Pickup lines

18th Birthday Pick Up Lines

You are no longer a teenager (bless your heart) – Congrats! Nineteen is such a ‘swell’ age. You’re free to drive now (legally of course), and who doesn’t want to be in that situation? Right? Let’s not forget those sweet sweet Tinder dates you’ll get. The best part of turning eighteen was getting to move out from your parent’s house, being able to legally vote, getting a real job, and being able to curse without having an earful from Mom or Dad.

18th Birthday Pick Up Lines

• No one is as young as they say they are. But then again, we’re not going to tell anyone how old we are because it’s cool to be a kid forever. Happy 18th Birthday!!

• It’s your 18th birthday but you’re already an adult. Happy Birthday, you’ve grown up fast.

• You’re 18 and you’ve got everything. I’m so damn proud of you, love. Happy birthday to the most beautiful person on earth

• Only 18 more days till I turn 18. It’s going to be a great year.

• Our 18th birthday is here. Let’s celebrate the best year of our lives so far!

• It’s my 18th and I feel like it should be a good one.

• I’m turning 18 and it’s hard to believe that it’s been nearly two years since I first started this crazy journey.

• Wishing you a birthday that is as fun, exciting and full of adventure as we are.

• 18. That’s the age I am officially 100% of what you want me to be

• You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me. Happy Birthday.

• Don’t forget to celebrate every year of your life like it’s your first.

• 18th Birthday and we’re going to do it with style.

• When you’re 18 and you realize that this is the best birthday. Here’s to the best 18th birthday ever!

• The best thing about 18 is that you can do what you want and it’s still legal. Happy birthday.

• A teenager’s 18th birthday should be celebrated with the whole world watching.

• 18th birthday is a day we want to remember forever! Here’s to another year of fun and friendship. #HappyBirthday

• Look back on your 18th birthday in the rearview mirror and tell me how much has changed.

• It’s your 18th birthday. You can party, get s**tfaced, do whatever you want. As long as you don’t forget to take care of yourself first.

• Going strong, growing bigger and better. Happy 18th birthday to me!

• Your 18th birthday is a perfect time to reflect on the path you’ve taken and where you’re going.

• 18 is a big year for me. I’m ready for this next chapter of my life, and I can’t wait to see what’s in store. Here’s to 18!

• You’re 18 and you want to be as unpredictable as the wind.

• I feel like you know what it’s like to be a kid again. Happy birthday

• Here’s to another year and more adventures ahead.

• Celebrate your 18th birthday with us, have a great time and we can’t wait to see you again.

• I turn 18 today. I just turned 18 and I feel so old. So many of my friends are going off to college, getting married and having kids.

• 18th birthday is a milestone. It’s a time to celebrate your successes and look back on all the things you’ve done. You’ve made it! #18yearsofage

• We’re celebrating another year of life, love and adventure. We can’t wait to see what this next year brings. Happy 18th birthday!

• Happy 18th birthday to you, the person who makes me look at the world as it is and not as I wish it were. Love, Mom

• 18 is a big number, but not so big that it can’t be celebrated with the perfect outfit and an unforgettable night out. #18AndStill

• You’re still here, you’re still strong, and you’re always growing. Happy Birthday! #18yearsold

• The 18-year-old me would have had a fit if I saw this picture. Not so much happy, but proud to be who I am and where I am in life Happy birthday to me.

• A new year and another chance to make mistakes. We hope you live your best life to date! Cheers!

• It’s time to go out and have one last adventure. To live life to the fullest, grab that camera and go shoot some photos!

• What’s better than a good ‘ole pick-up line? A great one. 18th birthday.

• I don’t know where I’m going in life, but I have a feeling that it’s going to be pretty awesome. So let’s make it the best 18th birthday ever!

• Just when you thought you had it all figured out, I turned 18. Happy birthday to me.

• Hey 18-year-old me, you look bored in those glasses. I’m going to have to pick you up anyway.

• When you’re 18, they see you as a cute kid or a fun teenager. When you get older, they start to look at you like a potential serial killer.

