Pickup lines

41st Birthday Pick Up Lines for Myself

The journey was fun. You came a long way, and you still have a long way to go. Now is the time to realize your dreams, so keep on dreaming, keep on exploring, and most of all, keep on laughing—it’s not over till it’s over! It’s your birthday today, so celebrate by going to Disneyland, eating some delicious food and of course, getting drunk.

41st Birthday Pick Up Lines for Myself

• Celebrating 41 years old, I’m happy and grateful. Wishing a very special birthday to myself, friends and family.

• Happy birthday to me! I could go on forever with all the things I’ve done, seen and learned in my 41 years. Happy birthday to me

• 41 years young today. Still a work in progress. May this year be your best ever!

• 41 amazing years of life. All the best to you! May life bring you everything it has to offer, and may your heart keep beating strong. Happy Birthday!

• I celebrate my birthday with a smile on my face and a bottle of champers. Here’s to another 41!

• Happy birthday to me. I am the luckiest woman in the world to call myself your friend. May this special day bring you joy and happiness, laughter and love. Happy Birthday!

• I am 41 today and I feel like a very old lady! I’ve accomplished a lot in my life, but nothing compares to the joy I experience when I see my two beautiful children.

• HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! Here’s to you and yours, and all your friends who have made this year something special. We wish you many more years of celebration and laughter.

• B-day greetings from the other side of the world. May you celebrate your B-day in peace and happiness.

• Age doesn’t bend us, it magnifies who we are. It’s a gift. It’s a curse. It’s both.

• I’ve just lived one birthday year after the next and had some of the best & worst moments in my life. Time doesn’t stop; it moves so fast…Happy Birthday!

• Happy Birthday to the best boss and best friend I could ever ask for. I love you babe!

• Friends, family and all of you who’ve been there through the years. Thank you for helping me celebrate 41st birthday!

• Here’s to the good life, now and always. Happy 41st birthday!

• 41 today! Happy birthday to me. Wishing you the same joy and happiness that has been brought into my life since I was born 41 years ago!

• Wishing you 41 years of happiness, joy and love. Here’s to another year of adventures, memories and things to celebrate!

• I’m not much for wishes, but here’s one: May you be as happy and as wise on your 41st birthday as you have been on this wonderful journey thus far. Happy Birthday, dear friend.

• I’m so happy to be 41. Thanks for being there for me for all these years.

• 41 years and still going strong. A toast to me, my friends and all the people who make this world special. Cheers!

• It’s a big day, and I’m the biggest 41-year-old you’ll ever meet.

• Happy birthday to me. A year ago, I was just a little girl. Now, I’m a woman.

• How time flies! And how fast I wish it would slow down so we can relish the beauty of this day and celebrate together with our friends and loved ones.

• I am grateful for the friends who have always been there, even when times get tough.

• I am thankful for the coworkers and bosses who have taught me to trust my intuition and know when to follow it. And to top it off, I’m thankful to be 41 this year

• Happy birthday to the person who’s got it all. Wishing you all a wonderful day, filled with many celebrations and lots of love!

• I’ve been called a lot of things but I’m most proud of being myself. Here’s to another 41!

• Happy Birthday! I’d like to share this moment with you, as a celebration of all the good times that we’ve had together.

• Just wanted to say thank you to every single person who has held me down and helped me become the person I am today.

• On my 41st birthday, I’m grateful for the life lessons and memories that came my way.

• Today is my day. I’m 41 years old and it feels like a million years ago, but tomorrow will be just as big of an adventure.

• I’m 41 and I still feel like I just came out of college celebrating with friends and family.

• Wishing you the best of all worlds today, so that you may live in your own personal paradise every day. Happy Birthday to me.

• It’s a new year and I’m 41. I’m ready for the next level of growth and joy in my life. Here’s to all the possibilities ahead!

• 41 is the new 30. Let’s celebrate you not being one of those people who are still getting card parties in their 40s.

• Growing up is a tough job, but someone’s gotta do it. Wishing you many more birthdays ahead.

• Life is funny. It’s a journey, not a race. It can be hard sometimes to keep your head up, but make sure you do it for yourself and not for the world. Happy birthday!

• 1st birthday, you’ve been a wonderful year. I am grateful for the special moments accompanied by your presence

• The most important birthday you will ever celebrate. But also, don’t forget to celebrate the rest of your life.

