Pickup lines

23rd Birthday Pick Up Lines

The exciting and fun beginning of the gift of life! No more sleepless nights spent crying into a pillow. No more crying at the sight of a graduation gown. No more boring lectures. No more gray hair pre-maturely hitting your head. You’re in a period of your life where you have yet to see the world shaped by the decisions you’ve made, but in reality, you’ve shaped your future. You are now 23 which means a lot.

23rd Birthday Pick Up Lines

• A day filled with laughs and memories. 23rd birthday is here to celebrate it.

• 23rd birthday so time to celebrate with your besties and make the most out of life

• It feels so good to be a (23rd) year old. Happy Birthday to us!

• 23rd birthday today. Celebrated with reckless abandon and still almost sober.

• Happy birthday to you, dear 23-year-old. You’re definitely one of a kind.

• Celebrating 23 years young and laughing every day. Thanks for everything, this moment belongs to me.

• Happy 23rd birthday to my best friend, the sun and the sand and the sea. Here’s to another year full of adventures, laughs, and love/hate relationships.

• Celebrating 23 years of living an amazing life. Thanks for everything. Happy Birthday, dear friend!

• 23 is the new 21. No one said you have to grow old gracefully. We’re here for you. Happy Birthday

• 23 is the age when you begin to start thinking of doing things ahead of time.

• We’re celebrating today with all of you. Happy Birthday!

• Growing up is a process that starts the moment you say, “I want to.

• We’re celebrating your 23rd birthday with a celebration of all that you are and all that you have become. Happy Birthday!

• It’s your 23rd Birthday. The world is yours to explore. So take a deep breath, and look around. There’s more than one way to celebrate.

• The year of the dog is almost over. But this guy’s already got a place in history. Happy 23rd birthday, @jimmykimmel!

• It’s your 23rd birthday! Here are 100 things to do before you turn 30.

• Happy 23rd birthday to you! You’ve gone through quite a bit already in your life and it’s only just begun. Wishing you the best year ever.

• I am 23 years old and I want to shout it from the rooftops. Happy Birthday to me!

• You’re one of a kind. Celebrate with us on your birthday—and every day.

• This is a big day. It’s your birthday and it’s also the day we bring you something new. A new way to be, a new way to live, and a new way to look at yourself.

• Today is your birthday! So celebrate by doing something special and above all else, make someone else’s day.

• The 23rd birthday is the best one yet. Enjoy your special day!

• Its your birthday! Celebrate it with us! Happy 23rd Birthday.

• It’s your 23rd birthday and you don’t even know how to feel. We’ve got you.

• I don’t know about you, but I feel like there is a lot of life left in this 23rd year of my life.

• You’re only 23 once. So celebrate, enjoy every moment today, and let’s make tomorrow one to remember…

• I’ve been 23 for 3 months and it feels like I’ve been here forever.

• You will always be my birthday person to me. I’ll be celebrating with you every year. Happy Birthday!

• Celebrating a year of ups and downs, hopes and fears. Today is yours! Happy Birthday!

• Happy Birthday, to the one who keeps me going and inspires me every day. I love you

• How you doin’? What are your plans for this weekend? Whatever it is, make sure it’s something awesome.

• Do not wait, seize the moment or you may find yourself wishing you had.

• Let’s celebrate your 23rd birthday by turning your life into a story worth sharing.

• To every 23rd birthday, may you find the answers you’re looking for. And then some more. Happy birthday!

• Life is a celebration. Happy 23rd Birthday to the woman who taught me how to be the best version of myself.

• Here’s to another 23, filled with big and small moments, but always full of love. Happy Birthday my sweetie…I can’t wait for 23 more of the same!

• Time flies when you’re having fun and it’s almost time for our birthday! Here’s to 23 years of love, friendship and laughter. Happy Birthday!

• If you can dream it, you can do it. Happy 23rd birthday to the most amazing person ever!

• You’re not just one, you’re 23 and full of surprises. Happy birthday

• It’s been 23 years, we’ve traveled this far and seen a lot of things. Thanks to all the amazing people who have made our journey possible. Happy Birthday!

• Let’s celebrate your special, milestone birthday with a refreshing cocktail.

