Pickup lines

76th Birthday Pick Up Lines for Myself

What are you doing on your 76th birthday? You’re probably thinking that I’m talking about your next birthday, but the truth is that I’m talking about your current one. Having 76 in mind isn’t as crazy as it sounds. You’re probably around 76 years old if you can remember reading this.

76th Birthday Pick Up Lines for Myself

• I am thankful to God for the opportunity to celebrate my 76th birthday. I want to wish all my friends and family a Happy Birthday as well as birthday celebrations

• To all my friends, family and supporters this is your chance to celebrate my 76th birthday. I give you my thanks for being with me on this journey. Happy Birthday

• Here’s to another 76 years of life, love and laughter. Happy Birthday!

May you reach your goals and be happy to celebrate your birthday.

• I am very grateful I have been blessed with this life, bursting with amazing experiences and moments. Here’s to another 76 years!

• Here’s to another 76 years!—and, of course, all the good stuff in between. Cheers, my friends. You’re all amazing.

• I am 76. I had a lot of fun. I will try to keep it up for the next 76 years.

• We are all ages. We have the same experience and knowledge. We have learned a lot through life, time and age. So it is time to celebrate you !!! Happy birthday !!

• May life be as sweet, as wholesome and as full of love as you are. Happy Birthday.

• I’m 75 years young and I intend to keep it that way. Thanks for being here with me.

• Age is just a number. I’ve learned that my age doesn’t define me and I don’t have to try to look beyond it.

• Because the more time we spend worrying about our age, the less time we have to enjoy it. So be happy today, celebrate every moment of your life and don’t let anyone steal your joy.

• An age is not measured by years but by heartbeats.

• I am an old man. I have lived a long time and seen a lot of beauty, love and heartbreak in this world.

• I have always tried to do right by people and tell the truth, even if it hurt them.

• I hope that you remember the good times that we shared, not just what we didn’t. Thanks for coming along on the ride with me

• There are no limits. There is just the space between your hopes and dreams, and I’ll never be so old that I can’t keep on trying to make it happen.

• 76th birthday. Thank you all for being there, coming to the table and celebrating with me. Happy birthday to me!

• Today is my 76th birthday. I’m celebrating with friends and family. Here’s to a great year happy birthday pumpkin.

• It’s your 76th birthday, so have some cake and party like it’s your bday every day!

• May your 76th year be filled with joy, laughter and love. Happy Birthday!

• It’s hard to believe that my 76th birthday is actually near. Here’s to all the great things ahead of me, and to the many good times I’ve already shared with you.

• I’m thankful for these many blessings, my loved ones and friends. I celebrate my birthday with a big smile on my face.

• Long live the age of 76 years. I’m celebrating with this cocktail! (dry martini)

• Here comes the next phase in my life. I’m turning 75. What’s your best birthday wishes?

• Wishing a very happy 76th birthday to one of our favorite artists:

• We’ve come a long way together. To celebrate with you, here’s to 75 years of friendship! Cheers!

• Happy 76th birthday to my mom. Thanks for everything, reminding me that life is a gift.

• May you never forget the joys of getting older. May you always stay young at heart. Happy Birthday!

• Birthday is just a day to celebrate your years, not the number you turn.

• Happy 76th Birthday to my good friend and partner in crime. We’ve been through some interesting times together, but haven’t had one bad day ever.

• We are living in the best time of our lives, it’s hard to believe that we will turn 76 next month.

• It’s been an amazing journey that we’ve been through together, filled with ups and downs, moments of struggle and many more, but as we have marched on…we got stronger and wiser too.

• Today is a day to celebrate, not just your birthday but our life as a whole family!

• On your 76th birthday, we’re celebrating you. We wish you the best of health, and happiness and all the best in your future endeavors.

• Wishing an awesome 76th birthday to my best pal in the whole world. Happy Birthday, dear!

• It’s time to get into the festive spirit! I’m ready to celebrate my 76th birthday.

• Got me a 75th birthday, probably gonna be the coolest one yet. Wishing you all the same.

• Here’s to 76 years of growth and adventures, to the good times and the bad.

• Here’s to giving thanks for all that you’ve given me, here’s to celebrating my life, and here’s to wishing happiness on everyone (okay maybe not everyone). Happy birthday!

• Happy 76th birthday to my beautiful mom, who has always been there for me.

• Wishing this special lady a great celebration today and many more years of health and happiness.

• I’ve had a good run & I’m ready to raise another toast. Cheers for 76 years!

• Sharing my birthday wishes with you all. I am in the midst of a new chapter and excited for what lies ahead.

• I’m feeling extra grateful for this day and the opportunity to celebrate it beautifully. Thank you for being a part of my journey, friends!

• I am so blessed to be able to share this day with you all. I love you, dear friends!

• It’s been 76 years since I’ve been born. And I feel like I’m just now getting started.

• This is the beginning of another phase, of a new life. I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all an early happy anniversary!

