Pickup lines

84th Birthday Pick Up Lines for Myself

A birthday is the only day where everyone wishes you a happy birthday! While you might feel a little weird reading out these pick up line to someone, you don’t have to share them. They’re all just for you.

If you are searching for an inspirational pick up line to tell yourself on your next birthday, then you have come to the right place. I have a collection of 84th Birthday pick up line just for you!

84th Birthday Pick Up Lines for Myself

• To celebrate this birthday, I could not think better gift than the world. So a very happy 84th birthday to myself, my friends, and my family!

• Hey all! Here’s to a big 84-year-old birthday celebration for ME! Hope you’re having a great day so far.

• I am 84 years old today. I am growing old gracefully, but there is no substitute for health and good fortune. Happy Birthday!

• Wishing a very happy birthday to my best friend, who has lived long and prospered through it all.

• I’m taking the 84th year to give back to those who have given me so much and helped shape my life. Thank you, friends.

• I turned 84 today and I feel wonderful! Here’s to another year of vitality, health, and happiness. Cheers!

• I wish you a fabulous 85th birthday! Enjoy every moment of this special year with your family and friends. May you live another decade!

• It’s been a long time since I’ve said this but Happy Birthday to me.

• Happy birthday to me. And to all the others who are growing old with me, even if we wish we could go faster and stronger than we already do! Hope you enjoy your day!

• We all know that it’s not how old you are, but how you celebrate your age. So enjoy every year you have with friends and family!

• Time flies by so fast. I wish you a very happy birthday, but even more, I wish that there were more years in your life to spend with the ones you love. Happy birthday!

• I’m so lucky to be here, surrounded by you all. Thank you for being there when life got rough. I love you all happy birthday future.

• Hope you have a great day Happy Birthday. You’re on the crest of a wave, and it’s all about to happen.

• Standing tall at 84 years old. Happy birthday, good wishes and celebration of age for myself and many friends.

• to celebrate my 84th birthday, I’m sharing a list of things that make me happy, from the mundane to the extraordinary.

• I’ll be celebrating my 84th birthday this year, which also happens to be World Food Day. It’s a big day for me and I know you’re all wishing me well. Thank you!

• I celebrate every day for the past 84 years. happy birthday

• 84 is the new 27. And I wouldn’t have it any other way. Happy birthday to me!

• I’m 84 years young, and I’ve got the world by the tail. I’ve seen more than most can dream but still have hope to go on. Happy Birthday!

• To the oldest of us all, a birthday wish of health and happiness. I’m turning 84 and I couldn’t be happier!

• Today is a good day to celebrate age. I am grateful for this life, it has given me so much.

• Life is a celebration of living, and I plan to live it like never before. Happy Birthday to me!

• At 84, I’m still scratching my way forward. Here’s to another year doing the same. Happy Birthday!

• To the most epic 84 years of my life! I hope this birthday is as good as yours.

• You will always be the best boss and best friend, and you’re still strong as ever. Happy birthday to me, who is not afraid to try new things and never gives up!

• Thanks to the good Lord for bringing me here. Thanks to my loving family, friends and amazing followers for making this special day a reality.

• I know some of my friends have made it to the big 8-4, but I’m still here. When you get older, you’ll understand what this means. To us, age is just a number. It’s all in the attitude!

• To celebrate 84 years of life, I wish to offer my gratitude, appreciation, and happiness. Happy birthday to me!

• Wishing my beloved friend a very happy and special 84th birthday. May his days be filled with endless happiness, joy, and success.

• Turning 84 today. Celebrating with good friends and family over the next few days!

• I feel blessed to be here today, every day, and look forward to celebrating my 84th birthday.

• There’s one birthday a year when we all celebrate life…and then another birthday when we celebrate death. Happy 84th birthday, Dad!

• Today’s the day, 84 years young. If you’re here to celebrate with me, then let’s get this party started!

• Happy birthday to me! Hope you have a great year ahead with health and happiness.

• I’m the oldest one here, so I’m always glad to celebrate birthdays with everyone. Cheers!

• A special TBT to all the families who have a big celebration for their family members today. We hope you enjoy your time with your loved ones.

• I’m getting older, but still going strong. Happy birthday to me!

• Thanks for being part of my life, thanks for all the memories, happy birthday. Here’s to you. You’re the greatest. Happy birthday, dear!

• I’ve gone from a child to an adult, and I can hardly believe it. #Happy Birthday

• We don’t have to be perfect to be an inspiration. Happy B-day!

• I am turning the big 8-4 and I have to say, it’s been a great ride. Wishing you the same!

• Wishing you a wonderful 84th birthday, full of joy and laughter, filled with friends and family, surrounded by love and love.

• I’m turning 84 today and I want to thank all my friends for their support and love. Thanks for helping me celebrate my decade of living.

• Happy 84th birthday to me! For those who I cherish and care about, this is for you. I hope you get to celebrate with me on my next milestone.