• You’re 23. You’re alive. You must do something great with your life.

• This is me at 23 years old, and I’m still going strong. ☺

• Time is a great teacher and you never regret it spent wisely. Thank you for being part of our journey and wishing you a happy birthday.

• You’re as young as you feel, and you’re as old as you look. Happy birthday to me!

• Friends, family, and colleagues have all helped me grow into the person I am today. Thank you for being a part of my life.

• I’m so over my 23rd birthday slump. I’m going to be 30 and single, but at least I have a lot of great friends.

• Here’s to a simpler life, full of adventure and surprises. Happy 23rd birthday!

• You’re the reason I’m still alive. Happy 23rd birthday, and here’s to better days ahead.

• Just because today is my 23rd birthday, doesn’t mean I want someone to celebrate it with. AgeIsJustANumber.

• I’m so happy I’m 23, I feel like I’ve been alive for three lifetimes at this point.

• I don’t want to believe it’s my birthday—I feel like I’m turning 23 years old every time.

• What’s your favorite pick-up line? I like your name. 23 is great. And that’s how I’ll always remember you.

• Hey bae. I know you don’t remember it, but we met the first time when I was 23 and you were 50.

• I have never been the type of woman who likes to be pinned down or owned. You can’t own me or pin me down. I’m FREE.

• I’m so grown up right now, I might just pick up a book and sit on the porch.

• You’re like a fine wine, you get better with age. Happy Birthday!

• I’m not an old woman. I’m a young woman who has the wisdom of experience and the strength of a thousand lifetimes…a thousand lifetimes to be exact. Happy birthday.

• I’m not as young as I used to be, but I’m not as old as I used to be either… Just like a cup of coffee.

• I’m not saying you’re the first person to say _____, but I’m pretty sure that’s how it works.

• Hey, 23rd birthday girl. What’s your sign? Because I’m a Leo and I want to be with you all day long.

• I’ve never been one to play it safe, so here’s my own unique way of telling you how I feel: Happy 23rd birthday!

• Wishing my 23rd birthday a happy one!

• Well, that’s one way to stick it to the man. I think I’ll celebrate my 23rd birthday with a cupcake and some ice cream. Yum!

• Can you feel it? The 23rd birthday is approaching…

• If you’re gonna make a 23rd, you might as well go all the way. I’m feeling very bold tonight

• The best pick-up line you’ve ever heard is this one: “You’re a woman, I can’t handle it.”

• I’ve been waiting for you all day. I can’t wait to see what you have planned for me tonight. It better be something good

• It’s my birthday … I’ve been told that I’m a bad liar, you know? So what do you say we just make this one day the best of all days…

• Let’s go back in time and relive the highlights. The laughter. The tears. It was all so much fun.

• I’m 30 now, and time is flying. I can’t believe I’m almost half way to the next decade.

• It’s time to grow up, but I hear we’re all going to be best friends forever. Happy Birthday!

• I’m not much of a cake person, but there’s no denying that I’m a great ice-cream eater.

• I’ve had my best year yet, I’m turning 23 and I feel like a new person. What are you going to have this year?

• If a taxi driver can’t find the right words to say, he should just stop driving.

• Let’s be real – we all need a reminder that it’s okay to be YOU. I am definitely on the hunt for these 23rd birthday pickup lines.

• Thank you for being such a good influence on me, my friends and all of us at work. Here’s to the next 23 years

• My favorite birthday is the one where I get to forget that I’m turning 23 and just have a good time. I got this

• I’ve been 23 for what feels like a lifetime, but it’s only been six years.

• You are the only one who gets me. Tell me what you like about your birthday girl in a private message to my Instagram account: mattygmandels

• Hey there, it’s my birthday and time to pick up some charming conversation.

• When you’re looking for a date, there are two kinds of people: those who say yes and those who don’t. I’ll take the latter.

• I’m only 23, but I’ve got a lot of tales to tell.I don’t know how to tell you this, but your birthday is awesome.

• I’m not saying that you’re my favorite person, but I love you.

• Hey lady, I know that you got a lot of things going on, but I just have to say this.

• Your eyes are like the ocean and your smile is like…the moon. And when I look at you, I’m like a kid in the rain.