• I also hope that you may continue to grow and experience many more years of good health and happiness as you celebrate your special day with us.

• I’m 76 years old and I say to hell with not playing by the rules.

• good wishes to my best friend’s 76th birthday, wishing him a happy and healthy year ahead.

• Celebrating 76 years of living on this earth. Keep it up. HappyBirthday

• You were born for this moment. Enjoy it like a king, because you are one! Happy 76th birthday!

• Happy 76th birthday to one of my dearest friends, who has been through everything with me. I am so grateful you’re still here.

• From the bottom of my heart, I want to wish you a very happy birthday. Have a great time with your family and friends.

• I had a good life. I’m thankful for where I am now, but I’m looking forward to the next chapter. Here’s to 76 more years of being awesome. Happy Birthday, Ma!

• Here’s to a banner year of fun, friendship and laughter. May your birthday be as special as you are!

• It’s been an amazing 75 years. Thank you for all the birthday wishes! Here’s to more years ahead of us as we continue our journey together.

• Wishing you a great day and looking forward to many more fantastic birthdays together.

• I am so grateful to have you in my life. We’ve been through a lot, and I know that nothing can ever change that. But,

• I am so glad that we get to celebrate our 76th birthday together today… You are the best friend of all time. Happy Birthday!

• It’s one of the biggest days in our lives, and it’s for more than just cake and ice cream. So when we’re doing something special, make sure you celebrate with a good friend.

• 50 years, 76 years, we’re not getting any older. We’re just getting better.

• Time flies when you’re having fun. Happy birthday to the man who saved my life, who made me laugh until I cried, and whose love for me is the greatest gift of all.

• I will never stop growing! Every day, I am lucky to be here. Happy Birthday, you wonderful human being.

• You make me laugh, cry, and love during this world full of struggles. It is an honor to be on this journey with you.

• May we continue to enjoy each other’s company for many years to come!

• 76th birthday. Happy Birthday to me. I’m so grateful for all of the wonderful things that I’ve been blessed with in life.

• Wishing a very happy birthday to myself, my friends and family. I am so grateful to reach this milestone in life.

• Celebrate your creativity, passion and life today. I wish the same for you. Happy 76th Birthday!!

• Life is a celebration of every day you’re alive. Happy Birthday, my friend!

• I’m turning 76 and I’m feeling pretty damn good about it. I’ve got a few more years of doing what I love, making new friends and eating delicious meals with my family….

• Here’s to another 76 years full of friends, laughter and lots of cake. Cheers.

• To celebrate the fact that I’m turning 76, I’m taking off my rose colored glasses and wearing my honest glasses.

• In a culture where we are often told to feel a certain way about ourselves, it can be refreshing to celebrate what has made us great & wonderful in the first place. Happy birthday to me!

• 76 years old today, my friends! I feel like I’m still just a kid.

• I’m turning the big 7-6 and I’m celebrating by planning a big dinner with my #friends and family tonight.

• I may still be young and healthy, but I’m pretty sure that’s not what you had in mind when you gave me this cake.

• I’ve been doing this for long enough to know that you can’t expect a new thing to last forever.

• Don’t get too comfortable, change is scary but necessary. I will stand true and move forward with what I know is right for me.

• Thank you, family and friends for your birthday wishes and love. Happy belated 76th birthday to me!

• We are all getting older, but we are not aging. Happy 76th birthday to me.

• Being the age that I am, I have a lot of great memories from my past. Happy 76th birthday to me.

• Remember to live life to the full. Celebrate your age with people who have been there too. Happy 76th birthday to me!

• I was born on this day in the year 1958, which made me a baby boomer.

• If you have been wondering what to do with your friends and family who are celebrating their 76th birthday, here is a list of things that might help them out.

• 76 years young and counting, and loving it! Here’s to all the best that has yet to come. Cheers to you, beautiful. Job well done! #75bday

• 76 years later, the best is yet to come. To those who have helped me throughout this journey, Happy Birthday! May you be surrounded by love and laughter well into your golden years!

• 76th birthday and I’m still enjoying the good things in life!

• The only constant is change. But there’s no better time to celebrate than now. Cheers to 76, friends!

• Wishing you a life filled with adventures, laughter, love and joy. Happy Birthday!

• 76 is the new 30—and here’s to another year of living life like there’s no tomorrow.

• I can’t believe I’m here today. The last 76 years have been one big adventure, full of ups and downs and lots of tears. But they all led me here to you. Happy Birthday to Me.

• Thank you for this wonderful year of life. I hope you too enjoy the health, energy and vitality that comes with each birthday!

• The journey to the top of the mountain starts with a single step – and then another. So just do it and don’t be afraid of failure. Happy birthday.

• I was born to be a part of the changing times. Life Is Good

• Celebrating my 76th birthday with my friends and family. I am forever grateful for your love and care. Happy Birthday to me!

• May you be as happy, prosperous and full of life as you are today. Happy 75th birthday to me!

