68th Birthday Pick Up Lines for Myself
Okay, so you’ve turned 68. Maybe your birthday was yesterday and maybe you’re planning it a year in advanced. Maybe you just want to know what sort of pick up line or messages you can give yourself as a gift! Whatever the case may be, we’ve got your back. Here’s our list of fantastic pick up line for your 68th birthday.
68th Birthday Pick Up Lines for Myself
• Wishing a very happy birthday to me, the 68th year old that believes in self. Happy birthday to you too!
• Today is my birthday and it’s also the day I turn 68. Happy Birthday!
• Happy birthday to me! A new milestone in my life, as I turn 68 today.
• Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear friend. You’re celebrating with us today!
• Let’s celebrate this milestone of my age with a big round of cheers. Happy Birthday
• Happy birthday to me! I’m so grateful that I’ve been blessed to see a lot in my 68 years. May I live life to the fullest and always be thankful for everything that I have.
• Happy Birthday to my sweetheart and wife, Elisa! You are the love of my life, who makes everything better. To celebrate our 68th year together, I send you a special birthday wish.
• Tis the season to celebrate growth, balance and movement. Happy birthday to myself!
• I’m old? I’m ancient! I’ve survived the fall of Rome, the rise and fall of civilizations, my own time machine, and I still live on. So just keep celebrating me.
• Happy birthday to me! I’m very grateful for all the love, joy and happiness I have experienced in my life. It makes me feel like a kid again
• The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Happy birthday to myself. I’m forever grateful for all that I’ve been through and thankful for all that I have today.
• May the years bring good health, great wealth and love.
• Hi friends. I hope this post inspires you on your own journey to discovering who you are, granting you the courage, strength, and vision to reach your full potential.
• To my dear friend, best wishes for your birthday and all the great things that lie ahead. Cheers to being 68 years young!
• Today is the birthday of 68 years old. I wish you a wonderful year ahead and good health!
• I’m so proud of myself for reaching this milestone in life. Let’s have a great birthday celebration!
• Hope you have a wonderful day filled with lots of laughter and celebration of age, dear friends and family.
• I am so thankful for all of the blessings in my life. Happy birthday to me
• Happy birthday to me. I love you guys, and I couldn’t have done any of this without your help. Here’s to another year of being an old fart!
• Here’s to the thousands of moments, friendships and experiences that have made me who I am today. Happy Birthday!
• Wishing a Happy Birthday to my boss and friend. You are one in a million, grateful to have worked with you these past years!
• This is going to be a big year. A year of many possibilities and adventures. I like to say that I’m looking forward to the adventure of life, not afraid of the unknown. Happy birthday!
• So glad I’ve got 6 more years to celebrate, so many more adventures to catch up on and more memories to make with my friends and family.
• I’m celebrating myself today, and I plan to enjoy every moment of it!
• I am a proud and happy person who is driven by his passion, determination and desire to be great.
• To celebrate my birthday and to wish you all a good health, longevity and happiness. Happy 68th birthday!
• Happy Age 68th Birthday to me! Here’s to the good, bad, and everything in between. Cheers!
• I am truly grateful for the blessings that have come my way through the years. I am very thankful to my parents and friends who have always supported me. With much love and joy, I celebrate my 68th birthday
• Happy Birthday, great life experiences and memories. What a wonderful gift that you are!
• I’m turning 68, and you’re still feeling young. How about we celebrate?
• I feel so blessed to celebrate my birthday with all of you today. I hope your special day is filled with love and laughter, just like mine! Happy Birthday to me!
• Happy birthday to me! What a journey it’s been and more importantly, how great life has been. Cheers everyone!#HappyBirthday
• A celebration of a year, while taking the time to reflect on all the things we’ve accomplished.
• In the words of my favorite band… “Happy Birthday, You’ve reached another one of those age milestones you always thought had to happen.”
• I’ve been blessed with a full life and I’m ready for all the new adventures that lie ahead of me. Happy Birthday to Me!
• Age is just a number. Have a happy birthday to my friend, because you’re still the best.
• I’m growing old gracefully. Not just looking good on the outside but also taking care of my body and mind.
• I am so grateful to have a wonderful family who supports me every single day. God bless you all.