• You’re getting better at pickup lines every day. It’s on you to keep it up—keep your skillz sharp!

• You’re always my favorite birthday girl . . . which is why I’m bringing you something really special this year.

• If you’re ever in the mood for some flirty banter, I’m your girl.

• What’s your birthday wish? I’ll make it happen because you mean everything to me.

• XOXO, you’re what I want to be. No, you’re who I want to be when I grow up. Yes, you are my favorite cookie.

• I’m having a special day. I want to take you out, but I’m not sure where. I know it will be fun though!

• If you want to make someone fall in love with you, tell them their life is boring.

• I’m feeling myself, and I got the best of both worlds.

• I’m the one who makes you feel like someone else

• If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.

• When you’re looking to text someone a funny pick-up line for their 18th birthday, why not send it to me? I’m always game.

• You’re not old enough to order a drink, but you can buy one for yourself. And it’s on me! Happy 18th birthday.

• You’re always on my mind, even when I’m not. Happy 18th birthday!

• On my 18th birthday, here’s what I want you to give me: a fresh start.

• Happy 18th birthday to the one and only you. May this day always hold the memories of the best times spent with you.

• I’m going to be 18 forever so I might as well use every last minute of it.

• I’ve been teasing you all week, but whatever. You finally got me! Happy bday to the bestest guy ever.

• If you’re reading this, then it’s probably safe to say that I’m old enough to drink.

• I’m also sure that you’re pretty great at most of the things you do and I’m fine with that. So, cheers to another year of living in my skin.

• How does a grown man like me still have a thing for a girl? I don’t even know, but I hope it never dies!

• So you’ve got the perfect teeth, beautiful skin, and killer style. What are you waiting for? Come and get me.

• Mentioning that you’re a genius or a big shot at work? I’m flattered.

• I know what you’re thinking…but I can’t think of anything right now. I promise, my mind is blank.

• I’m going to need a little more time than a minute to tickle your fancy.

• I am not just a number. I am a name, a person, and a heart. Don’t miss me when I go away.

• I’m turning 18 and I’m going to be the best version of myself.

• I’m turning 18 and I don’t have a thing to wear.

• As I inch closer to the big 2-0, I can’t help but reflect on how far I’ve come.

• So I’m turning over a new leaf and using these pickup lines instead of birthday wishes.

• Turn 18 and get ready to get wilder every day.

• Happy 18th birthday to the best of all time.

• 18 is the new 21. Get your hands on this bad boy.

• I’m not the kind of girl who will settle for less than you. You’ll always be my no. 1. Happy Birthday to Me!

• The only person I need to pick up is myself.

• Maybe your birthday, but I’m still the boss of you.

• Getting older is the time to make friends, of the same age. So this time let’s be friends, old and new. g

• I am the perfect height, I am the perfect weight, and I am a perfect age.

• I’m a little older than the bottle of wine that you brought to my high school homecoming dance.

• I’m not a number, I’m a free-thinking human that has been liberated from the bonds of society!

• My 18th birthday is coming up, and I’m feeling confident and ready to take over.

• I’m 18 and I’m working on some new pick-up lines.

• “Did someone say 18th birthday?” “I did and we’re a go for the first time.”

• It’s your 18th birthday. I just wanted to say congratulations, and good luck. If you need help finding something to do, let me know.

• “I’m turning 18, and I’d like you to become my legal guardian.”

• I’m turning 18 and I don’t know what to do with my life. So I’m going to go live mine.

• You’re looking pretty good for a girl on her 18th birthday.

• I’m feeling pretty sweet myself, but I’ve got some special birthday cake waiting for you.

• I’m the type of girl who will call you out for saying “happy birthday” to yourself.

• Ice cream for breakfast. Lockhart for dinner. And the rest is history, sweetheart. I’m turning 18.

• Let’s party like it’s your birthday. I’ve got some birthday love for my friends—you know that I love you, right?

• Life is full of new opportunities and chances to fall in love. I’ve only just started, so I’m gonna make the most of it!

• Your birthday is coming up, and I’ve been thinking about something. I’m in love with you (girl)! You’re the one for me!