• Today, I celebrate the fact that in my 76th year, I got the chance to enjoy this life to its fullest. Happy birthday.

• This is it, the best year of my life. Thank you to everyone who was a part of this journey and who supported me along the way. Happy 76th birthday to me!

• Here’s to 76 years of life, joy and love. Hope your day is full of celebration, delight and much, much more. Happy Birthday!

• Looking forward to celebrating another year with all of my friends and family. Have a wonderful birthday, wherever you are!

• HAPPY BIRTHDAY, FRIENDS! I’m so grateful for each person in my life. Happy birthday to me!

• I’m counting down the days to my big 76th birthday. Will you join me?

• It’s a great 50 years, and we’re proud to share this milestone with you! Here’s to another 76.

• 76 is the new 30. Make a toast: to the best year of my life so far.

• This is the time of your life. Enjoy every day and make it count. Happy Birthday!

• May I wish you a always full of energy, vibrancy and enthusiasm… Happy Birthday!

• No matter how old you are, it’s never too late to make new friends. Here’s to a long, healthy life!

• With each passing milestone, I feel the weight of my past and turn it into strength.

• I am grateful for each day I get to spend with you and pray that we will continue to see you at every event in your life. Happy 76th birthday to my incredible husband!

• I am celebrating my birthday on this special day. Here are some good wishes to wish you a very happy birthday.

• Happy 76th birthday! I hope this year is full of love, laughter and adventure.

• Happy 76th birthday to me! Right up there with the sun and the moon. I hope you all had a wonderful time celebrating with me and wish me many more years of health, love & happiness in this blessed life.

• Happy birthday to my loved ones. I am grateful for this age of life where I can put up a smile and share joy with everyone in my life.

• I’ve been doing this for 76 years. I’m very proud to be a part of this great, aging community. Cheers!

• Happy Birthday to the coolest person in history! We love you, no matter how old you are.

• I am grateful that I have been able to enjoy the past 76 years. I have experienced many things and met so many people in this time.

• At this age, I have been able to be a good father, husband, friend and employee. Happy Birthday!

• I’ve got my mojo back. I’m ready for the next 76 years! HappyBirthday

• The most interesting thing about turning 75 is that you lose all your old friends. Only the ones who stick around, and here’s wishing you a happy birthday!

• If it’s not forgotten, it’s remembered. If it’s not learned, it can be lost forever. Happy Birthday to me!

• Happy birthday, you! You are making one hell of a comeback today. Cheers to a healthy midlife and your new adventures ahead.

• Turning 76 and I’m still going strong. You can do it, too!

• I have lived a lot of years and experienced a lot of life. I wouldn’t change a thing!

• To myself and all those who are celebrating their big 76th birthdays this year. Happy birthday!

• Wishing you a very happy 76th birthday, one full of joy and good health.

• Happy 76th birthday to me, my friends and our family. Thank you for the memories. A toast to the one who has always been there for me, no matter what.

• It’s my 76th birthday! The best years of my life, I’ve been blessed with a friendship that was never there. Happy birthday and thank you for being in my life

• I turned 76 today. I can’t believe it! On so many levels, I feel the passing of time, and yet I feel renewed at being able to see that far into my future.

• This year is the biggest and best one yet. I am grateful for your thoughts, words and deeds, who are always there to support me. Happy Birthday to me!

• Wishing my wife and sister-in-law a very happy birthday. May this joyous occasion bring many more years of laughter and love to you both.

• Wow, 76! I can’t believe it, but I’m still here. Cheers to a future full of adventure and old age.

• I’m 75 and I feel great! There are still lots of things left to do, but having lived a long life is a good opportunity to give back.

• Celebrating with my girls and friends this special day. May you all have more good days ahead of you!

• I hope your birthday is a day full of joy, love and laughter.

• Happy birthday to me. Wish for another 76 years of life, happiness, health and prosperity!

• I’ll celebrate my 76th birthday with cake, wine and family. Who’s coming?

• This is the year I finally turn 76! Time to think about how to celebrate this momentous occasion.

• It’s not just any day. It’s my birthday and I’m celebrating it with friends, family and cake.

• Wishing you a very Happy Birthday! We love celebrating with you and wish you many more years of happiness ahead.

• Toasting a milestone birthday with good friends and family.

• Happy 76th birthday to my beautiful, smart, generous and loving sister. I love you!

• A milestone. A moment to celebrate and remember. Happy Birthday!

• I Aged 75 and loving every minute of it! Thank you for all your support, it means the world.

• I’m turning 76 and I don’t feel like a senior citizen. On the contrary, I feel pretty damn good!

• So please join me in making the most of my golden years by staying fit, healthy, and full of life. Cheers to you and many more happy moments ahead.

• It’s your birthday. It just doesn’t get much better than that.

• Here’s to me, the one who stands the test of time. Here’s to you friends and family who share this moment with me. I’m loving life right now, as always love you all!

• I am grateful for my ups and downs. I have been through a lot, but I’m still standing.

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