• I am here to say that you never know what’s around the corner. As you grow older and experience more life, watch out for the things that make your heart flutter
• Let’s celebrate your 68th birthday with good wishes and lots of love.
• Let’s celebrate my 68th birthday by sharing our experiences. I wish you are enjoying life to the fullest!
• I’m turning 68 years old today and I couldn’t be more excited! Thank you to all my friends and fans who celebrate with me.
• I’m turning 68 years young today! To celebrate, I’m raising my glass to wish you a very happy birthday to all of you who have been a constant source of support and encouragement throughout the years.
• Cheers to me, my friends and family for a very special day. Happy birthday!
• To all my friends who celebrate their birthday today. May you have as much fun and joy as we all do!
• I’m starting to feel a little old, so I’m celebrating this with a birthday cake.
• Happy birthday, you are an inspiration and a role model. Wishing you a very happy birthday
• I’m turning my birthday into a party, so join me!
• I would like to take a moment to thank my friends and family who celebrate my birthday with me every year. This has been an amazing journey and I appreciate all the love, support and laughter along the way
• I am the road I travel, the company I keep and the lessons I learn. Here’s to another round of laughter, good times and growing with grace. Happy Birthday!
• I am feeling #68 and anybody who is reading this, please take note that I am kicking ass at life.
• I’m at the age where I’m really starting to enjoy life and celebrate everything it has to offer.
• may your days be filled with friends, laughter and love.
• As I turn the big 6-8, it’s time for me to be great again and not wait for others.
• Happy birthday to my best friend, who will be turning 68 today. Stay strong, love and laughs are key. #bday
• What’s your favorite number? 68. I’m celebrating my 68th birthday today! I can’t believe how fast time goes by…
• A very happy birthday to me. I celebrate an age that I feel great in and comfortable around.
• Happy birthday! We hope you’ve had a wonderful day and that this is just the beginning of so many adventures. #68th
• Happy birthday to me! I am so thankful for being here, alive and well. Here’s to another year of love, laughter and good food
• Happy Birthday to my beautiful mother. I am so blessed to have you in my life, and I love you!
• Happy birthday to me! I’m going to celebrate with a nice glass of red wine tonight.
• HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my beautiful and talented friend, who has been an inspiration to me for decades. I couldn’t be more grateful for your friendship and unconditional love!
• I have turned the corner, now I am not so sure what is ahead. This day may be 70 or 80, but I have so much new life to live! Happy birthday to me.
• Happy birthday, age 68! You’ve battled a lot of dragons in your time, but now you’re finally standing on top of one. Here’s to you and all your hard work
• I’ve made it to 68, not bad for a small town girl from Minnesota. Happy birthday, Mom
• You never know how much time you have until it’s gone. Happy birthday to me!
• Risen up like the phoenix, you have done it again! I turn 68 years old today and I couldn’t be happier. It feels like yesterday I was a kid with big dreams, but today I’m still sticking to my vision and plans for the future—and I wouldn’t change for the world. Don’t let age get in your way of living life to its fullest, because man—once you make peace with growing older, you’ll find that you’ve actually gotten much wiser
• We are getting old. But don’t you fret, we have a hard time forgetting how to smile, laugh and make the most of every minute. There’s still plenty of life left to enjoy!
• 68th birthday is a great milestone age, and I want to tell you how proud I am of you. Happy Birthday!
• Today is my 68th birthday… I feel great, healthy and strong. I wish you the same feeling too. Happy Birthday
• Birthday wishes to my dad and all the others who have made it so far. Happy Birthday, age 68!
• The sun is going down, but the light is still shining. Happy 68th birthday!
• A day to celebrate and remember the people who have gotten us this far. Happy birthday, friend
• To celebrate my 68th birthday I was thinking of making some sweet treats.
• Age is just a number, but it’s not the only number that matters. It’s the age of self-assurance, patience and wisdom. Happy Birthday
• Happy Birthday, Ma! I’m so excited for you to be 69 and still looking gorgeous.
• Happy birthday, mother of mine! May this day be filled with joy and laughter, love and peace. Wishing you many more such days ahead.
• Age is just a number. When it comes to your happiness, you can’t outgrow yourself. Happy birthday
• I have reached the age of ₹68. You can only imagine my delight to reach such a number!