• Time flies when you’re having fun. Happy birthday to me!

• If you thought I was hot before, wait until you see me up close.

• Your 18th birthday is the perfect time to have some fun with your friends.

• I’m the kind of girl who likes to celebrate my 18th birthday by spending it with you.

• I’m so glad we have this friendship; it’s like the best thing ever, and even though you’re 18, I’ll always have your back. Happy 18th birthday, friend!

• Thank you for being a part of my life, thank you for making me laugh and smile, thanks for the love and support all these years. Happy 18th Birthday!

• I’ve been looking for this exact moment all day. 18 is a magical age and I’m ready to be your next high school crush.

• Hey, let’s party like it’s 18! Gettin’ old, huh? Well it’s your bday.

• I’ll be the first to admit that we’re running out of b-days to celebrate. So hurry up, there’s no better time than the present to get laid!

• Gonna be 18 in 5 days, so I think it’s time to celebrate. Here’s a nice bottle of wine and a smile.

• You’re my favorite thing in the whole damn place.

• A man with a plan and a woman with a career. I’m so into you.

• I’ve been told I’m a badass, but I don’t know what that means.

• My heart beats for you. It beats for you every day and night, like a clock that keeps time with my feelings for you.

• What’s better than an 18th? The complimenting of said birthday. Here are some sweet pick-ups for your special day:

• You’re the reason I still get off work early every day. Happy 18th birthday baby!

• When I turn 18, I’m going to reinvent myself. And you’ll be the first to know.

• I love you because you are all that I need, and more. Happy 18th birthday!

• Happy 18th birthday to the one and only. I’ll always be your biggest fan, and hope you have as much fun celebrating it as I did planning it.

• Wishing you a happy 18th birthday! Here’s to another great year, filled with laughter and adventure.

• I’m 18, and I’ve got my whole life in front of me. Let’s go pick something up!

• Life is full of choices and I choose to be excited about it! Happy 18th birthday!

• The best way to woo me is with a bottle of wine and some cheesy pick-up lines.

• It’s my birthday. I want to be taken out and surprised. Be a gentleman, give me some flowers…

• You’re pretty much my number one priority. So…happy birthday!

• I’m a little bit older than I used to be, but not by much.

• I’ve been looking at you like, what is your name?

• Your nickname is the only thing that makes me stronger.

• Hey. This is 18th birthday pick-up lines for myself, friends & family to use if we’re ever unsure of what to say

• I’ve got the perfect gift for you that’s fit for your 18th birthday. Some advice, some wisdom and some money!

• I remember the day I met you. It was the best day of my life.

• You always make me smile! I can’t wait for more days like this. Happy 18th birthday to me.

• I have a list of things I’d do for you if you were 18, so I’m just gonna type it out:

• I’m a force of nature — and I don’t take no for an answer. Happy 18th Birthday!

• Bad pick-up lines are like bad burritos—you shouldn’t eat them, but you must try.

• Anybody wanna pick up some coffee on my birthday?

• I’ll be the girl who pulls out her phone and says “hey, I like your Instagram. What’s your number?”

• I’m a little older, a little wiser, and so much hotter

• If I had a dollar for every time you blew my mind…I’d be rich, but I’m only 18 so I’ll settle for a slice of cake.

• I’m a little bit older, but that’s okay because I got more experience. I hope you’re ready.

• HappyBday, you’re the star of my universe. I could be that person in your life who’s always supportive and encouraging—and who never complains about the rain.

• Because when you have a brain, it’s only natural to think of yourself as a sexy beast.

• The older I get the more I appreciate life. So, much more than ever, this year I choose to live one day at a time.

• grateful for each moment and never forgetting to smell the roses. Happy Birthday to me!

• Hey friend, let’s have a long overdue birthday pick-up line.

• I’m gonna be 18 for at least a week, which means you can stop trying to pick me up.

• My 18th birthday is just around the corner, but I’m ready to party. What should I wear?

• You’re 18 and about to kick ass. Here’s some advice: Don’t drink and drive, don’t take chances with your health and don’t text in the middle of the night.