• I’m turning 84 today. I cannot believe it! Time is flying by, and I want to thank you for the love and support you’ve shown me over the years. Happy birthday to me.

• Wishing you a very Happy Birthday! Here’s to many more! 84anshoot. The best is yet to come, with 84 years of memories behind me. best of the best.

• We all age, yet we are still the same people. May you grow old with grace and dignity! Happy birthday, dear friends.

• Here’s to you, my friend. May your life be a celebration of every moment on this earth. Happy birthday!

• We’ve got a lot of years to go. And I’m going to raise a toast to the best one yet. Happy birthday!

• Time flies like a rocket, but you can’t make it stop. Time is a great teacher and we are all growing every day. Happy Birthday!

• I’m growing old like a fine wine, I am getting better with age. Gone but not forgotten. I will always treasure the memories we made together.

• Life is short. Spend it with people who lift you, not drag you down.

• I am 84 years young! With a little help from my friends, I’ve had a great life. Happy Birthday to me.

• 84 years has been a long, fulfilling life. Thanks to everyone who have been there with me through the good and bad times. Happy Birthday!

• Happy birthday to me. Here’s to the best year of my life, filled with love and laughter, friendship and family. happy birthday.

• Happy birthday to my oldest, best friend. I love you more than words can say. Here’s to another 84!

• It’s 84 years old today, but it feels like it was just yesterday. Happy Birthday, I love you!

• It is my pleasure to congratulate you on your 84th birthday. I hope you have had a happy and full life so far, and even better years to come. Happy Birthday! Wishing you all the joys of life.

• I feel so blessed to have been able to celebrate my 84th birthday today with friends and family.

• I’m truly grateful for the life that God has given me, and look forward to the many more celebrations ahead!

• Wishing you a very happy birthday and lots of love from your friends. May this year be the best one ever.

• Thank you for all the lovely moments, no matter how big or small! We are wishing you health, happiness, joy, and prosperity.

• We are at the best age for our lives, for new adventures and adventures we never thought about before. To celebrate our age, we have organized a very special birthday party!

• I’m 84 and I can still play the piano. Happy birthday to me! The good news is, I got another 84 years left to live.

• You’ve got the whole world in your hands—don’t waste a second of it.

• I wish you joy and health, love, and an abundance of good memories for the rest of your life! Happy Birthday Mom.

• I’m not gonna let age get me down. I’m still going strong.

• Today is my 84th birthday. I celebrate the good and bad that has been in my life, but today I’m celebrating you, the people who inspire me to live life to the fullest every day! Happy Birthday!

• You are blessed with a rich and long life. May it be filled with health, happiness and joy as you enter your 84th birthday!

• Here’s to my 84th birthday. I hope it’s filled with many more of the life experiences that I enjoyed in the past. Cheers!

• Celebrate your birthday with us. We wish you a happy and healthy year ahead!

• I’m so thankful for the life I have, the friends I have, and most importantly my family. Happy birthday to me! Happy Birthday, Mom.

• May you be blessed with more joy, wisdom, and love as your years go by. Happy birthday to me!

• Happy birthday to me. I’m 84 years old and I can still kick your ass.

• May you capture a lifetime of memories, laugh as loud as you want, and live every day to the fullest. Happy Birthday!

• Here’s to a long and fruitful life. May you always be happy and healthy?”

• The future is yet unmade, but the past is gone. Celebrate every day as if it were your last.

• To my friends, my family, and all those who have made this journey a remarkable one. You inspire me to be the best version of myself every day. I love you all!

• I’m celebrating my 84th birthday. 1 more year to go till I’m 85. Happy birthday, good wishes and celebration of age for myself, friends and family!

• Wishing you a lot of things to be happy with on your 84th birthday. Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional.

• Happy birthday to me! I turned the big 84 today and for this occasion, I will share some of my most favorite quotes and poems.

• Imagine if you accomplish more than you ever thought possible by age 84. Happy Birthday to me.

• 84, the number on your back. The number of stories you’ve lived, the moments you’ve seen, and things you’ve done.

• 84 is a whole lifetime of memories that stretch out before you like a roadmap of opportunity.

• So celebrate today with your friends, family and loved ones, knowing that they are all here alongside you to take in every moment of this journey together. Happy Birthday!

• I have been a part of the world for 84 years, but my world is still wide open. I am still learning, and still growing, and am most grateful for each day. Happy birthday to me!

• 84. That’s a big number! But it doesn’t matter—I’m still going strong.

• Happy Birthday! I’m giving you a gift that you’ll never forget. It’s the gift of feeling young at heart and happy, healthy, and alive. It’s the gift that keeps on giving!

• Cheers to another year of living life to the fullest and celebrating friends, family, and loved ones.

• Thanks for making my life more interesting and better. Happy birthday to me!

• To my beautiful girl tomorrow. I wish you a happy birthday and much more to come.

• The truth is, no matter how old you are or what age you celebrate, today is the perfect day to start living.