• The number of birthdays has a great significance in our life. It is an indicator to show the time and date of your birth, it also represents that you have lived a long time in this world and have experienced lots of things.
• Wishing you a very happy birthday. Cheers to many more to come!
• Stay young, stay hungry. Happy Birthday to my avid reader
• Wishing you a magical day filled with joy, good health, and unlimited abundance.
• Here’s wishing you a year full of joy, love, laughter and health. Happy 68th birthday!!!
• HAPPY BIRTHDAY to me. I’m celebrating being 68 years young today. Let’s get weird and dream big, people!
• I’m turning 68 today! Thanks for being there when I needed you most. Happy birthday to me.
• I’m 68 and I feel this is one of the best years of my life. So many new things are coming up and I have learned a lot about myself and my friends. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!
• It’s my 68th Birthday and I’m feeling like a kid again. Cheers to all of you who are celebrating these special days with me.
• Aged 68, I have learned more about life, love, and living than most people do in a lifetime. Happy Birthday!
• To all my friends celebrating their birthday today, I wish you all the best in your journeys and hope nothing but positive things happen to you.
• I’m celebrating my birthday this weekend with a little party and some cocktails. Cheers to you and your, friends
• I am turning 68 and I’m not ready. In fact, I want to celebrate by enjoying every second of my youth.
• Here’s to another year of joy, happiness and great memories with you. Wish you many more. Happy birthday!
• It’s time to celebrate with friends and family—and our favorite things.
• Wishing all my friends and family a very happy birthday. I hope your day is filled with love, laughter and delicious food. Enjoy!
• Wishing you a very happy birthday. I hope all your wishes come true and all your dreams come true.
• Happy birthday to me! Here’s wishing you all the luck in the world today and every day.
• To all my friends who celebrate their birthdays in February, I wish you cheers and a joyful celebration of your life. Happy Birthday!
• I turned 68 yesterday, and I could not be more happy. I have lived a good life, and I am excited to see what is coming next! ????????
• A toast to all the wise ones who have passed this way before. Happy birthday!
• Happy Birthday! The number 68 is my favorite number. It means freedom, as in being free to be yourself and express yourself without caring of what others say. It’s a time for self-reflection, growth, and learning new things. On this special day, I wish you all the best in your journey to greatness
• 68 years young and going strong! Thank you all for your birthday wishes. I can’t celebrate my birthday without the people who have helped me achieve this milestone. I appreciate your kind words, cheers, and cheers to those who help keep my glass half full. Cheers ????
• HAPPY BIRTHDAY to me! To my family, friends and colleagues. I’m so thankful for all of you. Thank you for making this year truly amazing! Here’s to another year of growth and success!
• 68 years young. I am still here, still kicking it. Happy Birthday from all of us at @adidas.
• Growing older is a gift. Growing wiser, a privilege. Happy birthday to my beautiful wife and amazing friend!
• Here’s to another year full of more good times, fun memories and even more hope for the future.
• Age doesn’t mean you can’t do what you want. It means you want it more.
• It’s been a wild ride, but I wouldn’t change a thing. Cheers to another year of life!
• 68 years young. I worked hard for this life. So, here are some birthday wishes for me!
• I’m 68 today and there’s always something to celebrate. Here’s to another year of living large, loving more and starting over again.
• Birthday wishes to my beautiful mom! She’s 68 years old today and I’m so blessed to have her in my life. Wishing you a very happy birthday, dear!
• Happy birthday to me! I’ll take this day as an opportunity to reflect on all the amazing things I’ve done in my life. Here’s to more of the same
• I’m thinking about you. You make my life special, and I’m wishing you a happy birthday.
• A day to remember and celebrate. I am grateful for all the friends, family, and loved ones who have made this journey so rich in love and happiness
• Another milestone birthday, another ten years. I can’t believe it’s been that long. I’m so thankful for all my friends and family who have loved me through the years. Happy Birthday!
• Life is about learning and growing. Happy birthday to all those who are making their mark on this world
• Life is truly a gift. A blessing that I am so grateful for each and every day, and I hope that you can feel the same way as well! Happy birthday!