• Just remember that I love you and I’m here for you no matter what!

• Now that you’re 18, I can finally tell you how I really feel… Happy Birthday!

• Here’s to the milestone of turning 18 and (hopefully) not breaking out.

• I’m 18, I’m a woman, and I’m not wearing panties. What are you?

• Don’t worry, I’ve already thought of the perfect line for when you come over to sing happy birthday.

• I’m turning 18 and I still don’t have a car. It would really help if you could pick me up at the airport because I’m stranded in my hometown.

• You’re the birthday surprise that I wouldn’t have it any other way.

• I thought it best you find out now before we party. Happy Birthday!

• It’s not just your birthday, it’s my birthday too. So let’s celebrate!

• I’m all grown up, but still a little kid at heart. Won’t you come and get me?

• C’mon, let’s go! I’ve been waiting for this moment all day.

• I’m a little bit of everything, which means I’m perfect.

• I’m 18 and still in the club. Here’s to another year of fun, laughs, and all the good things that come after 18.

• At my turning 18 I can finally say that I’ve done it all.

• From driving a car, to having sex with a girl, and now I’m even buying my own drinks. So cheers to me!

• I wish that every day could be my birthday. I’d love for everyone to celebrate with me and share in the same joy I have for my 18th too.

• You’re 18 and all of a sudden you’ve got the world at your feet, but it’s not just about the money or status anymore. You’re ready for love.

• If you thought it was hard picking me out of a crowd, just wait till you’re 18.

• Get on the mic. This is my 18th year, but I’m not going to let it show.

• Let’s make it so you never forget my birthday again.

• I’m not saying you’re bad at picking up girls, but this line’s a bit too long and corny.

• I’m ready to party. He who laughs last, laughs loudest. Happy Birthday to me!

• She looks so good it’s unreal. I feel like a teenager when I’m with you.

• I can’t wait to see what the world has in store for me next.

• Don’t worry about my age, because I’m still toasty.

• What happens when you put the right people in the right place?

• Hey, how ya doin’? My 18th birthday is coming up soon and I’m looking for some witty pick-up lines to use on myself and maybe friends.

• I’m turning 18 today, so I thought it’d be nice to give back and pick-up lines for myself. Take notes and use this one at your next bar date.

• The best thing about turning 18? I can say whatever the fuck I want.

• You’re 18, single, and looking for a good time. What are you waiting for?

• Here’s to the big 18, and all of your future accomplishments. Let’s party like it’s 1999!

• I’m 18 and living my best life. Help me make it count—with my first drink, of course.

• Here’s hoping your birthday is a thousand times better than your 18th.

• Wish I was 18 again so this could take place.

• 18 is a new beginning, not an ending. Let’s grab it and go!

• To all the girls who have always been there—thanks for everything.

• You are truly amazing and I can’t wait to see what you have in store next.

• If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that everyone needs a reminder to be themselves. So here’s an early birthday present for yourself.

• You don’t need a dozen roses, but you do need some pizazz.

• I’ll leave you with this one: What’s your favorite emoji?

• You look like a half-a**ed crossword puzzle.

• Hey, I’m not usually the type to go out of my way to compliment someone, but you are just so dang adorable. You made my day. Happy 18th birthday!

• I’m here for my 18th birthday, I’m trying to make it the best one yet. Let’s go out and have fun!

• To my friends and I. Happy 18th Birthday!Here are some words of wisdom that will help you live your best life.

• When I look in your eyes, I see all the birthday wishes I could have wished for. Happy 18th birthday.

• It’s not how old you get, it’s how lit you stay. Happy 18th birthday to me!

• I am a work in progress. But it’s been fun trying to get there. Happy 18th birthday.

• Life is too short to not have fun. So I’m gonna live it up and make you laugh. Happy birthday!

• I’m looking for a friend who will always be there for me, no matter what. You know where to find me.

• a girl’s only as old as her hair is, so make it look good.

• When I was 15, I thought it would be fun to cut my hair so short. To this day, my family still jokes about me growing up with a buzzcut.

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