• Here’s to another great year of life, women and passion!

• Hi, I’m not tired. You’re cute, but I want to be a better version of myself tomorrow and find the success that you have found in your life today.

• I’m so over myself it’s not even funny. I don’t want to grow old, I want to get younger.

• It’s not about how many years you’ve been alive, it’s about how many more you’re gonna live.

• I’m going to be 23 for a long time. But before I am, here’s a pick-up line for you:

• It’s your birthday. I’m here to remind you of how awesome you are. Here’s to another 23 years of friendship, love and laughter.

• I’m turning 23 this year, but it feels like I’ve been 23 forever.

• I can’t believe it’s been 23 years since I was born. I’ve lived a long and happy life, but this is the best one yet. Happy birthday to me!

• Hey babe, how about I put on my best pick-up line

• If there’s one thing I know, it’s that the best pickup lines are the ones you make up yourself.

• Hey, I’m only 23. But I know how to party like a pro.

• Thank you for being my friend and always staying by my side. Happy Birthday, friend.

• I’ve been looking for a guy like you my whole life.

• Life is all about the moments we make and the people you meet along the way. Here’s to another year full of unforgettable memories. 23

• You are the best thing that happened to me, I can’t thank you enough. Happy birthday

• I think I may have a crush on myself. This is awkward.

• I’m not asking, I’m telling you. What’s your favorite cake flavor? Because I like to eat you.

• I’m the type of person you can tell your secrets to, cause they’re definitely not gonna be told back.

• Birthday pick-up lines to make my friends laugh.

• You’re all I’ve got to keep me company on my 23rd birthday.

• Happy birthday to me! Here’s some of my favorite pick-up lines for when you’re older. Why not share yours in the comments?

• I can’t believe it’s been 23 years… You’ve shown me how to survive and how to love. Here’s to another 22!

• When you’re 23 and trying to be sexy and witty. You’re 23, the sun is out, and I know what’s on your mind: me.

• The best way to celebrate your birthday is by giving yourself something you really want!

• I’ve had the same three friends for 20 years. We’re not afraid to say the f-word, and we’re happy to show it.

• The only 21-year-old I need to worry about is the one she’s going on.

• You’re not just a beautiful mind, you’re a beautiful mind with a gorgeous body.

• You need to call me, let’s not waste time, let’s make this happen.

• Happy Birthday, I’ll be the one who said “you’re growing up too fast” because I’m old enough to know that’s a bad thing.

• When I look at you, I see the world. When I talk to you, it’s like I’m talking to myself.”

• Who says you can’t go home again? I know I’m not the only one that needs a good pick-up line on their birthday. Here are mine…

• For my 23rd birthday, I got a little something that’s gonna make me feel pretty and sexy.

• I’ll give you my age, but your eyes are what make me feel like a teenager again. Happy 23rdBirthday to me.

• I’m turning 23 and I like it.

• 23 years old . . . hard to believe it’s been that long. Now when I get older, I’ll be saying the same thing about you.

• You are 23, the whole world around you is changing, but your face is intact.

• What do you do when things are getting complicated? You go out with me and get drunk!

• Hey girl. Wanna get together and do something fun this weekend? It’s your birthday and I don’t want to waste it. Let’s go out tonight 🙂

• It’s your birthday, so you deserve a special someone who’ll compliment the way you look and make you feel.

• I’m so glad to have you as a friend. It’s always been hard to find that balance between work and play.

• You remind me of that balance. From now on, I want to do this every day with you! Happy birthday!

• Hey babe, you’re the kind of sweet I want to keep around forever. Happy Birthday!

• “You’re the best thing that’s happened to me in a long time…I hope it keeps happening.”

• I couldn’t resist, I had to ice date you. Tell me, what’s your favorite birthday gift?

• You’re really good at making me feel like a liar. You keep showing up in my dreams, but I’m never starring as your leading lady.

• Who needs a party when you have a master’s degree? I’m turning 23. And I’m as ready as I’ll ever be.

• I’m turning 23 and I’m still not quite sure what to do with myself.

• The 23rd birthday is a celebration of the start of a new chapter in life.

• It’s time to let loose and have fun without the consequences of tomorrow morning.