• Happy birthday to one of the most amazing people I know! Wishing you many more happy years ahead.

• Turn up the volume on life, make a wish and blow out candles. Happy birthday, 41st-year-old me!

• Here’s to you, the best year of my life. Happy 41st birthday!

• 41 years young and feeling damn great! Can’t wait to celebrate with everyone this weekend.

• It’s been a crazy 41 years of life. Thank you for being here with me and making it special

• I’m a woman whose strength and beauty comes from her inner self. Happy birthday to my 41 self!

• A happy and exciting birthday to myself, celebration of my growth as a woman over the past year.

• Today is a special day. You know what I mean? When you think about it, the world has been spinning at the same pace for 41 years—which means that we’ve covered more ground than most people do in a lifetime.

• I’m officially a grown up 41. I have no idea what that means, but here’s to hoping it’s awesome!

• Finally, the age that I’ve been waiting for… the year to celebrate! Happy birthday, me.

• Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.

• Happy birthday to myself, and all the other people who achieved 41 this year!

• It’s been a long road, but it feels good to be here. I’m grateful for all of you. Wishing everyone a happy 41st birthday.

• I’m celebrating my 41st birthday today with a brand new attitude, a whole lot of fun and no regrets.

• I made it to 41! I survived the first half of my life and look forward to the second half—with you by my side. Happy birthday, honey.

• This is for you. I will continue to work hard and make an impact on the world. Happy Birthday!

• I am 41. No matter what happens from here on, I plan to keep raging every single day.

• Happy birthday to me! I’m so grateful for the life I’ve been given, the people who have loved and supported me, and the amazing things this world has given me to do.

• Thank you for being here along with me as I make this journey of my life. Happy Birthday!

• Wishing you all the best for an amazing year ahead, full of love and success. You deserve it!

• Wishing you the best day of your life (and many more to come)!

• I’ve worked hard to get here, but I’m happy to be here. Cheers to the greatest year of my life! birthday

• I’m gonna be a lot older when you read this, but I’ll always be your little kid. Happy Birthday

• I’ve been looking forward to this day for a long time. To all of you who have made my journey so enjoyable, can’t thank you enough.

• Wishing you a happy 41st birthday with many great memories and hope for many more to come! happy birthday.

• Wishing you an amazing year filled with all the things you love, surrounded by people who make you smile. Celebrate your 41st birthday this Friday!

• We’ve been celebrating the past 41 years of friendships and good times. Cheers to an amazing year ahead!

• I’m so grateful for all of the friends and family who make this day possible. Happy birthday to me!

• Wishing you a happy birthday, my friend. May this day be filled with laughter, love and joy.

• It’s time to celebrate the journey and all that comes with it. Happy Birthday!

• 41 years old today. I’m surprised to see a number like this. I feel so blessed and grateful for the life I’ve lived, for the friends I have and for the love of course.

• Wishing you a year as full and as rich as it can be. May your birthday bring you all that life has to offer.

• The best thing about turning 41 is that I can legally drink for 21 years.

• You will have many more years to make your mark on the world. The journey, the learning, the lessons. It all begins at 41.

• Happy birthday!

• This is for all you who have been in my life, who have suffered through many trials by fire. Through your love, I am where I am today—the sum of it all.

• Here’s to a year full of happiness, good health, and lots of great memories. Wishing you an incredible 41st birthday!

• Wishing a happy birthday to myself! Hope this year is full of good things.

• Celebrate the near and dear ones who bring joy into your heart. Happy Birthday to me!

• Happy birthday, friends and family. May your day be filled with love, laughter and happiness.

• Happy Birthday to me! I could not have asked for a better birthday than this. Thanks for helping make it so special.

• Wishing you all a very happy birthday and a safe journey on your way to an older age. May you always be at peace, healthy and vibrant?

• Today is my 41st birthday! I’m doing this one better than the last.

• I’m 41 years old today and I can honestly say that it feels like yesterday. Hope you have a great birthday.

• Some people celebrate their birthday with cake, some with gowns. I celebrate mine with a fresh coffee. Happy Birthday.

• Here’s to 41, the best year of my life. Time to keep doing what I do!

• The only thing I wish for is to make this another year filled with joy, love, laughter and happiness. Happy birthday!