• It’s hard to believe that it has been twenty-five years since I was born. To all my friends and family, I want to thank you for all the wonderful memories we have shared.

• A big thank you! I’m so grateful I get to keep going. Happy birthday!

• I may be getting old, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to put up with anyone’s nonsense. I’ve got my spark back and I’m ready for anything this year.

• Wishing a very happy 84th birthday to myself and all my family. May this year bring you much-needed happiness and health !!

• Wishing a happy birthday to myself, my friends and family

• My 84th birthday is coming up. Here’s to a long, full and happy life!

• Wishing my mom a very happy 84th birthday. May you have many more of these years full of adventures and memories

• This is my 84th birthday. I have lived long enough to see many changes in the world and to experience a few things that will remain with me forever.

• Birthday wishes to the best grandfathers and grandmothers of the world.

• I’m 84 years old today, and I thank you for making my life the adventure it is today.

• Many thanks to all of my friends, family and acquaintances who have been with me on this journey! Cheers!

• Happy 84th birthday to the man who has offered me everything.

• You’re my rock, the one who gets me through tough times and makes me laugh. I love you and I’m grateful for your love and friendship.

• I’m celebrating myself because I’m worth it. Happy b’day everyone! Wishing you a day as great as you are! Happy birthday!

• Happy 84th birthday to the most amazing woman I know. We’ve been through so much together and I’m so thankful for all that you’ve taught me, in your own unique way. I love you, Mom.

• Life is full of ups and downs. But, when you’re old, it’s not just one day at a time. It’s one day at a time forever.

• Thanks for being there through the years. I’ll never forget you and all the amazing moments we shared.

• Celebrating 84 years of age with good health, prosperity and happiness. Happy Birthday!

• Here’s to a long, happy life and many more birthdays! 84birthday

• Happy birthday to me. May each year bring more joy, happiness and laughter.

• I have been lucky enough to be here for 84 years. I am all smiles now, as I look back on life and see how blessed I have been. Happy birthday to me!

• Happy birthday to me! I hope this year’s going to be full of everything you wanted and more. Here’s to a year filled with happiness, health and love.

• These are the moments that make life worth living. Happy Birthday to my best friend.

• Another year, another chance to grow up. Happy birthday to me!

• Happy 84th birthday to a fierce, fearless, and timeless woman. You’re the queen of life, and I can’t wait to see what comes next.

• I’m turning the big 8-4! Thank you for all the birthday love, and a special shout out to my parents for always believing in me and teaching me so much about myself.

• How amazing is it to celebrate with the people that have always been? There for you, through good times and bad. Here’s to more good times!

• We say we’re going to age gracefully, but what does that even mean when you’re at the extreme of being able to do it?

• We all age differently, but I’m happy to say that I’ve got nothing but energy and enthusiasm for life. And so should you! So today and every day, let’s celebrate being alive.

• I’ve been given a precious gift. It has given me the strength and willpower to keep going despite all the challenges in my life.

• I’m stronger, better and wiser than anyone could ever imagine because of it!

• I’ve been here before. I’m always going to learn, fail, and fall. But I am human and I will keep doing my best to be better every day.

• I would like you to wish me a happy birthday to myself. I am 84 years old today.

• We are all getting older and hopefully wiser too! Wishing you all the joys of life, happiness, and love.

• Happy Birthday, old friend. May your life be as full of joy, love, and laughter as it has been for the last 84 years.

• Happy birthday to me! I can’t believe it’s been 84 years. I hope you all had a wonderful day celebrating my special day.

• Here’s to my 84th birthday. It’s been a great year, and I’m looking forward to what the next one brings.

• 84 is going to be a very interesting year. And I hope that what you have planned for yourself will be just as exciting as the journey towards growing old has been for me. Happy birthday, my friend.

• You may have just celebrated your birthday, but I’ve been celebrating yours all year long.

• I am almost 84 years old today, which means that I have lived longer than any other generation. And that I am the last of my kind.

• Happy birthday, old man. You’ve been a good friend to me and I’m glad we’ve had the chance to grow together through these years. Cheers!

• May your days and years be filled with joy, love and happiness!

• Another year. Another milestone. It’s been a great time, but it’s over now. I look forward to what’s next. Here’s to a happy and healthy 2013!

• Life is better when you’re older. So, cheers to you and yours!

• 84 years young and still going strong. I’ll be spending my birthday at the zoo with my grandchildren, visiting with friends and family.

• I won’t be wearing any clothes, so please make sure to bring an extra pair of pants.

• Another year, another milestone. I can honestly say we were blessed to have you in our lives.

• We wish you could attend this gathering but we know you’re with us even when you’re not here, so please raise a glass for yourself and for all of your loved ones. Cheers!

• Happy Birthday, Dear Juan! What a blessing this day has been to you. You’ve made it through so many years.

• Thank you for being a true inspiration in my life and showing me what I could be if I worked hard enough at it.

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