s your 25th birthday and a pick-up line is the least you deserve. Here’s to better days ahead. Cheers to us!

• My friends let me know you’re turning 25. So I asked the universe for some good birthday pick-up lines. Here are the best:

• I’m celebrating my 25th birthday with a bottle of wine and you.

• I’m turning 25 and I feel great, but I can’t tell if it’s because of the birthday cake or teenage boys.

• I’ve always wanted to try a pick-up line like this.

• I am 25, and still not sure how I got here. But it’s been an amazing ride. You’re my best friend, and I love you lots! Happy birthday

• When you’re 25, there are no other birthday wishes besides, “You’re still here.” When you’re 25, you’re old enough to buy it yourself.

• I’m 25 and I’m still not over it! Don’t try to make me feel better—I know who I am, and I don’t need a pick-me-up line.

• I’m a quarter of a century old and I’m still searching for the right woman (or man) to spend decades with.

• You’re not a birthday gift. I’m sure as hell not a piece of cake. Let’s get this party started.

• It’s not what you do, it’s who you are. Happy Birthday to me.

• I never thought I’d be the kind of person who would need to use a pick-up line, but here we are. Happy birthday, 25.

• If your 25th birthday is tomorrow, I’m here to wish you a happy one. May it be full of joy, laughter and love.

• I may be 25, but you’re still my favorite. Happy 25th birthday.

• Wishing you a happy 25th birthday. Here’s to you and all the wonderful things that lie ahead.

• To my best friend, who’s turning 25. You’re still my favorite person. Happy birthday!

• The perfect 25th birthday gift is a bottle of wine and a plate of nachos.

• When I hit 25, I’m going to throw a party that’s big enough to forget it’s my birthday.

• 25, and I’m still not married. 25, and I still haven’t had my first drink. 25, and I can’t believe you remember when I was born.

• Yes, I’m 25 years old. I’ve been told my age before, but never in such a good way .

• It’s your birthday and I’m here to tell you that you’re still my #1 pick

• I’m going to be 30, and it scares the bejeezus out of me. So when you see me on my birthday, take a moment and tell me how beautiful I am.

• It’s not a party without balloons and cake. But it is a party without you there. Can’t wait to see you soon, birthday girl!

• I hope that I get the best gift wrapping of my life this birthday. Because whoever said you can’t buy happiness forgot to check out my wishlist.

• I’m getting a little older, but I don’t want to get OLD. So I’m gonna keep being CHEERFUL and in CLOUD with you.

• Here’s to 25 years, and all of the great adventures we’ll have along the way.

• Because you’re my favorite kind of 25. She’s the woman I’ve been waiting for. Happy Birthday to me!

• Hey there handsome. If you had to create a birthday wish for yourself, what would it be?

• Hi there, I can’t wait to celebrate our special day with you.

• I’m not just your best friend. I’m also your favorite #friend

• You mean more to me than a cupcake.

• You look like the kind of girl who would tell me to chill out and sit on the couch.

• You’re also wearing clothes I don’t recognize, but I bet they’re good.

• You’re a good friend, you bring me coffee in the morning… and I’m toast.

• It’s your birthday. And it’s raining outside.

• I’m turning 25 tomorrow, so here are some pick-up lines for me.

• To Celebrate My 25th Birthday, I’d Like to Take You Out for Dinner and a Movie…

• Hey, you’re 25? Congrats! And here’s to the next 25 years of your life. Happy birthday, baby!

• I turned 25 last month and I’ve been living in the moment. All I can say is.. It’s Been Good.

• Coming at you with all the pick-up lines I know I’ll never use on myself, but that are sure to make your day. Nothing like a little confidence boost.

• Let’s turn 25 into an adventure. Let’s go out and live life up to your fullest potential this year.

• Your 25th birthday is like getting a new set of wheels for your car. It’s time to party hard, because you’re about to go places.

• Here’s to the 25 years that have flown by, and here’s to the ones yet to come. I hope you’re as cool as you were in your youth. Happy birthday.

• If you’d like to celebrate my birthday with me, we could go out for a fancy dinner or just chill at home. Whatever suits you best myfave

• It’s your birthday and I came to celebrate. I’ve got your number?

• I’ve got a lot to celebrate, but only one person deserves all the credit. You, my friend.

• Baby, I’m not sure which would be better. A one-night stand or a lifetime girlfriend.

• I’m going to need a bigger anniversary present.

• You may have your pick of the litter, but I’m not just another dog on the block.

• 25 is a magical, important moment for every woman. Don’t forget to celebrate that by turning it into a special occasion by picking up someone who makes you feel beautiful, even in this photo!

• I don’t need a special occasion to celebrate my 25th birthday. I’ve worked hard and deserved this moment!

• When you’re 25 and your friends are like, “well, you’re still only 23″…

• I can’t believe it’s been 25 years since I was born. How does time fly? I feel like I’m just starting my life and you’re already a legend in the making.

• Congratulations on reaching this milestone—congratulations, buddy!

• Happy birthday to myself. You’re the kind of girl I never have to buy a present for.

• I’m 25 and I have big plans for the next 25 years. What are yours?

• I don’t usually pick up the phone until I’ve had some liquid courage. But when I do, I just might call you.

• Hey babe. You’re looking good enough to eat. How about a date?

• I am 25, I have it all figured out. What are you going to do now?

• “You look so good you could be a new model.”

• If you’re going to get old, I’ll be the first one to say Happy Birthday.

• No matter how old you get, you’re still my boo.

• It’s my birthday and I’m thinking I may just not give a f*ck.

• I’m a true Gemini and I love my zodiac sign!

• I’ve been waiting all my life to meet you.

• It’s been 25 years since my first kiss with you. Happy birthday from me to you!

• I’m a little older, wiser, and downright more charming than ever. So here’s to another 25 years of love, laughter and new adventures! Here’s to us!

• I’m turning 25 and I feel like I should be dancing on a table, but instead I’m writing this.

• My bday is coming up, and I need to know… Is it ok if I pick-up your phone?

• I can’t believe it’s been 25 years since I first met you! You’ve made me so happy, and now I have something to bring you to remember this special day by.

• You look like a perfectly good reason to celebrate my life and I wouldn’t want to spend a single moment without you. Happy birthday, beautiful.

• You’re the best part of my day. Happy birthday, baby!

• You’re my inspiration. I can’t believe your birthday is so close to mine! I can’t wait to say “I love you” again and celebrate with you.

• I’m having a hard time accepting that I’ve been 25 for 2 years. Time flies, doesn’t it?

• I’m ready for everything you got in store for us. Happy Birthday

• I’ve made it. So remember, the only thing that’s really lasted 25 years is your love for me.

• I’m so glad it’s your birthday—I hope you have a great one!

• I’m going to need a bigger smile for this one.

• What’s your superpower? I’m not sure, but I know it’s something that you do with ease.

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