• I’m 41 today – so get ready to put your money where your mouth is! Let’s celebrate the little things, like being a year older.

• I’m turning 41 today and I feel like a kid. I wish all my friends a great birthday celebration!

• A new chapter begins today, marking 41 years of life and all the experiences it has brought me. Happy Birthday to me! May the next decade be filled with more joys than the last one.

• Happy birthday to me. I’m living life and loving every minute of it! I hope all of your days are filled with joy, happiness, and laughter.

• Age has its privileges. 41 is the age to do what we want, where we want, and with whom we want. Celebrate it!

• Happy birthday to me! I’m a year older, wiser, and better. Here’s to future adventures and all the good things that come with growing up.

• Another year, another milestone. Today is a good day to celebrate your age and the many things you can do with it. Let’s make it a great day.

• Cheers to the good life, and may you always be happy. Happy Birthday!

• I’m a decade closer to that magic number!!! Happy birthday again and many more to come.

• The best age is when you’re still learning and still growing. The most important thing about being 41 is accepting who you are, no matter what anyone else thinks.

• I’m 41 today. I’ve been around the block a few times, and there is nothing I can’t do. I’ve been knocked down and hit hard, yet kept pressing on with my goals.

• Happy birthday to me. This is my 41st birthday. I am grateful for everything in my life and I want to celebrate it with all of you!

• Celebrate the year of your 41st birthday the right way with a kick-ass party!

• Happy birthday to me! Wishing you health, happiness, and all the best in your next year.

• Today I turn 41! I’m still in good health and still have a smile on my face, but I do have wrinkles. So lets celebrate with some cake and champagne!

• A new decade, a fresh start, and lots of fresh faces to celebrate with. Happy birthday, friends!

• To all the friends, family and loved ones celebrating today. Here’s to a year of cheer, laughter and love!

• Today is the day to celebrate how far I have come and how far I have to go in life. Happy Birthday!

• The best things in life are those that make you feel happy, even if they are little. I’m so glad I’m 41 today! Wishing all of you the same luck and happiness.

• I’m old enough to think that my mind is still young. Happy birthday, world!

• An age so ripe with opportunity, friends and family, that we simply cannot imagine it could get better than this.

• I can’t tell you how happy I am to have reached this milestone! Celebrating my 41st birthday in style. Wishing you all a great year ahead!

• I am 41 today! Thank you for being a part of my life and letting me share it with you. Happy birthday, friends! Wishing you all the best in life.

• It’s been a year since I started this journey and I am happy to share the fruits of my efforts. To the future! Happy Birthday, Self. 41

• Celebrating my 41st birthday today with a motorcycle ride down the beach and lots of cocktails.

• They say every year is a good year for a birthday. And this one’s been extra special. Thank you so much for everything you’ve done for me, and here’s to many more years!

• Grown up enough to hold my own, but still a kid at heart. Happy birthday.

• Happy birthday to me, the best year of my life and more thanks to God. May there be more such years ahead.

• I’m feeling pretty damn amazing—thank you, all of you! I’ve had a wonderful year full of adventures, new beginnings and lots of new friends. I look forward to what’s next.

• It’s a new year, so let’s make it count. Here’s to what we love most.

• Never letting age held me back. It’s just a number, but what it represents is what matters.

• Let’s celebrate our 41st birthday together. Good wishes and celebrations for me, my friends, and my family. Happy birthday!

• Happy 41st birthday to me. Thanks for the memories, my friends.

• Birthday is a special day when you can celebrate the achievement of getting older. May this year be filled with hope, happiness and success.

• Celebrating my birthday with a new way to say I love you, friends and family.

• Happy birthday to me. I’ll be 41 today! What a great time to celebrate and reflect on growing, learning and being thankful for the life God has given me.

• Happy birthday to myself. A new decade and a chance to celebrate another year of age, wisdom, strength and courage (and lots of wine.)

• Celebrating your birthday is a first step to making it the best year ever.

• A new chapter of life begins. May this birthday mark the beginning of many great adventures, happiness, and fulfillment! HappyBirthday

• My birthday is a day to celebrate the fact i finally feel like an adult. I’ve been waiting all my life to get older and now that I am, I don’t want it to stop.

• We all have our ups and downs, but if you don’t look back at the past and make any changes, you’ll remain stuck. Happy Birthday!

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