• I am thankful for the age I have been given and the strength that it has brought me through. Here’s to you Lord, I hope your blessings keep on coming! Happy Birthday!
• Life is short and you’re only as old as you feel. So celebrate today, tomorrow is tomorrow.
• Happy Birthday to my other half, you’ve never let me down and I thank you for that.
• To the most beautiful and stylish girl I know. You have been such a blessing to me this year, thank you for being you and always supporting me.
• My 68th birthday is here! Time for a celebration of age, good wishes, and delicious cake.
• Today is my birthday. I’m celebrating it with my friends and family. Hope you like the gifts, which I hope will make your day a little better. Happy Birthday to me!
• Happy 68th Birthday to all my friends who are celebrating with me today. I am so grateful for your love and support as well as the people who came before me, especially my parents for raising me, who have made every moment of this special day unforgettable.
• To the oldest of us all, let us toast to your boundless spirit and to the journey ahead. Happy birthday!
• Happy birthday to myself! May you have as many years as there are stars in the sky. With love and hope, from all of us here at [Company]
• I’m celebrating myself today and every day. Happy birthday to me!
• The kid is behind the grown-up now. Here’s to another 68 years!
• Happy birthday, Dama. Hope today is filled with lots of love, laughter and surprises!
• This is it. Your time has come. It’s been a good ride, but it’s time to go. Happy Birthday
• turning 69 this September. proud to be a granny!
• It’s been a long time coming, but I can finally say I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
• It’s been a long road, but now that the ride comes to an end…
• A good man is one who can see beauty even in a straw hat.
• 68th birthday. The best gift of all is the gift of age (and wine) with friends. Happy Birthday!
• Celebrating my 68th birthday with friends and family! I’m so grateful for all the blessings in my life
• It’s party time! Celebrating my own birthday with all of my friends and family – happy birthday to me.
• I wish to share with you all the best birthday wishes and good wishes. Happy birthday to my dear friends!
• To those who celebrate their birthday, we wish you all the best. We are here for you, always. Let’s celebrate our birthday together with a great party.#happybirthday
• A toast to my 68th birthday and all the best that life has to offer. Cheers!
• Happy birthday to me! Wishing you the best in years to come.
• Happy birthday to me. May I be full of love and light throughout the year, and may happiness and joy fill my heart well into the next century.
• There is no age limit to the best years of your life. Happy birthday to me!
• Happy birthday to me! I hope this mark on my calendar is a reminder of how far I’ve come and how blessed I am to be here.
• I’ve got a whole life ahead, and I’m not about to waste a minute of it. Happy Birthday!!
• Happy birthday to me! I celebrate every day as if it were my birthday, and when I look back at the year that has passed, I realize how little time there really is to do everything else.
• Wishing you a wonderful day filled with laughter, surprises, and all the love you deserve.
• I’m not slowing down. Keep working hard, stay focused, and keep on
• I’m celebrating my 68th birthday today. I want to wish you all a very happy birthday and good wishes for the next 69 years.
• Celebrating my 68th birthday with friends and family you. #happybirthdaybonit
• Wishing a very happy birthday to myself! I’m so appreciative of all the wonderful people in my life who make me feel so blessed.
• Happy birthday, dad! Here are some of the best wishes I have for you today.
• Happy birthday! You are a true inspiration to those around you. Hope this day is filled with love, laughter, and good times along with celebrations of all the good things that come with age.
• Happy birthday to the best person ever. Hope it is a great year filled with many memorable moments and lots of good food.
• Wishing you a birthday full of good health and happiness!
• We’re celebrating this birthday with a bunch of good vibes, freshly squeezed lemonade, and an entire house full of friends.
• Happy birthday! I’m turning 68 this week and it feels like I’ve been doing this for a million years. Thank you friends, family, and fans for supporting me over the years. I hope we keep making good music together for many more years to come
• Happy birthday to me! We’ve been through a lot of changes together, but I know you’re still doing your best. Thank you for being so awesome and inspiring. Cheers to another year!
• I am so grateful and blessed to have been able to witness the beauty of life, love, and more importantly, my friends. I am eternally thankful for you all.
• We’ve all seen the signs. You’re just like us when you were our age: running around without a care, laughing your head off, and living the adventure.