• “I’ve been waiting for you my whole life, 23 years.” You’re just as cute as my birthday present, -Andy Warhol

• When you’re 23, the universe gives you perfect timing.

• Turn 23 into a monumental milestone and celebrate with us. We want to hear about your wildest birthday plans.

• You’re going to wish you were 22 again. you’ll always be my favorite number 23

• There’s no need to hope that I’ll forget your birthday. My memory is excellent, but it won’t be able to help me remember this moment forever.

• When I was 23, I thought I was the shit. Now that I am 27, I know who the shit is.

• Don’t worry, I’ve got your back. Happy birthday to my best friend.

• I don’t need a pick-me up line. I’m already the best thing that’s ever happened to me.

• You’re the birthday cake of my life. You look like your photos. I’m going to need a selfie stick.

• My 23rd birthday is coming up pretty soon and I’d like to make sure I’m prepared.

• I feel like celebrating my 23rd birthday. I’m all grown up and ready to go. What are your pick-up lines for me?

• Friday is the day I have to have a cute outfit, put on my best face and call you up with a pick-up line.

• Here’s to another 23, and the adventures to come. Hope you all have a great day!

• You’re not even 23 yet and you’re already my favorite person in the world.

• I am 23 and I’m still single. I guess that means my standards are too high.

• What do you want for your birthday? I’m thinking some nice birthday sex with a twist.

• I’ve got the moves to keep you coming back for more. Just remember, when it’s your birthday and there’s no one around but me…

• Happy birthday to me. I’m holding on to the hope that this new year will bring us some good news and lots of laughs. And I’m hoping you come along with me.

• You’re the reason I am not single. Happy birthday, baby!

• I’m too old for this shit. How much older am I today?

• “I think we’re alike in a lot of ways. Except that I still have all my hair, and you’re balding.”

• It’s not where you’ve been that counts. It’s where you’re going.

• I’m so excited for my 23rd birthday, I can’t believe it’s already here! Who’s coming?

• I’m turning 23 and I got nothing to wear, so bring it on.

• I’m celebrating my 23rd birthday in style.

• My 23rd birthday is turning out to be a great one. I’m happy, healthy and full of energy!

• Wish I deserved someone who could make me feel this good but alas, all I deserve is myself.

• I’m all about a good pick-up line, but I’ll settle for something witty.

• What’s the birthday gift you’ve been waiting for? 23 of course.

• “I’m 23 already, what do I have to lose? Go ahead and try it.”

• You’re 23 and you should be ordering shots by now. But then again, I thought the same thing about you when I turned 21… So we’re even.

• Your birthday is my present. To everyone out there, love is a game you never lose. Celebrate it all year.

• I did it. I’m a year older and better than ever. Thank you for letting me stay in your life, friend!

• My birthday is the best day of the year, because it’s the day I get to pick who I want to listen to.

• I’m 23 and I got balls of steel. So does this shirt

• I have a birthday coming up. I’d like to take the day off and skip it.

• I’m so hot right now. I’m skipping my birthday and heading straight to the gym.

• I’m turning 23 in a few days, so I wanted to write some pick-up lines for my friends and I.

• I’ve been putting off this 23rd birthday for years. I’m finally ready to live it up!

• Hey babe, happy birthday to me! Here’s to the next 23 years of making you laugh and loving you like crazy.

• Happy birthday to me. I can’t believe it’s been 23 years since I was born.

• I can’t believe it’s been 23 years since I started blushing every time you walked into a room. Happy birthday, Baby.

• Happy birthday, you’re getting more hot than the last 23.

• It’s been a long 23 years since I’ve met you. It feels like I just graduated college.

• I’ve been thinking about your birthday all week. I hope it’s a good one.

• Where’s the party at? Let’s get in the car and go.

• I’m not even going to lie, I’m an adult and I still use these. Everyone has a different way of saying “Happy Birthday!”

• I’m a lover, not a fighter. I’d like to keep the fight for you.

• I’m still mad at myself for what I did/did not say to you last year.

• Can you feel it? It’s the day we’ve waited for all our lives!

• How old are you again? You’re still a couple of beers away from being legal.

• What if I told you that you’re already 30% awesome?

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